Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/19/05
By Amanda
Rick: Harley?
Buzz: No, get back out there. All
systems are go.
Harley: Dad, could you give us a
Buzz: Huh?
Harley: Just a second, please.
Rick: You look beautiful.
Harley: Did you do it?
Rick: Yes, I did it. I opened my best
friend's casket, and I looked inside.
Mallet: Yeah, Phillip Spaulding. Yeah,
that's right, the guy that was killed. Well, supposedly, anyway. Listen, I just
wanted to send the photo over and see if anything turns up, okay? Okay. Yeah,
no, that's great. Thanks. Come on. Hello? Hello? Hey! Hey, stop! Hey, stop!
Harley: What did you find? Was the
casket empty? Is Phillip alive?
Rick: No. Phillip, he's in the casket,
Harley. He's dead. Alan killed him.
Buzz: Harley? Harley?
Blake: I knew it.
Cassie: Don’t... don't do it. We just
left Harley. She was happy. She was ready to get married, okay?
Blake: Just like before. I mean, this
is just too...
Cassie: Shh, shh!
Frank: Gus...
Gus: What?
Frank: Don't do it.
Gus: I'm just seeing if she's okay.
Gus: Ladies and gentlemen,
that's my bride telling me in secret code that she's ready to get married,
so... yes? Yes?
Harley: Yes. Yes, of course. Yes.
Gus: Yes, okay.
Buzz: No! No, no, no. No, no. Not
without me you don’t.
Harley: Oh, right. Oh, Zach, you want
to walk down the aisle with me and Grandpa? Come on.
Only you can make this world seem right only you can make the darkness
bright only you and you alone can thrill me like you do and fill my heart with
love for only you...
Mallet: Damn it!
Lizzie: Are we late? Have they started
it yet?
Rick: No. It's just the beginning,
Lizzie: What's wrong? You look like
you lost your best friend. It's a wedding. You should smile.
Alexandra: Well, come on. We'd better
get in there. We don't want to miss it. Let's go, darling.
Lizzie: Oh, I forgot to get a gift.
Alexandra: Well, there's plenty of
time to send one, Darling.
Lizzie: How much do you spend on a
wedding gift?
Alexandra: Well, around $1,000, but
look, I'm sure Gus and Harley don't expect you to be that extravagant. And you know,
considering your situation right now...
Lizzie: My situation? Oh, that my
family cut me off and I just don't have any money to my name.
Alexandra: Look, if you want to, go
down to Egan’s, you charge something for Gus and Harley. Just put it on my
account. Come on.
Lizzie: No, I can't do that. It's not
right. I'll figure it out. I'll take care of it myself.
Alexandra: Okay. Can we go?
Beth: Rick, is everything okay?
Rick: I'll talk to you about it later.
Beth: You opened Phillip’s grave? My God,
Rick: Alan signed an order, Beth. I
had no choice.
Beth: Did you see him?
Rick: I saw him, yes. Did you think
Beth: No, no, of course not. I guess I
hoped. I just... I just hoped... he's gone.
Ross: So, Gus, are you ready?
Gus: I was ready a year ago.
Zach: It should have been a year ago.
Harley: Here, come sit with Grandpa.
Rick: Dearly beloved, family and
friends of Harley Cooper and Gus Aitoro, welcome to their wedding. These two
people are shining examples of what it is to hang on to hope in the face of
incredible adversity. And during all your travails and challenges, your love
did nothing but get stronger. And as Shakespeare put it, "Star-crossed,
tempest-tossed." Yet here you are, together, in front of God, and in front
of your family and friends, stronger than ever. I'm confident that I speak for
all who love you when I say that it is a privilege to be here with you today,
for it is a joy to witness the beginning of a new and wonderful, and hopefully
less eventful, chapter in your lives together.
Ross: The good book tells us that we
should not enter into marriage lightly, and you have taken that advice to
heart. You have not entered into this commitment without a great deal of
thought, so much so that you have written your own vows. And now the moment for
that has arrived. Harley, would you begin?
Harley: I think you'll like them much more
this time. Gus, are we really here? I would ask you to pinch me, but if it's a
dream, I don't want to wake up. I want to stay in this dream forever because it
almost didn't happen. You made a mistake, and then I made one, too, and I
couldn't forgive you because I became afraid. I was afraid because I still
loved you with all my heart. And in the past love has hurt me.
Mallet: What am I going to do, Harley?
Harley: I'm not afraid anymore...
Mallet: How am I going to tell you that Phillip’s
still out there?
Harley: ...Because I am ready to spend the
rest of my life with the most wonderful man in the world. I love the way you
look at me, like right now, like there's nobody else in this room. We've been
together a long time, and still when you look at me like that, my heart...
thank you, for opening your heart to me and my children. Thank you for loving
my children. That is the sign of a real man. I couldn't love anybody the way I
love you. You kept me calm when I was frightened and alone, and so now, here in
front of God and all these beautiful and handsome people, I, Harley Cooper,
promise you, Gus Aitoro, that I will love you more and more with every passing
day, through the joy and adversity that life throws our way. I will support you
and encourage you and believe in you the way that you have believed in me for
the rest of our lives.
Zach: Yay! ( Laughter )
Ross: Gus?
Harley: You're up.
Gus: Well, you make it sound like a
big deal that I stuck by your side this whole past year, and the truth of the
matter is I didn't really have a choice. You're it. You're it for me, end of
story. That smile-- I mean, how could that not hook a guy forever, and just
never let him go? And then you introduced your crazy family into the picture--
sorry Frank-- and your kids. I also know that everything good that has happened
to me is because of you, and anything bad is just part of the price that had to
be paid to be able to be here right now at this moment so that I could say to
you in front of God and all these... these people and witnesses that I want to
thank you, because I feel blessed and I feel honored that you said yes and that
you would be mine. And I promise you that I will love you each and every single
day, no matter what joy or adversity is thrown our way.
Harley: Yes.
Gus: That I will encourage you and I
will love you and I will support you and I'll believe in you just the way that
you believed in me, every single day. And I will take care of you and our
children. But most importantly, I'm just going... going to be grateful for you
every day for the rest of our lives. Okay.
Zach: Yay! ( Laughter )
Gus: You're going to Boarding School.
( Laughter )
Ross: Now that Harley and Gus have
exchanged their vows, it is time for me to make a completely rhetorical
statement. If there by anyone who has reason to object to this union, speak now
or forever hold your peace.
Ross: Speak now or forever hold your peace.
Going once, going twice, no takers, just as I thought. Now, then, at this point
we need the rings. Harley?
Harley: With this ring I thee wed, and
with all that I am and all that I have, I pledge myself to you for the rest of
our lives.
Gus: And with this ring, I thee wed,
with all that I am and all that I have, for the rest of our lives.
Ross: Harley and Gus, you have pledged
your eternal love to one another, and you have done so before God and before
your family and friends. You have exchanged rings symbolizing that eternal
love, and that has brought us to this moment. Therefore by the power vested in
my by the City of Springfield, I now pronounce you husband and wife. ( Applause
) Gus, you may now kiss your lovely bride.
( Applause )
Harley: Okay, enough of that, enough
of that, enough of that.
Buzz: Congratulations.
Harley: Thanks.
Gus: All right, pick it up.
Harley: Okay, of course.
Gus: Oh, come on! Thank you very much.
Harley: Okay, stay with Grandpa for
one second.
Gus: There. Isn't that better?
Harley: Much.
Gus: Well, I guess we know what Rick
said, right?
Harley: Yes. Phillip was in the
casket, so he's dead. End of story. I'm just sorry for Rick.
Gus: I know. I wish it could have been
easier, but that's the way it had to be. At least now we can go onwards and
upwards, and we don't have to look back.
Harley: Yeah. I guess Zach really has
lost his daddy, though.
Gus: Yeah, but he gained a stepdad.
Harley: Yes, the best any kid could
ask for.
Danny: I've got to tell you, you're
killing me. You're smokin'.
Marina: This little rag?
Danny: Shut up. You are stunning.
Marina: Well, if I am, you know why?
Danny: Why?
Marina: Because you make me so happy.
Danny: Oh, really? Yeah? Is that why
you disappeared on me before? I turned around and you were gone, and no one
knew where you went.
Marina: I had something to take care
Danny: Oh, what? Some bridesmaidsy
Marina: No. Actually, I went to go
talk to Michelle.
Jeffrey: Oh, sorry. Sorry. Oh. Yeah.
Oh. Mmm. Mmm. Wow. Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?
Cassie: That was a sendoff.
Jeffrey: Okay, a sendoff. Where am I
Cassie: You're going to go set up the
band so you can play music, because I would love to dance.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, there's
recorded music. You can dance to recorded music.
Cassie: You're so not getting out of
Jeffrey: You're right. I'm not. But
it's not me. It's the guys, you know, in the band. They've got a problem with
Cassie: They don't do weddings?
Jeffrey: Yeah. They feel like they're
selling out.
Cassie: They're not selling out.
They're doing a good deed for a good friend. No big deal.
Jeffrey: I know. That's what I keep
telling them, but they keep telling me that they need something more, you know,
like a quid pro quo.
Cassie: Okay, whatever, whatever. Give
them whatever they want, whatever's going to make them happy. Fine.
Jeffrey: They want you to sing backup.
Cassie: I can't sing. You know that.
Jeffrey: You're really not that bad.
Cassie: This is cruel and unusual
Jeffrey: No, this is mutual
Mallet: I just wanted to come over and
say congratulations.
Gus: Thank you.
Harley: Thank you.
Mallet: You're welcome. It was a
beautiful ceremony, and you both look very happy.
Harley: Well, we're glad that you
could come. Aren't we?
Mallet: Cheers.
Gus: Yeah, yeah. Of course we're glad
you came. Of course.
Harley: And we kind of have good news.
I mean, sort of good news. Phillip's body was exhumed today, and he was in the
casket. So he's dead.
Mallet: Wow. Really?
Harley: Yeah. Rick was the one who did
the exhumation.
Mallet: Uh...
Harley: He was there.
Mallet: Rick, huh?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Mallet: Well, that would the guy that
would know, so that's great. That's great news.
Frank: Hey, Pop, what the hell are you
doing? You're missing all the fun.
Buzz: I'm changing the battery.
Frank: You paid a video guy to do
this. Come on, come on.
Buzz: I know, I know. They're good,
but they're dry. I have more pizzazz.
Frank: Dad, if you don't come out now
you're going to miss everything. Now come on.
Buzz: Okay.
Alexandra: Well, I'm so happy for Harley,
I really am. And you certainly are the proud father.
Buzz: I am that.
Alexandra: Well, I'm grateful that Harley
and Gus even invited me, you know? And it was a lovely wedding. It was. I mean,
they got married, I'm not in cuffs. Yeah. Well, enjoy yourself, and
Buzz: Al? I know you signed the papers
committing Alan, and I'm sure you're wondering whether he was telling the
truth. Gus had the casket exhumed. Rick ID'd it. It's Phillip’s body.
Alexandra: Well, I'm glad you're the
one to tell me. I mean, I couldn't help wonder, of course. I mean, Alan was so
sure. I mean, I couldn't help wishing Phillip...
Buzz: I know. Alan's lost it.
Alexandra: Uh-huh.
Alan: Russo, I just read a little
article in the paper. Good work. I have something else I want you to do. I want
you to stake out men at the airport, the bus station, and the train station,
because I think when Phillip reads this, he will be coming home, and I want to
be ready.
Beth: Lizzie, Lizzie, I know that
we're having problems, but we could at least talk.
Lizzie: About what?
Beth: How are you?
Lizzie: Oh, I'm doing great. I have no
money. You took it away from me. I'm probably the only person here who couldn't
afford a wedding gift.
Beth: Well, you know, there is a
solution to that. You could move back home, where you belong.
Lizzie: What happened to being
independent and responsible? You really do have problems.
Beth: Be careful what you walk away
from, Lizzie. It might not still be there when you realize you need it.
Lizzie: What are you talking about?
Beth: I just mean that Gus is in
charge of things now. There's no telling what he'll do with the company, let
alone the family.
Lizzie: Well, I trust Gus.
Beth: Really? The same man who tore
you apart on the witness stand? Be careful, sweetie. Gus is out for Gus.
Lizzie: Well, I don't care if he wants
Beth: Don't you say that. This company
is your father's legacy, and if Gus runs it into the ground, there goes your
Lizzie: What future? My money? You
already took that away from me.
Beth: Lizzie, don't do this. You're
making a mistake.
Lizzie: Well, I really don't think so.
But if I am, hey, it runs in the family.
Gus: Here's to Mrs. Aitoro.
Harley: Did I mention I'm not changing
my name?
Gus: Well, as long as you keep that
ring on your finger.
Harley: Oh, it's never coming off.
Gus: That's why I used superglue.
Harley: Very sneaky.
Gus: Oh, I'm not stupid. I'm not
taking any chances. Hello. How are you? I love you.
Harley: I love you.
Danny: All right, stop. Stop. Why did
you go see Michelle?
Marina: I thought her phone call about
Robbie and the misunderstanding about the insurance information was weird. It
seemed kind of like an excuse.
Danny: For what?
Marina: I don't know. Maybe just to
talk to you, see if what I said about you moving on was true or not. And I
wanted her to know that it was.
Danny: Well, I think you made that
very clear earlier over your phone call.
Marina: Yes, and guess what? She got
the point. In fact, she says that she's moving on, too, and she wants us to be
very happy.
Danny: Well, good.
Marina: So I invited her here. What?
Danny: You. You are a stone-cold
Marina: And you love it.
Lizzie: What are all those envelopes about?
Coop: Greek wedding. The Italians do
it, too.
Lizzie: They do... they do what?
Coop: Well, they give cash to the
Lizzie: You mean to tell me those
things are filled with money?
Coop: By the looks of it, I think Gus
and Harley are going to make out pretty well.
Frank: Hey, Coop? Excuse me. I need
you for one second, okay, man?
Coop: Yeah, sure. Go on. I'll be right
Buzz: Ladies and gentlemen, little
critters, let me have your attention here. I want to welcome you to this event,
this event that...
Coop: That we never thought would
Buzz: Speak for yourself, Bradshaw. (
Laughter ) Gus and Harley-- would you please? Gus and Harley worked long and
hard to find their way back to each other and we're glad they found their way
to us. And I am over the moon that my beautiful and amazing daughter found a
guy that knows how lucky he is to have her.
Frank: Here, here.
Buzz: Okay, so let's crank up the
music. Gus?
Gus: Yes, crank it up.
Buzz: You have to dance with your
wife. Music! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Gus Aitoro. ( Cheers
and applause )
Gus: I believe this is our dance.
There you are in the early light of day there you are in the quiet words
I pray I've been blessed by...
Mallet: Great party, hey, Rick?
Rick: Yeah, great party.
Mallet: Yeah. I'm sorry you had to
start your day off on such a different note. Harley told me what you were up to
this morning. Boy, that couldn't have been an easy thing to do.
Rick: No, it wasn't, but it comes with
the territory.
Mallet: Yeah. What... what territory
is that?
Rick: Being a Medical Examiner.
Mallet: Hm.
Rick: The job is full of very
unpleasant duties.
Mallet: Yeah, boy, I guess you got to
do what you've got to do, huh?
Rick: Well, you're a cop. You know the
deal, right?
Mallet: Yeah, I'm a cop. I'm beginning
to wonder how good of a cop I actually am. I was following what I thought were
some pretty good leads on Phillip, actually starting to think he was maybe
alive. Now you tell me he's dead...
Rick: Phillip's dead. I saw him in the
Mallet: Well, you can't doubt a
statement like that. You know, I was curious. What's the procedure with an
exhumation? Do they have someone there who helps you witness it?
Rick: Sure.
Mallet: Like an assistant or
Rick: Yeah, sometimes.
Mallet: Yeah. What about this time?
Rick: Well, this time I was alone, but
if you wanted to join me, you were more than welcome to ask me. But... oh,
that's right. I'm sorry, that’s... you didn't know until after the fact, right?
It's interesting. I guess Harley didn't feel compelled to share that
information with you, just me and Gus. Her friends.
Mallet: You think she's safe now?
Rick: I know she's safe. And I also
know my friend's in a better place.
Mallet: Where would that be?
Rick: Now it's time for us just to
move forward. Right?
Mallet: You sure about that, Rick?
Rick: Positive.
Alan: Beth. I thought you would be at
the wedding.
Beth: I was. But I thought my time
could be better spent here with you getting a few things straight.
Alan: Well, sure. Like what?
Beth: I told my mother about your
Alan: ( Chuckles ) I'm sure Lillian
was thrilled, huh?
Beth: She thinks you're using me. But
I said "No, Alan doesn't see me that way. He has too much respect for
Alan: You're absolutely right.
Beth: But we both know we're using
each other. I've learned a thing or two living under the same roof as you, Alan.
Among other things, I've learned to like myself. I know who I am and what I
have to offer, and if and when I do marry again, trust me, it will be a 50-50
partnership, sometimes even 60-40 in my favor. I will not suppress my needs or
my identity for any man ever again.
Alan: Good for you.
Beth: What do you think Gus plans to
do with the company? I've heard some rumors, none of them good.
Alan: Yes, I've heard the same rumors.
Beth: This family, this company, was
everything to Phillip. And Gus just waltzes in and starts giving Lizzie advice,
dangerous advice. He thinks that he can make major decisions that will affect
each and every one of us for years to come.
Alan: You have the power to stop it,
if you want to.
Beth: Oh, I know that. In fact, I'm
already one step ahead of you.
Beth: So, about your proposal, Alan. I
accept. I can't wait to become Mrs. Alan Spaulding. So let's get married right
Harley: ( Laughs )
Buzz: Cutting in.
Gus: All righty.
Buzz: One of my few remaining
Gus: My pleasure. I'll have her for
the rest of my life.
Buzz: You happy?
Harley: I'm ecstatic.
Buzz: Well, I never would have guessed
Harley: Yes.
Buzz: Okay, everybody dance.
( Playing Sister Sledge's "We are Family"
Harley: Everybody.
Frank: Excuse me? There's something I
need to say to you.
Gus: What? Too many onions?
Frank: I was wrong. You are definitely
the right guy for my sister. You always were. Hey, Gus? Thank you for making
her so happy. Hug?
Gus: Yeah. I'm all teary, Frank. And
it's not just the onions. Come on, let's go get some rugrats, the little ones,
and do a little family dance. Come on.
Frank: Come here, Zach.
Gus: A little family dance.
Buzz: Yeah. There you go, big guy.
Frank: Come here, man.
Gus: Come on.
Coop: Pops, how are you?
Gus: You know this song. ( Talking
amongst themselves )
Gus: Got any plates we can break? Get
up everybody and sing...
( Cell phone rings )
Rick: Dr. Bauer.
Phillip: Are you alone? Can you talk?
Rick: Yeah. Listen, Phillip, I have
everything under control. Nobody knows. Your secret's safe with me.
Phillip: I know that what I'm asking you
to do is difficult.
Rick: Anything. Anything for you, Buddy.
And I will continue to keep my promise to watch out for Beth and the children.
But I have to tell you. The lying, it’s... the lying is really taking a toll on
me. I don't like it one bit. I mean, there's so many questions that you haven't
answered. And you know you can talk to me about anything, buddy. I am still
your best friend.
Phillip: A good friend is still the
hardest thing to come by.
Rick: No kidding. Man, do I wish I
could just turn back the clock.
Phillip: Remember when we were young,
how simple everything used to be? It was just you and me and Mindy and Beth.
Rick: Yeah. Sure. Sure I remember
Rick: When are you coming home, Phillip?
Phillip: I can't tell you that.
Rick: I understand.
Phillip: Time to go, Old Pal.
Rick: Okay. I hope to see you soon.
Gus: I want you all to enjoy yourself and
thank you very much.
Harley: Thank you so much for coming.
Really, this was such a great day. It was so special in every single way. We
couldn't have asked for more.
Gus: So stay and enjoy the cake, but
we have to go. We're going to go to the airport. We're going to Greece, as you
know. White sand, blue water. And of course, who would like to come? Not
happening, because we're going by ourselves. It's a honeymoon, the only time I
get her to myself.
Blake: You're not leaving now, are you?
Harley: We do. We have to leave now.
We have a flight to catch. But please, stay and enjoy the party. Really. Mainly
because my father is paying for it. ( Laughter ) Can I have a round of applause
for my dad? This was such a great day. ( Cheers and applause ) Thank you, Daddy.
Oh, thank you. You were the best maid of honor. You stay out of trouble.
Marina: Of course.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: Thank you. You're the best.
Buzz: Hey, you're not too shabby
Harley: Cassie. Thank you. When I get
back, I want to know what other hidden talents Jeffrey has, okay? ( Laughter )
Cassie: Okay.
Gus: Well, when I first met you, you
punched me.
Coop: And look at us now: We're
Alexandra: So we are. How about a hug
for your auntie. Oh, I'm so happy for you and Harley, darling. I know you're
going to have a wonderful life.
Gus: And are you going to be okay when
we're gone?
Lizzie: I'll be fine. Roxy will take
care of me.
Coop: So will I.
Frank: Come on, Sis.
Harley: Aw. Try not to miss me too
much, Frank.
Frank: Actually, I could use the rest.
( Laughs )
Harley: Have I worn you out?
Frank: No, no, not at all. Well, maybe
with Phillip’s murder and the investigation and wondering if Phillip is still
alive. I mean, the whole thing.
Harley: Yes. Yes. I have worn you out.
I have. ( Laughs )
Frank: I love you.
Harley: I love you.
Zach: Mommy, mommy! Mommy, mommy!
Harley: Hey, you guys. Okay. Okay.
Come here.
Gus: This is a small family hug.
Harley: This is a small family hug.
Now listen, you guys-- my babies-- I'm going to miss you so much, but we are
going to bring you back the coolest souvenirs from Greece, okay?
Gus: We're both going to miss you.
Harley: Don't worry about it. And
you're going to have so much fun hanging out with Rick and Mel and Leah, and
taking pictures and doing all that good stuff. ( Laughter )
Gus: Baby, we've got to go.
Harley: Yeah, we've got to go. We've
got to go, okay? I love you guys. I love you, I love you, I love you. Okay?
Gus: Oops. ( Laughter ) Don't do that
when we're not here. Don't try that at home.
Harley: Okay. We're going. Good-bye,
everybody. ( Cheers and applause )
Cassie: Wait! You can't leave. You
have to throw the bouquet.
Harley: How could I forget? Everybody
line up, line up, line up. Sorry. ( Women cheer ) Single women, single women.
Blake, get over here.
Blake: Okay.
Cassie: Third time's the charm. Come
on. Come on.
Harley: Okay. Everybody ready?
Marina: Yes!
Harley: Three, two, one. ( Applause )
I love you guys. I love you all.
Gus: Bye.
Everyone: Bye. ( Applause ) ( Laughter
Harley: Gosh, we throw a good wedding.
Gus: Yes, we do. Any regrets?
Harley: Regrets?
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Uh, yeah. A big one. Why
didn't we do this sooner?
Gus: I love you. I love you, I love
you, I love you.
Harley: I love you.
Gus: Do I say that too much?
Harley: No.
Gus: No?
Harley: No. I haven't heard it enough,
and don't stop loving me, okay? Until death do us part.
Gus: Let's go.
Harley: Yes. ( Laughs )
Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light."
Dinah: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you
Reva: We should be happy.
Josh: You really mean that?
Coop: While everybody else was lining
up to kiss the bride, you were too busy ripping her off.
Michelle: Danny deserves to know that
he might be a father again. Can I really do this to Danny?
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