What We Do on The TV MegaSite [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

The TV MegaSite, Inc.  TV Is Our Life!

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OLDER What's Planned Page--From Suzanne

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Our Current Page

Check out our "What's New" page that tells everything we put up daily on our site!

This page explains what our managers do on the site, and what is planned.  Our site is constantly updated!

Suzanne's To Do List (Founder)


  1. Run transcripts for B&B, GH, Days and Y&R;  and some primetime shows.
  2. Put up primetime news and other content from volunteers; put up videos and new shows daily on weekly primetime news pages
  3. backup on making screencaps
  4. Write soap updates and recaps as needed for backup
  5. Oversee site, managers, and volunteers in general, mostly via email.
  6. backup on anything Gisele needs

Weekly or as needed

  1. Fri. Make outline of next week's news page to send to Angie.
  2. Fri.-find info for Friday news shows like Dateline to put up on this week's news page.
  3. Weekend -get new appearances from talk shows and primetime shows
  4. Weekend -Send out any soap scoop newsletters for ABC and CBS soaps.
  5. watch new shows and write reviews
  6. put up any recent interviews
  7. Write in TV blog if have time.
  8. Keep Volunteers list updated
  9. Set up new volunteers with their work.
  10. Deal with any issues that crop up during the week from volunteers or put up link changes, articles, etc.
  11. Fix/update important things as I come across them.
  12. Send e-cards for volunteers' birthdays


  1. Update site map as needed.
  2. Gather contest entries, pick winners, notify them and send out prizes; add new prizes and make new contests.
  3. Post for more help-get new volunteers
  4. Update current primetime show pages, esp. spoilers
  5. check for more appearances in conventions site


  1. Putting all pages in newer design
  2. do weekly interviews as they come up
  3. finish building new series sections.
  4. Post for more CM's, proofreaders, article writers, forum hosts, and primetime volunteers
  5. check links on all links pages
  6. Update primetime current links
  7. Put up new polls
  8. make new pages for the rest of shows on list
  9. double-check links on all store pages
  10. Add more soap links, starting with official actor links
  11. Rebuild and update Classic Primetime Links pages
  12. Send out more Q&A's to soap stars.
  13. Write missing updates from past.
  14. Fix up and update primetime transcript pages.
  15. Put new items in Cafe Press.
  16. Update actor pages.
  17. Find more webrings
  18. Write remaining character descriptions
  19. Finish episode guides.
  20. Go through old SOD's for pictures etc.
  21. Check all pictures; go through whole site to find any other problems.
  22. Make more wallpapers if needed
  23. Build soap-scum site.
  24. Make artwork for site (drawings)
  25. Put up more screencaps for Police Squad and other shows with screencaps
  26. Organize all pictures and get rid of old ones.
  27. Update Soapsgirl pages.
Gisele (Daytime Manager)


  1. Put up all daytime stuff:   articles, best lines, updates, recaps, proofreading, wallpapers, animations, casting news, appearances, links, etc. that other volunteers send in.
  2. Check to make sure updates, recaps and transcripts are up M-F and proofread recaps.


  1. Make new pages for transcripts, recaps, updates, and best lines (Sat. and Sun.) and temp pages
  2. Scan the Internet for casting news and TV/movie/live appearances by any present or past soap star and update every daytime soap's cast and appearances pages as needed.


  1. Putting daytime subpages in newer design.
  2. changing htm pages to shtml
  3. making uppercase file names into lowercase
  4. updating keywords

All Content Managers:


  1. Keeping main pages updated
  2. Updating news & spoilers (primetime only)
  3. Keeping cast, birthday lists, appearances, and links pages updated.
  4. Writing character descriptions, articles, etc. - other content.
  5. Finding new links
  6. Gathering pictures.

2004-2005 What's New

2003 What's New

Older What's new

Page updated 5/19/17

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