Amelia M.

My name is Amelia and I’m 22 years old. I recently graduated with a
Communications degree from Portland State University, with a focus on
Media Studies. After a short stint of looking for work (and lying on the
beach!) in San Diego, I’m back in Portland and returning to school in
the fall for a certificate in Television Production. I would love to
work on a writing team for a drama, but I’d be excited just to start out
in a mail room:)
I first became addicted to soaps in 8th grade when my sister made me
watch Days of Our Lives with her. I’d rush home from school just to
catch it right at 3:00 and forced my friends to listen to a detailed
description of the plots and family trees. Then came Passions, One Life
to Live, General Hospital, and well…you see the pattern. I’m also a big
fan of The O.C. and am hugely obsessed with Arrested Development. Until
I snag my dream job, I’m working as a nanny and a health club
receptionist. I love small dogs, martinis and going for jogs around the
Page updated 4/19/14
NOTE: Amelia no longer works for our site,
but we're grateful for her past help.