Monday Y&R Update 7/5/21

The Y&R Update Monday 7/5/21


Written by Christine

Lily and Billy were in her office. ChancComm’s article, called Keys to the Locke Divorce was up on the Hashtag website, and it was going viral. Billy was ready to pop the champagne because the clicks were roaring in, and they were about to break a record. Lily thought that they should stay on their toes just in case a some fireworks came their way. He admitted she wasn’t wrong, especially given their last minute revelation. Billy was ready for the backlash. He noted that they talked to everyone involved in advance, so no one should feel blindsided, including Tara, whom he’d personally interviewed. Lily knew, but she did think they put their own spin on the story that people might not expect. He thought it helped that their source found out Locke was flying his personal doctor into Genoa City. He was proud of their scoop, though some might be surprised, including Victoria, who might be shocked at how many times she was mentioned in the article. Lily asked if Billy was worried about that, and he said he wasn’t. Billy had made sure not to involve his children, but he thought that Victoria should know that this is what you get if you got involved with Locke. Lily thought Victoria came off well – if Locke was sick, she was standing by him. Billy said either way, if Victoria got burned, she’d understand that playing with Locke meant playing with fire.

Billy ended a call with a reporter, then he informed Lily that they’d learned the doctor Ashland flew in was an oncologist specializing in late stage cancer. She thought that was horrible. She knew how scary it was to have cancer. He knew, and he hoped he wasn’t coming off as insensitive. She didn't think he was, but she felt for Ashland. He asked if they should keep this to themselves or release it to the public. She thought it might be nice to have more confirmation before publishing something so sensitive. He thought Victoria might know the truth, and he thought it might factor into her admitted agenda. He said if Locke was dying, he’d have to shore up his position. He thought Victoria might be angling for a seat on the board at Locke Communications Group.

Billy had always been skeptical of Victoria’s feelings for Locke, and he thought it might be warranted. Maybe this was more about business. Lily asked if he really thought Victoria was getting close to a dying man so she could get a seat on the board of his company. He didn’t think Victoria would see it that way, especially after the way she lost Cyaxares. Billy had an idea – he wanted ChancComm to take over Locke Communications Group. She asked if he was seriously proposing they take advantage of a dying man. He said the company had to go somewhere – Locke didn’t have any biological heirs, and after the way Cyaxares was yanked away from them, why not go after the brass ring. Lily asked what about Victoria. He said Victoria didn’t need a seat on the board after she already sold Newman’s media division to them. He said they could do something good with Locke’s company, and more importantly, it’d put them on equal footing with Newman Media, so they could fend off the attack that was sure to come from Victor and Adam.

Billy envisioned taking control of the Locke Empire, but Lily said that first they had to see if Ashland was really sick. She didn’t want to diminish the tragedy – that would be horrible if he was sick – but if he was, they had to act fast. Billy thought other people would try and take portions of the company, but no one else would be going after the whole thing. Lily asked where they’d get the money. He said they could go to Jack, and he’d talk to Jill and get her on board. She said if they did this, they could be undermining Victoria trying to get a seat on the board. He said that when Victoria went after Cyaxares, she claimed she was doing it to save him. He was just returning the favor.

Victoria showed up at Ashland’s suite ready to fly to LA, but he let her know he hadn’t slept well, and he was experiencing chest pressure and difficulty breathing and swallowing. He was sorry, but he had to cancel the trip. She didn’t mind. She was just concerned about him, and she wondered if they should call someone. He said no – it was just the inevitability of the illness. She asked if they could mitigate the symptoms. They both got texts from their P.R. team informing them of the article. He said he’d see how much damage his ex did.

Ashland didn’t understand how ChancComm found out about him flying his doctor into town. Victoria wasn’t happy with the number of times she was mentioned in the article. It didn’t flat out accuse her of being a factor in the divorce, but it left it open to interpretation. The article also mentioned that his legal team had been seen outside her office. He said at least no one asked her neighbors or employees about her attentiveness as a spouse. He was so sorry he dragged her into this. She clarified that she jumped in willingly. She stated that this was just Billy being Billy and digging the knife in to teach her a lesson. She said that Billy warned her that she was courting disaster by getting involved with Ashland. He asked if that was what they were – involved. She hoped so.

Ashland said he could sue the hell out of ChancComm. Victoria didn’t think that would make a difference. He said he could tie them up in litigation for years – they were a competitor of Newman Media. She advised against encouraging a war between Billy, Adam and Victor. He asked if she’d rather he encourage her father to make peace with her ex. He winced and she asked if she could help. He thought her beautiful eyes were a nice distraction, even when they were filled with concern. He asked if she could get him a time machine or a magical elixir. She noted that there were realistic options out there. He said if he survived, she wouldn’t get her merger, but she felt that they could still merge the companies and run it together. She asked him to picture how amazing that could be.

Victoria said they could manufacture an excuse for Ashland to leave the limelight so he could get treatment. He appreciated the idea, but everyone was already suspicious about his health, and they’d see through it. She asked what it mattered if he got the treatment he needed. He said the available treatments were not for him. She asked what he had to lose. He thought she was a hell of a negotiator, but his mind was made up. He put his arms around her and said he lived his life to the fullest, and he wasn’t going to compromise or make a desperate choice now. He was determined to continue to forge his own path. He wanted to make every moment he had left count starting with this one. He kissed her deeply and lifted her off her feet.

Inside Crimson Lights, Sharon made a comment about Sally being focused on her phone. Sally was reading the article, and she told Sharon it was fascinating.

At the main house, Victor read the article, then he texted Adam and told him to read it ASAP. The episode shifted to Crimson Lights on the patio. Adam received the text, but he ignored it because he was with Connor. Connor was curious about going home, and he was excited when Adam said they’d be moving to their own house on the ranch. Adam stated that Victor and Nikki were excited to see him. Connor wanted to see his mom. Adam explained that Chelsea was in the hospital, and they couldn’t see her now, but they could soon. Sharon came out and was happy to see Connor. He told her they’d be seeing his mom soon and they were moving to the ranch. Sharon asked Adam if he was giving up the penthouse. Adam sent Connor inside to get a glass of milk. Adam hoped Sharon didn’t mind that they were going to be neighbors.

Adam said he was going to tell Chelsea that she could live in the penthouse after she was released. He’d even arranged a job for her if she wanted it. He didn’t think they would be a couple again though. Whatever love they used to feel for each other, there was no coming back after what happened. He wasn’t going to keep Chelsea from seeing her son once she was in a better place. Connor still thought his parents were together, but Adam would help him see that even though they didn’t live together, they were still a family. Sharon thought it was terrible that things went so wrong for Chelsea and Adam. He agreed, but he said things could go wrong even for the strongest of couples.

Adam took Connor to the main house. Victor told Connor that even though he’d be living in the tack house, he had the run of the main house and the entire property. Connor asked for and was given permission to text his friends about the ranch. He ran off. Victor asked if Adam read the article. He had. Victor thought it might be time to consider making a move. Adam thought they should make sure the facts were certain first. He also had an important thing to take care of right now, and he left.

Adam visited Chelsea at the facility and let her know Connor was home. Excited, she went to the door, thinking her boy was in the hall. Adam was sorry, but he talked with Dr. Hedges, who wasn’t sure Chelsea was ready to see Connor. Chelsea swore she wouldn’t lose it in front of her son and traumatize him. Adam knew she’d never do that intentionally. Chelsea asked why he even came if he wouldn’t let her see Connor. He wanted her to know that Connor was doing well and that they were moving out of the penthouse. She was angry that the move to the ranch was a done deal. He thought it’d be good for Connor to have acres of land to explore, and it’d be a fresh start for him and Adam. She asked what about her – did he want to see her locked up here forever? He said of course not – the penthouse was all hers to live in or sell. She snarled about him offering her real estate to assuage his guilt over what he’d done to her. She asked when she got to go back to the penthouse. He didn’t know – it was up to her doctors. She was outraged that Victor got to spend more time with her son than she did. He promised it wouldn’t always be that way. She accused him of torturing her. He promised he’d bring Connor as soon as the doctor cleared it. She said that wasn’t good enough. He was sorry, but that was all he could do. He left, and she wept.

Dr. Hedges entered because Chelsea screamed into her pillow. She asked what he told Adam. The doctor didn’t think she should see Connor right now – everyone would be more comfortable if she took things slowly. She assumed by everyone, he meant Victor. She wanted to make some kind of deal with him so she could get released right away. He said no deal – only time would heal her wounds. He left.

Adam went back to the house. Victor was glad that Adam was finally home where he belonged. Adam admitted it felt right. Adam’s source told him that Ashland canceled a trip to L.A. he was supposed to take with Victoria. Victoria thought they needed to jump on that information and gain as much ammunition as they could so they could make their move, even though Ashland might be dying. Adam thought it was incredibly ruthless to write a story about a board member, one who’d been incredibly fair to them. Victor laughed. He said Adam was tough, but he didn’t have Victor’s level of experience. Victor built this company over forty years without sentimentality. You had to be ruthless in business. He didn't give a damn how ill Ashland was. He was sorry if Ashland was seriously ill, but he and Adam had to use this information to swallow up Locke Communications Group before anyone else did. Adam smiled and nodded.

At The Grand Phoenix, Phyllis was also engrossed in the article. Nick video called from Italy. He assured Phyllis that Summer’s apartment and office were nice, and she was saying everything was great, but he could tell she was hurting. Phyllis was glad Summer had Nick to distract her. She told him about the article. He read it, and he was angry about Billy dragging Victoria into it and because it had gone into all the intimate details of Kyle and Tara’s affair, which Summer didn’t need right now. Phyllis was grateful Nick was there with Summer, even though she missed him like crazy. He entertained her by speaking one of the few lines in Italian that he knew – asking for directions to the library. She told him he was sexy in Italian, and he chuckled.

The mood at the Abbott house was tense. Kyle vowed to kill Billy for the article. Jack wasn’t thrilled with Billy either. Tara echoed Jack’s sentiments that this wasn’t good for anyone. Kyle was furious on Harrison’s behalf, and he said they couldn’t just ignore this. “So what the hell are we gonna do,” he asked. Jack found the article invasive and infuriating, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it, since it was all true. Tara agreed with Jack, but Kyle argued that Harrison’s paternity was a personal matter that shouldn’t have been exploited. Tara thought Billy may have had another agenda – she noted that Victoria had a prominent role in the story. Jack knew it must be difficult for Tara to hear about Ashland moving on. She’d let that go, and she genuinely hoped Ashland could find happiness with Victoria in the time he had. “What do you mean in the time he has?,” Jack asked. Tara pretended that she just meant there was a chance the rumors about her husband’s health could be true. Kyle aided the cover up by chiming in that Ashland wasn’t confiding in Tara these days. Jack guessed none of them could know what was actually going on with Ashland. He left for the office. Tara thanked Kyle for the assist. He said it wasn’t his place to tell his father about Ashland’s condition. She thought the truth would come out sooner than later. He asked if she was okay, and she said she was more upset than she let on with Jack. He asked if he could help.

Tara felt Kyle had done more than enough already. She said she and Harrison lived with his family, he put in a good word for her with Lauren, and he’d been the perfect dad to Harrison. Kyle said Harrison brought so much to his life. She was glad he was living here. She noted that neither of their lives were going according to their original plans, and she suggested they could lean on each other. He didn’t know how he could get over Summer. He felt like shutting down and turning off his heart. Tara had been there, but she said that didn’t work – love always found a way. She brought up Ashland turning to Victoria so soon. She said even the most controlling man yearned for a connection, and anyone who said different was lying or dead inside.

Jack went to Crimson Lights where he bumped into Sally. He asked how her first day as head of JCV was going. Well. She showed off her dress and asked if she was projecting the right image – powerful, cutting edge and sophisticated. She was wearing JCV. He thought that she looked professional and that wearing the brand was a good call. She knew she was just the interim president until she proved herself, and she was more nervous than she looked. He wasn’t sure he believed that. She asked if that meant no pep talk. He said she didn’t need a cheerleader, as she already had a deep well of innate of confidence, she just needed a chance to prove herself, and she got one. He added that, best of all, she came by this honestly, without scheming, and she should be proud of that.

Sally and Jack went to the patio. She said that Summer left JCV in great shape, and Sally didn’t plan to wipe out her work; she just wanted to enhance it. Jack said that other people had run Jabot, and he always analyzed the changes they made and kept the ones that worked. That was reassuring for her and it made her feel like she was on the right track. Sally’s smile faded when she saw Phyllis walk in, and Phyllis faltered seeing Sally with Jack. Phyllis pasted on a big smile, literally ran to the table and pulled up a seat while greeting the pair. She asked what they were talking about. Sally told Phyllis about her promotion and that she had Summer’s blessing. Phyllis didn’t believe Summer would approve. Sally stated that Summer recommended her, as Lauren would attest. Sally sent her thanks to Summer. Phyllis said Sally wasn’t going to keep the job for long. Jack pulled Phyllis aside, while Sally smirked.

While Sharon looked on, from behind the counter, Jack told her that Phyllis’s drink was on him. He then instructed Phyllis to stay inside. Phyllis made her usual points about Sally, but Jack didn’t want to hear it anymore. He went back to the patio and joined Sally. Sharon offered Phyllis her usual. Phyllis briefly turned around, and Sharon saw her expression. “Oh oh. I know that look. You used to use that one on me. A little free advice. Don’t go there,” Sharon said. Phyllis went over and whispered to Sharon that she wasn’t going to let Jack fall into Sally’s trap.

Phyllis said her beef with Sally was nothing like her history with Sharon. Sally was a snake. Sharon wasn’t questioning Phyllis’s motives, just her method. Phyllis said thanks. She spotted Jack and Sally leaving, and she ran out and stopped Jack. He ordered her to let it go, but she swore it wasn’t about Sally. She asked how the Abbotts were doing after the article. He said they were weathering the storm, and Kyle was pretty torn up. She noted that tough times could cause people to seek solace from troubling sources. He was annoyed to realize this was about Sally. He said it was just a little conversation. She noted that he had cocktails last night. He stated that he might have dinner with Sally tonight, and it would be none of Phyllis’s business. She promised she’d back off, but she asked him to have dinner with her tonight instead. She started crying. Summer and Nick were gone, and she felt so alone. She felt she should have stronger dibs on friendship with him than Sally did. Phyllis said she was very alone, and no one cheered her up like Jack Abbott did. “You can stop with the flattery. You win. One word about Sally, you pay,” he said.

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