Perception Appearances Page From The TV MegaSite

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Perception Appearances Page

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  • LeVar Burton (Paul) appears in "Blindspotting" on Starz and in the new "Tom Swift" series on The CW as well as in "Star Trek: Picard" season 3 out in 2023. He also directs TV shows and will host the new game show "Trivial Pursuit." You can also join his online book club! He appears on "The View" Thursday, 6/9 on ABC. You can see his convention appearances at RosterCon.

  • Eric McCormack  (Daniel) will star in the third season of the TV series "Departure" on Peacock; he also has a few movies coming out.

  • Scott Wolf (Donnie) stars in the CW series, "Nancy Drew." He also guest-stars on "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" Monday, December 27 on The CW.

  • Rachael Leigh Cook (Kate) does voices on "Robot Chicken" on Cartoon Network and has three films coming out.

  • Arjay Smith (Max) appears in "The Rookie" on ABC and on "Sacrifice" on BET.

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Page updated 6/9/22

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