GH Commentary
by Anna
Week of December 23, 2002 - "Sad
Christmas in PC"
Enough already with Taggert and his arresting Sonny at
the most inappropriate times, poor Michael is going to need major therapy
when he grows up. It is nice to see Mac back in the office working. But
wasn't he fired? Or rather put on reoccurring status?
Q's Christmas was the usual, but very sad this time
because of the way they treated Skye. Someone should have asked Brenda to
leave. The best part for me was Coleman's line, "Jr., that
works!" Skye needs to stop trying to convince Jax that Brenda did it.
Every time I see a scene like that it breaks my heart. I used to love J
& B, was their number one fan, but her return is definitely different.
I go back and forth with that one. Does Jax not have any more good bones
in his body? This was the woman he just married and was so in love with.
He can just stand there with his mistress and watch her drink herself to
death. (By the way, as much as she was drinking, that decanter should have
been empty a few times.) And whom does he think he is ordering the
annulment for both him and Brenda, especially when she's explained many
times why she has to stay married to Jason right now.
Alexis and Baby Kristina. I cried when she got to hold
her. It was the perfect Christmas gift.
It drives me crazy when Alan decides it's time to
actually try to be a father. He's usually a little too late.
Felicia working with Sonny is not a good thing. Does
Alexis know she's doing it?
Carly and her big mouth… Of course she can't keep a
secret and spills the beans to Courtney. Maybe Sonny won't forgive her
this time and he'll lock her in her room for good.
Luke / NuLaura / Lucky triangle now that's disgusting!
'til next time,
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