The Y&R Update Friday 5/28/21
Written by Christine
A somber Devon looked at Neils memorial plaque that hung on the wall at Society. He remembered Neil hugging him and welcoming him to the Winters family.
Moses was at ChancComm with Lily. They looked at pictures of Neil that Moses used for an invitation to the memorial event. There were so many pictures Moses had never seen before. They video chatted with Devon, who confirmed that things for the memorial were taken care of on his end. Nate was off setting up the thing that Malcolm sent. Lily blew a kiss to Neil. Lily read some tributes to Neil to Moses until she noticed he was about to cry. She asked if this was too much. He loved hearing the tributes and he was glad Lily and Devon waited until he was in town so he could be part of this. She knew they were a lot older, but he was their brother, and they loved him. She hoped today helped him feel closer to Neil. She knew he didnt get a lot of time with Neil, and she and Devon wanted to make up for that in any way they could by sharing Neil stories. She shared some jokes that Neil used to tell.
Everyone who was invited received their invitation to the celebration of Neils life and reacted to it. Victor and Nikki, who were at Newman, Ashley was in town, at The Grand Phoenix, and she got her invitation as well. Amanda was upstairs at the hotel, and she read the invitation. The Winters family invited everyone to honor Neils memory by walking in his footsteps to visit the places he loved and people he treasured. Nick and Phyllis were in her suite, and he read part of the invitation too. The Miles Davis cover of Footprints, one of Neils favorite pieces of music, and that was the theme of this memorial. Attached was a list of Neils stomping grounds, which everyone was welcome to visit and explore the facets of his life. At Crimson Lights, Sharon also read the invitation. It said Neils jazz club, Indigo, was no longer with us, but the music lingered on. There was a playlist of artists whod been featured there, and an invitation to drop by Crimson Lights and get a coffee, compliments of the house. Sharon pulled out a sign offering the Neil Winters special two cream and two sugar. Jack also read the invitation from his home. It said there was no way to truly encompass the entire lifes journey of a man like Neil, but this would give everyone a taste of of his loves and tremendous accomplishments. It invited everyone to see what a gift Neil was to the town and everyone who knew him.
Devon went to Society and thanked Sharon for letting Crimson Lights be a stop on the Neil Winters Experience. She thought the coffee shop deserved landmark status for all the friendships, bonding and life changing advice Neil doled out here. Devon said he and Neil used to get coffee here every morning before work, and Neil used to come with folks from AA. He noticed that she was wearing one of Drus necklaces that Neil left to her. Sharon said her amazing friend, Dru, was with Neil again.
At Newman Enterprises, Nikki marveled at all the time Neils children put into this. Theyd compiled a list of Neils favorite recipes, places, music. She realized Victor knew all about this already. He said of course he did Newman was one of the stops on the tour.
Phyllis listed off some of the jazz musicians on the playlist. Nick said his friend had a great taste in music. Your friend had great taste in friends, Phyllis replied. He looked forward to the tribute walk. She said he could take the kids after school. He thought Faith might be too fatigued, but Christian might like parts of it. He asked if she was going to go. She planned to take part, but she knew he was much better friends with Neil than she was. She had something to do right now, and shed see him later.
Jack put all his business on hold so that he could remember a good friend today. Phyllis went to the Abbott house, and Jack said he was in no mood to get into it about Tara or Kyle. Phyllis was just there to check on him, because he and Neil had a special bond. He admitted it had been an emotional day. She knew Neil was determined to help Jack with his fight against addiction to pills. He acknowledged that she was there too, and hed never forget that. She was available if he ever wanted to talk. She knew hed had a difficult year. He appreciated the concern, and though there were many times in the past year that hed wanted to fall into addiction, it would definitely not happen today. That would insult Neils memory and the hard work he did fighting his own addiction. In honor of his friend, he was going to live this day sober.
Back at Newman, Victor flashed back to a moment, a long time ago, when hed confided in Neil about a business maneuver aimed at Jack. Victor knew he could trust Neil. In the present, Jack showed up. He said they both lost a cherished friend in Neil, and strangely enough, theyd both entrusted Neil in running their companies. They agreed that Neil would be proud of what his family did for him today. Jack heard Victor and Adam were going into business. He hoped Victor would do right by him this time. He said Adam spent a lifetime trying to win Victors approval, and itd be nice if he finally got it. Victor thought Jack should stick to talking about his own son. He asked how Kyle was. Jack tersely said Kyle was fine, and he told Victor not to push it. Chuckling, Victor pointed out that Jack was the one who walked into his office. Jack decided hed leave. As he was walking out, he said Neil was the one person who wouldve stuck by both of them. Victor thought Neil would tell them to cut the bull, especially on this day. Jack agreed. He wished Victor a good day, and he left.
Nick was at Crimson Lights with Rey. Rey asked how Nick was, since hed heard Neil was a friend. Nick was okay. Hed started the day at the basketball court, where he and Neil used to play and talk. He missed that. Rey was glad he didnt have problems anymore, but he said hed heard his advice was life-affirming, and he was a great basketball player. They playfully trash talked and agreed to play sometime. Nick flashed back to shooting hoops with Neil. After the memory passed, Nick basketball-tossed something in the trashcan and looked to the sky.
Nate put up a photo in the park that Malcolm sent over, then he went to Society, where Amanda was listening to music from the playlist. He thought shed be with Devon. She said Devon wanted to do this day on his own, and she understood that. She wasnt sure what shed say to him anyway, since shed never lost family. Shed been deprived of it, but that was a different kind of ache. He said it was still grief, and no matter what Devon said, hed need more than a friend. She thought Devon was lucky to have Nate looking out for him. He figured he probably needed to do that more often.
Lily was silently weeping in her office when Amanda arrived to check on her. Lily pulled herself together and claimed everything was fine, but Amanda said she didnt have to put up a front. Lily didnt expect today to be this hard, since she dealt with the loss of her dad every day. Neil was a good man. He wasnt perfect, but he admitted his mistakes and always worked to be better. Amanda thought it sounded like Lily was a lot like Neil. Lily tried to be. She said he always showed up, and she wanted to be like that. Amanda anted to be like that too.
Nate found Devon at Crimson Lights. Devon asked about the photo Malcolm sent, and Nate said it was perfection. It looked like an old album cover, and Neil wouldve loved it. Devon was glad Nate was able to be part of today. Nate wouldnt have missed it for the world. The playlist was mind-blowing. Hearing Neils favorite music made it feel like he was part of this. They reminisced about when Malcolm used to work here and how much Neil hated it. There was a flashback to Neil and Malcolm arguing at Crimson Lights. Neil felt like he was being shut out of Malcolms life. Malcolm said it was his life, and how he lived it was no ones business. Neil understood Malcolm went through hell in Africa, but while that was happening, Neil was here, drowning in a bottle because he thought Malcolm was dead. Malcolm thought it looked like Neil pulled through. Neil said he pulled through because he had help.
Nate said that losing Neil was hell on Malcolm, especially because they wasted so much time fighting. Devon said sometimes you had to stop living in the past, forget about the pain, and usually everything fell away when you focused on what mattered. Nate didnt want to make that same mistake.
Devon went to Newman and talked with Victor. When Victoria said they could use Newman as a stop on the memorial walk, he wasnt expecting anything as elaborate as the display they put up in the lobby. Victor wanted people to realize what Neil accomplished. Devon hoped Victor knew how much Neil valued working here. Victor said Neil contributed a lot, and more importantly, he was a good friend. Victor was happy for Neil when he left Newman to form Hamilton-Winters. Victor added that nothing made a man happier than working with his son. Devon said it was one of the best times of his life. Victor thought Neil would be happy that Moses was here and that his family was together.
Ashley went to Crimson Lights for the Neil special. She and Sharon talked about Neil. Ashley and Neils romance didnt work out, but all day shed been thinking about what might have been. She flashed back to dancing with Neil. They talked about how effortless it felt to be together, and they kissed. Ashley wiped away a tear. Sharon brought a cup of coffee for herself and Ashley, and they toasted to Neil. Sharon hoped he knew how loved he was. Ashley would like to think he did.
Later, Moses toured Newman. Victor told him that Neil used to run it for awhile. He said Moses had some big shoes to fill. He let Moses sit in the CEOs seat that used to be Neils and he asked how it felt. Moses felt like he could rule the world. Victor offered Moses a job if he ever wanted to abandon his medical dreams. He added that Moses was always welcome t Hamilton-Winters too. Ashley walked in. She told Moses to stick to his guns, because thats what his dad wouldve done. Victor respected Neil a great deal.
Nikki went to Society and looked at Neils plaque. She recognized the jazz song playing, and she sat at the piano that had a picture of Neil on top. She looked at it as she played along. Jack walked in and took out his earbuds so he could hear Nikki play. When she finished, he applauded and asked when she learned to play that. She said Neil asked her to prepare it for a charity concert, but of course, she never got the chance to perform it. He told her about the jazz label Devon was launching in Neils honor called Winters Mood. The proceeds would go to expanding the Abbott-Winters Foundations treatment centers. She thought Neil would love that. They couldnt believe Neil was gone. He meant the world to them. Jack said, in treatment, they said it takes a village, and for a time, the three of them were each others village.
Lily was now at Society on a call with Billy. He was sorry he wasnt with her. She knew he was at an important meeting that one of them needed to attend. She said shed gone to the old family apartment earlier, and it brought back a lot of memories. Lily remembered a talk with Neil. Hed come to spend time with her, because they hadnt seen each other as much since he went back to work and Dru got a promotion. She told him about school. Hed cleared his work schedule, and he asked if they could spend the rest of the day together. She agreed.
Devon went to Society and ran into Amanda. She asked how the day was going. It had been a roller coaster, but it was better now that he saw her. She was sorry if he wanted to see her sooner. She didnt know if he wanted space. She didnt understand the loss he felt, because shed never loved someone the way he loved Neil, and shed never been loved by someone the way Neil loved him. He understood. She didnt want to run from that, and shed love to spend the day with him and help any way she could. He said she was doing it just by being here. He appreciated her. It was difficult to put how special today was into words. It was almost over. Amanda thought it was a wonderful way to remember Neil, though. He said no matter how many memories and moments they shared, Neil was still gone. At least he went peacefully.
Nikki and Victor admired Neils photo in the park. He said Neil was a good man who was gone too soon. One of the few men he trusted.
Little by little, people came to the park to place a flower in front of the photo. Nikki, Sharon and Rey, Jack, Nate, Phyllis and Nick, Ashley, Amanda and Devon. Amanda left to give Devon a moment alone, just as Lily arrived. The siblings embraced, and finally Moses walked up. One by one, they put their flowers on the bench, then they looked at the photo.
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