The Y&R Update Thursday 6/10/21
Written by Christine
At Newman, Nikki wanted to know what put that sly smile on Victorias face. It had her a little worried. Victoria said there was no reason for Nikki to worry or try to guess what her secret was. Nikki overheard Victorias half of the phone call earlier, and she surmised that Victoria received an invitation to New York City from a very determined man. Nikki said it wasnt unlike the dinner invitation Victoria got the other day from Ashland, who happened to be a determined New Yorker. When Victoria didnt deny it, Nikki assumed she was right. Victoria said she and Ashland were just friends. Nikki didnt think Ashland seemed like the type whod pursue friends in a determined manner.
Nikki didnt know how Victoria could be interested in Ashland, who dangled his company in front of her then yanked it away. Victoria said it was a business decision. Nikki thought it spoke to who he was. Victoria asked Nikki if shed seen who shed been married to for the past several decades. Nikki thought that was different, but Victoria didnt agree. Victoria said there was more to Ashland than business he came to town because his son was here Tara took their child and fled New York City. Nikki suggested Tara had a good reason to leave. Victoria knew Nikki was aware of how complicated the end of a marriage could be. Victoria said Ashland was going through a difficult time, and she was trying to be sympathetic. Nikki was concerned Ashland was using Victoria. She said he was obviously on the rebound. And you dont think that Im smart enough to recognize a situation like this by now, Victoria asked. Nikki didnt underestimate Victoria, but Ashland was known for his ruthlessness. Oh, and you would never get involved with a man known for being ruthless, Victoria said. Nikki asked if that was what Victoria was doing getting involved. Victoria said they had dinner and probably would again. She liked talking to a man who wasnt intimidated by her position. She added that not everything had to be a deep co-dependent relationship like Nikki and Victors. Nikki decided to pretend she didnt hear that. Nikki contended that this wasnt a casual meal Ashland wanted to fly Victoria to NY. Victoria noted that she turned him down, but Nikki countered that shed been tempted. Victoria said yes, she was tempted, and she might even be having impure thoughts about him. Victoria said Nikki had been lecturing her to stop working 24/7 and meet new people, and thats what she was doing. All Nikki wanted was for Victoria to be happy. She left.
Kyle demanded to know what the hell Ashland was doing at the Abbott house. Ashland wanted to know how his son was. Kyle refused to let Ashland come into his familys home and demand things. Ashland said there was no demand he merely asked. Kyle assumed Ashland was really there about the ultimatum he gave Tara. Ashland didnt realize that was public knowledge, but he wasnt surprised Tara shared it with Kyle. Tara felt that Ashland was asking her to make an impossible choice, but he disagreed. He said either she cut Kyle out and she and Harrison would receive substantial financial support, or she kept Kyle in and she received nothing it was an either/or decision. Kyle understood Ashlands anger. He saw what an amazing kid Harrison was, and that was a testament to Ashland and Taras parenting. Ashland asked if this was flattery. Kyle said it was true, and he said Ashland could continue to be a good parent by not taking this out on Tara and by not forcing Kyle out of his sons life.
Tara said that it was true she and Ashland were good parents. Fine, Im father of the year, he dryly said. He asked what Harrison had been told. Tara said Harrison knew the truth, but theyd been very careful not to undermine Ashland, and shed made it clear that Ashland would always be Father. She said Harrison had a big heart, and he was happy to have one more person to love. Kyle said that Harrison had a whole new family who was willing to embrace him. Ashland was glad Harrison wasnt upset. Tara thought itd help if Ashland talked to Harrison. She thought that Harrison was young enough that having two men in his life would become second nature. Ashland had given it a lot of thought. He didnt want Harrison to grow up resenting him for keeping Kyle out of his life, just as he was sure Tara wouldnt want Harrison to resent her for keeping Ashland away. He withdrew his ultimatum because hed come up with a new decision regarding Harrisons future.
Kyle was angry about Ashland unilaterally making decisions about Harrison, but Tara wanted to hear him out. Ashland was flying to NY, and while he was there, hed meet with his lawyers to set up an even-handed custody arrangement with Tara. Kyle asked what about him. Ashland didnt plan to split any of his custodial time with Kyle, so that would have to come out of Taras time. Ashland said Kyle was free to be involved in Harrisons life. He assumed that was an acceptable solution. Ashland picked up the toy Summer bought Harrison. Tara didnt know what to say. Ashland said a thank you would suffice, and s. She said she was grateful. Tara said depending on what her lawyer said, she was open to the deal. Kyle also wanted to know the details, but thought it sounded fair. Ashland wanted to see his son, and Tara took him upstairs.
Summer thought this was great news. Kyle wasnt sure that Ashland could be trusted. Summer figured that Kyle and Taras lawyers could make sure Ashland wasnt trying to pull a fast one. Ashland and Tara came downstairs, and Kyle asked how it went. Ashland said it went great; Harrison was still loving and affectionate, and he gave Ashland a rock. Tara said it was a father/son thing they gave each other lucky rocks. She thought theyd all had a little luck today with Ashlands compromise. He told her not to feel too fortunate, because the prenup was still in place. Hed take care of Harrison, but her alimony would be minimal compared to what it would've been if she didnt cheat. If I hadnt cheated, we wouldnt have a son, she replied. He left.
Summer suggested that the worst was over, and they could relax and enjoy the good news. Kyle and Tara would feel better once the lawyers looked over it. Summer was curious what Taras answer wouldve been to Ashlands ultimatum. Kyle didnt think it mattered. Tara said she wouldve turned Ashland down she couldnt take Kyles son from him after he just found out the truth. Kyle appreciated that. He asked if she trusted Ashland about the compromise or if this was another mind game. She sensed Ashland was being sincere. She could usually tell when he was bluffing. Summer thought Kyle should take Taras word for it. Kyle sensed something was bothering Tara. You always could tell what I was thinking, Tara said, while Summer frowned. Tara said it wasnt like Ashland to just reverse course, and she wasnt convinced Kyles speech earlier was what did it.
Sally joined Ashland at the Society bar. He wanted time alone, but she wouldnt leave. She said they had a deal, and she felt he was weaseling out of it. He wanted to enjoy his drink, then he had a plane to catch. She said she told him where to find his wife and son, so now it was time for him to uphold his end of the deal. She told him to take out his phone, call the right person, and Summer would leave town for her dream job in Italy. Sally said this could benefit Ashland too Kyle loved Summer so much that hed never let her go on her own hed have to move to Europe too. Ashland didnt see why that mattered. Sally said that Kyle wouldnt be able to spend as much time with Harrison, and out of sight out of mind. You would be that little boys only daddy in every way that counts, she said. Ashland was now on board. He said he was was only one investor, but he owned a big enough piece that they had to listen to him. He wrote down a number and gave it to Sally. He said if the CEO wanted to hire Summer, Ashland would convince the other investors to go along with it. Sally asked for the CEOs name. Eric Forrester. Give him a call, he said. She had a question, but he walked away leaving her sputtering.
Ashland called Victoria again and invited her to NY. She said she already turned him down. He didnt think shed been very convincing last time. He also didnt think shed be able to say no twice. She said shed have to get Billy to watch the kids, and he didnt think that would be an issue. He said hed save her a seat on the plane. She commented on his confidence. Please join me, he asked. She said yes.
Michael came charging into Crimson Lights to talk to Rey. He seemed irritated that Rey was taking some time off work right now. Rey explained that he and Sharon were going on a second honeymoon. Michael calmed a bit and said Rey and Sharon earned that. He stated that, before the fun began, he and Rey had to discuss Chelsea. Michael had questions about how a woman with severe mental disorders and recovering from a stroke was able to execute this elaborate plan to poison Rey. Rey realized Michael thought Chelsea had help. Rey wondered about that too, but he thought Chelsea was resourceful enough to do this on her own. He noted that she hid her recovery from everyone, including her doctors and nurses. They debated whether or not Chelsea couldve pulled this off on her own. Michael said the case was closed if no one else was involved, but he thought that the chances no on else was involved were minuscule. Rey said that if Michael was right, hed do whatever he could to find the accomplice and hold them accountable. Michael was a little worried because he didnt care to arrest his own sister in law, and if anyone helped Chelsea, it was Chloe.
Rey had visited Chelsea several times, and hed even brought up Chloe to see if Chelsea would slip up, but that hadnt happened. Michael suggested Chelsea was working Rey. Rey was sure she thought she was. He said Chelsea acted like she was in control, but it was clear that she was teetering on the edge. Rey felt for Chelsea he felt sympathy for all Adams victims, even Chloe. Michael had lingering doubts. Rey understood, and he thought it was time he paid Chelsea another visit.
Adam was at the hospital with Chelsea. He told her Connor was coming home, and she was excited to see him. Shed already talked to the facility, and they said it was alright for Connor to come. However, Adam didnt think it was a good idea for Connor to visit Chelsea at the facility. Chelsea believed that Adam planned to keep Connor from her and slowly poison him against her. Chelsea was furious she was finally able to talk to Connor for the first time since her stroke, and Adam wanted to cut that off. He swore hed never use Connor to torment her like that. She said he tormented her by kissing Sharon while Chelsea was in a wheelchair. He was sorry for that momentary lapse, but she argued that he didnt have momentary lapses. She thought everything he did was calculated. He just wanted to protect Connor, and it would confuse and scare him to see Chelsea like this. He said they protected Connor from finding out about Chelseas stroke, and they had to stick to their strategy. She reminded him that it was his strategy, and shed never had a say because she was paralyzed. He pointed out that she chose not to contact Connor while she was faking her paralysis. He said she couldve texted Connor, just like she texted Sharon while pretending to be Adam. He said maybe she didnt contact Connor because it wouldve wrecked her plan, but he liked to think that she didnt contact him because she wanted to protect him. He thought her doctors had discouraged her from contacting Connor while she was in the facility. Chelsea was fed up with people acting like she was too crazy to live her life, when the truth of the matter was that the sanest thing shed ever done was to -. She stopped short with her rant, but he urged her to continue.
Chelsea claimed she only meant that coming to the facility to get help was the sanest thing she couldve done. She said working on her issues had been difficult but rewarding. She was finally getting clarity. He was glad. She knew shed been messed up, but being in the facility was helping her. She vowed to come back from this. He was happy to hear that, but he thought she was proving his point. He said she was on the road to recovery, so until she was healthy and strong, she shouldnt see their son. He said once she was released, hopefully soon, she could spend all the time she wanted with Connor. She warned him that hed better mean that, because playing her would be a mistake. Adam said he wasnt playing Chelsea he knew better.
Rey showed up and asked what was going on. Adam thought the better question was why Rey kept visiting Chelsea. Rey said she asked him to, and even if she didnt, Adam didnt have jurisdiction over who came to see her. Adam told Chelsea to be careful with Rey. Chelsea said Rey was helping her. Adam said Rey wouldnt be visiting unless he had doubts about what happened. I guess compassion is still a foreign concept to the new and improved Adam Newman, Rey said. Adam said he still wanted to protect the people he cared about. He suggested Rey was harassing or trying to coerce Chelsea. He vowed to keep looking out for her, then he left.
Chelsea asked Rey if Adam was right. He said he was a detective, so it was in his nature to be suspicious. She thought he agreed with the judges decision. He did. He thought she was genuinely struggling, perhaps more than she was willing to admit, and he wanted to help her. He thought all her troubles just walked out the door. She agreed that Adam wrecked everything he came in contact with. He said Adam didnt succeed in wrecking his marriage - he and Sharon were going on a second honeymoon. She asked if that meant he wouldnt be visiting, and he said not for awhile. He hoped she could be as honest with him as he had been with her. He wanted to know how she pulled off her plot. She said she told him already, but he countered that she always skipped over the logistics and the details. She jumped out of bed and yelled that Adam was right. You dont believe me. No one believes me. Youre all the same. You just want me locked up in this place for the rest of my life!, she screamed. He said that wasnt true. She wanted him to go and leave her alone. She told him to go vacation with Sharon and enjoy his freedom and love while she sat in here and rotted. He left.
Adam ran into Chloe in the park. He told her that Chelsea was upset and could use a friend. He asked if shed thought about his offer to work at his online media platform. She thought it sounded more like a bribe to assuage his guilty conscience than a job. He admitted he was trying to make amends, but the opportunity was real, and he thought that if Chelsea knew she could work with Chloe again, it would give her something to hope for. He promised hed be hands off, and theyd only interact when he was signing her checks. She took the job, but she said hed better not be messing with her. He said hed have the contract drawn up and hed include a provision for Chelsea. He thanked her for being Chelseas friend, and he left.
Rey went back to Crimson Lights to talk to Michael. Rey said Chelsea was starting to become unglued when Adam was there, and when Rey mentioned Sharon, it was clear that Chelsea was on shaky ground emotionally. When he asked if Chelsea acted alone, she went off and acted defensive. It felt like a performance, and it felt false. He thought she was lying. Michael wished Rey was staying in town so he could keep the pressure on Chelsea. Rey said she was clearly not well and she wasnt in the right mindset when she poisoned Rey. He thought justice had been served where Chelsea was concerned. Rey wasnt so sure hed go so easy on Chloe, though.
Chloe visited Chelsea. Chelsea was glad to have someone she could be totally honest with. Chloe said that Adam showed up, and shed almost slipped up and admitted she was faking her condition. Then Rey came in, and he asked all these questions like he was still investigating. Chloe was worried Rey would keep digging and figure out she was involved. Chelsea said not to worry because she stuck to the story that she acted alone. Chloe didnt think Rey would take Chelseas word for it, especially since she wasnt credible right now. Chelsea said that Rey didnt have proof. She swore shed protect Chloe. She said shed never throw her best friend under the bus for something she tricked Chloe into doing. Chloe told Chelsea about the job offer. Chloe admitted she took the job, and Chelsea thought that was crazy. Chloe said theyd run it together once Chelsea got out. Chloe explained she needed the money. Raising two kids on Kevins salary wasnt cutting it. She said eventually, they could turn this into something that was all their own. Chelsea disagreed, because theyd be working for Adam. Chelsea thought this was the worst decision Chloe ever made, and Chloe had made some really bad decisions. Chelsea believed this was Adams way of controlling her again he was keeping her from her kid, and deciding her future. She wasnt letting him dismantle her world. She had to find a way out of here.
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