1997 GH & PC Fan Weekend From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Fan Events Pages

General Hospital Fan Descriptions and Photos!

  1997 Port Charles and General Hospital Photos!!!

These pictures are all from the GH & PC Fan Weekend. Thanks to Lynn and Stacey for taking them and letting us scan them in!

We apologize for the quality on some of these, it was the best the old scanner could do...the pics were better than they look here.  We hope to rescan them at some point with a new scanner.


Maurice Benard sonny.jpg (16601 bytes)sonny7.jpg (14487 bytes) maurice1.jpg (8476 bytes) maurice2.jpg (7774 bytes)
Billy Warlock aj1.jpg (7601 bytes) Sharon Wyatt tiffany.jpg (3976 bytes)

Rena Sofer and Wally Kurth
ashtons2.jpg (12694 bytes)
kurths.jpg (11091 bytes)kurthntaylor.jpg (8967 bytes)ashtons.jpg (14423 bytes) ned.jpg (11469 bytes) 

Jonathan Jackson, Maurice Benard, and Ron Hale
luckysonnymike.jpg (13860 bytes) mikesonnylucky.jpg (13722 bytes)luckysonny.jpg (13983 bytes)lucky1.jpg (7252 bytes)

Mary Beth Evans and Stephen Nicholskathstef.jpg (14058 bytes)

Kin Shriner, Peter Hansen, Denise Galik-Fury, Carly Schroeder, Susan Brown, Shell Daniellson, and Billy Warlock

ghpcgroup.jpg (19341 bytes) gailleeaj.jpg (10823 bytes)baldwins2.jpg (13402 bytes)pcghcast.jpg (12816 bytes)morebaldwins.jpg (12531 bytes)scottyb.jpg (9969 bytes)
domscotser.jpg (9732 bytes)scott.jpg (4750 bytes) leeaj2.jpg (18733 bytes) domserscot.jpg (11309 bytes)scotdomser.jpg (9417 bytes) leeaj.jpg (14534 bytes)baldwins.jpg (13619 bytes)allbaldwins.jpg (15654 bytes) leescottrhonda.jpg (18252 bytes)rhondascottylee.jpg (12992 bytes)

Michael Dietz joe.jpg (9526 bytes)

Michael Dietz, Lisa Ann Hadley, and Jay Pickett
joejulie.jpg (5818 bytes) joenjulie.jpg (12499 bytes)joejuliefrank.jpg (10604 bytes)

Jay Pickettfrank.jpg (7372 bytes)
Jay Pickett and Lisa Ann Hadley frankjulie.jpg (9152 bytes) Lisa Ann Hadley julie.jpg (12413 bytes)
Hadley and Pickett juliefrank.jpg (10272 bytes)
Jennifer Hammon and Kin Shriner karenscott.jpg (10664 bytes)

Jackson, Benard, and Hale  luckysonnymike.jpg (13860 bytes)

George Alvarez, Jonathan Jackson, Maurice Benard, and Peter Hansen
ghfour.jpg (10218 bytes)ghfourmore.jpg (18026 bytes)

Ron Hale mike.jpg (14516 bytes) Nolan North and Rib Hillis chrisjake.jpg (11174 bytes)

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