Week of 12/11/00 - 12/15/00 (Week
2 of
By Beth
Proofread and checked by John
1. Who rescues Kevin from the fire?
a. Lucy
b. Victor
c. Mac
d. Frank
2. Who is in the photo Jack has been
a. Jack and his mom
b. Jack and Chris
c. Jack and his parents
d. Jack, Chris, and their parents
3. What does Chris say he'll count after
Jack leaves?
a. his money
b. his blessings
c. his chickens
d. the silverware
4. What occasion does Kevin suggest
celebrating with champagne?
a. Christmas Eve
b. the fact that it's Tuesday
c. being a free man
d. being alive
5. What unexpected item does Alison find
in the bag of groceries?
a. truffle oil
b. marijuana
c. Count Chocula
d. boxed macaroni and cheese
6. Where is Ian's idyllic island?
a. near Jamaica
b. in Lake Ontario
c. south of Borneo
d. in the Florida keys
7. Why is Scott late meeting Lucy?
a. He got stuck in traffic.
b. He forgot all about it.
c. He wanted to finish eating his fish
sticks first.
d. His barber is being sued for giving
bad haircuts.
8. Who is Denny?
a. one of the guards holding Ian and Eve prisoner
b. the private investigator Chris hired to get
the dirt on Jack
c. a college student who tried to pick up both
Livvie and Alison
d. one of Serena's stuffed animals
9. Who covers for Joe, who was supposed to hang
Christmas decorations at the Recovery Room?
a. Victor
b. Bob
c. Frank
d. Alison
10. What was Gabriela preparing for her dinner
with Joe?
a. a roast
b. linguine with clam sauce
c. arroz con pollo
d. steaks