Episode 2
By Patti G
Scene 1:
Brooke sits at her desk putting the finishing touches on her notes for the
Barnett interview. While she is obviously pleased to be the one to score the
"must get” interview over many of her capable colleagues, she can't help get
what Adam said to her yesterday out of her mind. Plus why was he so insistent to
do the interview here in Pine Valley? Suddenly her thoughts are interrupted by
her assistant Pamela's knock on her door. "Mr. Barnett is here, Brooke," she
says. Brooke tells Pamela to show Mr. Barnett right in.
Even though Brooke researched Theodore Barnett thoroughly, she is not
prepared for the man who walks through her door. He stands well over six feet
with broad shoulders and long arms and legs. His skin is the color of deep
molasses, and he wears his slightly gray hair cropped short against his skull.
He is well dressed, as she expected, but he wears his suit with an air of nonchalance,
like anything he puts on will look fabulous. He has deep brown eyes; and when he
smiles, his face beams.
Brooke extends her hand to shake Mr. Barnett's. "It is a pleasure to meet
you." I thought we would sit over here," pointing to a pair of casual chairs by
the window overlooking downtown Pine Valley.
"It is nice to meet you too," says Barnett as he follows Brooke to the
"Can I offer you something to drink," Brooke asks.
"No, not now,” answers Barnett.
Scene 2:
At his gallery, Stuart is in the backroom putting the finishing touches on the
portrait that he just completed. He looks at the face of the woman he has
just painted and remembers fondly his good friend now gone. He is happy that he
could do this honor, not just for her family, but so that it will hang in her tribute in
the new Ruth Martin Wing at Pine Valley Hospital. Stuart hears the gallery
doorbell ring but knows his wife Marian is out front and will handle whatever
it is.
Adam, Stuart's identical twin brother walks into the gallery and is greeted
by his sister-in-law, Marian.
"Marian,” Adam says.
"Well, hello, darling,” answers Marian. "What brings you by this wonderful
Adam tells her he just came by to see Stuart. Marian tells Adam that Stuart is in
the back and to go right in.
As Adam walks into the backroom, Stuart's face lights up upon seeing his
Adam walks around the easel and looks at the portrait of Ruth that Stuart has
painted. "You captured her beauty and strength very well," praises Adam. "It will be a
fine tribute to her hanging in the new wing with her name." Adam
tells Stuart that he has written a very generous check for the new wing from the
entire Chandler Family.
Stuart thinks that is very nice of Adam. Stuart has seen the difference in
Adam over the past five years, since he came back to Pine Valley and married
Brooke. He is a lot nicer and has much more patience than he did before. Stuart
thinks that is due to both remarrying Brooke and the fact that Stuart is alive
due to Dr. Hayward's medical miracle. The fact the he did not kill his brother
lifted a huge weight off Adam's shoulders on the day he found out that Stuart was
back with them. No matter how much animosity there is between him and Hayward,
Adam will always be indebted to Hayward for his brother's life.
Scene 3:
David and Cara are already at the Yacht Club waiting for their potential
backer to arrive for dinner. While David is going over some details with the
manager, Cara looks around adjusting little things at the table mostly due to
being a bit nervous. She knows how important this dinner meeting is to her
David walks over to her and tells her how exquisite she looks tonight. Cara
thanks him and asks if he feels nervous.
David tells her he's not nervous but looking forward to securing their
dinner guest as a backer for the Hayward Institute. It is not his money that is
most important, but like Adam Chandler, adding this man's name to the roster of
backers will only give his institute more press and hopefully additional
Cara looks away and touches David arm, alerting him their guest has just
Scene 4:
Zach walks in the door of the Miranda Center and up to the young woman
sitting at the reception desk. "Good morning,” says Zach. "I am here to see
Bianca Montgomery." The young woman asks his name, picks up the phone,
and exclaims that Zach Slater is here to see Bianca. Then
she tells Zach that Bianca will be right out.
While Zach is waiting for Bianca, he looks around the center and can't
believe how much this place has grown since it first opened so many years ago.
Zach has always been a huge supporter of the center, both personally and
financially. This is probably for two reasons. First, his true belief in his
sister-in-law, Bianca, and the work she and the center do, and also out of guilt
for what his morally-bankrupt brother Michael did to Bianca all those years
ago. Zach knows he was not around when Michael raped Bianca and couldn't have
helped her, but that's what troubles him sometimes. If he had been
there, he could have possibly prevented the whole incident, but he didn't.
Bianca walks out and smiles as she sees Zach and gives him a big hug. "What
brings you by the center?” Bianca ask Zach.
Zach asks Bianca if she would do him the honor of attending the Charity Ball
Saturday night as his "date."
Bianca tells Zach that she would be very pleased to have him as her escort.
"Good," says Zach, "the matter is settled." Bianca thinks how Zach is a man who
likes things simple and to the point, no games. How she wishes things had turned
out differently between Zach and her sister Kendall.
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