Caroline Brady -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Caroline Brady
Played by Peggy McCay
Written by

Caroline is married to Irishman Shawn Brady. Caroline is the heart and soul of the Brady bunch. When one of her children needs an ear, Caroline is always there.

She and her husband run the ever popular Brady Pub.

Many years ago Caroline had an affair with Victor Kiriakis, and Bo was conceived during her affair. 

The Bradys were torn apart when Caroline fell victim to the Salem Stalker. Luckily, Caroline was alive but was kept prisoner on New Salem. On the island, Caroline grew closer, once again, to Victor. They went as far as to kiss again.

In a way, Victor will always have a place in her heart. How can he not, they have a son together. Caroline's love for her family and husband Shawn is a reason why she may not pursue a relationship with Victor. Only time will tell if she will walk that route again. 

Proofread by Laura on 4/19/11

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