General Hospital Daily Poetry and Haiku From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Poetry Page

General Hospital Poetry and Haiku!

Haiku by Suzanne

I love my GH

and since 1984

I have been a fan

It inspires me

to write poetry

and haiku as you can see

I would rather watch

than spend my time gardening

or walking the dog

I watch other soaps

but none are as fun to me

as my show GH

My favorite guys

include Sonny and Jason

Dante, Johnny, Luke and John

The best GH guy

of all time is still Robert.

He is a great man!

I miss the romance...

The show used to have so much!

But action rules now.

Glad to have Anna,

Heather, Felicia and Mac-

we need Robert back!

I would love to have

more spies on the show again

instead of all the mobsters

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Page updated 5/12/12

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