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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Rachel

Testing the Waters

The last time Sam and Jason were alone, he was confronting her on hiring two goons to scare Elizabeth and the boys.  He also threatened her life if she caused Elizabeth and the boys any more pain. Clearly after that encounter, one would think that they had nothing more to say to each other.  So why was it that after months of Sam trying to wreak havoc on Jason and Liz’s life, does she make an excuse to see Jason?  Was it or was it not obvious that she was “testing the waters” with Jason? 

After entering the office, she immediately commented on his displeasure at being in her presence.  It was as if she hoped that he had forgotten how she watched Jake get kidnapped and had Liz and the boys threatened.  And as usual, when she realized that didn’t happen, she went into victim mode.  She began to rant about getting shot and not being able to have children, while a year ago, she repeatedly reassured Jason he was not to blame.

In the same breath, Sam’s bed buddy Lucky, also tried to “test the waters” with his ex.  After months of snide remarks and bullying tactics, Lucky wanted to converse with Elizabeth over coffee.  Would it be safe to say that either he’s on drugs again or he’s completely clueless, because after the way he’s treated her, there is no way in hell she would agree to have coffee with him.

What exactly is there to talk about?  How the day before he made a comment about her throwing herself at a killer?  Or how he’s doing her a favor by claiming Jake as his own, when he came to her and bullied her into it?  I know, he wants to talk about Sam, his friend with benefits who’s playing him, yet he’s so clueless to realize it.

I don’t know if I should be disgusted or surprised that after all the plotting by Sam, and the arrogance of Lucky, they would want their exes back.  It’s baffling to believe, that after what has been said and done, and the fact that they are sleeping together, they’re still pining for Jason and Liz.  It’s pathetic, not to mention delusional, for either of them to think that they have a chance at reconciling with their respective exes. It’s time for them to move on.  And if they choose to continue “testing the waters,” they’re more pathetic than I thought.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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