GL Transcript Wednesday 7/27/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/27/05


By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Carmine: You got yourself a new girl. She's a real looker. Sharp. Going into the PD. That's smart Danny. That's real smart to have a cop in your pocket… not to mention your bed, hey?

Danny: That is not a career move.

Marina: Reading the comics?

Danny: No, actually, I'm reading the missing persons section, making sure your name isn't in here.

Marina: Oh. You don't have to worry about me, now that I'm a lady in blue.

Danny: I wasn't worried. I was just missing you, that's all. Where were you?

Marina: Oh, I was studying crime scenes and answering find-the-perp questions. It's kind of this memory thing. You study a crime scene or a person and, I don't know, take that guy for example.

Danny: Well, why don't you take this guy, for example?

Marina: Okay. What color was his shirt? Brown. Is he wearing a tie? No.

Danny: Does he want to kiss you?

Marina: Doesn't everybody?

Danny: I hope not.

Sandy: $2.3 million.

Cop: Whew.

Sandy: Yeah, I guess I must have forgot to mention that when I called earlier.

Cop: Cash?

Sandy: No, it was all electronic, which means all the funds were transferred out of the Lewis Construction account, so whoever did it must have known the password. Now, I'm not exactly sure who it was, but...

Cop: But you suspect this Jonathan Randall guy?

Sandy: I would bet money on it.

Olivia: Well, that was great. Alfred had to hire security to protect him from us. Now he's gone.

Reva: He's gone after my son. He's probably looking for Jonathan right now.

Josh: He's angry at us, Reva. We're the ones who had him cornered.

Reva: What difference does it make? Alfred's spent a lifetime venting his anger on Jonathan.

Bill: Then we have to stop him.

Reva: How, Bill? We don't have anything to stop him. That's why we have to find Jonathan now. We have to try to do something to protect him.

Josh: What if Jonathan doesn't want our help?

Olivia: He certainly didn't do anything to help my sister.

Reva: He couldn't help your sister, Olivia. He couldn't even help himself. It's been Alfred. It's always been Alfred. He's dangerous and we need to stop him now, before it's too late.

Bill: All right, fine. I will go downstairs and I'll see if anyone saw him leave or anything. Okay?

Reva: I just want him gone, you know? If Nate would just disappear then I think I could get through to Jonathan. I think I really can save him.

Jonathan: Look at what I've done to Reva and Josh and you. Mostly you. I hated them. I hated them for what they did to me. I hate them. But not you. Never you. It’s... never you. I don't know. I mean, why do you think... why do you think I came to your hotel room this morning? I can't help myself. I know I shouldn't, but... I mean, don't you think I should know better? But I don’t. I don't know better. I should. So should you.

Tammy: Jonathan.

Jonathan: Tammy. I need you. I need you.

Reva: If Bill can find Jonathan, then we can put him someplace safe where he can be protected until we can file charges against his father.

Josh: I'll say it again, Reva: What if he doesn't want our protection.

Olivia: Once again she'll ignore the question and ignore the fact that some of us are not convinced that...

Reva: Jonathan...

Olivia: ...Jonathan isn't working with his father.

Reva: Look, he's scared to death of his father. That's why we have to do something now, or he's going to end up like Marissa. Could you live with that?

Josh: Reva, nobody wants to see Jonathan get hurt. But if he's working with his father...

Reva: He's not. I need to see if... ( Sighs ) you know, I can't get a signal on this phone. I'll be back.

Bill: No dice. No one saw Nate leave.

Reva: Oh, well, you know, that figures. Um, can you maybe go in and tell Josh and Olivia that because I was just going to go and get us all something to eat.

Bill: Is that right? Reva, where are you going?

Josh: Look, Olivia, I'm sorry if Reva's making this seem like it's all about Jonathan. You lost your sister. Nobody's forgotten that. Here. I want to give this to you.

Olivia: What is it?

Josh: I hired a private investigator to look into Alfred’s finances-- you know, track his credit cards, that kind of thing-- see if we can place him in San Cristobel the day Marissa died.

Olivia: Did you find anything?

Josh: Not yet. But we're still trying.

Olivia: Thanks, Josh. But maybe there's another way we can nail him.

Bill: Reva, I know that look, and you're going to get yourself into trouble.

Reva: Thanks for helping, Bill.

Bill: Now, listen to me. What do you think you can accomplish on this one-woman crusade to save your son?

Reva: You have a daughter now, right?

Bill: Yes, I do.

Reva: What would you do if Emma’s life was in danger?

Bill: Don't turn the tables here, because I know what I would do. I want to know what you're going to do.

Reva: I'm going to find my son.

Bill: No you don’t. Please, Reva, think about this.

Reva: Bill, Nate has an immense ego, okay?

Bill: No.

Reva: And he tried to get me in bed once.

Bill: No, no, no, no. No.

Reva: He's tried to put the moves on me.

Bill: Listen to me. Listen to me. You are not thinking clearly. What are you going to do?

Reva: I'm going to extend an invitation.

Bill: Offer yourself as bait?

Reva: No, I'm going to try to make a deal with him. Okay? Nate doesn't scare me. If anything, he should be scared of me.

Bill: No, you don’t.

Sandy: So, are we almost done here? I really hope you can help us get the money back. Josh Lewis didn't deserve this.

Cop: Where is Mr. Lewis?

Sandy: Uh... why isn't he here filling out the report himself? Well, he's a busy guy. I thought I'd handle it for him. Is that it?

Cop: That's it.

Sandy: All right. Well, thank you very much for your help, Officer. ( Cell phone rings ) Come on, Tammy. Why don't you answer?

 ( Cell phone ringing )

Tammy: What are we doing?

Jonathan: Tammy.

Tammy: Get away from me. Get away.

Jonathan: I wasn't going to hurt you. I'd never hurt you.

Tammy: You did. You hurt me! You hurt me worse than anyone's ever hurt me in my entire life! Why did I kiss you? How could this happen? You're my... we're not supposed to feel this way.

Jonathan: It's okay. It's okay. We weren't really doing anything.

Tammy: Don't talk to me.

Jonathan: Tammy. Tammy.

Tammy: Don't touch me! Oh, don't you dare touch me. Get away. Just stay away! ( Hyperventilating )

Marina: Hey. I'm just going to get coffee.

Danny: Iced coffee. Thanks. So, have you told your mother about your career move?

Marina: Yeah.

Danny: How does she feel about it?

Marina: I called her and she hung up on me. Then she called my dad back and yelled at him in Greek, and said something about how it was his fault, that he was leading me astray.

Danny: Poor Frank. He never catches a break.

Marina: Well, it's her fault. I mean, if she wanted to be a part of this, she should be here, living with my dad and being a part of our family.

Danny: Sometimes you can't live with people even though you love them. What? What did I say? Well, you know, you don't talk about your mom very much.

Marina: What's there to say? I don't know. We check in every Sunday at 10:00, exchange news of the week. She sends the appropriate gifts. She gets to lead the life she wants out there, I guess. I don't know. I know she loved my dad, but she just wanted something more. You know, she first married a Spaulding when she came to this country.

Danny: What? Her, too? What is it with the Coopers and the Spauldings? Should I be worried? Are you next?

Marina: I don't know. Me and Alan. Yeah, that's pretty hot. ( Laughter )

Danny: No.

Marina: No, I don't think so. I think I'm actually going to be the first person to break that curse.

Danny: Good. I'm glad to hear it. Thank you.

Marina: Thanks.

Danny: Well, this is nice. Probably the last opportunity that we'll have to do something like this for a very long time. But this is nice.

Marina: Listen to you. Come on, once I get my schedule figured out and I get into a routine, everything is going to be fine. Besides, I'm going to need someone to practice my holds on.

Danny: I will make myself available.

Marina: I will try to be as gentle as possible.

Danny: Yeah, right.

Marina: ( Laughs )

Danny: Why do I doubt that?

Marina: You know me too well, Santos. You know what's weird? People keep acting really strange around me.

Danny: Strange? How?

Marina: Yeah, it's like, I don't know, people at school or customers here, it's like they act like they have to be on their best behavior or I'm going to bust them.

Danny: Well, that could happen one day.

Marina: I'm serious.

Danny: So am I.

Marina: They act all stiff and just not themselves. Well, not you, though. You've always been so supportive, and just Danny.

Danny: That's me.

Marina: Are you sure me being a cop doesn't bother you? I mean... Danny?

Danny: What?

Marina: Is something wrong?

Danny: What? No. No, nothing's wrong.

Danny: Hey, don't worry about your friends. Once they realize you can fix tickets for them, they'll come around.

Marina: Excuse me, I'm going to be an honest cop, like my dad.

Danny: Really? So if my parking meter runs out, you'll ticket me?

Marina: It's my duty.

Danny: Well, then I better go put more money in the meter. Of course if I'm too late, then...

Marina: Oh, don't look at me, Santos. If there is a ticket on your windshield, you are on your own.

Danny: Are you kidding me? You're telling me that you would not bury one ticket for me? Robbie's dad?

Marina: It's very sad, but no. No, no. You do that and then what's next? It could never end.

Danny: You're brutal. I'll be right back.

( Shutter clicking )

Danny: Hey.

P.I.: Hey, you got no right.

Danny: You get what you needed? Listen to me. Come here. You tell Carmine that if I ever see you or him again anywhere, you're going to wish you were that camera.

P.I.: Who the hell is Carmine?

Danny: Come on, let's go. You got two seconds to tell me who you're working for.

P.I.: Look, I don't know any Carmine, I swear.

Danny: Uh-huh. You were just taking pictures of me for what? Your scrapbook?

P.I.: Okay, I was watching you. I'm a private investigator. Look. Here.

Danny: Who are you working for?

P.I.: If I tell you that, I won't get paid.

Danny: Who are you working for? Someone out of Chicago? New York? Who?

P.I.: Africa.

Danny: Africa? Who the hell's operating out of Africa?

P.I.: Your wife. Michelle.

Tammy: How could I let you near me? What was I thinking?

Jonathan: You're acting like we really did something. I wouldn't have let it gone that far.

Tammy: Right. Right. Because you're looking out for me, right? Just like you were when you first came to town?

Jonathan: Is that who you think I am?

Tammy: I don't know. I hope not. But then I see him again. I see that guy that hurt me.

Jonathan: No. I came to you today because I needed to talk. I didn't want to hurt you. I just... I need something to hold on to. I need someone.

Tammy: I have to go.

Jonathan: Wait. Tammy, wait, please. Not like this. Look, I'm sorry. When I came in here, I'm upset. It's inexcusable. I would never hurt you. Look at me. Look. Do I look like somebody that would ever hurt you again? I wouldn’t. Damn it! Tammy, I wouldn't!

Reva: Tammy...

Tammy: I'm sorry.

Reva: Honey? Tammy, wait. Jonathan. What happened?

Jonathan: Does it matter?

Reva: Yes, it matters.

Jonathan: Look, just expect the worst because that's what you're going to get.

Reva: Is Nate here?

Jonathan: No.

Reva: Good, because we need to talk.

Jonathan: Well, I'm all talked out, I'm sorry.

Reva: No. It's okay. Bill? Thank you.

Jonathan: You're not going to quit, are you?

Reva: No. Are you?

Danny: My wife, Michelle, hired you?

P.I.: Yeah.

Danny: Yeah? Really? I don't have a wife. I have an ex-wife. Why would she hire a P.I.? Huh?

P.I.: Look, I wouldn't know.

Danny: Uh-huh. That girl you were taking pictures of...

P.I.: Marina Cooper.

Danny: Yeah. Marina Cooper. What the hell do you want? Who are you after?

P.I.: I'm not after Marina Cooper or you. My orders are pretty simple: All I'm supposed to do is get a profile.

Danny: A profile of what?

P.I.: Mrs. Santos is checking in. She just wants to know if you're okay, that's all.

Marina: I mean, you're kidding me, right? I just took the entrance exam. I mean, I only started at the academy a couple of days ago and you want me to join some kind of undercover squad?

Manny: You'll work for us as a part of your training.

Marina: I really aced the exam?

Manny: IQ, personality test, both off the charts. You're everything we're looking for: smart, fearless, attractive.

Marina: Okay, if this is you hitting on me, this is the weirdest pick-up line I've ever heard.

Manny: This is me recruiting you, if you're interested.

Marina: Oh. Well, yeah, I mean... I mean, it just happened really fast, you know? Can I think about it?

Manny: Just don't think about it for too long.

Danny: Michelle wants to know if I'm okay. That's it? That's your assignment?

P.I.: She figured if she called, you'd give her the standard line. She wanted an objective opinion.

Danny: Well, tell her I'm okay. No, actually, you know what? Tell her I'm happy. Very happy.

P.I.: Yeah? I'll tell her.

 ( Knocking on door ) ( Knocking on door )

Tammy: Go away. ( Louder knocking ) Don't answer it. Don’t. Don't answer it. Don’t. What do you want? Why are you here?

Sandy: Because you are.

Olivia: Bill? Any luck tracking Alfred?

Bill: No. Change of plans.

Josh: Yeah, no kidding. Reva’s missing. Again. What a surprise.

Bill: She's inside.

Josh: What?

Bill: With Jonathan. Uncle Josh, listen. She just wanted to talk to him one on one, that's all. And I promised I wouldn't let anyone else in, so please...

Olivia: Well, how lucky she has an ally like you, Bill.

Bill: Olivia, I'm looking for the same answers you are.

Olivia: Then let us in.

Bill: Listen to me. The only way to get the real story right now is inside there. If anyone can get through to Jonathan, it's his own mother. Please, just let them talk.

Josh: Hey, there was a time not too long ago I recall Jonathan and Reva were "talking." He had his hands around her neck and if I hadn't shown up when I did, Reva might not be with us today.

Bill: I know, I understand. But she is fine. She's fine.

Josh: Two minutes, that's it. Then I'm going in.

Bill: Don't be mad at me. I'm just trying to help you and Reva, that's all.

Olivia: Marissa was my sister, not Reva's.

Bill: Look, I know how upset you are about Marissa. Believe me, if something happened to one of my sisters, I don't know what I would do.

Olivia: You seem more worried about Jonathan.

Bill: Honey, I'm just trying to put myself in Reva's shoes. I mean, what if we were talking about Emma, here? What if someone was after her?

Olivia: No, Emma’s a little girl.

Bill: She's going to grow up, and what if she becomes difficult like Jonathan? Are we going to turn our backs on her?

Olivia: Of course not.

Bill: No, we wouldn’t. We'd do what Reva’s doing. We'd pull out all the stops.

Olivia: I can't do this. I want to be in there. I want to talk to Jonathan, okay? I need some answers and he's the only lead that I have.

Bill: Come with me. Come with me. Come here.

Reva: You're in danger.

Jonathan: Oh, I'm so scared.

Reva: From your father.

Jonathan: No kidding.

Reva: That's why we have to get you somewhere safe, somewhere where he can't find you, somewhere where we can figure all this out.

Jonathan: Hiding doesn't work.

Reva: Do you have a death wish? Do you think he won't kill you? Is that it? Or is it about me?

Jonathan: Isn't it always about you, Reva?

Reva: Jonathan, look, I know that when it all came down to it, you chose your father over me, but what I don't understand is how you can back a bully when I am offering you a real life with people who love you.

Jonathan: I didn't choose my father over you, okay? But I've been around this block a few more times than you have and after a while, you get smart. You start to realize that it's easier to just be...

Reva: What, be the target? Do you want to keep being Nate's punching bag?

Jonathan: No. It's easier to just agree with him.

Reva: You learned that at such a young age, to survive, but you're not that lonesome kid anymore. I'm here for you now.

Jonathan: What are you going to do? Are you going to twist Nates arm behind his back and make him say "Uncle?" Make him run away with his tail between his legs? Make him apologize and slap himself on the wrist for murdering my mom? Because that's what he did. He killed her.

Reva: Are you saying...

Jonathan: Yeah, he told me all right. He couldn't wait to shove it in my face.

Reva: Nate admitted that he killed Marissa?

Jonathan: Yeah. He looked me right in the eyes and confessed it. No regrets. He held her under that water that she was so afraid of until she drowned. Some guy, huh? My dad. And you want to take him on.

Reva: I am so sorry. Marissa deserved more and so do you, and I'm going to make sure you get it.

Jonathan: Just stay away.

Reva: No.

Jonathan: Reva, stay out of it.

Reva: No. No! Jonathan, don't you understand? This is what we've been waiting for. Nate made a fatal error and now we can get him. We can put him down for good.

Marina: Run out of quarters? For the parking meter?

Danny: No.

Marina: You were out there a long time.

Danny: Yeah, I know. I just... thought I saw somebody I knew.

Marina: Who was it?

Danny: Nobody. Nobody I know. So, what? What are you thinking about?

Marina: Just wondering what you're thinking about. I mean, before, you were in here, you were in a great mood and now you seem kind of preoccupied.

Danny: So do you.

Marina: Well, I asked you first.

Danny: Well, I'm prettier.

Marina: Come on. We promised we'd be honest with each other no matter what, right?

Danny: Right.

Marina: So, come on. What's going on?

Bill: Nice, huh?

Olivia: It's fine, for a house with no roof on it.

Bill: Harley's house. At least it will be once there's a roof on it, and a few other details, but...

Olivia: Look, I'm well aware that this is Harley’s house. My question is, why did you bring me here? Is this, like, some class on Springfield landmarks, where if I get all the answers right, I get to be a tour guide? I'm really not interested.

Bill: No, it's nothing that challenging, I promise. It's just I like coming here. I just like seeing the work that's done and I wanted to share it with you.

Olivia: It's nice. You do nice work. I just don't think this is the time...

Bill: And I also like coming here because this place is soon going to be filled with people who had to overcome a lot, and this is going to be a good thing for them. It's going to give them a chance to start over, get on with it.

Olivia: Oh, I get it. This is a salute to Gus and Harley. Again, I'm really not into it.

Bill: This is not a salute to Gus and Harley. Look, I'm trying to make a point here.

Olivia: Yes, I know. It's about starting over and move... is that what you...?

Bill: What?

Olivia: My sister's dead, I should just forget about her and move on?

Bill: Honey, what are you talking about? You know I'm not trying to say that. Why do you do that? You always jump to the negative. Why do you do that?

Olivia: Because I like to prepare for the worst and I don't like being caught off- guard.

Bill: Well, that's my girl. Listen to me. I know you haven't had the easiest life, okay, but now, when something bad happens, you have someone to lean on. Okay? And someone who's going to make you laugh when you feel like you're never going to laugh again.

Olivia: You have been watching way too much "Oprah."

Bill: See, you have two someones who love you very much, me and our little girl, Emma. Baby, I am very sorry that you lost a big part of your past, but we are your future.

Olivia: I hope so.

Bill: I know so.

Olivia: It's just so hard to grieve alone.

Bill: You don't have...

Olivia: No, I mean, nobody in this town really knew my sister except Jonathan, and I can't talk to him right now. There are things that she knew about me that no one else knew. It was a big part of my life that's been wiped away forever. More than you can imagine.

Reva: Jonathan, this is your chance to make the man pay for making your life a living hell, to make him pay for murdering your mother.

Jonathan: I can’t. I can't rat him to the police. I mean, it's my word against his and even if they did believe me, I wouldn't make it past Tuesday. He'd come after me.

Reva: We'll go to the police. He'll be in jail where he can't get to you. Okay. Then let's just forget it. Marissa's dead, right? No big deal.

Jonathan: No, it is a big deal. I loved her. She was my mom. If there's anything I could have done to stop that, I would have, but she's gone now and you...

Reva: I'm here? And you're afraid for me. I'm afraid for you, too. That's why we can't turn our backs and do nothing. We can do this, Jonathan, because I believe in you. I believe in us. We can get through this.

Jonathan: Why should I listen to you?

Reva: Because if you don't, the pattern will go over and over and over again. He'll beat you and then he'll make you feel like nothing so that he can be in control, and when he's bored with that, he'll send you out to do his dirty work for him. And it'll go around and around and around and around, over and over and over again, until someone has the courage to break the cycle. Don't let this man get away with murder. Don't let him hurt again. Don't let him kill again. He's caused enough pain.

Tammy: You hurt me worse than anyone has ever hurt me in my entire life!

Jonathan: I hurt people, too. I can't blame my dad for everything.

Reva: Cut him loose. Cut him loose. Break the chain. Am I asking too much?

Jonathan: No. ( Sighs ) No. I'll do it. I'll make a confession to the police. I'll return the money to the Lewis bank account. But there's something that I need to do first.

Reva: What?

Jonathan: You've just got to trust me, okay?

Josh: What happened?

Reva: I think we got Nate. I think we finally got him.

Sandy: I tried to call you but you didn't answer your phone.

Tammy: Yeah, I heard it ringing. I just couldn't get to it in time.

Sandy: Okay, no biggie. There's something important I need to talk to you about, though. Regarding Jonathan.

Tammy: Jonathan?

Sandy: Yeah, I know you've got some mixed feelings for the guy-- not all of them bad, and...

Tammy: No, I don’t. I don’t.

Sandy: Okay, well maybe "feelings" is the wrong word. Whatever the connection is, I know that I told you to figure it out before getting back together with me, which is why I would understand if you thought I was out of line for...

Tammy: Out of line? You're not, Sandy. Sandy, you're wonderful.

Sandy: Okay, well Tammy, just hear me out. Now, I've tried to be fair with Jonathan and I wouldn't ever make a move unless I thought it out carefully and it was for all the right reasons, so if I did something you can't understand, I want you to...

Tammy: If you did something? You don't need to apologize to me. Ever. No, I'm the one who should be apologizing to you.

Sandy: For what?

Tammy: Being so much less than you deserve.

Sandy: Whoa. Tammy.

Tammy: Make love to me, Sandy.

Sandy: But... but...

Tammy: Right now. This minute.

Sandy: Whoa.

Tammy: Make love to me.

Sandy: Tammy...

Tammy: We've waited too long. I can't wait. I need to be with you.

Olivia: You are so lucky that you live in the town you grew up in.

Bill: Yeah, I know. I mean, I was gone for a while, but it's always nice to come back home.

Olivia: Everywhere you go, people know who you are and they care about you.

Bill: See, now, that can be a good thing or sometimes it's not such a good thing.

Olivia: There's no one here that knows what color bike I had when I was a kid or what I wore on my first day of school.

Bill: Baby, you can tell me and then I would know.

Olivia: I have a question.

Bill: Hm?

Olivia: What color was Michelle’s bike?

Bill: What color was Michelle’s bike?

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Bill: Uh, blue. It was blue, yes, with a white basket and she had streamers on the side. She...

Olivia: ( Sighs )

Bill: What? What did I say?

Olivia: Nothing. You didn't say anything wrong. I'm jealous, that's all. Just jealous.

Bill: What do you mean, you're jealous?

Olivia: Not that you're going to run away with Michelle.

Bill: Okay.

Olivia: But the bike. I brought up the bike and you remember it and you smiled. I want that.

Bill: Baby, what about Sam?

Olivia: No, Sam was way too young to remember me that way.

Bill: That's not true.

Olivia: It's true. My childhood ended early and my teenage years were not what they should have been.

Bill: Why don't you tell me?

Olivia: Maybe I will someday. But there are things, now, that my sister is gone there are things that I will never talk about again. And that's the way it should be.

Danny: ( Sighs ) the other day, I ran into someone from my past and I didn't like it, and the memories that it brought up.

Marina: Well, what did he want?

Danny: Nothing. Well, nothing that I intend to give him. But it's been making me think about you and this new career of yours, and Robbie, and I just... I don't want him to grow up the way I did. I want the best for him, even if it is unattainable.

Marina: And why is that unattainable?

Danny: I don't know. I'm just being very pessimistic. So, what about you? What's your story?

Marina: I want what you want: A world without crime and violence. Even if that is a little unrealistic. I just want to be a part of making that happen.

Danny: You will. What, there's nothing else?

Marina: Yeah. I want more coffee.

Danny: Okay. Cream and two sugars.

Marina: I love a man who knows how I like my coffee.

Danny: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Marina: Hey. It's Marina Cooper. About the assignment? I'll take it.

Danny: Yeah, Michelle? It's Danny. Um, I'm just calling to find out if... I mean, I was wondering... ( sighs ) just call me, will you?

Reva: I think I finally got through to him. I do. I mean, I didn't think I'd see it in this lifetime, but I think he chose me over his father. He chose us.

Josh: Reva? What about Alfred?

Reva: He killed Marissa.

Josh: How do you know that?

Reva: Because he confessed it to Jonathan. We're going to go down to the police station, we're going to fill out a report.

Josh: Do you have proof?

Reva: Well, no. No, but...

Josh: So it's basically Jonathan’s word against Alfred’s. And you think Jonathan is ready to stand up against his father in court?

Reva: Yeah, I do. I believe he can. I believe for the first time in his life, he's ready to stand up to that man. He can do it. What?

Josh: What is it that makes you so sure?

Reva: Because he's my son, and I know he'll do the right thing.

Announcer:  Next on "Guiding Light."

Alan: Tell me which one of my flesh and blood hates me.

Lizzie: I do.

Alan: Why do you think that I'm telling you the truth about Phillip?

Harley: The truth is never as simple as it seems.

Sandy: It's like not being able to stay away from the thing that's worst for you.

Tammy: You've made me happy.

Jonathan: You kissed me because you wanted to.

Sandy: He's got this power over her.

Tammy: I choose you.

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