Elayna N. - Volunteer Biography for The TV MegaSite
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Elayna N.

My Name is Elayna, but most people call me Laney. I am 35 years old, born and raised in Massachusetts - now living with my husband, Bobby in New Hampshire. I left my job as an Officer Manager because I wanted to work for myself, so I am dabbling in two career paths that aren't exactly related: Wedding Planning or Detective work - both which I have a huge interest in.

I have been married to my husband, Bobby, for 5 years. He is a manager in the car business. A few years ago, he bought me our dream car - a 2004 Corvette! That is our baby because we have no children. However, I am very close to my parents, two brothers (Colin and Patrick) and both sisters-in-law (Amy and Laura). I have three beautiful nieces (Zoe, 5, Elizabeth, 6 and Victoria, 4).

My husband and I love to watch sports - mostly baseball and football. We are avid Red Sox and Patriots fans. We also love our weekly shows like CSI Miami, Without a Trace, Law & Order CI, Cold Case, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, 48 Hours Mystery and America's Got Talent. I also like Monk, Psych, Samantha Who, The New Adventures of Old Christine, Desperate Housewives, The Starter Wife and many shows on the HGN - like House Hunters. You would think with that line up I wouldn't have time for much else, but we love the beach, my parents' place on the Lake in Maine, going out to eat, playing cribbage, hanging out and watching movies. I also love photography, the ocean and sunsets.

I have been writing summaries/recaps for ATWT for over 4 years. I have loved the show for probably 15 years. I also like General Hospital.

Page updated 4/19/14

NOTE: Elayna no longer works for our site, but we're grateful for her past help.

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