Young & The Restless History From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless History Pages

Y&R History

Nicholas & Sharon - Trust Issues by Christopher

Few relationships have been as troubled and tumultuous as that of Nicholas and Sharon Newman. They met when Nick was working toward his Business Degree at GCU and Sharon was the girl on the wrong side of the tracks. They battled his Mother, Nikki, who was vehemently opposed to their relationship. They broke up briefly when Sharon told him she was a virgin and didn't want to have sex yet. Nick sought comfort with Amy Wilson, Sharon's best friend, while Sharon dated Matt Clark. When the couple reunited, Sharon did not tell Nick that Matt had raped her. But Matt, furious Sharon had chosen him, sent Nick a letter informing him she was a liar who not only slept around, but had once given up a child for adoption in Madison. Sharon admitted everything, but Nick forgave her. On the night of their wedding, she admitted the rape and Nick went after Matt, only to find him shot. He was arrested for the crime, until Amy was proven to be the shooter. Nick and Sharon finally wed.

However, it was a troubled marriage from the get-go, as Sharon schemed to get herself pregnant against Nick's wishes. When she succeeded, he relented and decided he wanted a child. However, after an argument with Nikki, Sharon fell in the snow and nearly lost the child. Her best friend, Grace, believing the baby had died, left town to find Sharon's daughter given up years before. When Sharon and Cassie were reunited, Nick and Sharon had to decide whether or not to get custody of the girl. Then Nick got drunk one night and accidentally slept with Grace (who wanted it). Sharon was devastated and ended their marriage. But in court, as she fought for Cassie, Nick's testimony won her the case and a grateful Sharon agreed to work on their relationship. Next, Matt Clark returned, with a new face and identity, to work for Nick and Sharon at their coffee-shop. He set Nick up to look like a drug dealer and nearly raped Sharon. But Tricia McNeil - his crazy cohort - cracked under pressure and the plan failed. The Newman couple was reunited again. When Sharon wound up pregnant, and Nick feared the baby might be Matt's, he ordered an abortion. During an argument, Sharon fell and lost the baby. She openly blamed Nick and their relationship disintegrated again. When Grace visited town to offer Nick a shoulder, Sharon believed they slept together. In retaliation, she slept with Diego Guittierez. She and Nick reconciled, but when Sharon revealed the truth, he said he wanted nothing to do with her. Distraught, she turned to Victor, Nick's Dad. On the night Nick was ready to forgive her, he witnessed her and his Father kissing. Enraged, he ended their relationship and Sharon left town disgraced.

While Sharon was away, daughter Cassie nearly died in a frozen pond and was in a coma for quite some time. Sharon worked overtime to make amends for abandoning her family, and eventually won back Nick's love and trust. Then Cameron Kirsten arrived in town to work with Nick. Sharon was horrified... she'd slept with him while she was away and he beat her. Cameron demanded another night together, so Sharon bashed him over the head, believed he was dead, and tried to get rid of the body. In time, she confessed all to Nick, as they realized Cameron and Grace (still bitter) had worked together to destroy Sharon's world. Though Nick promised to get them through this, he was reluctant to say if they'd be together when the dust settled. How many times can trust be broken, then rebuilt, before it's gone forever?

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Page updated 7/10/12

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