
I am 37 years old, and I have lived in Columbus, Ohio,
almost all of my life – except for a 4-year stint in the
Navy where I was stationed in Guam and San Diego. I am a
secretary by trade and have an Associates Degree in Applied
Science, Office Administration. I love to read almost
anything and cross-stitching. I enjoy watching GH, OLTL, and
many (probably too many) other TV shows. I admit it: I
am a TV addict...but I don't think I need help for it. My
mom and I live together. I helped take care of my dad until
his death in 2005 after a long illness. I have no pets, have
never been married, and I have no children. But I have lots
of nieces and nephews…and great-nieces and nephews - aging
from age 1 to 25.
Rebecca no longer works for our site, but we're grateful
for her past help!
Page updated 4/29/14