The Y&R Update Friday 6/11/21
Written by Christine
Kyle and Summer were in the park. He was suspicious of Ashland suddenly agreeing to share custody with Tara and allow Kyle to be part of Harrisons life. Kyle had his lawyer looking into it because he thought Ashland was trying to pull a fast one. Summer said he couldnt control what Ashland did, and instead of driving himself nuts, she proposed he focus on what he could control, like picking a wedding date. His mood brightened. He knew they said ASAP, but he thought itd realistically be in the fall. She was thinking August. He was on board, but he asked if that would give her enough time to throw the wedding of her dreams. She thought that her mom could pull that off. She added that the whole family would help. They agreed not to put their lives on hold any longer.
Summer went to Crimson Lights. Sally was there. Summer heard Sally had been probing her team with questions about how she was doing running JCV. Sally said they were innocent questions, but Summer was sure that nothing Sally did was innocent. Summer assumed Sally was disappointed with the answers shed been getting. Sally said everyone at JCV sang Summers praises, but she got the sense Summers staff felt shed been preoccupied. Sally knew how distracted shed be if she had to contend with her fiances ex and their love child. Summer said just this morning, she and Kyle decided on an August wedding, so things were going really great, despite Sallys best efforts. Sally thought Summer should remember that this whole thing started when she flew to L.A. to dig up dirt on Sally in an attempt to wreck the life she was building. Summer said Sally wrecked her life on her own, and now people saw her for who she was, including Jack. Sally accused Summer of being angry Jack fell for someone who wasnt part of the club. Summer thought Sally was playing the victim. Sally said she wasnt a victim, she was just someone who worked hard without a trust fund to fall back on. Summer hoped Sally got the job in Italy and moved there for good. That would be a dream come true, she added. Lauren walked up and asked what would. Summer said they were talking about the job at Marchetti. Lauren asked if the position had been filled, and Sally said not yet. A lot of people were vying for it, and one woman was trying to sabotage anothers chances. Lauren hated hearing things like that. Sally said it was sad she couldnt believe someone would stoop to that level. Lauren needed Sally to run the meeting today, because shed be off site talking to a designer. Summer looked caught off guard when Lauren revealed Kyle asked her to talk with Tara. Lauren left. Sally needled Summer about Kyle helping his ex put down roots in Genoa City.
At the Abbott house, Tara wondered to Jack if Ashlands proposal was a ploy. Jack recalled Tara saying she thought Ashland was sincere. She was worried shed been fooling herself. She thought it was clear that she and Ashland didnt know each other as well as she thought he didnt know she was so lonely in the marriage, and she didnt expect him to be reasonable. Jack thought she should put it out of her mind until she heard from her lawyer. She decided he was right she should enjoy the day with her son and hope her first instinct about Ashlands offer was right. Jack finished a business call while Tara was out of the room. Kyle had arrived, and he apologized for not pulling his weight at Jabot, but Jack said they were co-CEOs, and there would always be ebb and flow. He felt that Kyles family business had to take precedence. Tara came downstairs, and they talked about Ashland. Tara wished she knew what was going on in his head. She said he tended not to be kind to people who crossed him. Jack didnt see what Ashland would gain by pretending to have a change of heart. Jack believed in hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. He was invested in Kyle having visitation, because that was Jacks first grandchild. Tara was grateful for the support, but she wouldnt be able to relax until she heard from Ashlands lawyer. Jack suggested she take the day off, spend time with her son and treat this home as a safe oasis. Tara went to take Harrison to catch butterflies.
Jack was pleased when he heard Kyle and Summer set a date. Kyle wanted Summer to feel happy and secure and know he was 100% committed. He said itd give them something to look forward to, that was all theirs. Jack commented on how anxious Tara was. Kyle said there was a reason Tara was so nervous. He relayed the story about Harrison getting hurt after Tara left him in care of the nanny. Kyle said, according to Tara, it wasnt much of a fall, Harrison didnt even need stitches, but because Tara was with friends at the time, Ashland accused her of neglect. Jack thought that Ashland overreacted. He wasnt sure if Ashland had just been upset or if hed made that accusation as a threat to control Tara. Kyle suggested Ashland wanted to put it on record in case he and Tara ever split up, so he could use it to his advantage. Jack didnt think this incident would tilt a custody fight in Ashlands favor that is, if that was how the incident actually happened. Kyle thought it seemed like Tara was telling the truth. He said she seemed rattled, but that might be because she spent years living with a relentless control freak. He recognized that it wouldnt be an issue if Ashland had a real change of heart. Jack thought Kyle should have his lawyer look into the incident with the fall, just so they didnt end up with any surprises.
Later, Tara was alone in the Abbott house when Lauren arrived to meet with her. Lauren hoped her arrival wasnt coming out of the blue for Tara. Lauren explained that Kyle said Tara might be interested in a business opportunity. Lauren loved Taras shoe line, which was a hit in Paris. She suggested they get together next week and look at how to market them to the American woman. Tara explained that her marriage was ending, and right now, she couldnt give any business dealings the serious attention they deserved. Lauren understood shed been there. She said the offer still stood Tara could come to the meeting and they could talk about work, or just get to know each other. Lauren said it was very apparent that this was important to Kyle. It was clear to her that Kyle was in Taras corner.
At ChancComm, Billy called a furniture store and arranged for them to deliver and set up bedroom sets for the kids because they were coming over after school for their first sleepover. Lily hoped they could personalize the room a bit with posters and toys so it could feel like home. They chatted about how messy kids were, and she said the twins rooms were disasters at that age. He said hed set ground rules for the kids to clean up, but he knew theyd test them. She looked forward to seeing him trying to be strict. The kids had spent last night at the ranch. He said he wouldve set the room up a day sooner if Victoria wouldve told him she was going out of town. But, he figured time with their grandparents didnt hurt. Lily asked what was behind the sudden trip to NY. Billy assumed it was Newman business. She hoped the kids would love the place. He was sure they would love it and her. She had some surprises up her sleeve.
Later, Devon was with Lily, and Billy was out. Devon had helped Lily get Billys kids some musical instruments, including a fancy keyboard. She hoped one of the kids had musical talent. He said they might be the next brother/sister duo. Hed arranged to have everything set up at the house. He thought that she was giving the kids a great gift and a hobby they could share. She wanted to mark the occasion as their first night with her and Billy. She just wanted it to go well. Devon noted that Lily spent time with the kids before. Lily wanted them to be excited to come over. She knew it sounded like she was trying to buy their affection. He said that wasnt what she was doing. He thought she was being the cool girlfriend, and shed be another adult in their lives that they could trust. She was excited to have little kids around again, now that her twins were grown. Devon asked how Victoria felt about Lily and Billy moving in together. Lily said Victoria handled it graciously, and Devon asked if Lily bought it. She was giving Victoria the benefit of the doubt. He hoped she was keeping her eyes open, and she said always. She thought Victoria seemed sincere though, so either she was really happy for them, or shed found somewhere else to direct her energy. After he left, she texted Billy that she looked forward to spending time with him and the kids.
At the park, Billy apologized to Jack for being obnoxious the other day when he invited him over for dinner then grilled him about Ashlands divorce. They shifted gears, and Billy asked how being a grandpa felt. It felt great, and strangely enough, he already felt a connection with Harrison. Billy didnt think that sounded strange that was Kyles son. Jack couldnt wait for Billy to meet his great nephew, though the circumstances would be decided by Ashland, who now claimed he didnt want an ugly custody battle. Billy said that Jack could bring him by the apartment, because it would be kid-friendly. He mentioned Victorias unexpected trip to NY. Jack was hesitant to mention this, but Ashland also took a trip to NY last night. He figured it was a coincidence though. Billy said hed seen Victoria with Ashland a few times. Jack maintained that Locke wasnt stupid he wouldnt jet off with a woman while he was in the middle of a contentious divorce. After Jack left, Billy called Victoria. He left a message about the kids rooms at his place, then he added that rumor had it she was in NY with Ashland. He hoped that wasnt true.
Jack went home after Lauren left. He told Tara he bought a magnifying glass and an insect chart for their budding entomologist. She thought it was sweet how he doted on Harrison, and shed make sure he knew this gift came from his grandfather. Jack wanted to hunt bugs with Harrison too one day. He said Harrisons early interest in science could pay off for him his great-aunt Ashley was a renowned chemist, and maybe, one day if he was interested, there would be opportunities for him in the family company. She told him that was her second generous offer today, then she brought up her meeting with Lauren. He said Lauren was a magnificent judge of talent, and he told Tara to make the meeting happen. She said maybe once she got a sense of how her life would turn out. He thought things would be clearer once Ashland met with his attorneys in NY. She looked down, and he asked if he said something wrong. She was friends with the flight attendant on Ashlands jet, and shed let Tara know that there was a woman traveling with him. Jack said he heard it might be Victoria.
Jack said it was never easy when someone they cared about moved on, but this thing with Victoria could be what tempered Ashlands view on custody, which was good for everyone, especially Harrison. He walked out, and she went over and looked at all the photos of the Abbott family. Kyle returned and saw Tara was upset. She appreciated him speaking with Lauren on her behalf. She could really use that kind of support right now. He knew how difficult this was for her, but he hoped she knew she wasnt alone. He wanted her to stay in town be a big success, purely for selfish reasons. She noted that it was because he wanted to be close to his son. He said everything had changed since he found out Harrison was his. Summer was walking in and heard Kyle say ehe couldnt imagine not being part of Harrisons life.
Sally was still at Crimson Lights. She called Eric Forrester and said she needed a favor. She was sure his first instinct would be to delete the message, but this favor wasnt for her, it was for Summer. She asked him to please return her call ASAP.
Amanda met with Sutton, Naya and Imani at Society. Amanda asked Sutton why he was shutting down her strong defense strategy. Sutton thought this was already settled. Amanda said if she could show Richard was contacting Sutton for personal reasons, that would undercut the prosecutions theory of the case. That didnt work for him. Amanda understood that Sutton was concerned this would dredge up painful memories for Naya, but she felt that Naya had already been through the most difficult part facing the daughter she gave up. Amanda said Naya would have to do was recount what happened in court. Sutton was adamant that this wasnt an option, and Amanda asked why, when the alternative could be prison.
Sutton felt the scandal with Richards death had been brought up by his political opponents who wanted to destroy his chance at reelection. He refused to let his family be dragged through the muck. Amanda thought theyd endure it to save him from going to from going to prison. She suggested he ask his family, and he refused. Amanda asked what if they could turn this around on his political enemies and show them a family united against these outrageous claims. She asked why he hired her if he wasnt going to let her run with her instincts. He was starting to wonder the same thing. Hed wanted her to build a case to create reasonable doubt, or ideally, find Richards real killer, but instead she was running around digging up information on Richard, focusing on a past that couldnt be changed. If you are implying that Im not focused on my job she started. I am not implying anything. Its a fact, he sternly interjected. She firmly told him that hed hired her to get him acquitted and the information she uncovered intersected with her personal history, but that was the exact reason he had Naya approach her. She felt she was offering him the best defense. She had proof Richard wasnt trying to blackmail him. She also planned to create reasonable doubt by showing that the person who had the greatest reason to want to silence Richard was the unknown person at Newman who may have been paying Sutton off. Her explanation didnt sway Sutton. Then maybe you should just fire me, she stated. He thought that might be the best idea shed presented since he arrived. He walked out.
Naya apologized for the outburst Sutton rarely lost his temper. Imani said she warned Amanda that he wouldnt go along with this. Amanda said this was their best chance to keep him out of prison. Naya thought this was taking more of a toll on Sutton than he would admit and that Amanda just happened to be on the receiving end of his outburst. She didnt want Amanda to take it personally. Naya was going to smooth things over with Sutton. Amanda said that Sutton wouldnt let her do her job, so maybe this was for the best.
Naya asked Amanda not to walk away, she said they appreciated and respected her work. Amanda wasnt impressed with how Sutton showed his respect. Imani said their grandfather wasnt an easy person to deal with. Amanda conceded that telling the court Sutton encouraged Naya to give up her babies wasnt good optics. Amanda admitted that knowing Richard came so close to finding her was coloring her view of the case, and maybe she couldnt be objective. She suggested it might make sense that she continue her investigation personally and let the team go back to building a defense Sutton would find suitable. Naya asked Amanda not to make any rash decisions. She was sure she could work this out with her father. Naya left. Imani said Sutton lit out of there because he wasnt used to having people stand up to him like that. She was impressed after seeing Amanda in action.
Amanda said a pregnant college student daughter may have derailed Suttons career back then, but times had changed. She didnt understand why hed risk a murder conviction to cover up that secret and why hed allow the prosecution to focus on payments hed allegedly received in exchange for political favors, leading him to silence his blackmailer, which would be far more damaging. She suspected Sutton wasnt telling her the whole story. Imani suggested Sutton had some old fashioned notions about his daughters reputation, not to mention how itd look if it came out that he pressured her to give up her babies. Amanda was starting to wonder how honest Naya, Sutton and Imani had been with her. She was calling Suttons bluff if he fired her, so be it, but she was going to figure out what the hell was going on here. She told Imani that now would be the time to come clean if there was anything shed neglected to mention. Imani said to trust her, she was as baffled about their grandfathers attitude as Amanda was. Amanda said shed allowed her feelings about being part of this family to make her too trusting, but that was over now.
Amanda and Devon went to her suite. She said Sutton was floored that she refused to abandon her defense strategy. She thought he was shocked someone wouldnt obey him. She was suspicious of the whole family. He suggested maybe she should follow her instincts and get out of this. She said that if they were hiding something, and she walked away now, shed never find out what it was.
Victor greeted Sutton in the Grand Phoenix lobby. He noted that Sutton was a little far afield. Sutton said one of his attorneys lived here, not that it was any of Victors business. Sutton was sure Victor thought it was business though, given Sutton was fairly sure Victor was the high-placed source she interviewed about the case. Victor was sorry Newman had to be dragged into Suttons case. Sutton said he was changing counsel. My granddaughter let me down, he said. Victor was curious. Sutton covered and said he was talking about Imani, whom Victor never met. Sutton said that Imani had been helping Amanda. Victor said Amanda Sinclair was a mystery. She had a hunch that she was on to something about her father and his journey to find her.
Victor called Amanda and asked to meet. He wanted to know her real connection to Sutton Ames.
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