Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/2/05
Provided By
by Laura
Sandy: Tammy and I are meeting the minister
this morning but don't worry, I'll finish this first. Olivia...
Olivia: Hi. ( Cell phone rings ) Wow,
already that kind of day.
Olivia: Room service. Fresh ideas right
here. I had a brainstorm. I figured out how we can cut development costs on the
Japanese project by 30%.
Josh: That's fantastic. I don't know how you
do it Olivia.
Olivia: I've got a knack for business.
Josh: I'm talking about dealing with Emma on
your own right now without Bill around. Sorry, it's not that he's not coming
back or anything, I just...
Olivia: I just... I need to stay busy and
get myself into some other things and I really need to thank you for that.
Cassie: Billy?
Jonathan: No! (Laughs)
Cassie: I'm looking for Billy?
Jonathan: I got that. What's up?
Cassie: Well, um, okay. I'm having a
situation at the Beacon. I have a champagne brunch scheduled. I don't think I
have enough champagne, so I was going to ask Billy if I could buy a couple
cases from him. Hello? I'm talking to you, Jonathan.
Jonathan: How many do you need? Two? Three?
Don't worry, I won't rip you off. As a matter of fact, it's on the house, so
how many?
Cassie: Um, two. Are you sure you can spare
Jonathan: Yeah, yeah. The crowd in here is
more brewski than bubbly any way. No big deal. So how's everything going. Like
the wedding plans, everything on track?
Cassie: Good.
Jonathan: I guess you guys kind of really
need this right now, huh, after, like, losing the baby and everything?
Cassie: Yeah.
Jonathan: You think Tammy is going to be
happy with Sandy?
Tammy: Busy, I have ever minute planned
between now and this wedding. Like today. Sandy and I are meeting with the
minister this morning and then this afternoon I have an appointment at the
dress warehouse. But it's okay. I'm cool. I know exactly how I want this
wedding to go. I have it all planned out in my head. There will be lots of
pink, but it won't be too girly or 'fessy. Simple and elegant. Just like my
dress. I know exactly what I want, something romantic, traditional. Mom and Jeffrey
will be there, as happy as I've ever seen them. Then when the music starts, Uncle
Josh will take my arm then walk me down the aisle. And down at the end waiting
for me will be my groom, the man I love. What? Yeah. I'm still here. But I have
to go. Yeah, all these plans.
Cassie: Of course he's going to make her
happy. He's going to give her everything she wants and she needs. You don't
think Tammy deserves that.
Jonathan: No, Tammy saved my life. I only
want what's best for her.
Cassie: Well, that's something we have in
Jonathan: Yeah. I'll... I'll take these out
to your car for you.
Cassie: No, no, don't bother because I'm
going to have someone come and pick it up. I'm not going to the Beacon right
now. Thank you.
Jonathan: We're family, right?
Cassie: Yeah. See you later.
Jonathan: Hey, Cassie. If you or Tammy need
anything for the wedding or whatever, just call me.
Dinah: Now, gee, did I walk in on the wrong
place? Because I was looking for a little company but I had no idea I was going
to step into the good deed jamboree.
Olivia: Whoo. All right, then. You know
what? I'm going to take a picture. Seriously.
Josh: (Laughs)
Olivia: This is the kind of thing that would
cinch the deal. Josh Lewis himself, president of the company working hard to
make their project a reality. Dedication is impressive. I'm impressed.
Josh: Coming from a workaholic, I'll take
that as a compliment. Thank you very much.
Olivia: I'm trying to acknowledge a kindred
( Knock on door )
Josh: Will you get that for me?
Reva: Do I have the wrong suite? I could
have sworn that this was Josh's. Is he here?
Olivia: I'll check. Are you here, Josh?
Josh: Yup.
Olivia: He's here.
Josh: Hey, hello.
Reva: Surprise.
Josh: What are you doing here?
Reva: Well, um, apparently I'm interrupting.
Olivia: No we were just working.
Josh: We're working on a big project for Japan.
Come on over, take a look, I've been on it all night.
Olivia: Oh, an office complex.
Josh: We have a theater thing happening here
and a shopping mall over there. I'm sorry, I'm guessing you didn't come here
because you wanted to look at our proposal.
Reva: No, I came because I wanted to tell
you how much I enjoyed the time we spent together last night.
Josh: I enjoyed it, too.
Reva: Good. Then I thought maybe we could
talk, you know, about our future. That is, of course, if you can drag yourself
away from your work.
Jonathan: I'm a Boy Scout.
Dinah: You're certainly giving off that
vibe. Then again I think world might be spinning off its axis.
Jonathan: What makes you say that?
Dinah: Everybody's changing.
Jonathan: Guess so. Unspiked O.J. for Dinah Marler?
Dinah: That's right. You're
looking at the new improved Dinah Marler.
Jonathan: Meaning?
Dinah: Meaning no more
self- pity. No more obsessions. No more living to make people miserable.
Jonathan: Well, what's
Dinah: From now on I'm going to go ahead and
set positive goals for myself. Utilize my skills for positive means. Even more
positive than giving away boxes of free booze. Are you nuts?
Jonathan: Don't worry about it. It's a peace
Dinah: Peace offering? Why don't I
completely believe you?
Jonathan: Probably for the same reasons that
I don't believe you.
Dinah: No, no, no. Now, I am changing my
Jonathan: Yeah, keep saying it.
Dinah: Hey, you want proof? Okay. You want
to know how you let go of the past? You simplify things. You make sure that you
let go of the things that used to tie you down or tie you up.
Jonathan: (Laughs)
Dinah: And then you stick to what's called a
no strings attached policy.
Jonathan: Travel light.
Dinah: Exactly. That way you won't hurt
anybody or be tempted to really hurt them back. You know, there was a day that
you and I, we... I don't know, we kept things light. We traveled real light. We
had that no-strings-attached kind of thing. We didn't have any expectations on one
another and we got to do lots of fun things. Great things and, I don't know,
maybe we should do some more of those things. Hmm?
Jonathan: Hmm...
Dinah: Oh. I get it. You're not a boy scout.
You're in love.
Tammy: Mom?
Cassie: Yeah. You caught me.
Tammy: Hey... hey, if it's too soon, we can
postpone this.
Cassie: The wedding?
Tammy: I mean, I'd be okay with it. You just
had to give up Hope.
Cassie: No, no, no! You're not postponing
the wedding!
Tammy: Maybe it's happen too soon.
Cassie: Are you kidding he? This wedding
isn't happening soon enough. I'm telling you, this wedding is exactly what this
family needs, honey. It is, it's going to give us joy and it's going to give us
hope and...
Tammy: Oh, mom.
Cassie: No, it's okay. It's okay and I'm okay.
You know what I keep thinking about? I keep thinking about your amazing sense
of timing.
Tammy: What?
Cassie: Yes. Ever since you were a little
girl you had this knack for picking up people's spirits whenever they were
Tammy: Yeah, right.
Cassie: You did. It's true, I'm telling you.
Do you know, when you were about a year old I lost this job that I really
needed and when I came home I just felt like my life was over. And that was the
day you took your first step. And then I felt like my life was starting all
over again. See?
Tammy: Well, I'm sure it was just a
Cassie: Maybe, but it happened over and over
and over again. You've got something, girl. You do. You really, really affect
people. Even Jonathan.
Tammy: Jonathan?
Cassie: Yeah. I ran into him at Outskirts
and he is really happy if you and Sandy and he thinks you deserve this
happiness. So that's how strong your power is. You even affected Jonathan.
Josh: I would love nothing more than to talk
about... (Cell phone rings) than to talk about our future. Excuse me for just
one second, okay? It's Japan again. I'll be as quick as I can, I promise.
Reva: You and Josh seem to be working
together a lot lately.
Olivia: Oh, well, it's very satisfying.
Reva: Why do it otherwise?
Olivia: I couldn't agree more. I just have a
lot of time on my hands and Josh needs me and here I am. What works, works.
Reva: Right.
Olivia: Kind of like the two of you at the
party last night. You were dancing so sweetly. It was nice and I'm happy to see
the two of you can still be friends.
Reva: Friends?
Olivia: Yeah, Josh and I were talking about
it after you left last night.
Reva: On your way to doing business?
Olivia: Yeah, look. He implied and I have to
admit that maybe the two of you are better off just...
Josh: You don't have to do that.
Olivia: I can't help myself. I like things
Reva: Like hell.
Olivia: I have to go back to the office. I'm
sure you two have to talk. I'll call you later.
Josh: Thanks again for last night. I appreciate
Olivia: It's timing.
Josh: See you. Are you all right?
Reva: I'm fine, great.
Josh: Good. So what's up? I have to admit,
though, I'm hoping you stopped by because you want to pick up whereupon we left
off last night.
Reva: Actually, I'm here to say good-bye.
Dinah: So when did it exactly happen to you,
Jonathan? When did it get you?
Jonathan: Good-bye, Dinah.
Dinah: Okay, okay. Who's the lucky girl?
Jonathan: It's none of your business.
Dinah: Ah-ha! I am right! You are in love!
Hey, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Scared of, maybe, considering how much it
can mess you up, but I think that love can be a wonderful thing. I've heard
that, anyway. Look, whatever happens, I think that you know the next step. I
mean, you've just got to admit to yourself that it's happened to you.
Jonathan: Well, I didn't ask for it to
Dinah: What is the problem?
Jonathan: She's with
somebody else.
Dinah: Of course. Let me
tell you something, you cut that loose.
Jonathan: Just like that?
Dinah: Just like that.
Jonathan, I have fallen in love twice in my life. The first time the guy ended
up dead. The second time, I almost did. Then the guy almost did.
Jonathan: That's a lot of
dead people.
Dinah: Disaster! Both times! You know why? I
thought I was second best.
Jonathan: I'm not second best.
Dinah: That's what I thought. But let me
tell you something, you get out of this while you can.
Jonathan: It's too late.
Tammy: When did you talk to Jonathan? What
were you doing at Outskirts?
Cassie: Well, I had a problem at the Beacon
and he actually helped me. And he was really nice, if you can believe that. Do
you want some jam?
Tammy: Uh-uh. And he said what about me and Sandy?
Cassie: He hopes you guys are very happy.
Tammy: Those were his exact words?
Cassie: Yeah. Something like that. He seemed
to genuinely care.
Tammy: That's nice.
Cassie: Well, that just goes to show you
that you just being you can even affect some twisted soul like Jonathan.
Tammy: Mom, he has been hurt really badly.
Cassie: Yeah, well, so have you. At his
hand. And what he did to you, honey, there aren't even words for that. But,
come here. You know what amazes me and comforts me? It's that you haven't
changed at all. Not deep down. You are still that sweet, beautiful little girl
that you always have been.
Tammy: What if I'm not the same person? What
if I did change? I mean, I grew up, right? Enough to get married.
Cassie: I'm so proud of you. I am, you know?
And you just give us all hope. Wow, every time I say her name, it's just...
Tammy: Mom, don’t.
Cassie: You know what? I'm not going to be
sad forever. I'm not. And I have you to focus on because you're getting
married. I know I'm your mom and all and it's probably weird that I say this,
but you're such an inspiration to me.
Tammy: Come on.
Cassie: I mean it. Baby, you... you light up
my life like some beacon of hope. Hope. It's hard but it's a lot easier to say
with you around.
Tammy: Don’t. Mom, I... I want to be all
those things, a beacon, an inspiration to you and to Sandy but I don't know if
I can.
Cassie: Why not? What's wrong?
Tammy: I am!
Cassie: Hey, what's going on?
Tammy: I try so hard, Mom, I really do.
Cassie: Come sit down with me.
Tammy: I don't want to sit! I just want...
Cassie: What? What's going on?
Tammy: I just want to know that I can do
Cassie: You mean get married?
Tammy: When Sandy was in the hospital, I
made a promise to God that I'd be good and do everything right as long as he
walked out of there alive.
Cassie: And he did walk out alive and you do
everything right, honey.
Tammy: No, I'm not. I'm not at all! I'm
screwing up!
Cassie: What are you doing that you
shouldn't be doing? What?
Sandy: Thank you, Reverend, I really
appreciate you meeting with us today.
Reverend Rutledge: My pleasure.
Tammy: Don't worry. I think I'm just having
a pre-wedding freakout.
Cassie: Are you sure that's all this is?
Tammy: I have a lot to do today and I lost
it for a second.
Cassie: It seems like more than just nerves,
though, honey.
Tammy: No, look at me. I'm fine, especially
now that Sandy’s here.
Sandy: Well, hello Beautiful.
Tammy: Hi.
Sandy: You know Reverend Rutledge.
Tammy: Of course. Hello.
Reverend Rutledge: Well hello.
Cassie: Well, I have to get over to the Beacon
because I have a trunk full of wedding stuff I need to go through so go please
get, get in. Enjoy yourself.
Reverend Rutledge: Thanks.
Cassie: Maybe something will come in handy.
Tammy: Perfect.
Cassie: I'll meet you later to look at
dresses, all right?
Tammy: All right, great, Mom, you're the
Cassie: I am? Okay. Well, I will be seeing
you later definitely.
Sandy: Definitely.
Cassie: Bye.
Tammy: Bye. I seem glad you're here. Want to
get started?
Jonathan: What's the new and improved Dinah
up to these days now that she can't chase around my Uncle Eddie! (Laughs)
Dinah: Hey! I haven't figured that part out
Jonathan: Yeah, you got nothing! You got no
goal, you have to thing to look forward to. I mean, why would I want to put
myself in that boat?
Dinah: You know why? Because it beats the
hell out of loving somebody who doesn't love you back.
Jonathan: Who said she didn't love me back?
Dinah: She's with somebody else.
Jonathan: Good point.
Dinah: Yeah. Why if she does love you?
Jonathan: It's complicated.
Dinah: I bet it is. You know something? For
the record, I will rebuild my life.
Jonathan: Whoa!
Dinah: I will. And this time I'm not going
to be controlled by the whims of a man.
Jonathan: Unless you fall in love with him.
Dinah: Yeah. That's not going to happen.
Jonathan: We'll see.
Dinah: That's not going to happen, you know
why? Because I used to think that the love from, you know, the right kind of
guy would somehow save me from myself but see that can't work. That's not a
good thing. Just makes the bad parts worse. Makes you feel lonelier and if you
were just alone.
Jonathan: Are you still talking? So how are
you feeling? Are you happy now that you're a solo act?
Dinah: Yes, I'm very happy.
Jonathan: I don't understand. You have no
drive, no direction, no reason to get up in the morning. Don't you think it's
better to chase after the wrong thing than to have nothing to chase after at
Dinah: Not for me. Not anymore.
Jonathan: Well, then we're definitely
different boats. Good luck.
Dinah: Thanks. (Laughs) But I think that
you're the one who's going to need the luck. You know what?
Jonathan: Hmm?
Dinah: For the record, your loss.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Cassie: What are you doing here?
Jeffrey: Well, this is breakfast and I'm
waiting for you.
Cassie: I thought you had to work.
Jeffrey: Well, I did but when you called to
tell me that you had to come over here and get this trunk I figured I'd make
your truck a little bit more worthwhile.
Cassie: Do I smell bacon?
Jeffrey: Yes, you smell bacon Canadian bacon
and bell June waffles, French toast, American beauty roses. Kind of like a... a
U.N. Breakfast.
Cassie: Wow. All of my favorite things.
Including you. So what is this really about?
Jeffrey: Besides a large check at the local
Cassie: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Well, I, you know, I wanted you to
feel better. I know how much you miss Hope. I know because I miss her, too, and
I don't know if you need more talk, less talk more space, less space. So you
know what? I settled on eggs.
Cassie: I don't know what I need, either.
Maybe time, you know?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, you just take all
the time you need.
Cassie: Time and bacon. (Laughs)
Jeffrey: Time and bacon! Breakfast of
champions, I always say.
Cassie: Okay, good. Well, I'm also here to
look in this trunk, you know? There's a wonderful girl named Tammy Winslow
who's getting married and I don't know if you know her.
Jeffrey: Are you hiding her there in the
Cassie: Very funny. No, these are all my
wedding mementos in here.
Jeffrey: Wow! Looks like a lifetime full of
you have there.
Cassie: Yeah. Just doesn't seem like mine. I
mean, the lifetime. The mementos do: But, wow. Look, there's so many memories.
Josh: I thought we reconnected, you know,
just a little bit.
Reva: We did.
Josh: So what is this about?
Reva: It's about our house.
Josh: You want to say good- bye to our
Reva: Well, it's had a lot of problems,
lately. You know, it's old and it's been through a lot and it seems like that
more we try to fix it, the more things go wrong.
Josh: So you're thinking we should just let
it all go? I mean, the house?
Reva: Well, it's one solution.
Josh: Assuming that there are real problems
Reva: Oh, there are problems you know? It's
leaky and there's cracks and...
Josh: But the foundation, the bones of the
house are so strong. Leaks and cracks, those things can be repaired. There's
nothing that can't be fixed.
Reva: It's just everything's changing, Bud.
Josh: Everything always does, Reva.
Reva: But it's never been like this and I
don't know how to start over.
Josh: Reva, we don't ... we don't have to
start over if we don't end anything, right?
Reva: Maybe it's already finished?
Josh: Not where from where I stand! Reva,
come on! You may want to let go of our house but I don't! I'm not ready to do
that! I'm a long way from taking that step!
Jeffrey: Wait. Wait.
Cassie: I didn't mean to, um...
Jeffrey: Can I see it? Please? You don't
have to hide this from me, you know. It's not a secret. Handsome guy.
Cassie: You think? I'm sorry. I don't mean
to keep losing it like this.
Jeffrey: It's okay. It's all right. You're
Cassie: I just feel like I'm one big raw
Jeffrey: And here's a reminder of maybe the
happiest time of your life staring you righting in the face. How could it not
get to you?
Cassie: How can I not think about my wedding
to Richard when I'm planning Tammy’s, you know? Wow. This is so weird. This
just seems like it was so long ago. Tammy was just talking about Richard last
night, you know, saying how he wasn't going to be around for the wedding. She
loved him so much.
Jeffrey: You know, she doesn't have to walk
down the aisle alone. I mean, if she wants, if you want, I could...
Cassie: Stand in for Richard? (Laughs) Well,
you'd be perfect.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Cassie: But I think she's going to ask Josh.
Jeffrey: Oh, good. All right.
Cassie: It's awful generous and sweet of you.
But then again, you are generous and sweet, so... and you mean more to me and
my family than I think you realize.
Jeffrey: You don't have to put that away.
I've seen firsthand how much Richard meant to you.
Cassie: Firsthand?
Jeffrey: Yeah. I mean, I've seen the look on
your face when you talk about him. You look at his picture so, you know, it's
all right. You can leave that out.
Cassie: You're wonderful. Thank you. Well, I
guess I should go get myself cleaned up before I meet Tammy at the bridal warehouse.
Jeffrey: (Sighs) Well, you would know what
to do to make her feel better. Well, you would know what to do to make her feel
better. I'm not sure that I do. So I'm just trying to put myself in your shoes,
Reverend Rutledge: I'm going to ask you the
question I ask every couple before I marry them. What is it that you love about
each other?
Sandy: Oh, that's easy. Tammy's beautiful
and intelligent, generous, kind.
Tammy: Sandy's what every girl should want:
Sweet and funny and he never disappoints me.
Sandy: She's incredibly gentle and at the
same time not a pushover. I love that.
Tammy: Sandy's beyond being a great guy.
He's the perfect guy in every way.
Reverend Rutledge: Well, you're both young
and although love is crucial, marriage takes commitment. Are you ready to
forsake all others as the wedding vows would have you do?
Tammy: Definitely. And my family can't wait
to have Sandy be part of it. I mean, our wedding has become, like, the light at
the end of this year-long tunnel for practically all of my relatives. It's been
rough. So I can't wait, either.
Reverend Rutledge: Well, Tammy, I'm glad
that you have empathy for your loved ones but you shouldn't feel like you have
to get married because it's expected of you or because you're wanting to please
your family. You have to follow your own destiny.
Tammy: It's not about my family. Honest.
Sandy: In your opinion, Reverend, when
should people get married?
Reverend Rutledge: When they know they
simply can't live without each other.
Sandy: Well, we're there with you there.
That's exactly how we feel.
Reverend Rutledge: Is it?
Tammy: Yeah! There's no one else in the
world for me but Sandy. No one.
Olivia: Don't tell me you're sorry? Okay?
I've been calling everyday for weeks and you won't put me through to my
husband. I don't care if they are his instructions! I need to speak with him.
Damn you!
Jonathan: Hey, I heard Bill left. Sorry.
Olivia: It's all right. You know, sometimes
you just to get on with things. Besides, I'm making plans.
Reva: You may want to hang on to what we
Josh: Had, Reva.
Reva: You can't do it, Joshua. You've
already started something new. A whole new set of plans with someone else,
specifically Olivia.
Josh: Olivia and I are working together, Reva.
Olivia: I see how well you operate as a
team. You gate strategy, she makes the bed afterwards.
Josh: Reva, I'm not sleeping with Olivia!
Reva: Yet.
Josh: I don't want her, I want you! And the
only strategy I care about is the only one that's going to get us back together
again, Reva, because we've been sitting in awful holding pattern for what seems
like a year!
Reva: And I'm sorry. It's because of the
choices I made and the things I needed, just kind of screwed everything up. I
took something that was good and solid and real and I ruined it.
Josh: Reva, I'm telling you, it's nothing...
there's nothing that can't be fixed.
Reva: No. We have been down this road so
many times before, Bud, we have. We can't just turn around and go back the way
we came!
Josh: No, we can’t. But we can go forward, Reva.
Together, we can go forward. Really, what's keeping us from doing that?
Reva: Nothing, everything, I don't know.
Josh: Come along with me, then, okay? Let's
just do it and see what happens. We'll get out the hammers and nails and start
pounding away, figure out what we have to do to make our home a better place.
Reva: You really think we can?
Josh: I believe in us, Reva.
Reva: But we're in such a different place.
Josh: Come on, please just stop talking.
Just shut up, okay? Please.
Reva: Make me.
Josh: (Laughs)
Tammy: Ooh, did I show you this incredible
cake I found in the magazine? Look, there it is. Look!
Sandy: I am looking.
I wish you didn't love me, I wish you'd
make this easy now it's fear that keeps me with you I want to be by your side
so I can close my eyes to the emptiness inside that kills me when I'm with you you
try to break me, try to hate me so you can fall out of love you want to make me
believe that I'm crazy, that I'm nothing without you it's unbelievable but I
believe you unforgivable but I forgave you what love can't do that keeps me
coming back to you irreplaceable but I'll replace you now I'm standing on my
own alone
Olivia: Bill Lewis, please.
I feel you in my shadow, my heart feels
cold and hollow no matter where I ran I see your eyes always follow me I try to
hold me, try to hold me, keeping something that's not yours you want to make me
believe that I'm crazy make me think that you're the cure it's unbelievable but
I believe you unforgivable but I forgave you it's what love can't do that keeps
me coming back to you irreplaceable but I replaced you now I'm standing on my
own alone in my sleep you're all I see but I can't go back because I know it's
wrong for us to go on and I'm growing strong to confront my fears hey, whoa it's
unbelievable but I believe you unforgivable but I forgave you it's what love
can do that keeps me coming back to you
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light".
Tammy: You're going to tell me that I'm
making a huge mistake, that I don't belong with Sandy but I do belong with you?
Josh: I feel like I'm seeing the Reva Shayne
I used to know. My Reva.
Alan: I'll bet Harley gets real lonely in
her bed at night. Why don't you go over there under there and see what you can
do about that.
Edmund: It's the only thing standing in our
Alan: You'll have Cassie, I'll have what I
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