Wednesday Y&R Update 6/23/21

The Y&R Update Wednesday 6/23/21


Written by Christine

At Newman Media, Adam and Nick were in the middle of a talk about their partnership when Billy showed up with some bubble bath in a champagne bottle shaped container as an office-warming gift. Adam vowed to have security bar Billy in the future. Billy claimed he was just there to check out the new office. Adam thought Billy was there on a fishing expedition to find out their plans to bury Billy and ChancComm. “Can’t both things be true?,” Billy asked. Adam stated that Newman welcomed healthy competition, but they weren’t going to do a hatchet job on him or his company. They were taking the high road. Billy asked if Nick had ever known Adam or Victor not to pursue a grievance to the bitter end. Nick wanted to be left out of it. Billy said Victor was clear that he planned to use the company to try and bury him. Adam said he was calling the shots, not Victor. Nick told Billy that he could take Adam’s word for it. Billy thought Nick should know Adam couldn't be trusted. Nick said Adam knew he’d made mistakes and he was trying to change. He thought Billy could learn a lesson in this too. Billy asked if Nick was comparing him to Adam. Adam told Billy that playtime was over, so he left.

Adam asked if it was just him or if Billy was especially unhinged today. Nick said Billy definitely wasn’t holding back. Adam thought Billy wanted a war, but it wasn’t going to happen. Nick felt that the town could use some peace and quiet right now. Adam asked about Faith. Nick came home last night, and Christian had fallen asleep with her. It warmed his heart. Nick apologized, because he knew this was a sore subject for Adam. Adam clarified that he enjoyed hearing about the kids. It made him more excited to see Connor. He thanked Nick for helping him stay on track and for having his back with Billy.

Phyllis was at the Grand Phoenix bar. She tried to keep her promise not to bother Summer, but she couldn’t take it anymore, so she called and left a message.

Summer was up in her suite staring into space. She remembered Tara saying that she’d take Harrison away from Kyle unless Summer took the job in Italy. Her phone rang while Kyle was in the shower, and she groaned because she thought it was her mother refusing to leave her alone. It was actually Angelina calling to ask if Summer was going to take the job. Kyle walked in and asked who was on the phone. Summer told Angelina that they would talk later when she had a clearer view of what the future looked like. The call ended. Kyle got dressed and asked what was going on. Summer said it was a work call. He noticed that something was bothering her, and he was concerned it might have something to do with Harrison. Summer said it actually did.

Kyle promised to fix whatever was bothering Summer. She claimed she just felt guilty about asking him to come home instead of spending the night with his son. He said it was fine, since Harrison was sleeping. He was glad he came home to her. She said it wasn’t just about this time, what about the next time? She didn’t want him to have to choose between her and his son. She couldn’t tell him how important it was to her for things to work out with him and Harrison – it meant the world to her. He said he loved Harrison, and he loved her, and he didn’t intend to forget that. He walked over to her, but she said she had to go. He suggested they get lunch together later, and she said okay. As she was rushing off, he said he loved her and she said it back.

Jack entered his living room and found Ashland there. Mrs. Martinez had let him in and alerted Jack. Ashland mentioned that he liked Mrs. Martinez. He hoped Jack didn’t mind him dropping in like this. Jack was willing to accept Ashland’s impromptu visits if that was the price he had to pay to keep Harrison living in the Abbott house. Ashland and Jack agreed that Harrison was a good child. Tara brought Harrison in. “Father!,” he exclaimed and hugged Ashland. Ashland and Jack delighted in watching Harrison play. Ashland hoped Jack knew how lucky he was to have Harrison under his roof. Jack said Ashland raised Harrison well. Ashland appreciated hearing that. Ashland said Harrison would grow up and surpass them all, and he’d be a lot better looking than his old man was. Tara made up an excuse for Jack to take Harrison out of the room. Tara told Ashland she was worried about him. She’d like it if they could be on good terms, since children could sense discord. She also didn’t want him to be in pain. He said he felt good today, and he’d treat every day as if it was his last. He wasn’t sure when the disease would take over. He liked being in control. She knew, and she liked to think some of that rubbed off on her.

Ashland took Harrison to Crimson Lights and told him about the Yankees. They were his favorite baseball team because they were winners and always would be. He wanted to take Harrison to a game. At that moment, Victoria walked in and asked if she could go too. Ashland introduced Victoria as a friend and probably the smartest businesswoman he’d ever met. He told her that Harrison could say the alphabet and count to twenty. Victoria told Harrison how Johnny caught frogs whenever he visited the Abbott house. Victoria and Harrison took turns saying ribbit, and Billy walked in and saw them together. He went to the patio and watched from a distance. Ashland said Harrison didn’t usually warm to strangers like this, so Harrison must have exceptional taste.

Ashland and Victoria stepped away from the table. He told her that his legal team would be in touch with her people about the merger proposal. It was all very preliminary though. This was his favorite part – the air was full of possibilities. That’s why she liked it too, because of the potential. She was glad he didn’t take offense at her offer. He was pleased they were pursuing this. She said this merger would solidify his legacy. With a glance back at Harrison, he said maybe, but the news would be out soon, and the sharks would circle, which included his soon to be ex wife. His board of directors loved Tara, and Tara would use the situation to her advantage. Victoria said they'd move quickly and shut out anyone who had an agenda. She had an idea, which she was about to share until she saw Billy on the patio staring in at them. He quickly looked away. She told Ashland that they’d have this conversation another time, so he could focus on his son. She used an eye movement to signal him to look, and he glanced back and saw Billy. They agreed to resume the discussion over dinner later, and she left.

Just as Ashland was about to take Harrison to the park, Billy walked in and greeted them, then he started to talk about the frogs on the Abbott estate. Ashland interjected that they’d already heard about the frogs, then he sent Harrison to buy another cookie. Ashland said he saw Billy eavesdropping, and he assumed Billy was going to ask about the conversation with Victoria. Billy said he wasn’t fishing, because Victoria made it clear that she didn’t want to discuss Ashland with him. Billy said that if Ashland hurt or embarrassed Victoria, he’d come after him hard. Ashland wondered what he’d done to deserve this threat. Billy stated that Victoria won the Cyaxares deal, and Ashland screwed her over, not to mention what he did with Jabot. “You don’t want me as an enemy,” Billy said, adding that he didn’t forget when someone hurt the people he cared about. Ashland thought this protective thing was rather sweet, and it spoke well of Victoria that she inspired this much loyalty from an ex, but he was surprised Billy didn’t notice that Victoria could handle herself. He said he was spending time with his son. He told the barista to put the bill on his tab, then he and Harrison left.

Billy showed up at Victoria’s office with something to say. She wondered why he didn’t say it earlier when he was spying on her. He said he would’ve if she didn’t rush off so quickly. She replied that she got sick of prying eyes. He wanted her to know ChancComm was doing a story on Ashland’s divorce, and they couldn’t keep her out of it. He said she and Ashland were public figures, and people were curious. She suggested he was the one who was curious and this was a way to pry into her private life. He asked if she’d rather find out when the rest of the world did. She thanked him for the courtesy of telling her, but she thought he was overselling ChancComm’s reach. He laughed. She said soon there would be actual news regarding her and Ashland, but Billy would find out on her timetable. He offered to listen now, but she said she’d rather have him drive himself crazy wondering. He noted she was enjoying it.

Back at the Abbott house, Jack was impressed with the way Tara had been handling things so far. She guessed when you were forced to, you’d find a way. Kyle came over and asked where Harrison was, and Tara said Ashland took him out. Tara was going to the spa at the Grand Phoenix. Jack thought that was nice, since she deserved to be pampered. She left. Jack told Kyle that divorce was hard and Tara would need all the support he could give, as long as it didn’t make Summer uncomfortable. Kyle said he’d do anything he could for Tara, but Summer had to be his priority. He wouldn’t lose sight of how much he’d already asked of his fiancee. Jack was glad to hear that. He said Summer’s love for Kyle was special, and he’d be a fool to lose her now. Kyle joked that Jack preferred Summer over his own son. “I’ve never made any secret of that,” Jack teased. Jack saw Summer and Kyle as a package deal – each of them were wonderful in their own way, but together, they were something special.

Summer exited the hotel elevator and tried to slip by Phyllis unnoticed. “Where do you think you’re going?” Phyllis asked. Summer wondered how Phyllis even saw her with her back turned. Phyllis explained that the surveillance camera showed Summer getting on the elevator. Phyllis hoped Summer had been honest with Kyle. She was dismayed to realize Summer hadn’t opened up to him yet.

Phyllis started to theorize about what was really going on, and Summer asked her to stop, because this was hard enough already. Phyllis said she had to do that because Summer wouldn’t confide in her. Summer reminded Phyllis that she’d agreed to back down until Summer was ready to share more. Phyllis was sorry, but she couldn’t keep her word on that. Phyllis was trying to help. Summer knew that, but Phyllis was driving her crazy. Summer said what if the once-in-a-lifetime moment Phyllis was talking about last night wasn’t what she and Kyle had, but what he and Harrison could have. She said he’d never get the chance to start things off right with his son again. Harrison wasn’t her son, and she didn’t want to be an evil stepmom. Phyllis said Summer didn’t have that in her. Summer said you could mess up a kid in so many ways, by accident, and she didn’t even ask for this kid. Phyllis thought there was more to this.

Tara walked up to the doors and stopped to watch Summer and Phyllis talking. Back inside, Phyllis said Summer didn’t sound like someone who was on the fence – she sounded like someone who already made up their mind. Tara walked in and hid around the corner. Summer was fed up with the conversation. Phyllis declared that they’d discuss this later, and Summer left. Tara smiled. Phyllis texted Nick and asked him to come by. Tara walked up and asked if there was an opening at the spa. She had some free time because Harrison was with his father. Phyllis asked which father. Tara said it was Ashland, though she could tell Kyle would be a great father. Phyllis asked if Tara could tell that, in such a short amount of time. Tara said yes, and that the great news was Kyle would be able to spend more time with Harrison because they were living in Genoa City. She said she was relocating her shoe company here – Lauren had offered to work with her. Phyllis mused that things were coming up roses for Tara, though she and Harrison would surely miss their friends. Tara said her NY friends were really Ashland’s friends, and Harrison was young enough to make new friends with ease. This town was the perfect place to start over, Tara said. Everyone was so warm and welcoming. Tara had never met a family like the Abbotts, and she loved how entwined their lives had become.

After Tara left, Nick came, and Phyllis told him about Summer’s 180 on the wedding. He wondered if he should talk to their daughter. She said no, because Summer had sworn her to secrecy. Nick noted that Summer spent months trying to get him to support her relationship, and now she was ready to bail. Phyllis said none of it made sense.

Summer went to Society and looked through the window at Kyle, who was already there. She walked in. He knew something was bothering her and it was more than their discussion on Harrison – he could feel it. She hesitated, and he asked her not to keep things from him.

Nick thought the job in Italy sounded great, but he’d never heard Summer express an interest in high fashion, and he knew she loved JCV. He asked why Summer would leave a town where she had a job she loved, her family and Kyle. Phyllis didn’t know. She wondered if Summer was intimidated by Tara and the relationship Kyle had with Harrison. She said it was a lot to deal with – all of a sudden your fiance had a child and there was a custody battle and Ashland to contend with. She suggested Summer was trying to make it easier on Kyle by not giving him a choice. Phyllis’ instinct was that Tara was nuts. Nick thought Summer would eventually realize it was a mistake to walk away from Kyle. He’d come to terms with the fact that Kyle and Summer loved each other, and he thought it’d be a shame if they lost what they had because of a misunderstanding. He wondered if they could get Summer to put the breaks on it. “It’s 100% Summer’s choice, or maybe it isn’t,” Phyllis replied.

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