Adrienne Kiriakis -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Adrienne Johnson Kiriakis
By Michelle G.

Adrienne Johnson first arrived in Salem in 1986 as an abused teenager. Given away by her father along with her other siblings, Adrienne befriended Kayla Brady and learned that Kayla's boyfriend is her brother Steve. Shortly after her reunion with Steve, their father Duke tracked Adrienne down and beat and raped her. Scared, Adrienne shot and killed him.

Later that same year, Adrienne met Justin Kiriakis. They married in Greece in 1987. Adrienne got pregnant but had a miscarriage due to stress. After a series of unfortunate events, the couple divorced. On June 1, 1990, they remarried. After Adrienne and Justin adopted twins, she became pregnant with their son, who they named Jackson. The couple left town.

In 2007, Adrienne returned to Salem and purchased a bar -- The Cheatin' Heart. In 2008, Adrienne once again left only to return in 2010.

Adrienne is known to be very family oriented especially when it comes to her two brothers, Jack and Steve.

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Page updated 5/8/12

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