The Y&R Update Wednesday 5/12/21
Written by Christine
At the ranch, Victor was impressed by Chelseas acting. He told her she made Rey and Michael believe she was really having a breakdown. She said it was easy to tap into her feelings of anger and betrayal. Dr. Hedges expected appropriate compensation for participating in this scheme. Victor promised to take care of that, and Dr. Hedges went to arrange things with the hospital. Victor was pleased everything went as planned, but Chelsea told him to stop acting like they were a team. She said she had to confess, because if she didnt, Victor was going to take her son from her forever. She wondered what Connor would think of her now. Victor said that Connor would learn Chelsea wasnt herself when she committed the crime. He told her that Dr. Hedges would speak to the judge and get her remanded to a hospital. Shed be able to stage her recovery on her own timeline. He thought shed get out of the facility sooner than she got out of prison. She grumbled that Adam would get to walk away unscathed, thanks to Victor.
Victor contended that Adam deserved to be free, since he didnt poison Rey. Chelsea argued that Adam turned his back on her when she was trying to recover from the stroke he caused. Victor thought that made what Chelsea did today even more admirable. Chelsea was worried about her future in an asylum. Victor said once she was declared to be sane, she could leave the facility and start a new chapter. She wanted him to promise hed help her start over, and he gave her his word.
Later, Rey walked in and announced that Chelsea was in the ambulance. He was going to oversee her transfer to the hospital. Rey said Chelsea fooled everyone, even her doctors. He thought it was convenient that it all came crashing down here at the ranch and that a doctor was there to witness the breakdown and administer a sedative. Victor said that if Rey had listened to him and Sharon, they couldve been spared all this pain. He told Rey to have a nice day, so he left.
What do you mean what happens next depends on me?, Adam asked. He said he just had surgery, and he couldnt leave the hospital without Nicks help. Nick knew. Adam said Nick promised to help him escape. Nick was going to keep his word, if Adam wanted to leave, but he felt there was another option. He said if Adam really was innocent, he could stick around and fight the charges. He thought itd go a long way toward proving Adam was really ready to change, like hed said in Kansas. Adam was tired of running, but he didnt want to put his life in the hands of Rey, who hated him, and Michael, who thought he was guilty. While conceding that Rey hated Adam, Nick said Rey was an honorable man who wanted the truth, and Michael just wanted to see justice served. Nick said that if Adam was innocent, hed go free, and he could have the life he said he wanted. Adam asked why Nick cared.
Nick admitted that, a week ago, he wouldve preferred it if Adam disappeared. That way he wouldnt have to worry about Adam wreaking havoc on the family. He thought Adam enjoyed being the family pariah. Adam said he did sometimes. Nick used to think Adam couldnt change, and it annoyed him that Sharon and Victor had a blind spot for Adam. Then he found Adam in the cellar of the man he killed. Adam clarified that it was an accident. Nick saw that Adam was scared and punishing himself for the crime that happened years ago. For the first time in Nicks life, he saw that Adam actually wanted to be a better person. Nick said Adam didnt leave him to bleed to death he came back to help the brother who didnt like him. Nick would never forget Adam risking his freedom to save Faiths life. It didnt erase the past, but it did begin to heal some of those wounds. Hearing that meant a lot to Adam. Nick said if he gave Adam a chance to prove hed changed, maybe others would too.
Adam was glad Nick didnt think he was a monster, but it wasnt enough for him to abandon his legitimate fear of going to jail for something he didnt do. Nick thought running would only confirm everyones suspicion that Adam was guilty. Adam said if he stayed, Rey would lock him up, which would look worse. Nick thought Adam should stay and fight for the life he wanted. Adam wasnt comfortable gambling his entire future. Nick asked Adam to consider staying and fighting. He said he, Victor and Sharon would be by Adams side. Adam agreed to give it some thought, and he thanked Nick. Nick thought Adams decision to step up and help Faith said a lot about the kind of person he was. Nick left Adam to think.
In the hallway, Phyllis told Nick that she talked with all his kids, and Christian wrote a poem for Faith. She decided to go back to the hotel since everything was okay. He hoped Faiths body didnt reject the kidney. She was sure things would be fine. She asked again how he got Adam to come back, and she realized he really wasnt going to tell her. She told him to call if he needed her, then she left.
Sharon left Faiths hospital room and told Nikki that Faith was resting peacefully. Nikki said everyone in the family sent their love. Sharon wished everyone could always be as supportive as this. Nikki asked if she could do anything for Sharon. Sharon asked Nikki to join her in prayer. She thanked God for the guidance, saving Faith and for bringing Adam home to save her. Nikki prayed that this would be a time of peace and healing for the family. She also prayed that Sharon and Rey would find their way back to each other. Sharon prayed that they could all become better people. Nick walked in and told Sharon and Nikki that he talked to Adam. Sharon asked if they had a good conversation. Nick hesitated, and Nikki offered to stay with Faith while Sharon and Nick took a break. They agreed and went to the cafeteria. Nikki joined the sleeping Faith, then she texted Victor to ask where he was. As soon as the text was sent, Victor walked in and thanked Nikki for the updates. Faith woke up, but she was still tired, so they told her to rest. Grandparents and granddaughter said they loved each other. Nikki asked if something happened with Chelsea, and Victor promised to tell her later.
Victor visited Adam and thanked him for what he did for their family. Adam said to thank Nick. Adam said Nick was trying to convince him to prove he wasnt entirely evil and surrender to the police. He wasnt sure what to do. Victor revealed that Chelsea made a full confession. Victor explained that Chelsea came to him and said she was concerned for Connor. Connor was fine Victor had called the school to check. Adam asked why Chelsea was concerned. Victor guessed the guilt was weighing on her. He said that Chelsea was about to have a breakdown, so he called Michael and a psychiatrist. Adam was glad the truth came out, but he hated that it happened in such an awful way. Adam asked what drove Chelsea to this. Victor said Chelsea claimed Adam had an affair with Sharon right in front of her. Adam said that wasnt true. He had a strong connection with Sharon, but there was no affair. Victor believed that. Adam asked where Chelsea was, and Victor said she was in a psychiatric hospital. Adam felt betrayed, hurt angry and responsible. He said he shouldve taken better care of Chelsea. He felt that he shouldve known Chelsea needed help. Victor said Chelsea would get help, and now Adam was free. Adam said Victor rescued him again. Victor promised he always would.
When Nick and Sharon came back to the waiting room, Rey was there. He explained that Victor called him to his house, where Chelsea unraveled before his eyes and confessed. Sharon asked if Chelseas erratic behavior was a symptom of the stroke. Rey said the doctor suggested that. Nick never thought that Chelsea would be capable of something like this. Rey admitted Sharon and Victor were right. Nick went to talk to Nate. Rey apologized for not believing Sharon. She understood why he didnt. She felt bad for Chelsea, but she was relieved for Adam. She asked where this left her and Rey.
Sharon hoped she and Rey could find their way back to each other. He wasnt ready to have that conversation. He said that if what Chelsea said was true, there was no future for them. He revealed what Chelsea said about Adam and Sharon having an affair, even making love in Adams room while Chelsea was downstairs. Sharon denied it. Rey said something devastating had to happen to push Chelsea over the edge. Sharon said the imagination could be a powerful force. He didnt want a psychological analysis on Chelsea he wanted the truth. He asked if something happened between her and Adam besides the kiss. She was heartbroken that he had to ask her that, and it made her afraid their marriage was really over. She walked out.
Sharon went to visit Adam. She thanked Victor for flying in a surgeon. He said hed move mountains for Faith, and anyone else in his family. Sharon was glad Victor arranged for Rey to hear Chelseas confession and found a psychiatrist who could care for her. Adam asked to talk with Sharon alone, so Victor left. Sharon asked how Adam was at the same time he asked if she was okay. They laughed, then she said she was fine, now that her daughter had a new kidney. She asked how he was. He said hed be fine, physically, but itd take awhile for everything that happened with Chelsea to sink in. She asked what he would do next. He wanted to find a gentle way to tell Connor about Chelsea. Victor told him that Chelsea took out a restraining order to keep him from seeing Connor. Sharon was sure he could get it removed. He said he and Chelsea made plans to build their future together, and now it was a memory of what might have been. He was sorry Chelsea said they had an affair. He was sure that would make things harder for Sharon and Rey. He hoped it worked out the way Sharon wanted it to. Sharon brought up what Nick said about Adam trying to decide whether to run or face charges. Adam said Chelsea confessed and made the decision for him. Sharon thought Adam was closer to making the decision than he was letting on, and she thought she knew which way he was leaning. He smiled and said she was right. He cheerfully told her to go take care of her daughter. After she left, he picked up his phone and looked at a photo of Chelsea.
Sharon went back to Faiths room, where Nick was. He asked how things went with Rey was she alright? She said she would be. The only thing that mattered to her right now was that Faith was okay.
Nikki and Victor went home, and he told her about Chelsea, keeping up the cover story about the breakdown. Nikki was horrified, but she did feel a little compassion for Chelsea. Nikki noted that Chelsea came close to destroying Adams life. Victor said she didnt succeed. He said once Adam had recuperated, they could start their business again. Nikki noticed that Victor seemed pleased with himself, and she wondered if hed done something he didnt want anyone else to know. He told her that she knew he always took care of things.
Rey drank alone at Society.
Chelsea laid on the bed at the psychiatric facility. Her eyes snapped open, and she had a dark look on her face.
Summer ran into Phyllis at the hotel and thanked her for the updates on Faith. Summer hated Adam a little less after what he did for Faith. It was hard for Phyllis to think about believing in Adam again. Phyllis wanted to know how Nick convinced Adam to help. Summer didnt think the details mattered, but Phyllis was still fixated on it.
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