Friday, September 22
everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting on here lately. I
just never seem to have the time.
I started taking
classes part time last Spring to get a second B.A. in Mass
Comm/Mass Media. This is basically what they call
"journalism" now. I'm hoping that the classes I take will
help me improve the website (and perhaps even make it
I want to get into the
Television Critics
Assocation, too, and I think that having this degree and
writing for local newspapers will help with that goal. I'll
also be taking some marketing courses as well as speaking
with someone in the business center. I'm going part-time,
but it still takes up a lot of time.
Gisele used to
do a lot on our site and helped me run it (mostly the
daytime section).
However, she had to really cut back on what she did because
of family obligation. That means that even less gets done on
our site now. I'm doing some of what she did, but there's
just not enough time for me to do it all.
one day we can find some more
volunteers to help out. For now, I have to just do this
major juggling act. So please forgive us if you come to this
site and the pages aren't updated! If you have a few
hours per week free, please do volunteer to help out...
I spent this summer catching up on some TV shows
(clearing off my DVR) such as "How to Get Away with Murder",
"Westworld" and "The Good Place." I also enjoyed two summer
shows, "Battle of the Network Stars" and "Murder, Texas." I
hope both are renewed next year!
watching the Primetime Emmys right now. It's always hard for
me because I don't watch most of the shows nominated.
I think everyone feels that way because there are just so
many shows to watch now, and you can't possibly watch them
all. I did watch "Big Little Lies" and I do always watch
"Last Week Tonight," both big winners. I know that "Atlanta"
and "Veep" are both very good.
The shows I like and
think are great don't get nominated at all! Where are the
nominations for "Legion", "I Love Dick" or "13 Reasons Why?"
I'm glad that they had an African-American
comedian as the announcer for
the Emmys show, but I think they should have chosen someone
with a deeper voice, whom we could understand. Also, for the
"In Memoriam" I had trouble reading the names. The lettering
was hard to read, and they went by too quickly. Also, the
closed-captioning covered up some of the names and photos. I
also had trouble understanding Chance the Rapper at the
beginning of the show (the closed-captioning didn't have it,
either). Maybe it's just me and I'm too old! ;)
thought Stephen Colbert did a great job and most of the
jokes were funny. I miss the old days, though, when they
showed clips from the nominated shows. I would rather see
those than comedy "bits."
I know some people were
unhappy about all of the political comments, but awards
shows always have those. You can't have a host like Stephen
Colbert and not expect it to have political jokes. You can
blame the president, though, for attacking Hollywood all of
the time on Twitter and
with his policies. Hollywood has many women, LBGTQ people,
African-Americans, Latinos, Jewish people, and yes, liberal
Democrats. These are all groups that he's attacked, so it
makes sense that they would bash the president when given
the chance.
I know that many were upset that Sean Spicer was on the
show (just for a few minutes, for a comedy routine with
Colbert). I guess more people on both the left and
right need to realize that these shows are about broad-based
humor and entertainment.
I'm looking forward to the
new Fall season. I hope you can check out our
schedule! I worked hard on it. I have some cable shows
to add, still.
Right now on the site I'm mostly running the
daily soap
transcripts (the most popular pages on our site!) and
fitting in everything else when I can.
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
Leave a comment (put the blog date or I won't
know which one you're commenting on)
Page updated 9/22/17