Monday Y&R Update 7/12/21

The Y&R Update Monday 7/12/21


Written by Christine

Kyle was at home holding Harrison’s fox. He flashed back to a conversation with Jack. Kyle had lamented all the time he’d missed out on with Harrison, but he was determined to be there for all the other parts of Harrison’s life, good and bad. Jack spoke about the inextricable father/child bond and how the only thing that was important was what was best for the boy. In the present, he looked depressed. Tara entered and lightly told Kyle he was spoiling Harrison because he didn’t make him put away his toys. Kyle couldn’t help it – when Harrison looked up at him with those big eyes, he wanted to let him get away with everything. Tara helped Kyle pick up the toys, and she mentioned that Harrison would be going to school in a few weeks. He thought Harrison was too young, but she said he was the right age for preschool. She’d used this address on the preschool and T-ball applications. He didn’t mind. He assumed she wanted to move out soon so she could have privacy, but he assured her no one was in a hurry for her and Harrison to leave. She said she didn’t want to go just now either – at a time like this, family was exactly what their little boy needed. He agreed.

Kyle joked around, and Tara told him he was doing that thing again where he told jokes to cover up his feelings. She asked if he’d heard from Summer. He hadn’t. She told him that if there was any consolation, a break up was cheaper than a divorce. She suggested he and Summer could be friends one day. He said that wouldn’t happen anytime soon. He he and Summer had broken up and reconciled too many times, and they’d said last time was forever. She asked what he’d do if he ran into Summer one day at Crimson Lights. He said he’d make small talk, then he’d come home to Harrison. Tara asked if he’d look back at Summer as he was leaving, because she still held a special place in his heart. He hoped not. Tara knew how hard it was to move on – what she had with Ashland wasn’t as intense as what Kyle and Tara had, but it was still love. She talked of having to build a new life with Harrison, while dealing with Ashland’s illness and the huge shadow he’d leave when he died. Kyle stated that he and Tara were in the same boat, rebuilding their lives. She suggested they have a picnic in the park with their son to help them forget their heartache right now. He liked that idea.

Ashland and Victoria were at her office. They were just a few signatures away from the merger being official. She felt like there should be bells and whistles and confetti. “I’ll give you bells and whistles,” he replied, and it made her smile. Nikki walked in and asked if they were ready to take it public or if they’d still be hiding in the shadows. Victoria asked if Nikki was talking about the merger or the relationship. “You tell me,” Nikki replied. He didn’t realize Nikki knew about the merger. Victoria said Nikki was her right hand. Ashland replied that he was thrilled to have Nikki’s trust and discretion. Nikki wasn’t a big fan of secrets, as she’d seen the damage they could do, but she understood this was a special situation. Ashland called Nikki the conscience behind two captains of industry and the power behind the throne. He saw nothing but an upward trajectory with Victoria and Nikki at the helm. Nikki said that flattery might get Ashland everywhere with Victoria, but he’d have to try harder with Nikki. Ashland said he didn’t flatter – he called it like he saw it, Nikki pursed her lips and didn’t respond. Ashland got a text that pleased him. He announced he got to spend the afternoon with his son, and he left.

Victoria announced that this was the most amazing feeling in the world. Nikki asked if Victoria meant the relationship or the merger. Victoria meant the merger. She thought about all they’d be able to achieve as Newman-Locke. Nikki once had suspicions about Ashland, but he seemed to be on the level. She was still concerned about Victoria building a deep emotional connection to a man who apparently didn’t have much time left. Victoria said she had it all under control. Once she was alone, she fantasized that Ashland showed up and told her that he found a new oncologist who told him about some promising treatments. He told her she was right, and he was going to start treatment tomorrow. He wanted to be by her side while they had the time of their lives, running their mega company together. Just as they were about to kiss, a ringing phone pulled her out of her dream.

Jack was at Society. He had a flashback to telling Sally that he didn’t think it was a good idea for them to date. They’d agreed to meet again for drinks another time, though. Sally happened to walk in as Jack was leaving. She was celebrating something, and she invited him to join her. He asked what happened. She got an actor friend from LA to post a selfie in a JCV outfit chosen by Sally. It had 50,000 hits already, and Sally thought it’d keep climbing. She knew it wasn’t a game-changer, but if she kept scoring victories every day, pretty soon, JCV would be up there with the greats. She wanted to prove herself to Lauren. He was sure Lauren would be impressed. She asked if he’d still like to join her for a drink. He got a text inviting him to the picnic with Harrison, so he had to decline. Sally said Harrison was lucky to get to hang out with Jack in the sun while she went back to her cave. He told her she was in charge now, and there was a price to be paid for being at the top. She wanted to enjoy some sun before she had to go back to work, so she asked if she could walk with him and then be on her way. He said that was fine.

Jack and Sally got to the park and Tara, Kyle and Harrison were already there. Kyle pulled Jack aside to talk and sent Harrison to play. This left Tara and Sally alone. Sally asked how things were going with Kyle. Tara said he was brokenhearted, and she felt awful for him. Sally asked if Tara was doing anything to turn the situation to her advantage. Tara said she’d ask how things were going with Jack, but his smile spoke for itself. Sally replied that it was going slow, but that was okay because she enjoyed every moment she spent with him.

Kyle wanted to know about Jack and Sally. Jack said not to read too much into it, but Kyle noted that Jack said the same thing the last time they started dating. Jack explained that this wasn’t a date. He was just keeping himself open to happiness. He knew it was important to protect yourself, but it shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the good times.

Jack was off getting snacks, Kyle was playing with Harrison and Sally was chatting with Tara. Tara asked Sally to take some pictures of her and Harrison. Sally agreed and walked away to find a good spot to film. Ashland showed up, unexpectedly for Tara. He told her that she’d said he could meet Harrison here with the nanny. She insisted that it was supposed to be tomorrow. He was sure he was right, and he told her to check her texts. Kyle said it was a simple mix up, and Ashland sarcastically thanked him for weighing in when no one asked for his input. Ashland grabbed his chest and seemed having trouble breathing, but he rebuffed her attempts to help, snapping that she’d done enough. He hoarsely said to get Harrison away from him. Kyle quickly took Harrison to the ducklings.

Once they were alone, Tara told Ashland that he needed to relax, because he’d terrified Harrison. He told her not to exaggerate, but she maintained that Harrison was hurt his father didn’t want him around. Ashland said he didn’t want Harrison to see him struggling. She offered to get him some water, and he declined. He waved to Harrison and told Tara to get her damned dates right next time, then he left. Kyle came up to check on Tara. She was fine, just concerned for Harrison. Kyle said Harrison was fine, and he’d been distracted by the ducks. Tara worried about what would happen next time, when Harrison was with Ashland alone, and they weren’t there to distract him from Ashland’s health issues.

Jack showed up with the food and found out the picnic had been canceled. Jack and Kyle walked off, while Tara chatted with Sally, who’d just walked up. Sally wished she’d gotten more on video. All she got was Ashland being a jerk while Tara was trying to help him. Sally said she was recording Tara and Harrison, and when Ashland showed up, she forgot to stop filming. Tara took the phone and watched the video of herself with Ashland. Tara said this was horrible, and she didn’t even want to think about Sally watching it. She asked how to delete it. Tara fiddled with the phone, acting like she couldn’t figure out how to delete the video, but she knew exactly what she was doing, and she texted a copy of it to herself. Afterward, she deleted the video from Sally’s phone. Tara didn’t want Sally to ever mention what she saw today.

Victoria ran into Ashland at Society and asked how the picnic went. He didn’t want to talk about it. She said she had good news about their merger. He snapped that he wasn’t in the mood, and he’d see her later. She didn’t know who let him get away with this kind of behavior, but she wouldn’t allow him to treat her this way. She said she was on his side, and if something was wrong, he didn’t get to take it out on her. “We’re in this together,” she added. He apologized and said she was right. He took her hand and promised to tell her everything.

At the park, Chelsea maintained that nothing would make her mother heal faster than spending time with Connor. Adam felt he and Victor had been more than fair with Chelsea – Victor was setting things in motion to petition the court so Chelsea could leave the hospital. Adam said Chelsea wasn’t going to take his son out of state. She reiterated that she’d never go on the run with Connor again. She tried to compromise by saying she’d take their old babysitter on the trip so they could report back to Adam. He explained that it wasn’t just about whether he could trust her. Connor just moved to the ranch, and he was learning to ride horses. He didn’t want to take that from Connor. He refused to debate this while Connor was waiting. “The answer is no,” he said. She said he knew she was a good mother. She needed to feel like Connor’s mother again. Adam told Chelsea that she could spend as much time as she wanted with Connor in Genoa City, but he couldn’t allow her to take him out of state. He was sorry. She sighed and said she understood. She thanked him for considering it and helping to arrange her release. She realized, all things considered, this was the best she could hope for right now. He left.

Adam went to the main house and asked Victor if progress was being made on getting Chelsea released. Victor had made some calls to speed things along. This morning, the lawyer went to court and read the very favorable report Dr. Hedges wrote. Michael, the DA, agreed to the release with stringent restrictions, namely that whenever Chelsea left town, she had a police escort. Adam said Chelsea had agreed to follow the rules to the letter, and she had no desire to fight them on any requirements. Victor thought that was a little suspicious. Adam said Victor couldn’t keep Chelsea locked up indefinitely, but Victor said, in retrospect, he thought that would’ve been a good option, especially now that Chelsea’s devious mother was in the mix. Adam had the same concerns, but he called the facility, checked with more than one person, and confirmed Anita did break her hip. Victor still thought it could be a con, but Adam said even if it was, Connor wasn’t going on the trip. Victor was unhappy that Adam took Connor to see Chelsea. Adam felt that it was good for Connor and Chelsea to see each other. Victor was adamant that this was no time for sentimentality and weakness. He told Adam that he was dealing with two of the most devious women around – Chelsea and Anita.

Rey went to Crimson Lights to steal a moment with Sharon. Abby called Sharon to ask if she’d heard from Mariah. She hadn’t. After the call, Sharon brought Rey up to speed. Sharon knew Abby had been a little overprotective, but she also thought it was strange that Mariah left town without saying anything to anyone. Later, Sharon gasped and grabbed her chest when Chelsea walked in. “You scared me half to death,” Sharon admitted. Chelsea said she didn’t escape, if that’s what Sharon was thinking. Rey returned, and he let Sharon know that Chelsea was released on convalescent leave. Sharon thought that was fast. Chelsea said there were a ton of stipulations, but it was all worth it to be free. The timing was good because she had to go help her mom out. Rey was curious why Chelsea was here. Chelsea felt she needed to make amends. Rey said Chelsea didn’t need to keep apologizing, and she clarified she was here to apologize to Sharon. This was difficult for Chelsea to say because she now realized Adam had always loved Sharon more than he could ever love Chelsea. Sharon thought Chelsea was mistaken, but Chelsea was sure she was right. She felt that Adam’s love for Sharon was twisted, pathetic and one-sided, but she thought that was the only way he knew how to love. Sharon asked if Chelsea was trying to blame her actions on Adam. Chelsea said no, but she thought it was all related. She still didn't know what triggered her, the aneurysm or her broken heart. Chelsea knew Sharon could relate because Adam had done terrible things to both of them. Sharon was sympathetic to all Chelsea had been through, and she wished that she’d never agreed to treat Chelsea, but she noted that Chelsea chose to do the things she did. Sharon added that if Chelsea felt unloved at home, she could’ve left. Chelsea realized that now, but she wasn’t well back then, and she wasn’t seeing things the way they were. She admitted she was wrong, and she’d regret what she did until the day she died. Chelsea told Rey he was a great man, and she regretted what she’d done to him and Sharon. She felt like she’d woken up from a rage-induced haze, and she was facing her punishment. “I’m not sure hat you mean. You’re released from the hospital. You don’t have to go to prison,” Sharon pointed out. She added that she thought everyone had agreed to let Chelsea heal instead of face more consequences. Chelsea said she was still at Adam and Victor’s mercy, especially where Connor was concerned. Sharon said they couldn’t keep Connor from Chelsea. Rey thought Adam let Chelsea see Connor. Chelsea said she did see him, but Adam and Victor decided when she could see her son. They forced her to allow Connor to move to the ranch, and they wouldn’t even let her take her son to see his grandma in the hospital. She was sure that Connor would be indoctrinated in the Newman way while she was gone. Adam and Victor would be able to lie about her and turn her son against her. Once again, she wasn’t in control of her own life. She felt like she was back in her wheelchair.

Sharon thanked Chelsea for the apology and wished her luck. Sharon walked off. Rey asked Chelsea where she’d go from here. She felt there was nothing left for her in the penthouse except memories of how her mind cracked and she made the worst mistake of her life. She wanted to see her mom, take Connor with her and stay until her mom was self sufficient and readjust to life without a constant reminder of Adam. He thought an Adam-free zone would be good for her. He wished her the best. That meant a lot to her after all she did. She hoped she could repay him one day. He told her to do right by herself and everyone else. She left. Sharon returned and asked what Rey thought. He’d always had his doubts about Chelsea’s breakdown, but he thought being at the mercy of Adam and Victor when it came to Connor was almost as bad as being locked up.

Sharon went to the patio to talk with Adam. He was surprised she set up this meeting. She thought he should know Chelsea came to her. Sharon was glad she and Chelsea talked. Adam said that Sharon didn’t have to worry about running into her again, because she was going out of town. Sharon wanted Adam to reconsider letting Connor go with Chelsea. He couldn’t believe she was pleading Chelsea’s case. Sharon wouldn’t have imagined herself doing this yesterday, but some of the things Chelsea said resonated with her. It reminded her of her own psychiatric issues. He said that what she and Chelsea went through were miles apart. She agreed that they had different diagnoses, but she knew how terrifying it was to know you were doing the wrong thing and being unable to stop yourself. She thought Chelsea knew how sick she’d been. He hoped that was true, but taking his son out of state was a completely different story. She understood how he felt, but she thought the dance he and Chelsea had been doing for months was toxic, and keeping Connor from her would only add to that. Sharon thought Connor was old enough to alert someone if Chelsea tried to go on the run with him. He didn’t think it was was a good idea. She explained that Chelsea needed to feel whole and useful, and maybe some of that would come from being reunited with her son. Sharon said Chelsea and Connor needed to be together – for years, she was his everything. She thought this would be best for everyone including Adam. Sharon smiled as Adam called Connor and asked how he’d feel about going on a trip with his mom.

Adam had Chelsea meet him at Crimson Lights. She said she was waiting to see who her police escort was. He let her know he was going to let her take Connor with her. Joan, the housekeeper at the ranch, was going to drive Connor to the coffeehouse. Chelsea was elated until Victor showed up and said Connor couldn’t go. Chelsea protested that Adam said she could take him. “I am saying you can go for as long as you like. Connor is staying here,” Victor stated.

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