The Y&R Update Thursday 6/3/21
Written by Christine
At Society, Ashland told Victor he was impressed at how he and Adam handled the transition. As a board member, he approved. He read the hit piece from ChancComm, and he was amused by the insinuation that Victor took advantage of his heart attack to secure the deal. It was a nice jab, not that it didnt happen that way. He assumed Victor was planning to retaliate. In due time, Victor said. Victor was sure Billy was the driving force behind the article, but he acknowledged that Lily signed off on it. After business was taken care of, Victor asked how Ashland was holding up. He knew divorce could be a financial mess. Ashland had an ironclad prenup, so Tara would get as little of his money as possible. Victor was certain Ashland would do what was best for his child. Ashland hadnt decided how to proceed. He assumed Victor thought he should step back and keep a measured approach, but Ashland said he didnt put his personal feelings aside while making decisions. That wasnt in his DNA.
Nick went to Newman Media, and he overheard Adams video call with Connor. Connor wanted to talk to Chelsea. Adam said that she was having a treatment, but she sent her love. Connor missed his parents. Adam promised him things would be fine, and they ended the call. Nick walked in and said he couldnt help but overhear. Adam couldnt tell Connor about Chelsea. He knew Nick understood doing what was best for your kid. He didnt think he was giving Connor false hope, because he believed Chelsea would recover. Nick asked if Adam was hoping to reconcile with Chelsea and forgive what they did to each other. Adam hadnt given much thought to what would happen after Chelseas release. He didnt know if there was any coming back after what happened. All he could focus on now was Connor. Nick never doubted Adams love for Connor.
Nick knew Adam was doing everything in his power to make sure Chelsea got the help she needed. Adam said Victor had been instrumental in that department. Nick knew how badly Victor wanted Adam to be able to focus on the business. Adam wasnt sure that was why Victor helped Chelsea maybe he just wanted to help the mother of his grandson. Nick highly doubted that helping Chelsea was on the top of Victors to-do list after she framed Adam. Adam said theyd never know how Victors mind worked. Nick thought Adam was concealing Victors real agenda. Adam felt that Nick was determined to think the worst of him and Victor. Nick said maybe he was wrong, and Victor was keeping Adam out of the loop. Adam wondered if Nick was trying to get him to doubt Victor. Nick said that was more Adams style, though not lately. Adam asked why Nick was fixated on Victor helping Chelsea. Nick just found it odd, and he thought it was even odder that Adam didnt seem to have questions about it. Adam thought it was the best possible outcome for Chelsea, and Victor had his back ever since he was falsely accused of poisoning Rey. Nick decided to drop the subject because he didnt want to argue. Nick said he and Devon decided to accept the offer of Newman Media sponsoring and promoting New Hope. Nick acknowledged that Victor had questionable behavior at times, but he thought the benefits outweighed the risk.
At Crimson Lights, Sharon refilled Summers cup and mentioned that Nick told her Summer was going through something. Sharon didnt want to pry, but if Summer wanted to talk, she was willing to listen. That was the last thing Summer wanted. Sharon apologized, she didnt mean to overstep. Then Summer apologized, explaining that it wasnt that she didnt want to talk to Sharon, she was just afraid that if she started talking, she wouldnt be able to stop crying.
Lily and Victoria were in Crimson Lights at the same time, but they didnt see each other at first. Lily gave Sharon her new address so she could get coffee deliveries. Victoria walked up. Lily didnt realize she was back in town. Victoria just left the airport and was getting coffee on the way to the office. Victoria asked if Lily and Billy moved in together. Lily said she and Billy found a perfect place, so they jumped on it before they lost it. Theyd planned to tell Victoria as soon as she got back. She added that theyd love to discuss it further with her to make sure the transition was smooth for Johnny and Katie. Victoria said of course. She had business to take care of, so she left.
Sharon went back to the patio to check on Summer. Summer said the story would come out eventually, but she didnt feel right going into detail. Sharon said love was messy and marriage was messier - you were trying to weave your life with someone else. Sometimes the strands could become loose or frayed, but that was perfectly normal, and you could come back from seemingly insurmountable problems. Sharon said that Summer didnt have to accept some degree of unhappiness in order to be with Kyle. Sharon said others would give their opinions, but the only two people in the relationship were Summer and Kyle. Summer asked what if it wasnt just the two of them. She quickly clarified that no one was cheating on anyone, but there was a complicated situation that was moving fast. Sharon had been there feeling overwhelmed and like things were out of your control. Summer said that was exactly it. Sharon said the good news was it wasnt out of Summers control she couldnt control other peoples actions, but ehs could choose her response. Sharon advised Summer to let go of the fear and think about what was best for her and what she needed. Summer was grateful the advice meant a lot to her.
Kyle was relieved to find Tara and Harrison in the park. He admitted hed been worried that Ashland made a move to get custody or that Tara got scared and left town. She saw no point in hiding out now that Ashland knew where they were. Kyle wished Tara told him they were going to the park, because he wouldve come too. She didnt want to impose, and he assured her that she and Harrison werent an imposition they were his priority right now. Tara said Harrison was going stir crazy being cooped up in the house, even with the big back yard. Kyle smiled, because he never liked being inside as a kid. She enjoyed watching Harrison running around happy and carefree. Kyle recalled he used to run around non stop and ride his bike. Tara said Harrison didnt know how to ride a bike. Kyle couldnt wait to teach his son to ride. Kyle hoped Tara didnt think he was getting ahead of himself. She told him that she couldnt be happier that he wanted to be a positive presence in Harrisons life. He was sure Ashland wouldnt be happy about her involvement. Her lawyers thought the paternity test would help her case, and they advised her to sue for sole custody. She assured him that that didnt mean she wanted him out of Harrisons life. He asked what about Ashland. She wanted Ashland in Harrisons life too, but she was scared Ashland would vilify her or tell him about her and Kyles affair. Kyle didnt think that Ashland wouldnt drag a three year old into that, but Tara said not to doubt he was that vindictive. Harrison loves his father very much. Its important he doesnt suddenly lose that connection, Kyle said. Tara would understand if Kyle wanted her to boot Ashland out of Harrisons life, given the way Ash treated Kyle. Kyle said he had to put Harrison first. Tara was impressed because Kyle was already so concerned for Harrison when hed only been with him a few days. He liked to think any parent would do the same, but he noted that, according to her, Ashland thought differently. Tara hoped there was a way to preserve Ash and Harrisons relationship and protect herself. He thought Ashland would do what was best for Harrison, because Kyle liked to believe Harrison brought out the best in everyone. Tara thought Harrison brought out the best in Kyle.
Tara asked if Kyle and Summer figured out how this would work. He said they started to. Tara was sure Summer worried Kyle wouldnt be around as much, but she said if she and Harrison lived close by, hed have easy access to his son. Kyle still wasnt used to that phrase his son. He said none of them ever thought theyd get to this point, but they had. He wanted to be all in, and Summer understood that. Harrison joined his parents after he finished playing. Kyle suggested ice cream. Tara said Harrison loved chocolate. Kyle said that was his favorite too. Tara went to get some while Kyle stayed with Harrison. Kyle asked Harrison questions to get to know him. Harrison called him Daddy, and Kyle repeated it. Summer was walking past, and she saw Harrison and Kyle repeating Daddy and laughing. She smiled when she heard Kyle say he was new at the daddy thing, so he needed Harrison to tell him when he was doing a good job or messing up. Summer was about to join them when Tara called them to get their ice cream, and they ran off. Summer came back later, with a toy for Harrison, but no one was at the park anymore.
Tara and Kyle were at the Abbott house. Kyle thought Harrison would be asleep soon, but Tara said he was definitely going to catch a second wind. She said youd get lulled into a false sense of tranquility, then Harrison would be at it again, ready for action and attention. Kyle loved hearing these little details about his son. He had a wonderful time today, when Harrison called him daddy, he felt like his heart would burst. She thought it was obvious that Harrison felt a connection to him. It did her heart good to see them bond. Ashland arrived wanting to speak with Tara alone.
Victor went to The Grand Phoenix and saw Billy carrying a suitcase. He said Billy was sneaking out of the building after that ridiculous article. Billy said he didnt run away from things. He was sure Ashland was second-guessing going into business with Victor and Adam. Victor stated that Ashland read the article and found it amusing and hypocritical, because he remembered Billy warning him that Victor would use Cyaxares as a personal vendetta. Victor said Billy claimed to hate him and Adam, but they were the center of his media drive, which was almost flattering. Billy said Victor was trying to pretend the article didnt bother him, but Billy knew him well enough to know he was planning some retribution. Billy stated that he was ready. Victor told him to fasten his seat belt.
Victor went to work, and Adam told him the ews. Victor was happy Nick and Adam were working together and trusting each other. Nick said lets not go overboard. He thought they needed to set realistic expectations. Victor had wanted to see the two of them working together. It had been a dream of his for a long time. Adam joked with Nick about their father actually dreaming, and Nick joked back that he thought Victor only had nightmares. Victor laughed. The brothers wondered what would happen if Victors dream came true and they got along. Adam wondered if Victor would be okay with things being boring. Victor said there would still be conflicts to solve, but instead of Adam and Nick being the cause of the battles, theyd be by his side, helping him win.
Nikki dropped by Victors office, after Adam and Nick were gone. He wished her a happy birthday. He had some surprises for her, and she said he was still spoiling her after all this time. They shifted gears and he told her about Nick signing on with Newman Media. He was also happy to report that Nick and Adams relationship was changing for the better. Nikki didnt respond. He asked how she felt about his new headquarters. She thought the name, Newman Media, seemed to be a not so subtle dig against Victoria. Victor said he created Newman Media when he ran Newman Enterprises, and Victoria sold off the division, so she had no right to the name. She had to go meet Victoria. Nikki noticed hed shown little interest in Newman Enterprises these days. He asked why he would when Victoria made it clear that she didnt need his advice. Exactly, she said. She left.
Adam returned to Newman Media. Victor revealed that he hired an executive from ChancComm to help them refine their attack on Billy. He showed Adam something on the computer. Adam thought they should put a pin in this. He wasnt saying no, but he thought they had other priorities now. Victor disagreed. Adam said theyd have to learn to agree to disagree sometimes. Victor said theyd let it go for now, and he left.
Billy went home and told Lily about his run in with Victor. Lily wondered if Victor really thought he could con them into thinking he wouldnt retaliate and that it was safe to let their guard down. She said whatever happened, theyd handle it. Lily revealed that Victoria knew they moved in together. Just as she said this, Victoria walked through the open door carrying a potted plant. Victoria mentioned overhearing Lily giving Sharon her new address. Lily thought it was too bad Victoria had to run off before they could discuss it further. Victoria was sorry she had urgent business to attend to, and she wanted to go home and see the kids. Billy said he was going to talk to Victoria about this once she returned. He knew they needed to discuss the kids. Victoria noted that Lily said the same thing. She wasnt upset, she was actually kind of happy for them. She told them the plant would need a lot of sunlight. Lily was sure she and Billy would be able to take care of it. Victoria said the kids were fond of and comfortable with Lily, and she was sure theyd enjoy visiting. Billy said theyd have a slumber party as soon as their rooms were finished. Lily suggested Billy give Victoria a tour. Billy was going to take the plant, but Victoria thought they should let Lily handle it, since Billy didnt have a green thumb. Billy asked if he didnt get a second chance, just because he killed a few ferns. Its okay. I got this, Lily said, and she took the plant.
After Victoria left, Billy said that went well, and he thought Lily could see that Victoria didnt have feelings for him. Lily told him not to try and pretend Victoria never said she wanted him back. Lily teasingly suggested Victoria saw that Billy wasnt all that and she moved on. Billy said that hurt. Lily continued ribbing Billy and said he was lucky she put up with him. He agreed. He said she was out of his league, which sucked for her, because she signed the lease, and she was contractually obligated to be with him. Lily wondered if Victoria was so cool about them moving in together because shed moved on to someone else. Billy didnt know. Hed seen her a few times with Ashland, and he hoped that if she was with another guy, it wasnt Locke.
At Society, Victoria wished Nikki a happy birthday. She said the kids had some special gifts for her. Shed also booked them mother-daughter massages. Nikki adopted a serious tone to deliver some news, and Victoria asked if this was about Billy and Lily moving in together. Victoria said she was just there with a housewarming gift. Nikki was stunned. Victoria said she wasnt threatened by Billys relationship. She was happy for him. Victoria saw Ashland walking by and asked if he was okay. He said he was in the middle of messy times with the divorce. She was sorry. She wished there was something she could do. He appreciated that, but there was nothing anyone could do. He invited Victoria to dinner, and he told Nikki she was welcome to join them. Nikki had plans with Victor. Victoria accepted the invitation. He said itd be the highlight of his day, and he left. Nikki asked what the hell that was about. Victoria said they were friends. Friends?, Nikki asked. Victoria said that was all it was.
At Crimson Lights, Nick told Sharon he would be working with Newman Media. She said she knew he wouldnt have agreed to this without seeing a genuine change in Adam. He wasnt sure the new dynamic between them would last. He couldnt forget the past, but then he thought about the things Adam did recently he saved Faiths life when he brought her to the hospital, he he rescued Nick, and he donated an organ to Faith. He said maybe Sharon was the one person who had real insight into Adam. Sharon thought having forgiveness, especially from someone like Nick, was what Adam needed to let go of the anger and darkness. Nick asked if she really thought hed make a difference. You giving Adam this chance, now youre the one whos saving his life, Sharon stated.
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