Friday Y&R Update 5/14/21

The Y&R Update Friday 5/14/21


Written by Christine

Adam came home and stared at Chelsea’s wheelchair. Victor showed up and offered to have it removed. Victor wanted Adam to promise something in regard to the two women in his life – Chelsea and Sharon. Adam wished Chelsea never found out about the kiss. Victor said running Cyaxares was a difficult job, and Adam had to turn the corner with both women. Adam wanted Chelsea to get well, and he felt 100% responsible for her breakdown. He thought it was best that he and Chelsea go their separate ways, and he hoped Sharon could reconcile with Rey. He was going to prioritize the company and rebuild his relationship with his family. “There is no room for any other involvement in my life right now, and that especially goes for Sharon,” Adam stated. Victor nodded in approval.

Victor thought Adam had a bright future. Adam felt he had Victor to thank for that. Victor wanted Adam to give himself some credit – if he hadn’t had the guts to return and save Faith, who knows what would’ve happened. Victor spoke about how much Faith meant to him. Adam said if he had to give up a kidney, Faith was the one he’d want to have it – everyone loved her. Adam vowed to put his body and soul into the new venture and make it a huge success. He intended to turn Cyaxares into an even bigger powerhouse than it already was, and then he intended to use it to crush ChancComm and Billy. Victor was pleased to hear that.

Nick ran into Rey at Crimson Lights. Nick wanted to talk, and Rey asked if they could do it somewhere else. Nick surmised that Rey was avoiding Sharon. Nick thought that Rey should let go of some of the anger toward Adam and try to work things out with Sharon. Rey asked when Nick became a marriage counselor. Nick wouldn’t apologize for trying to help. Rey thought it’d be helpful to hear from someone who knew all the players. Nick was sure Rey was thrown by Chelsea’s accusations, but it didn’t justify what she did unless she was really hurt or betrayed. He noted that Sharon and Adam denied an affair, so that didn’t explain Chelsea’s behavior. He thought that maybe the stroke damaged Chelsea’s psyche, and she convinced herself that the affair was real. He conceded that Sharon and Adam had a connection, but he didn’t think Sharon would cheat on Rey. He thought that deep down Rey thought that too. He added that Sharon had gone through an extremely difficult time, and if she lost Rey, it would put her in a vulnerable place. Rey didn’t want that. Nick said to do something about it.

After Nick left, Lola arrived. She was happy when Rey told her that Faith was being released. She asked if he and Sharon could try to work out their problems. He’d already had a pep talk about his marriage from Nick, so he hoped he and Lola could discuss something else. Lola had good news – she was asked to be the guest chef at the biggest restaurant conglomerate in Florida. They wanted her to create menus at their five star restaurants all over the state. He noted that Florida was far away. She told him she’d be based in Miami, close to their mom. It would only be for a little while. She wouldn’t leave without knowing he was okay, though. He asked why he wouldn’t be okay with Lola taking this amazing opportunity. She knew how deeply he loved and how he locked down when he felt betrayed. He denied being like this, and when Lola called him out, he admitted he did act a bit like that. That was why Lola was so worried about the thing with Sharon. He swore he’d be fine. He asked about Society. Abby already gave her blessing; she just wanted Lola to thrive. Lola left her recipes for her replacement. He’d miss her. She asked him to promise that he’d trust love and believe what his heart was saying when it came to Sharon. He made no promises on the Sharon front, but he wanted Lola to follow her own heart instead of worrying about him. She said she’d always worry, and she’d always come back. He said she’d better, or he’d come after her. She laughed and asked if Det. Rosales was going to have her extradited back to Genoa City.

Sharon was elated that Faith was coming home. She and Mariah walked into the cottage. Sharon was about to pack a bag for Faith, but Mariah needed a moment to digest recent events with Adam saving Faith. She was thought what he did was amazing, but she was worried he’d use it to his advantage later. Sharon didn’t want to go there – it was too great a day, and thanks to Adam’s bravery, Faith had a new lease on life. Sharon was going to focus on the silver lining instead of being negative. Mariah didn’t think she was being negative – there was lots of good news – Faith was recovering, Kyle and Summer were having an engagement party and things were looking up at Jabot. Mariah wanted Sharon to have it all by reconciling with Rey, but she was sure that Adam would try and win Sharon back. Sharon said she and Adam made peace, and he wasn’t a threat to Rey or the marriage. All she had to do was convince Rey of that. She didn’t accept her marriage was over, but she knew it would be difficult. Mariah offered to stay with Faith while Sharon lured Rey on a romantic getaway. Sharon thought that might be an option, but right now she had to go get Faith.

Faith was glad when Sharon and Mariah came to pick her up, but she winced when she tried to move around. Mariah was concerned, and Faith said she was fine. She couldn’t wait to go home. Mariah had to go to work, but she’d see Faith at the cottage. Sharon said the nurse was getting Faith’s release papers ready. Nick walked in. Faith thought it was crazy she had someone else’s kidney. Nick inquired about the deck of cards Faith had, and she told him she’d been playing with Moses. Nick wondered if he could be dad-concerned about how often Moses was around. Chuckling, Sharon said she was pretty sure Nick already was concerned and always would be. Sharon thought the friendship was great and that Moses seemed like a nice young man. Nick went to the waiting room so Faith could get changed.

Nick met Nikki and Moses in the waiting room. Nick asked Moses about the card games. Moses politely said he was hoping to come by later and play more games, but Nick said Faith would need to rest after she got out of the hospital. Moses suggested he could come by in a few days, and Nick said “we’ll see.”

Nick and Sharon took Faith home and fussed over her while she laid on the couch. She assured them she was fine and loving the attention. Nick didn’t want to be late for Kyle and Summer’s engagement party. Faith asked if Nick gave Kyle his seal of approval yet. He felt he was just being a good father. She thought he should give Kyle a break. He loved seeing her laughing and smiling again, even if it was at his expense. Sharon went to make Faith some soup. Nikki came in. Faith said she’d never take being home for granted again. She was worried about Sharon and Rey’s marriage. The hard thing for Faith was that Adam was the cause of the marriage problems, but she wouldn’t be here without him. Nikki knew how that felt. She said that some people might have issues with Victor, but to Faith, he was the most caring wonderful man in the world. Sharon returned and overheard Faith ask if Nikki was saying there was a lot more to Adam than most people were willing to admit. Rey called Sharon, and he asked if they could meet. Sharon declined because she was with Faith and Nikki. Faith insisted that Sharon go. Nikki said she’d stay with Faith. Sharon agreed to meet Rey at Crimson Lights.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon told Rey she couldn’t handle dragging this out, and she asked why they wanted to meet.

Phyllis swung by Jabot to pick Jack up so they could plan their kids engagement party. She said it wasn’t every day your kids get engaged, or in their case, every year. He thought Kyle and Summer would stick this time. Phyllis mentioned that Faith was getting out of the hospital, so Summer could focus on her future with Kyle. They bantered with each other and talked about the party as they left, and they didn’t notice Sally watching them.

Phyllis and Jack met with Abby at Society. Abby was thrilled for Summer and Kyle, and she was counting on Chance being back in time for the wedding, so they could go together. Phyllis noted that Mariah would be expecting Abby’s baby around that time. Talk turned to the pregnancy. It was going great. Jack had no doubt the baby would be cherished. Phyllis hoped Chance showed up sooner than later. Abby decided to go check the food, and she left. Phyllis was sorry Jack was flying solo, and she regretted her part in it. He didn’t believe her, since she’d made it clear what she thought of Sally. She said her opinion didn’t matter, and she asked what he thought. He said he walked in on Sally defending him to Tara. He thought Sally was pulling out all the stops to win him back, but it was too late – his eyes were open, partially thanks to Phyllis. He saw Sally’s mean spirited side, and he had no place for that in his life. Phyllis thought Sally arranged for Jack to see her defending him to Tara. He wasn’t sure if it was a set up or not, but it didn’t matter, because he’d moved on. Phyllis was waiting patiently for Jack’s grand gesture of gratitude – she liked sports cars. He still wasn’t sure why she went to all the trouble on his behalf. She felt like she needed to protect him, since he protected her from herself all those years.

Back at Jabot, Sally video chatted with her grandma Shirley and vented about Phyllis and Jack walking out laughing together. She hadn’t gotten a second chance with Jack, and she blamed Phyllis for that. Shirley asked what Sally did to Phyllis. Sally said she didn’t do anything – yes, she had some issues with Summer, but that was no reason for Phyllis to ruin things for her and Jack. Shirley suggested it was time to move on. Sally wished she knew what Jack and Phyllis were up to. She was aware that Jack and Phyllis had a long complicated history, and she was determined to find out what they were doing, just in case.

Kyle and Summer cuddled on their bed as she showed off pictures of their future home. He was surprised at all the progress that had been made since he went by the site a few weeks ago. Summer said that it was going to take some time to finish it. He hoped it’d be done by the time they were married, so he could carry her across the threshold. She worried about what would get in their way next. He said they’d survived every roadblock, so what would be left besides the wedding of their dreams. She wished they could get married now, and she didn’t know how she’d wait until the fall. He had a distraction, and he kissed her.

Kyle and Summer kissed in the elevator ride to the lobby. He tried to pull away because he didn’t want to be late for his meeting, but she wasn’t ready for him to go. Phyllis walked by as the elevator opened and saw them together. Kyle said hi and left. Phyllis admitted seeing Kyle and Summer gave her a nervous feeling in her stomach. She wanted Summer to honestly say this was what she wanted. Summer asked where this was coming from. Phyllis knew they were in love and blah blah blah, but she was concerned that Tara would be an issue, just like Lola was the last time Summer and Kyle got married. Phyllis said Tara didn’t have to be an issue if they didn’t make her one. Summer swore she wasn’t jealous of Tara or insecure. Phyllis was sorry for asking, she just wanted to be sure. Summer was sure she and Kyle would live a long happy life. Sally walked in and stood in the doorway watching. She saw Phyllis give Summer a jewelry box. It was an alexandrite necklace that Phyllis got in 2015. Phyllis said it was an engagement gift. Summer asked if this was a gift from Jack, and Phyllis said yes. She wondered if Summer was upset that she didn’t give her something from Nick. Summer didn’t mind at all – Jack was one of the great loves of Phyllis’s life. She added that Jack helped deliver her, and he was going to be her father in law, he was family. Phyllis agreed that he was family, while Sally seethed from a distance. The gift meant the world to Summer. Sally left.

At Jabot, Kyle told Jack he asked Mariah to stand with him at the wedding. He gestured toward her and called her his best friend. Jack loved the idea, and he congratulated Mariah. Kyle said he and Summer were hoping Jack would get ordained and marry them. He said yes. Mariah left for another meeting. Jack thought that Kyle handled Ashland and Tara like a true Abbott. He gave Kyle the pocket watch that John gave him. It meant the world to Jack when his father gave that to him, and he hoped the gift meant as much to Kyle. Kyle turned it over to read the inscription. “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” Kyle was honored to be Jack’s son and John’s grandson. Jack wanted to tell Kyle the story of the watch tonight. Sally walked in and asked if she could look for the report she left behind. Jack left. Sally fished for details on Jack and Kyle’s plans for the night. He told her about the party. He said that if she meant everything she said about keeping the peace, she’d avoid Society. He left, and she pursed her lips.

“Um, so Abby, do you want um, help of some sort?,” Phyllis asked. Abby said everything was under control. She asked Mariah to join her in the kitchen so they could talk all things Baby Chancellor. They walked out, leaving Jack and Phyllis alone in Society’s main room. Jack mentioned his run in with Sally while he was talking to Kyle about the party. Phyllis was upset thinking Sally would crash it, but Jack thought everything would be alright. Nick arrived.

Back in their hotel suite, Summer and Kyle showed each other their new jewelry. He said they had a lot of support, which sort of made him feel they were on the right track. She said he’d better not be having doubts. He wasn’t, but he asked for a kiss just to make sure. She did. He asked for another. She granted his wish, while noting they were going to be late. He didn’t care.

Kyle and Summer arrived at the party. They ribbed each other about whose fault it was that they were late. Jack and Nick said it was fine – Nikki, Victor, Traci and Ashley were also running late. Jack toasted to the beginning of a marvelous new Abbott-Newman union. Just as they were drinking to that, Summer said oh no. everyone followed her gaze to the door. Tara was there, and she’d brought little Harrison with her. Kyle looked stunned.

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