GL Transcript Thursday 7/21/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/21/05


By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Dinah: Boo!

Edmund: ( Gasps )

Dinah: ( Laughs ) Are you having a daydream at night?

Edmund: No.

Dinah: Listen. What is your plan with this appointment with Dr. Sedwick? I think, you know, we've been fooling Cassie for a while, but she might notice I'm not pregnant. I don't think I should be seeing her.

Edmund: Dinah, don't worry. You're going to the appointment, and then you'll tell the good doctor that you'll be seeing a new OB/GYN from now on.

Dinah: What?

Edmund: Do exactly what I'm telling you and we're going to set up Cassie for the biggest fall of her life.

( Knock at the door )

Cassie: Come out, Reva.

Tammy: Mom, what are you doing here?

Cassie: I came by to see Reva but she's not home. What are you doing here? Hey, what's wrong?

Tammy: I'm scared. I'm scared of holding on too tight and scared of letting go and of not knowing what to do next.

Cassie: This is about Sandy, isn't it? I thought everything was going good between you and Sandy. It is about Sandy, right?

( Knocking on door )

Josh: Hello? It's Joshua.

Jonathan: Go away.

Josh: Jonathan, open the door.

Jonathan: I've got nothing to say to you.

Josh: Oh, I'm sorry. I'll come back then.

Jonathan: Nice job.

Josh: Shut up. Sit down. You and I need to have a little talk.

Jonathan: Is this one of those talks where you do all the talking and I just sit here and take it?

Josh: Where's the money?

Jonathan: What money? Oh, the two million smackers that went missing from Lewis? I don't know.

Josh: Maybe your so-called father pressured you into taking the money. If that's the case, he will get his, I promise. But right now in this moment I'm here to deal with you.

Jonathan: Knock yourself out. Or should I say knock me out?

Alfred: What a lovely night. All alone. Nobody around to disturb us.

Reva: Are you following me?

Alfred: Reva, imagine my surprise when I turn up at your house after your call for help only to find that you're gone. And Josh, Bill Lewis, and Olivia are there waiting for me in your stead.

Reva: Don't come any closer.

Alfred: You used to find me so very, very charming.

Reva: I was an idiot, but I learn fast, because I know who you are now. You can't hide behind a fake name and a phony smile. You're a coward and a bully.

Alfred: Oh, really? According to my beloved son, I'm a murderer, too. So if I killed the woman that he called mom, what's to stop me from doing the real thing?

Edmund: Cassie has to believe you're carrying the baby right up until the moment we shatter her dreams and all of her plans.

Dinah: Okay. So then we let go of Cassie and we have a baby of our own and we have a life together, right?

Edmund: A life together is all I dream about. Sandy.

Sandy: Hi. Is Tammy inside?

Edmund: I don't know. Why?

Sandy: I need to find her.

Edmund: Cassie and I have agreed that I should keep my distance from Tammy and the rest of the family. It's not what I want, but it is best for Cassie. Sorry.

Dinah: Very convincing.

Edmund: Thank you. And you're as seasoned an actor as I am, so go to that appointment and play it up.

Sandy: Didn't find her.

Edmund: What's the problem?

Sandy: I thought you were steering clear of Cassie's life and family.

Edmund: I'd still like to help if there's something I can do.

Tammy: I'm having guy issues. Of course, it's about Sandy. I shouldn't be having problems with Sandy.

Cassie: But you are.

Tammy: The thing is, Sandy thinks that I have feelings for Jonathan.

Cassie: What? No, wait, wait. All right. I'm going to sit down over here and I'm going to be really quiet, okay? And you can just tell me about this. So Sandy thinks that you and... um...

Tammy: You can't even say it, can you?

Cassie: Because he's wrong, right? I mean, Sandy is wrong?

Tammy: He gave me an ultimatum, choose. He said cut Jonathan out of my life completely or we would be over. Would you say something, please?

Cassie: Do you love Sandy?

Tammy: Yes. And of course I chose him. But how can I get Sandy to understand what's going on with me if I don't even understand it myself?

Cassie: Okay. Baby, I know what you're doing because I've done it myself. But you have got to walk away from Jonathan or he will drag you down.

Jonathan: Come on! Hit me! You've been itching to ever since the first time you saw me. I had my hands around Reva's throat.

Josh: Stop now.

Jonathan: Come on, Josh, what? It's payback time for all the bad things I did. Not just to Reva but, to Tammy and Cassie and... gee, you. You hired me on at Lewis in good faith and, bam! Like that I sucked $2.3 million out of the company kitty. That's right. That's right. I'm telling you, it was me. I've got that money stashed where nobody's gonna find it, and I'm going to have the good time to end all good times. So come on. Hit me. Give me what I deserve. I played every single member of your family for a sucker and loved it.

Josh: You think that's what it means to be a man, hmm? You're a father or a son? Throw a punch, take a punch. Is that what you learned from Alfred?

Jonathan: I learned all my survival skills from the old man.

Josh: Survival and living are not the same thing, Jonathan. But I can certainly see how your... how Alfred would confuse the two. Because your old man, he's a coward. He's a weakling.

Jonathan: Like father, like son.

Josh: You are not like him. Jonathan, I know, because I've seen it. I've seen your strength. You remember that day at the gym when I was pushing you so hard and you could have quit?

Jonathan: Yeah, hey...

Josh: You didn't quit, did you?

Jonathan: I'm a boy scout.

Josh: Don't tell me that you... don't tell me that you are a weakling or a coward, because you're not.

Jonathan: ( Laughs ) You're too late. I already got a daddy.

Josh: I don't want to be your father! I don't want to be your therapist! I don't want to be your bowling buddy or anything else! I want you to open your eyes and see who you really are and stop torturing Reva!

Jonathan: The payoff pitch!

Josh: Yeah, she let you down when you were a kid, that's right. But she is not a weakling either Jonathan. She is not a coward. She has the guts and the strength to help you now!

Jonathan: I don't want her to fight for me or help me.

Josh: You can't stop her. No one can. She loves you. I wish she didn't, but that's the ways it is! So you have a choice. You can go on living the rest of your life blaming her for every rotten thing you've ever done or ever will do or you can grow up and become a man, the kind of man that I know in my heart that you have the potential to be! The kind of man that I saw a flash of that day in the gym.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, maybe that one flash is all anybody gets.

Josh: Okay. Well, then, you might as well go ahead and just fall off another mountain, then. But this time don't bother getting rescued, because if you're not willing to live life as a man, then what's the point in surviving?

Reva: Marisa drowned and Jonathan was soaking wet when I saw him tonight.

Alfred: Conspiracy theorists of the world unite.

Reva: I don't think you have the guts for murder, even to murder a defenseless woman like your wife. No, it's not your style. Not murder. You like to make fools of people. You like to toy with them like they're puppets, right? You like to make them dance to your own tune. You like to throw them in some water, watch them thrash around.

Alfred: Not so long ago you were on the verge of doing a little thrashing around with me yourself as I recall.

Reva: Yeah, well, I was looking for something that I thought I needed, and you saw that and you took advantage.

Alfred: All that you needed, Reva, was attention. I gave it to you. Just like I gave Jonathan the discipline that he needs.

Reva: The law would call that abuse.

Alfred: So you're hinting that you would formally accuse me of hurting the kid that I raised after you abandoned him on my front doorstep.

Reva: I left Jonathan with you and Marisa to save his life.

Alfred: But what you call salvation Jonathan calls abandonment.

Reva: I never left him bruised! I never threw him in water and left him to drown!

Alfred: Who's your eyewitness for all this mayhem? It's not Jonathan, is it? The drug peddler, sexual predator. He's not very credible.

Reva: Jonathan is only what you made him. But I can undo the damage. In fact, I've already started.

Alfred: You're not helping. What you're doing is enabling him, love. Honestly. Why do you think I came here?

Reva: You came here to tear the hell out of my family.

Alfred: No. No. I came here to restrain my boy from going further off the deep end under your influence.

Reva: No. You want to keep Jonathan right where you want him, which is right under your thumb.

Alfred: I love that boy like my own flesh and blood.

Reva: Well, he is mine. I know what he needs.

Alfred: You're not giving it to him, though, are you?

Reva: You want to fight me on this? You want to fight me for him? I'll fight you. Believe me, I will fight you. And I'll win, because I know what my son needs. And I will kill you before I ever let you hurt him again.

Tammy: I know. Jonathan is poison. But when he's hurting, it's like there's this fire inside of him burning him up.

Cassie: No. No. It is not your job to fix him.

Tammy: Even if I'm the only one who can?

Cassie: You are not the only one! Have you forgotten what he did to you? Have you forgotten the lies he made you believe? I know how it feels to think you can fix everything, Tammy, and I know how good it feels to think that you're the one that sees everything beneath. But it will crush you, okay? And it will tear you away from the people you love. It happened to me, and it happened to Reva, and it's already happening between you and Sandy. Is that what you want?

Tammy: I will not let it. I'm not you! I shouldn't have talked to you about this.

Cassie: Tammy! Tammy? ( Cell phone rings ) Hello? Hello, Dr. Sedwick. Is everything okay? No, I wasn't aware there was a doctor's appointment. Yes, I would like to be there. A sonogram? Yes. Thank you for calling. I'll see you soon. Bye.

Dr. Sedwick: Dinah, I was just talking about you.

Dinah: Hi. Good.

Dr. Sedwick: Let's see, Cassie will be here any minute.

Dinah: Who?

Dr. Sedwick: Cassie. Yes, you have a sonogram scheduled for tonight. I knew you would want to have her here to hold your hand, so I gave her a call.

Sandy: Somehow Jonathan always finds a way to make himself seem like the victim.

Edmund: Jonathan counts on you wanting to protect Tammy. He feeds off of it. Don't let him. Listen to me. If Jonathan plays with fire, start a five-alarm blaze.

Sandy: In other words, go to war.

Edmund: Is Tammy worth fighting for? Will you excuse me? I have a business meeting to attend. Do you remember me? I had you do some legal work on behalf of the government of San Cristobel.

Woman: Mr. Ambassador, you're a hard man to forget.

Edmund: Good. May I?

Woman: Is this business or pleasure?

Edmund: Both.

Dinah: Come on. Pick up, pick up. Voice mail. Edmund, it's Dinah. Why don't you answer your phone? Listen, I am at Dr. Sedwick's office and she has her own plan and I'm about to get busted so, Daddy, if I go down, you're going down with me. Call me back.

Alfred: Nasty threats. Maybe I should call the police to keep you from me and my son.

Reva: You should suffer for what you've done to my son.

Alfred: Your son? What kind of a mother are you exactly? Because I raised him, I watched him grow up, I turned him into a man. What are you?

Reva: The one who can save him.

Alfred: How exactly? Encouraging him in drunkenness, burglaries of record stores? Exposing him to that fierce husband of yours who threw the poor kid down a flight of stairs.

Reva: How could you possibly know about any of that?

Alfred: Reva, I know anything. Everything. And now you say you'll kill me if I don't abandon him? I don't think there's a judge in the world that would not agree that you are quite the threat to me and my son, and that judge would grant...

Reva: You sorry excuse for a man!

Alfred: There you go again. I grant you, I gave you a boy with some problems, I admit. But you and your guilty conscience of yours have made it so much worse.

Reva: I will spend the rest of my life making sure that Jonathan knows that the only hope he has for a good life is to drive you away forever.

Alfred: And then what? He turns to you and your family for the key to happiness, does he?

Reva: We will give him the life he deserves.

Alfred: Are you really sure he'll choose the Lewis way?

Reva: Yes.

Alfred: Okay. Why don't we ask him?

Reva: You need to go. This is between us.

Alfred: But it's all about Jonathan so he should be here.

Reva: Just let him go.

Alfred: Jonathan comes and goes as he pleases because he's a grownup, aren't you, john?

Jonathan: Stop it.

Reva: You've done enough already tonight, okay? Just go back and get some sleep and let me handle this the way I need to handle it.

Alfred: Reva’s aiming to make you choose between me and her, and that's just bad parenting.

Reva: Do you think this is some kind of a joke?

Alfred: No! I think you're some kind of a joke, Reva. One minute you're threatening to kill me; the next she wants to sing you a lullaby. No wonder you're so messed up.

Reva: Don't listen to him. He can't hurt you anymore because I won't let him.

Alfred: I love my boy, don't I, Jon?

Reva: Did he throw you in the lake tonight? It's true, then.

Alfred: Jon, tell her she's wrong about this like she's wrong about everything.

Reva: Am I making this up, Jonathan, or is he lying again? Did he hurt you again?

Jonathan: Shut up! The both of you just shut up! I feel like I'm going to explode!

Reva: Jonathan, look. I am only...

Jonathan: What? What? What's best for me? That's amazing. Everybody seems to know what that is, what I should do, what I should think. You, you. I'm making my own choice now. Yeah. Leave me alone with my dad.

Reva: He's going to hurt you.

Jonathan: Did you hear what I just said? You go.

Alfred: You wanted him to choose; well, he chose.

Reva: I won't give up on you. No matter what you do, no matter what anybody does, I won't give up.

Jonathan: Go.

Alfred: That's my boy.

Jonathan: I'm not anybody's boy, especially not yours.

Josh: I got your message. What's the problem?

Sandy: I've been retracing every transaction in the Lewis computer for the past week, and I'm sure what happened to the $2.3 million.

Josh: Yeah, it was Jonathan.

Sandy: You know?

Josh: Yeah. I'm hoping to handle it privately.

Sandy: Well, Jonathan’s out of control. You can't just politely ask him to return the money. You have to have him arrested and put in jail. This is a no-brainer.

Josh: Sandy, this is not just business for you, is it? It's personal for you. I want you to drop it, okay? I'll handle it.

Sandy: It's nuts. I can...

Josh: Sandy, let it go. I mean it.

Edmund: So then I need your legal help to adopt a child?

Woman: Without your wife?

Edmund: Well, I don't want to get her hopes up.

Woman: I'm sorry. I don't do surprise adoptions. If you and your wife should decide to pursue this jointly, that's another story. I'd be glad to help. Until then...

Edmund: My loss, I'm sure. I'm sure I can find another lawyer that doesn't have your scruples. ( Cell phone rings ) Yes?

Dinah: Why haven't you answered your phone?

Edmund: Was there a problem?

Dinah: I'm not pregnant. And in about two minutes Dr. Sedwick's going to find that out, too.

Edmund: Dinah, I told you to...

Dinah: No. The plan, it's messed up. Look, I have to take a sonogram and I couldn't talk my way out of it. And guess who's been called to come hold my hand?

Edmund: Cassie.

Dinah: And if Cassie finds out I don't have a bun in the oven, the game is over for both of us. This whole plan is going down.

Edmund: Think about our future, Dinah. Think about the great revenge you're giving me as a gift. Do anything. Do anything. Say anything, do anything, just don't let...

Cassie: Hi.

Dinah: Hi.

Cassie: I didn't know that you had an appointment.

Dinah: You know, I totally forgot to tell you.

Cassie: Okay, well, does Edmund know?

Dinah: I think he does.

Cassie: Well, I'm going to be here to hold your hand, and we both get to see the baby together.

Reva: Joshua? Are Bill and Olivia still here?

Josh: Nope. Just me.

Reva: We have to do something. I just saw Nate and Jonathan. That monster still has a hold over my son and he's not going to let go. But I'm glad you're here. Then again, you're always here when I need you, and I'm so grateful for that.

Josh: You make me sound more like a valet than a husband.

Reva: This thing with Jonathan, I'm being pulled in all these different directions and I just...

Josh: And good, old, dependable Bud is right here to help you get back on your feet.

Reva: I thought you wanted to help me.

Josh: I always do, Reva. Maybe that's been my mistake.

Reva: What?

Josh: Maybe I should be acting more like Jonathan and Alfred, or Nate, whatever the hell his name is-- show more of my dark side. If I did that, I might have a better chance at gaining your respect.

Reva: You already have it.

Josh: Maybe, maybe not.

Reva: I know how lucky I am to have you. It's just that I get these crazy urges that make me lose my head and... and, you know, stupid things happen, but I can't explain why they happen.

Josh: You don't really have to explain, Reva. You're not the only person in this room that has urges, you know?

Reva: Meaning what?

Josh: Meaning that just because I love you, it doesn't mean I'm thick between the ears or dead below the waist.

Reva: Did something happen?

Josh: Yeah, something happened, Reva. On the plane on the way over here from San Cristobel in the seat next to me there was a woman-- a very pretty, very single woman.

Reva: And you flirted with her?

Josh: Actually, she flirted with me, in spite of the fact that this was highly visible.

Reva: Then what?

Josh: I asked myself this question: What would Reva do?

Jonathan: I didn't choose you over Reva. I told her to get lost so she would stay out of this.

Alfred: Oh, God, you still want to get your mama's attention any way you can, even if that means pushing her away. You're such a child.

Jonathan: You'd like that, wouldn't you, if I was still a kid, a little kid you could smack around?

Alfred: Like this? Like this? How about this?

Jonathan: Josh was right. Time to be a man. Is that what happened with Marisa? She got tired of your crap and decided to stand up to you? That made you lose your temper. Is that why you hit her once too often, one too many times? Huh? Is that why you killed her? ( Screaming )

Sandy: Hi. Well, hi, what are you...

Tammy: Let me just say this because I've been thinking about it ever since you brought it up, about my needing to let go of the hold that Jonathan’s had on me.

Sandy: And you're saying you're done with him?

Tammy: I am so sure about it now. I can't fix him. I can't save him.

Sandy: And you're sure?

Cassie: Dinah, are you all right?

Dinah: Stop. Lately I just... I don't know, I... I get so nauseous when people even touch me or even look at me. I don't like it. And this whole sonogram thing is making me really nervous. I only want Edmund in the room.

Edmund: Cassie, let's go in the hall, shall we?

Cassie: She doesn't want to be touched by anyone in here.

Dinah: I'm sorry.

Edmund: Perhaps it would be best if you just went home.

Cassie: What are you up to?

Edmund: Dinah is upset. That can't be good for the baby. Besides, if we were in there together watching the sonogram and we saw those little feet and those little hands and watched the tiny heart beating, I mean, wouldn't it be difficult for you knowing we wouldn't be raising that child together?

Cassie: No.

Edmund: Oh, Doctor, I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time, please.

Dinah: Cassie, I thought I heard Edmund ask you to leave.

Cassie: He did. And I will as soon as I see that sonogram.

Edmund: Dinah has had some serious concerns about the pediatric care here at Cedars. I tried to argue her out of it, but when she has her mind fixed on something....

Dr. Sedwick: Well, pregnancy makes a worrier of all of us.

Edmund: To the point where she wants to switch clinics and find a new doctor. No offense.

Dr. Sedwick: I understand. But protocol demands Dinah tells me herself. Meanwhile, we could proceed with our sonogram.

Dinah: I really... I just want to be alone, okay, please?

Cassie: Come on, Dinah. What's going on? You're so jittery. We've been through this before.

Dinah: I don't know. This whole thing just developed. I don't know about these things. They freak me out.

Cassie: Just try and relax, all right?

Dinah: I can't relax just because you ask me to relax.

Cassie: I don't want to freak you out, okay? But I just want to see the baby. I just want to touch the baby.

Reva: So tell me. You had this pretty, single girl sitting next to you with dark hair...

Josh: A redhead, actually. Sort of like Nicole Kidman.

Reva: And what, this Nicole was coming on to you?

Josh: Well, let's see. We chatted, we shared a drink, her treat. I guess that means she was coming on to me, right?

Reva: Yes.

Josh: Yeah. That's kind of what I thought. And at one point she said, "All the good men are either gay or dead, in prison, or married to your wife." I thought that was a pretty good line.

Reva: Well, at least you mentioned that you had a wife.

Josh: Actually, I showed her a picture of you. She was impressed.

Reva: By me or the fact that you showed her a picture? So then the plane landed. What happened?

Josh: She gave me her business card and said, "Give me a call sometime."

Reva: You still have the card?

Josh: That's not even remotely the point, Reva.

Reva: The point?

Josh: I get it, okay? I get how good it feels to have somebody look at you through fresh eyes and to laugh at your jokes as if they'd never heard the punch line, you know? Before. To act as if everything you say and do is so special and new. It feels really, really good.

Reva: I still want to know if you kept the card.

Josh: No, I didn't keep the card. That's beside the point, Reva. Temptation's always there. Sometimes it's sitting there right next to you on the plane. It's what you do about it. That's the point.

Reva: Joshua, I never... I never...

Josh: This is not going to turn into an argument, okay? Because you and I have fought about this long and hard to get to this place where we are right now. And it's a good one.

Reva: Is it?

Josh: Hey, we're happily married! Go figure! It's pretty unusual, you know? I'm happy with you, I'm comfortable with you. And I'm not going to apologize for that not sounding sexy or exciting. It just is what it is.

Reva: I'm happy with you, too, Bud. I love you.

Josh: I know. I know you do, Sweetheart. I just... you know, I... I'm not sure that love and happiness is really enough for you.

Reva: It's not like I set out to try to complicate things. It's just that stuff happens, you know, and I don't know how to stop it from happening, and I get these ideas.

Josh: I know, I know. And it's my job to figure out how to feel comfortable about all that.

Reva: Well, what does that mean?

Josh: It means that I'm going to help you in every way that I can with Jonathan and Alfred, keep you safe and to protect you. But if you ever decide to go bungee jumping with our marriage again, do not assume that I will take the jump with you. And if you take that jump on your own, don't assume that I'll be waiting at the top for you to come bouncing back up from your plunge.

Sandy: And what about these feelings you have for Jonathan?

Tammy: It's pity, not love. Love is what I feel for you. I feel like Jonathan’s been some sort of project for me. From now on, nothing is going to come between us. I made you a promise; I'm going to keep it. Now, listen, I have to stay here. There's going to be a surprise baby shower for my mom, but I will catch up with you later.

Sandy: Okay.

Edmund: If Jonathan plays with fire, start a five-alarm blaze.

Sandy: Yes, Officer. I'd like to report a theft. Uh-huh. Well, $2.3 million. That's right. Yes, I do know who stole it. It was Jonathan Randall.

Jonathan: You admit it? You killed her?

Alfred: Why the hell not? You and this whole bloody town have gotten the noose slipped around my neck already. But now you know who did it. Are you happy? Are you scared? Because I would go with the latter.

Jonathan: You want to hear something funny? I've been scared of you my whole life. But now that I hear the worst, you're not that bad.

Alfred: Is that so?

Jonathan: Yeah. I tell you what. I'm going to take that $2 million out of my bank account before somebody finds where I parked it. I'm going to give it to you, and then we're done. We're finished.

Alfred: No. We are not finished. Not until I say we are finished.

Jonathan: You're gonna take the money and leave me the hell alone, you got it? We're done. ( Grunts ) ( Groans )

Alfred: Done? Never. Don't you ever turn your back on me when I'm talking. Look at me, Johnny. Do you think you know your worst, hmm? Do you? Well, because in your most vile imaginations, you could not come up with the things I will do if I am pressed.

Alfred: Now, if you tell anyone what I said, I'll just deny it.

Jonathan: My word against yours?

Alfred: That's exactly it.

Jonathan: I'll take that chance.

Alfred: So will I.

Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Harley: Normal. I'll take it.

Alan: I didn't kill Philip.

Ross:  We need to discuss how the situation affects your son.

Blake: Ross says I create drama.

Cassie: I hate it. This is driving me crazy. You guys are acting really weird. So we can go out and celebrate just as soon as I see my baby.

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