Thursday Y&R Update 5/20/21

The Y&R Update Thursday 5/20/21


Written by Christine

Chelsea got scared when Adam walked into her hospital room, but then she realized it was actually an orderly with dinner. She asked to see her doctor right away. Dr. Hedges arrived. Chelsea was scared Adam would come looking for revenge. Dr. Hedges said hospital security wouldn’t let any unauthorized people come in. Chelsea said Adam was capable of things, just like Victor. Dr. Hedges noted that Victor went to great lengths to keep Chelsea out of prison. Chelsea said Victor forced her to make that arrangement. Dr. Hedges detailed how he was going to submit reports to the judge recommending that Chelsea serve her term at the facility. She asked when she could leave, and he said not for awhile. He thought that she could heal while she was here. She hoped he remembered her breakdown was just an act. He knew, but he thought she still needed to process the terrible trauma she’d suffered, and now she was fearful, which he thought was primarily motivated by guilt and shame. She added that she was also enraged that Adam wasn’t paying for his part in this. She yelled that Sharon and Adam flaunted their relationship in her face. He noted that she put Rey in the hospital. She came to a conclusion about what she needed to do to turn things around. Chelsea said if she could get Rey to forgive her, it’d be a huge burden off her shoulders, and she’d feel safer in the facility. Dr. Hedges thought that was a good goal for Chelsea, but he added that there were deeper issues she needed to explore. She said Rey was her priority. She thought it was the right thing to do and the smart thing to do, since it might help her case. She asked him to call Rey right now, even though it was late.

Billy brought Lily to the Crimson Lights patio, and she asked why they had to rush here. He revealed that they were going to meet a real estate agent. She knew they talked about moving in together, but she didn’t know they were doing it so soon. He wanted it to be a surprise. He was nervous she didn’t want to do it, and he said they could cancel. She pranked him by briefly acting like she was hesitant, then she admitted she loved that he arranged this meeting. She was surprised he was able to arrange it this late. He said he was extra charming and dropped the Abbott name a few times, because he’d do anything to live with her.

Kevin and Chloe came to Crimson Lights with Miles. Bella was with Esther. Kevin had noticed Chloe was anxious lately. Chloe said her best friend ended up in a mental hospital thanks to Adam, and he was walking away free and clear. Kevin pointed out that Chelsea confessed to the crime. The minute Michael told Kevin about that, Kevin had wondered if Chloe was involved. She asked if he was asking as a member of the GCPD. He was asking as someone who she could trust. He asked if she helped Chelsea poison Rey and frame Adam.

Chloe admitted she planted the items from Sharon’s in Adam’s car, and she picked up a package for Chelsea that turned out to have the thallium in it. Kevin was alarmed she’d transported poison, and Chloe told him not to judge. He said he wasn’t judging, but an actual judge and jury might. She didn’t know she was doing anything illegal. He asked why she kept it from him. She thought Chelsea was just going to expose Sharon and Adam’s fling, and she assumed Kevin wouldn’t want her to get involved. If she knew what Chelsea was up to, she wouldn’t have done it. He said that she was now potentially involved in an attempted murder case, and she couldn’t plead insanity like Chelsea surely would. Chloe had thought she was freeing her best friend from Adam’s grip. Kevin thought Chloe should’ve come to him when she realized what happened. She didn’t want to make him a co-conspirator. He didn’t want her to go to prison. Chloe thought she’d be fine, since Chelsea didn’t implicate her. He didn’t know that they could trust Chelsea not to say anything, since she was now in an asylum. He said it wouldn’t be that hard for people to figure out, since everyone knew how close she and Chelsea were, and everyone knew how Chloe felt about Adam. Rey walked in and saw Kevin and Chloe in a tense discussion.

Rey made small talk about them taking the baby for a walk, then he grilled Chloe. He asked Chloe if she visited Chelsea in the facility. Chloe said she was going tomorrow. She said Chelsea wasn’t in her right mind when she poisoned him. She stated that Adam drove Chelsea over the edge. Rey asked Chloe when she realized that Chelsea wasn’t in her right mind. He noted that she spent more time with Chelsea than anyone, besides Adam and the nurse. Chloe said she became aware a long time ago that Chelsea felt betrayed, but she didn’t realize how far gone Chelsea was or what she was up to. He asked how Chelsea communicated her state of mind if she couldn’t speak. Kevin told Rey it wasn’t okay to interrupt their family time to put Chloe on the spot like this. Chloe noted that Chelsea could blink answers, and when Chloe asked about Adam, she could see the pain in Chelsea’s eyes. Rey asked why Chloe didn’t tell someone that Chelsea was in anguish. She asked who she was supposed to tell, since Chelsea didn’t have family in town. He said the doctors or the nurse. He told her that if she’d gotten Chelsea the help she needed, a lot of this pain could’ve been avoided. “Unless there was a reason you didn’t need to speak,” he added. Kevin didn’t like Rey’s implication. Rey asked Chloe if she knew Chelsea was faking her paralysis. Chloe lied and said no. Dr. Hedges called Rey and said Chelsea was demanding to see him. He said he’d inform the DA and be over shortly. He told Chloe they’d continue this later, and then he left.

Rey went to the facility prepared to get Chelsea’s official statement. She told him it wasn’t about that. She wanted forgiveness. She said her actions weren’t an attack on him – he was a means to an end. She’d had to get Adam out of her life for good. “So you poisoned me,” he stated. She knew it was terrible, but it made sense at the time. She said she was out of her mind, and Rey suffered for it. She hoped he’d say he understood. She didn’t know if she could move on without that. He understood her feelings and motivations toward Adam, but he asked why she didn’t reach out for help. She said she was stuck in the chair, unable to speak and the one person Adam brought in to help her was Sharon. He asked why she didn’t get help after she could speak. She cried that she didn’t know she needed help. All she could think about was Adam and Sharon. She was broken and lost.

At Society, Victoria asked Ashland if he’d be meeting with Adam and Victor about his role on the Cyaxares board while he was in town. He intended to. She wished she could be a fly on the wall. She heard that Victor pressured him to sign the deal while he was in the throes of a heart attack. He told her he wasn’t coerced, and he’d signed the deal he wanted to. She thought she had a deal with him. He said she was busy running an empire, while her father and brother could give Cyaxares their full attention. She asked if he brought his wife along. He sighed, and she apologized, thinking she struck a nerve. Ashland said he was filing for divorce in the morning. She was sorry, but he said things fall apart – it was the way of the world. His focus was protecting his son. She agreed that the children needed to be put first. They toasted to that. He thought they were kindred spirits. He’d done research, and he knew she’d been through painful times. She thought that was a story for another day. He said he’d hold her to that. He hoped there were no hard feelings about the deal. She said business was business.

Billy and Lily went to Society and exchanged pleasantries with Ashland, who was just leaving. He and Victoria said they hoped to do this again soon, and he left. Billy asked Victoria about hanging out with Ashland Locke. Victoria wanted Lily to tell Billy he was looking for a story where there wasn’t one, but Lily was also curious about why Victoria and Ashland were so cozy together. Victoria explained that Abby canceled on her, because Chance called, so she finished her drink with Ashland. It wasn’t a big deal. Billy asked Victoria what was really going on. He said they were on the same side, so she could tell them if she was planning a power play against Victor. Victoria excused herself and left. Billy shifted gears and asked Lily which place she wanted to live in. Lily wanted to make sure they were ready to sign papers. Billy was ready, and he thought their relationship was ready too. He wanted to wake up next to her. She was also ready to start the next chapter of their lives.

In his suite, Kyle tried to calm the panicked Tara while Summer looked on. He told Tara that she and Harrison were safe. She sensed he thought she was being paranoid, like last time. He knew she was referring to a date they’d had at the oyster bar in Montauk. He chuckled because she’d thought they were being followed. She’d thought the men looked suspicious, but they were insurance salesmen. Summer looked uncomfortable watching Kyle and Tara reminisce. Kyle said Tara was so scared back then, and it turned out to be nothing, and that would happen this time too. She said he’d always had a knack for calming her down. He promised to do what she wanted and claim paternity. She was grateful he was doing this for her and Harrison. He said he’d do everything he could to help them. He decided to walk her back to her suite. He promised Summer he’d be back soon, then he and Tara left. Phyllis texted Summer to see if she was okay. Summer went downstairs, and they talked about Ashland and Tara. Summer confided that Tara was upstairs, and she’d checked in under a fake name. Phyllis said she would never have allowed that. Summer said it was fine – Tara and Harrison were safe, and that was what mattered. Phyllis told Summer she didn’t want to get caught up in someone else’s marital mess.

Phyllis wanted to know why Tara came to Kyle. Summer didn’t know if it was her place to say. Phyllis said Summer was involved in this now, and so was Phyllis after the scene Ashland made in the lobby. Summer was sorry. Phyllis wanted answers, not apologies, and if she didn’t get them, she’d go upstairs to Tara. Phyllis asked if the little boy was Kyle’s son. Summer’s eyes filled with tears, and she nodded. She didn’t know why she was so upset. It wasn’t like Kyle cheated on her. Phyllis said Summer was entitled to be upset and angry, just like Phyllis was entitled to feel the same way on Summer’s behalf. Phyllis said Summer had all these visions for her future with Kyle, and now it was messed up. Summer still wanted to be with Kyle. She’d known for months that he had a son. Phyllis asked if Kyle had known about his child all along, and Summer explained that he found out a couple of days before she did. Summer said the year was full of surprises for both of them, and what happened last night was never supposed to happen. Tara had been planning to go on with her life, like she never crossed paths with Kyle, and he’d agreed to give up the chance of knowing his son. Everything was going to be perfect, then Tara crashed the party.

Summer revealed that Tara wanted Kyle to claim paternity so she wouldn’t lose custody. Phyllis was completely against it, but Summer said Kyle already agreed to do it, so there was no going back. Phyllis told Summer not to worry, because Summer was brave, capable and strong. “I’m your daughter,” Summer whispered. Phyllis said Summer and Kyle would come out stronger because of this, and her family would support her. Ashland joined them. He could only imagine what they were talking about. He said his frustrations got the better of him earlier. Phyllis announced that she saw how he acted, and she understood why his wife would want to hide. He’d called and made a reservation to stay here, and he was ready to check in. Phyllis said no – they were fully booked, so he left. Summer thought Ashland enjoyed that. Phyllis sensed that he intended to make this very ugly for everyone. She wasn’t scared, and she told Summer not to let him scare her either.

Kyle went back to the room and saw that Summer wasn’t there. He saw some missed calls on his phone from Jack. Jack texted that he trusted Kyle, but he was willing to help if he could. Kyle replied that they’d talk first thing in the morning, then he fell back on the bed.

Nick showed up at Adam’s unexpectedly. Adam thought something was wrong with Faith, but Nick said she was fine. Nick was on a drive, and he happened to be in the neighborhood, so he decided to check on Adam. Adam thought Nick had a hidden agenda. Nick just wanted to see how Adam’s recovery was going. Adam felt stronger. He thought he might go outside tomorrow. He asked about Faith. Nick said she was fine and at home. Adam was sure Sharon was taking good care of her. Nick couldn’t thank Adam enough. Adam didn’t need thanks. He knew that Nick wouldn’t hesitate to do it for Connor. Nick agreed that he wouldn’t. Nick guessed it was weird coming back to the penthouse. Adam said it felt empty. He had a lot of happy memories here, and some terrible ones of Chelsea in the wheelchair. The memories felt darker now, knowing she was slowly slipping away. He called the facility to check on her, but he didn’t go through with it because he didn’t think he had the right. Nick thought they should stop talking about serious things.

Nick and Adam watched a baseball game. Adam didn’t get it, and he asked if brothers normally did things like this. Nick said yes. Adam thought it was weird, and he was bored, because one team was up by five runs. Nick didn’t understand how anyone could find baseball boring – it was beautiful. Nick conceded that it wasn’t for everyone. He asked what Adam would do if he wasn’t here. Adam said he liked to read. Nick also enjoyed reading, but it wasn’t a group activity. Adam brought up poker. Nick didn’t like doing activities where he was sure the other person was better than him. Adam offered to teach Nick, and he asked how much cash he brought. Nick laughed and recalled that Adam had some cool nickname. Grasshopper or something. Adam said it was spider. Victor showed up, and he beamed when he saw his sons together having a beer.

Nick had to get home to Christian. It made Victor happy to see Nick and Adam together. Victor said if Nick made this a habit, he might begin to like his brother. Nick said not to get carried away, and he left. Victor would love it if Adam and Nick kept spending time together. Adam said not to get his hopes up. He thought that Nick would eventually forget about his gratitude and remember why he hated Adam. Victor reminded Adam he’d said he’d turn over a new leaf and become a new man. Adam was going to try. Victor thought that should be the name of their new company. He didn’t even know what the hell Cyaxares meant. Just as he’d changed his name years ago, from Miller, they could call this company Newman Media. Adam liked it. He knew Victoria wouldn’t, though. Victor laughed and said so what. Victor said the first agenda was to crush ChancComm, then the sky was the limit.

Summer went back to her suite, and Kyle was relieved because he’d worried she was so mad she couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him. She wasn’t mad, she was a little scared. He asked if she was scared of Ashland. She wasn’t thrilled Kyle was going up against Ashland, but that wasn’t what she meant. She was scared about where this left their relationship. She said he was going to parent Harrison and co-parent with Tara. He said he was only talking about claiming paternity to help Tara and Harrison. Beyond that, nothing had been decided, and he and Summer would make decisions about their future together. He promised they’d be okay. She nodded.

Nick stopped by the hotel to say goodnight to Phyllis. He told her about his night. He said things with Adam were very awkward, but strangely fine. He asked what was going on with Summer. Phyllis said Summer planned to talk to Nick about it in the morning. He got angry because he thought Kyle was about to break Summer’s heart. Nick decided to do something about this. Phyllis asked Nick to relax and not to insert himself in the situation with that attitude.

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