Tuesday Y&R Update 6/15/21

The Y&R Update Tuesday 6/15/21


Written by Christine

Billy and Lily enjoyed watching the kids run around the house. They asked about the rules, and Billy said the same as at their mom’s – he and Lily would be running a tight ship. Johnny asked Lily if she was his dad’s wife. Billy said they weren’t married, but they were in love. Katie said she and Johnny loved Lily too. Lily said she loved the kids too. She sent them to their rooms to see the surprise Devon got them. They ran upstairs. Billy appreciated Devon’s gesture, but he was concerned about the racket. The kids started playing their instruments, and he yelled up that they sounded amazing, but he asked them to keep it down. He was going to call Victoria, and he told Lily that he suspected she was with Ashland. Lily asked why Billy felt the need to call. He said she was the mother of his kids, and he thought he needed to know if she was with a man who was in the middle of a messy divorce. Lily said Victoria was a good mother who wouldn’t do anything to affect the kids. Billy agreed. Lily asked if this was really about the kids or if Billy was trying to protect Victoria. She didn’t understand why that was always his first instinct. He said that Victoria always had his back, just like Lily did, and he felt he owed it to her to have her back. He said he’d do the same thing for Lily.

Later, Billy brought in pizza, and Lily told him Johnny and Katie were doing a contest for best picture. They showed off their artwork, and he called it a tie. After the kids were asleep, they had wine and toasted to a successful first night. He said she made it a success, but she felt it was 50/50. He said no, it was her plan and her presence that made the kids feel at home. “You’re right, I’m amazing,” she said, laughing. He said she was, and he loved her for it. Sometimes he felt like he didn't earn what they had – it felt so good and right, and it wasn’t brutal or contentious. She noted that they argued all the time, but he said they weren’t bone-crushing arguments that left them resentful and hurt. She appreciated that because she’d had her heart broken over and over until she decided not to go down that path again. She thought they did earn this while on their separate paths, and it brought them together.

In her Victoria’s hotel suite, Ashland stated that he liked what she’d said about making every moment count. He wanted to kiss her – a dying man’s last wish. She laughed, and he commented that nothing fazed her. She didn’t think they should be impulsive. He hated to admit it, but she might be right. She thought they should proceed slowly, and he was pleased to hear that she wanted to move forward. She did want to see where it took them. He chuckled that it’d be a short journey, given his diagnosis. She asked if he joked as a defense mechanism. Pity was never his style, and since there was nothing he could do about it, he’d might as well laugh. She countered that there were things he could do, but he said he’d already made up his mind. She was sure his son would be grateful for every minute he could have with him. He leaned in close to her and said if she kept talking like that, he’d start to think she didn’t want to lose him. She said of course she didn’t, but she reminded him that they’d just agreed to take it slow. He proposed that they stop talking about his condition and have another glass of wine. She was ready to go to turn in, and she asked if she’d see him tomorrow before her flight home. He revealed that his plans had changed, and he’d be going back to Genoa City too because he needed to see Harrison. She understood. He thanked her for salvaging his trip to NY, just when it looked like it’d be nothing but disappointment. He left.

Sharon was at Crimson Lights while on the phone with Rey, and a song was playing on the jukebox. She told him that she she had a few things to wrap up here so she could focus on him while they were on vacation. “It’s a second honeymoon babe,” she laughed. The call ended, and she looked up and saw Adam. “This overwhelming feeling grabbed hold of me, when I looked into your eyes and I see what could be” the man on the jukebox sang as Sharon and Adam stared at each other. Sharon said Noah told her he was thinking about doing some work for Adam and Victor. Adam hoped Sharon was okay with that. She was. He thought Noah was talented, and she enjoyed hearing her son be praised. He knew Noah had an issue in the past with Adam’s influence over Sharon. Sharon said Noah wasn’t alone in that. Adam said that if Noah returned to Genoa City, he’d see that he had nothing to worry about. She could see how excited he was about his new company. He said it was going well so far – one day at a time. She mentioned that Faith kept saying that, too. He said it fit a lot of situations, Faith’s, his, Chelsea’s. He wanted Chelsea to recover, and he wanted to be able to give Connor good news about his mother. He trailed off because he realized he shouldn’t be opening up to her like this. She said it was okay, but he disagreed. He’d overheard her talking about the trip, and he hoped it was everything she and Rey wanted it to be. She felt Adam deserved peace too. He said thanks and left.

Rey dropped by Chelsea’s hospital room to let her know he was going on his trip soon. She apologized for going off on him the last time he was here. She said he was allowed to go wherever he wanted with whomever she wanted. She theorized that Adam’s visit made her so irrational before. She talked about her treatment, which was hard work and sometimes painful, but it helped. She knew if she did the work, she’d be able to see her son again. Rey promised he’d come back to visit. Chelsea said that he’d come back after his trip, with Sharon. She forced a smile as she said Sharon, and he told her that Sharon wasn’t her enemy. She said she knew. He noticed that she didn’t really get upset yesterday until he brought up Sharon, and he wanted to know why that was. Dr. Hedges walked in and reminded Chelsea that she was supposed to be with her other doctor. She left. Rey insisted on talking to Dr. Hedges, even though the latter said he was too busy.

Rey asked for an opinion on Chelsea’s progress. Dr. Hedges said she was making an effort. Rey thought Dr. Hedges must be happy with Chelsea’s improvement. Dr. Hedges clarified that Chelsea wasn’t well. Rey thought it was remarkable how much Chelsea had changed in a few weeks. Rey said that he and Chelsea had long conversations with each other that no one would guess were taking place in a mental health facility. Dr. Hedges nervously stated that Chelsea was here for a reason, then he abruptly ended the conversation and left. When Chelsea returned to her room, Rey was gone, and Dr. Hedges was waiting for her. He told her that Rey was digging for something and interrogating him. She thought they were fine as long as Dr. Hedges didn’t say something he shouldn’t have. He was concerned that she may have done something to alert Rey. He said she wasn’t well, and no one could doubt it. She felt she had it all under control. He didn’t think Rey would keep visiting if that were true. She said Rey’s visits were all part of her plan. He said it wasn’t just about her. He had a lot on the line too, since he was doing this for Victor. He warned her not to forget he held her future in his hands.

Rey went to Crimson Lights. Sharon said she was starting to get worried since they had a plane to catch, but he said they had plenty of time. She asked how his visit with Chelsea went. He said it was fine, but he was distracted by thoughts of a second honeymoon with his beautiful wife. She didn’t think he was prepared for the amount of affection she was going to lavish on him in Miami, and she said he might get tired. He said he lived for it. They left for the airport.

Amanda met with Victor at Newman Media. He mentioned that he ran into Sutton and asked if that was her grandfather. She asked if Sutton told her this. He said that Sutton had a slip of the tongue, and he tried to pretend he was talking about Imani, but it wasn’t difficult for Victor to surmise the truth. Amanda confirmed that Sutton was her grandfather. Victor asked why Amanda didn’t mention this the last time they met. She revealed that she was the child he helped Richard search for. She said the meeting left her head spinning because she had no idea he’d been trying to find her. Victor realized Amanda grew up without both her parents. She knew he could relate. It meant a lot to her that Richard wanted a connection with her badly enough to quit his job and dedicate his life to finding her. He asked if she withheld this information because she thought it’d diminish her position somehow. She admitted that wasn’t that far off. Victor assumed that Amanda had abandoned the strategy of telling the jury that someone at Newman was involved in shady business, but she told him that angle was still part of her case. He said he had bad news for her then.

After Amanda’s first visit, Victor did an internal investigation at Newman, and he learned that all the money paid to Sutton Ames were legitimate political donations and contributions. Amanda said that, in typical political fashion, Sutton never confirmed or denied that he took bribes, but the consulting fees paid by Newman to his campaign were in question. Victor reiterated that the payments were above board. “And you are the sole witness? There’s no one else from back then still working with the company,” she asked. He was the sole witness. He offered to send her the report so she could see for herself. She appreciated that. He was impressed by how professionally she was handling this case, given how personal it was. She admitted it was a tight-wire act. It was overwhelming and emotional, and she was sure he understood. He did. He hoped she figured out what happened to her father. She left.

Amanda met Naya at the hotel. Naya said she had a reasoned conversation with Sutton. Amanda assumed that was because she wasn’t there to set him off. Naya said Sutton appreciated Amanda and he didn’t want her to leave the legal team. Amanda asked if Sutton was ready to endorse her strategy to keep her out of prison. Naya said Sutton wasn’t on board with airing private family business – he didn’t want it to look like he forced her to give up the twins. Amanda maintained that revealing some painful history was better than going to prison. Naya said Amanda didn’t understand. Amanda agreed that she didn’t understand why Sutton was fighting her, and it made her wonder if he was hiding something from her. “If we go the road that I am suggesting, are we gonna uncover more family secrets? Is that what Sutton’s afraid of,” Amanda asked. Naya insisted that was way off base – there weren’t any other secrets.

Naya didn’t think Sutton wanted his opponents to use his family secret against him. Amanda didn’t think that anyone would care, since it was so long ago. Naya said voters would say Sutton covered up a scandal for all those years, and they’d wonder what else he was hiding. Naya also thought Sutton was ashamed of denying his own grandchildren. Amanda wondered if Naya saw the irony in this. Naya knew this was personal for Amanda, but she told her to take a step back and see it from Sutton’s point of view. Amanda found it interesting that Sutton sent Naya instead of facing her himself. Naya said Sutton was busy. Amanda said maybe, or maybe he’d keep sending Naya and Imani until she gave in. “He wanted to fire me. I accept,” Amanda said. Naya asked what she could do to change Amanda’s mind, and Amanda said nothing. Devon arrived and asked Amanda if she was okay. She said she was, and she suddenly had a lot more free time on her hands.

Amanda and Devon went upstairs. She said she finally took his advice and told Naya that she was done. He knew it wasn’t easy for her to walk away. She said she was trying to help, but she kept running into roadblocks, most of them set up by the people she was doing this for. He said those people didn’t deserve her. She said she should probably thank them for stonewalling her, because she felt liberated now that she didn’t have to defend Sutton anymore, because she could concentrate on what really mattered – finding out what happened to her father. She didn’t have to worry about leveraging what she learned with Sutton’s defense. She could just see this through to the end. He was proud of her. He said she may have walked away from her family, but she wasn’t alone in this. She knew, and that meant everything. He decided to leave because he could see from the look in her eye that she was ready to get to work. She was sorry – she just had a lot of research. He didn’t mind. He wished her luck and said to call if she needed anything, and then he left. She called Denise, the private investigator. She knew Denise was retiring, but since she hadn’t yet, Amanda had one last case. She wanted Denise to find out why Richard was really killed.

Adam went to work, and he ran some of his ideas for Newman Media by Victor. Victor wanted to eliminate the competition, but Adam still didn’t want to go after Billy. Victor told Adam not to share any of his ideas with Ashland. Victor wanted to keep Ashland at arm’s length. Adam thought Ashland was preoccupied at the moment. He’d hired some sources around town to keep an eye out for leads, and one of them spotted Ashland and Victoria flying to NY together. Victor asked this was true. Adam trusted his source. He said there was no way to know if the NY trip was for a deal or something else. Victor thought Victoria was smart enough not to put herself in the middle of a messy divorce. Adam said maybe she didn’t care. He shifted gears and said Nikki dropped by because she was worried Adam would have a negative effect on Victor. Victor said that was just his sweet Nikki being protective.

Victor suggested that Victoria needed to be in NY, so she hitched a ride on Ashland’s plane. Adam thought she’d just take the Newman jet instead of hitching a ride with the guy who jerked her around in business. He didn’t care one way or the other if Victoria was interested in Ashland, though. He asked Victor to let him know what he thought of the proposal. After Adam was gone, Victor called Victoria and got her voice mail. He left a message asking what the hell she was doing in NY with Ashland.

Victoria was doing something on her laptop when she saw that Victor sent voicemail. She didn’t bother to listen to it. She called someone associated with Newman and asked them to put together everything they had on Locke Communications – size, employees, liabilities and assets.

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