Guiding Light Update Monday 7/18/05
By Jennie
Pictures by Boo
Proofread by Jill
Alan stands outside a door; a woman walks up to him, saying she didn’t expect to see him that day. She says that she saw some stuff on the news; he says not to believe everything that she sees. The woman asks if she should announce him, and he says no, he will go in by himself. She unlocks the door to room #5 and Alan walks in to find Phillip sitting behind a desk.
Philip looks up
and says “Hey Dad, I’m glad you’re here. Come on in.”
Edmund is standing outside Company, looking in the window, as Dinah comes up
behind him and asks, “Guess who?” Edmund asks how many guesses he gets and Dinah
says, “one”. She asks what is he doing there, and he says he is continuing with
the plan to hurt Cassie by making her hurt as much as he and Dinah did. Dinah
says that they should torture Cassie later, and that Edmund should join her back
at her place. Edmund agrees and they leave.
Cassie and a woman named Janet, who is carrying a big bunch of balloons, are setting up for a kid’s party. Janet asks Cassie if she is sure she doesn’t need more manpower, but Cassie says she should be okay even though her clown cancelled.
Ross walks
outside, and Cassie asks if Clarissa is inside. Ross says yes, she is chasing RJ
around Company. Ross says that not only is RJ Clarissa’s favorite cousin but
that she is planning on marrying him someday. Cassie says that Clarissa has good
taste. Ross asks if Dinah is planning on stopping by. Cassie says she doesn’t
know, but that Dinah is more than welcome to stop by and stay for a while. Ross
says that he hasn’t been able to get a hold of her on her cell phone and that he
will stop by the Beacon to see her. He asks if it would be okay to come back and
get Clarissa later, and Cassie says yes, although the party might end early due
to lack of a clown. Ross laughs and says he can’t help her with that as he
leaves, and she jokingly begs him to help her out. Cassie wonders out loud what
she is going to do about a clown when Jeffrey walks up and asks if she needs
Frank and Mallet are talking at the courthouse. Frank says he is going to the
station and asks Mallet if he would like to come for old times’ sake. Mallet
says no, he thinks it is time for him to get going. Frank asks if he has a job
waiting for him. Mallet says no. Frank asks Mallet to join him since Alan is
still on the loose. Mallet says that Harley doesn’t need him hanging around.
Harley and Gus run up then; Although Harley is surprised to see Mallet, she
seems glad because they have a tip on the whereabouts of Alan. They tell Frank
and Mallet about the tip from the docks and they say there is nothing there but
an old office complex where he may be hanging out. Harley asks Mallet if he is
coming and he says yes, although he is not sure why Alan would still be in
Springfield and not out of the country with everyone looking for him.
Alan walks into
a perfectly recreated Spaulding boardroom and tells Phillip he looks good.
Phillip says he is glad that Alan is there since there are some problems on
zoning they need to go over before their meeting. Phillip says he wants to keep
Alan involved; Alan replies that he appreciates this. Alan tells Phillip that he
has to say goodbye and leave Springfield to protect both Phillip and himself.
Mallet, Harley, Frank, and Gus arrive at the docks. Harley lays out a plan and
Frank says that Harley, Gus, and Mallet should stay where they are since they
are civilians. Mallet agrees with Frank, but Harley and Gus disagree. Harley
says she isn’t afraid of Alan, and she wants to be there when they get him. The
foursome starts to look around the abandoned office building, splitting up into
groups of two. Harley and Gus go one way and Mallet and Frank another. Gus tells
Harley to stop for just a second and she says she didn’t get as far as she did
by stopping. Gus says he just wants to protect her. Harley says that she is not
only going after Alan for herself, but for Phillip because even after all he did
he didn’t deserve to die the way he did.
Alan tells Phillip that he has taken his rightful place at Spaulding
Enterprises. He says he is going to step aside and let Phillip continue to do
everything on his own. Phillip tells him he doesn’t have to. Alan says that if
he leaves then Phillip can run the company until his kids are ready to take
over. Phillip asks how the kids are and Alan calls them “perfect little
Phillip says
that he loves them and wants to give them everything they deserve. Alan says
that that is what he wants for Phillip. Alan replies that Phillip has board
members waiting. They say goodbye. Phillip stands up as some orderlies walk in.
He is wearing his suit coat with pajama bottoms. He hands the orderlies some
paper and acts like he is conducting a meeting. Alan stands outside, and breaks
down as he says goodbye at the door.
Jeffrey and Cassie stand outside of Company where they discuss Jeffrey going
either to an event with lawyers or a children’s party. Jeffrey makes some
comments about her being a “sexy mama” that make Cassie blush. Feeling a tug at
his leg Jeffrey says there is a small dog, and kneels down to the child. The
little boy asks him if he is a magician. Cassie tells the little boy to go and
tell the others that Jeffardo the Magnificent is there. Cassie says if Jeffrey
wants to make magic with her later, that he better pull something out of his
Dinah and Edmund kissing; she pulls away and says that she still sees Cassie in
his eyes. He says you have to love someone before you can truly hate them. Dinah
talks about how special tonight will be and how they will connect with each
other. She tells him how she felt when the baby died. She says she wants to get
pregnant with Edmund’s baby that night, he tells her not to even think it.
Alan and Dr. Reese discuss Phillip, saying that he is completely delusional,
although he enjoys his delusions. Alan asks how Philip’s chest is and she says
he is healing very well, just a scar is left. Alan tells her he is leaving for a
while. He asks if she thinks he will ever come out of it. Dr. Reuse says
probably not. He tells her to take care of his boy. Alan takes one last look at
the door as Harley and Gus walk up and sees Alan, telling him not to move.
Rick walks up to Tammy at Company and Tammy asks him where Jude is. Rick says
that Jude is upstairs. Rick says that Tammy will be glad to know he just want to
the doctor and that her father’s heart is ticking and in good shape. She asks if
she can listen and puts her head on his chest. Cassie and Jeffrey walk in and
make small talk with Rick and Tammy. Rick says he must get back to the hospital.
Cassie says that Jeffrey is cute when he is freaking out. Jeffrey says the only
magic he wants to do is to disappear. RJ asks if he is really going to do magic,
Jeffrey says no, Cassie says yes and Rick leaves. Jeffrey tells the kids to sit
around him and he pulls money from behind a kid’s ear. The kids call him on and
tell that he got it out of his pocket. He then tries to make Cassie disappear
but the kids’ say she is right behind him. He says he has a secret that he is
the worst magician, and tries to pull a tablecloth knocking everything off of
the table. He then throws paper plates, which makes the kids start to laugh.
Jeffrey then starts a food fight that everyone joins in on.
Edmund and
Dinah, he says he has to sabotage his old family before making a new one. Edmund
wants to see Cassie want the baby and afterward see her face when she realizes
that there is no baby. Edmund says that their only goal can be making Cassie
pay. Edmund starts to passionately kiss Dinah to get her mind off the questions.
Harley and Gus tell Alan not to run but he does and hits a dead end. When Gus
and Harley corner him, he starts to run again and Frank tackles him seemingly
out of nowhere. Harley tells Alan that this is her winning. Gus asks him what he
was doing there as Frank handcuffs him and Alan sarcastically says he was
plotting a plan of secret domination. Alan tells Frank to arrest him and Gus
says he is going to prison. Alan tries to make Gus feel guilty for being a bad
son and Gus tells him he has already pulled that particular guilt trip before.
Harley says everyone will know what he has done and that her family stood by
her. She asks where any of the people are that love him, and he says they are
gone. Frank takes a handcuffed Alan off to jail. Harley and Gus follow and the
camera pans in on room #5.
Edmund hears an evil sounding voice in his head, saying that Dinah is a sweet
kid but that she can’t get pregnant. It says that they have to keep Cassie
thinking that Dinah is pregnant with Edmund and Cassie’s baby so that he can get
her back. The voice tells him that to get Cassie away from Jeffrey she must
think that Dinah is still pregnant. The voice asks about Dinah and Edmund thinks
to the voice that she is getting what she wants, but the voice says that is evil
and congratulates him on it. Edmund gets dressed to go to the party, where he
knows Cassie is.
Jeffrey is
entertaining the kids, and Cassie says he surprised her again. Cassie says that
she is playing hard to get when Jeffrey gets a call. Cassie asks if it is good
news or bad news. He says that the good news is, they got Alan, but the bad news
is he must leave. He says he will be back because he can’t disappoint his fans
or Cassie. He kisses her and leaves.
Alan is at the courthouse, wanting to know what is going on; why is he there,
instead of at the jail getting a mug shot they can post all over the papers.
They say he is a flight risk and must keep him in close sight. Harley says he
will pay. Alan says he will be exonerated. Alan says that the confession won’t
stand up; Gus asks what about the gloves. Alan tells them to bring in Alex,
since she has the gloves and she is used to the courthouse. Alan tells Harley
that she ruined his life by pushing him over the edge and that she will now ruin
Gus’. Harley throws back that she wasn’t the one who ended his life and that
nothing will keep Alan from paying.
Gus says he thinks Alan is disgusting. Alan says that they don’t know
everything. Harley asks what they don’t know that he better tell them soon since
he will be in a tiny little cell. Jeffrey walks in and asks what is going on.
Alan says that if Jeffrey prosecutes then he will sue them for false
imprisonment. Frank fills in Jeffrey on the arrest. Alan then turns to Mallet
saying that he blew his chance.
Mallet asks if
Alan ever shuts up. Alan tells him that he did everything for her and she chose
Gus. Gus tries to convince Harley to leave but she says she wants to see him
pay. They kiss and leave. Mallet says they are moving on and leaving him behind,
Alan say Harley is leaving Mallet behind as well.
Dinah wakes up and calls for Edmund. She puts on a robe and finds a letter
telling her that he is going to find special champagne to celebrate their
“newfound” understanding. There is a knock on the door, Dinah calls out Edmund
but it is Ross, she hurries to put on the pregnancy pad and answers the door.
Ross hands her a bag of Pringles and milk saying he likes to look after her and
the baby. Dinah says that she wishes that Ross could be a true granddad to this
Ross says she
will have more babies. She says when he tells her that she believes it, he says
she should. She says why does she need a guy to have a baby and Ross says that
she would be selling herself short, that she deserves everything. Dinah says she
wants a family like Ross’. He hints that she could have a wonderful man who is
not Edmund. Dinah compares her and Edmund to Ross and Blake. Ross says he can’t
argue with her on that and Dinah celebrates that they are in agreement. She says
she will prove to everyone that she and Edmund are real.
Tammy and Cassie clean up after the party. Cassie says Tammy is the best because
she is always looking out for her and says things that seem like they are
finally looking up. Edmund looks in from outside as RJ spots him. Tammy brings
Cassie’s attention to Edmund. He says he just wanted to make sure that RJ was
having a good time. He tells RJ to go have fun, and Cassie says that he is not
intruding, that RJ is glad to see him. They discuss how sad things are between
them and Edmund says he didn’t want to make things worse. He says he knows
things are hard since this is the anniversary of Richard’s death. Cassie is
shocked that he remembers. Edmund says that of course he remembers since Richard
was his brother.
Jeffrey calls
Cassie and she tells him Edmund was there. She discusses Richard’s death with
him, and he says he shouldn’t have left. She thinks things are starting to get
better and that he is trying to let go. Jeffrey says to be careful, that Edmund
always has something up his sleeve. Cassie says she thinks Edmund is getting the
message that she is moving on.
Frank and Mallet discuss how great it is that Harley is out and how good it is
for all of the Coopers. Frank tells Mallet to stick around Springfield; Mallet
considers it. Frank says that every once in a while when he talks to Eleni,
Marina’s mom, she says that no place has ever felt like home since she left
Springfield. Mallet says nowhere feels like home but perhaps, possibly,
Springfield. Mallet says that maybe he will stick around for a while.
Frank is glad to have him back and hugs him.
Gus and Harley are at Harley’s house. She says that home would be nice with
walls and doors and plumbing. He says home is where the love is and that
therefore in essence Harley is his home. He tells her to close her eyes, picks
her up and carries over the threshold. She opens her eyes and gets a wide smile
on her face
Alan is told to have a seat by the policeman guarding him. He thinks about the
room where Phillip is being held. The camera zooms in on Phillip’s wedding band,
as he gets up and stares at a picture of Beth on the wall.
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