General Hospital
Fan Descriptions and Photos!
These pictures are all from the GH & PC Fan Weekend. Thanks to Lynn and Stacey for
taking them and letting us scan them in!
We apologize for the quality on some of these, it was the best the old scanner could
do...the pics were better than they look here. We hope to rescan them at some point
with a new scanner.
FOR 1999!
Maurice Benard 
Billy Warlock Sharon Wyatt
Rena Sofer and Wally Kurth
Jonathan Jackson, Maurice Benard, and Ron Hale
Mary Beth Evans and Stephen Nichols
Kin Shriner, Peter Hansen, Denise Galik-Fury, Carly Schroeder, Susan Brown, Shell
Daniellson, and Billy Warlock
Michael Dietz
Michael Dietz, Lisa Ann Hadley, and Jay Pickett

Jay Pickett
Jay Pickett and Lisa Ann Hadley Lisa Ann Hadley
Hadley and Pickett 
Jennifer Hammon and Kin Shriner
Jackson, Benard, and Hale 
George Alvarez, Jonathan Jackson, Maurice Benard, and Peter Hansen

Ron Hale Nolan North and Rib Hillis
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Page updated 5/24/12