Jennie T. - Volunteer Biography for The TV MegaSite
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Jennie T.

My name is Jenn, I’m a 27 year old former daycare/preschool teacher who lives in Southern Illinois, about 45 minutes east of St. Louis, Missouri. I’m single, divorced with no kids, and I live with my roommate and my cat Carpe. I’m between jobs right now, but am very interested in becoming a bridal consultant in the future. I have been working with silk floral designs for a little over 5 years now. I am very interested in learning to also work with fresh flowers and obtain more experience in the silk floral design field. I have been decorating and helping friends and family in their wedding and event planning for about the same amount of time.

I’ve been watching CBS soaps now since I’ve been about 5 years old. Some of my earliest memories of TV was the wedding of Nola and Quint on "Guiding Light" and the hot air balloon, I also vaguely remember Bo and Hope’s wedding on "Days of our Lives." As for my other hobbies, I enjoy bowling and am on a couple of leagues, when I’m not doing that I enjoy relaxing and watching entertaining television. My absolute favorite show right now is "Veronica Mars" due to many of my friends getting me hooked. Before they went off the air I was a diehard fan of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" and have been to a couple of events to meet other fans, as well as the cast and crew. So many of my closest friends have been met this way and I'm so grateful to have them all even if some of them have only been "met" online.

Page updated 4/19/14

NOTE: Jenn no longer works for our site, but we're grateful for her past help.

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