The Y&R Update Wednesday 5/5/21
Written by Christine
Nick coughed and groaned as he extricated himself from the debris from the cave in, then he searched for Adam. He found him lying motionless under the rubble of the Montalvo ceiling. All the times Ive wanted you gone, you think youre going out like this? Hell no, Nick snapped. He was adamant that Adam was going to keep his promise to help Faith, and he screamed at him to wake up. Nick was okay being left in the cellar as long as Adam went back to Genoa City and saved Faith. To Nicks relief, Adam was alive. He began to move, then cough violently. Adam asked if Nick was hurt. Nick was okay, but he couldnt get to Adam. Adam just had some scrapes his kidneys were intact, if thats what Nick was wondering. Adams leg was pinned under a tree limb. Nick implored Adam to use every ounce of strength to free himself and save Faith. Adam was annoyed when Nick gave him a pep talk. Nick said he was trying to help. Adam succeeded in freeing his leg. There you go, Nick exclaimed, and Adam told him to shut up. Adam stood up, he was okay, but a little stiff. He got ready to dig Nick out, but Nick wanted him to go get on the plane. He said to have the police send a rescue team. Adam noted that the police would arrest him. Adam had an idea, and he said hed be back. Nick wasnt convinced. Adam commented that Nick didnt trust him to come back. Adam figured itd probably be the smartest move to flee the country. Nick noted that Adam promised to help Faith, and if he ran, hed never get this chance again. He trusted Adam to come back. Adam left. Nick tried to get up, but he fell back down and looked at his leg, which was covered in blood.
Nick heard Faith telling him not to trust Adam. She begged her dad to come help her. He used a beam of wood as a crutch and pulled himself up, then he started tearing away at the wreckage. He had to stop and rest, and this time he saw Faith repeating the same message. He told her that it was different this time he believed Adam. He thought Adam was seeking forgiveness. Faith argued that Adam had tricked everyone before. Nick didnt know how long itd last, but for now, he believed Adam. Faith asked if he thought Adam would donate a kidney to her just because he asked. He didnt think Adam would do it for him or for her, but he thought Adam would do it for Sharon. He was starting to get tired, and Faith insisted that he stay awake, as hed lost a lot of blood. She disappeared, and he got back up. Nick heard sirens, then he saw Adam. You came back, he said. Nick thought Adam shouldve gone straight to Genoa City. Adam skipped the police and went straight to the fire station, because they didnt ask a lot of questions. He gave them a fake name Billy Abbott. Hed seen the gash on Nicks leg, and he knew he couldnt leave him there. Nick was grateful. Adam said not to thank him until they were on the jet back to Genoa City, to help Faith. Adam held out his hand, and Nick clasped it.
At the ranch, Nikki talked with one of Faiths doctors on the phone and thanked them for going above and beyond. Victor spoke with his pilot over the phone, and he mentioned that both his sons were resourceful. The call ended, and he told Nikki that the news prediction was correct, and a tornado had indeed touched down close to the Montalvo farm. She saw him playing chess by himself, and he said it helped him think about all aspects of a problem. She was sure Nick would be able to find Adam. She asked if he was worried Adam would refuse to return. He moved a chess piece and mused that it wouldnt be easy Nick was asking him to risk his future, and the rift between the brothers was so deep, it was almost insurmountable. Nikki stated that Nick and Adam were both devoted fathers, so Nick would probably be able to get through to Adam, despite his long history of selfishness. Victor reminded Nikki that Adam was in this position because he was accused of poisoning Rey. What upset Victor the most is that this happened just as things were falling into place for Adam. He blamed Chelsea, and Nikki said it was just a theory. Victor picked up the queen and said what he did with an aggressive queen was to lay a trap for her. Nikki wanted to know what that meant, and he ominously said shed see. He laid the queen on its side.
At the cottage, Rey brought Sharon a drink and stated that he meant what he said about searching for the truth, no matter where his investigation lead. She didnt hear this, as shed fallen asleep on the couch. He covered her in a blanket and left. When Sharon woke up, she found a note from Rey asking to be kept updated on Faith and saying to let him know if he could help. He hated that Sharon was going through this, and he signed it Love, Rey. Nikki came by to check on Sharon. Sharon said, after all these years, it was nice they were on the same side. Nikki found new respect for Sharon watching how she handled cancer, and she admired the way Sharon was there for Faith. Sharon thought Nikki was brave to share her experiences with Faith. Look at us, Nikki said. Who wouldve thought, Sharon added.
Sharon asked if Nikki heard from Nick. She hadnt, and it was discouraging, but she believed hed bring Adam back, and she thought Sharon needed to believe that too. Sharon was trying to stay optimistic. It was a relief to be able to talk about this. Shed felt so alone. Nikki was sure Rey would be home soon. Sharon said that Rey was working nights, then she couldnt hide it anymore, and she admitted he moved out. Sharon hoped they could work through it, but she was worried they wouldnt. Nikki could relate she and Victor were at the point of no return more than once, but they always worked things out. Sharon bet Nikki was glad things didnt work out with Nick. If I had my choice between you and Phyllis for Nicholas, you would win by a landslide, Nikki admitted, and Sharon chuckled.
At the penthouse, Chelsea was antsy. She started to leave, then she turned back long enough to grab a cane. She opened the door and saw Adam glaring at her. She screamed, then she realized it was actually Chloe. Chelsea admitted shed been going a little stir crazy. Chloe came to check on Chelsea. Chelsea was surprised Chloe came back after she unceremoniously abandoned her. Chloe was unapologetic she was worried about being busted as an accomplice. She tried to stay away, but she couldnt help wondering about Chelsea. Chelsea was jumpy, and she needed to get out of here. Chloe thought it was too risky for Chelsea to let people know she was physically capable of framing Adam. Chelsea said shed pretend that she was still in the early stages of recuperating. She wanted Chloes help.
Chloe and Chelsea went to Society, and Chloe groaned and quietly warned Chelsea when Rey walked in. Rey commented that it was good to see Chelsea out and about without her nurse. Chelsea said not having a nurse helped her push harder. Chloe tried to politely send Rey away, but Chelsea asked if there were any leads on Adam. He said no, but there were some developments that pointed the case in a different direction. Chelsea played it cool and wished Rey luck. He left. Chloe was sure that Rey was on to them, but Chelsea said he was just testing the waters, and as long as they stayed calm and didnt act suspicious, theyd be fine.
Chloe and Chelsea entered the penthouse, and Chloe commented on how nerve-wracking that was. Chelsea said to relax, as she put her cane on the table. Good evening, ladies Victor said. Hed been sitting in the dark living room, unnoticed. He thought the cane was a nice touch. Chelsea picked it back up and used it to walk. She asked how he got in, and he said it used to be his home away from home. Shed had the locks changed since then. She turned on the lights. He revealed that Adam gave him a key in case of emergency. He asked if shed been celebrating the destruction of his sons life. She said they were celebrating the progress shed made. He told her that her speedy recovery was miraculous. She asked what he wanted. He wouldnt let her get away with ruining Adams chance at a new life. He told her to go confess and clear Adams name. When you do that, I wont take your son away from you, he said. She said he wouldnt dare. He thought itd be easy to get custody of Connor his father was a fugitive, and his mother was a con artist recovering from a stroke. She argued those werent grounds for taking her son. Dont you know me well enough by now? I can bring all kinds of things to bear in this case, he warned. He told her to think wisely, then he left.
Faith woke up in her hospital room. Seeing Moses made her feel better. Shed been having bad dreams that didnt make sense. She asked him to stay, and he assured her he wasnt leaving. Hed done some research on kidney failure if she was interested. She appreciated that, but she trusted what Nate told her more than the information on the website Nate worked for. She suggested they play chess with the travel board Victor dropped off. He asked if she could teach him. She warned him that shed probably win, because she learned from the best. As they played, Moses made a good move, which made Faith realize he knew more about chess than he was letting on. She grinned and asked if he was hustling her. She said hed told her he didnt know how to play. He clarified that hed asked if she could teach him, which was different. He said he learned from some guys in a park in NY. She said that meant she didnt have to go easy on him. Sharon called, and Faith told her about the game. Check, Moses said, and Faith, eager to defend her king, said she had to go. Sharon said shed be there soon. Great. Bye, Faith said, as she rushed off the phone and focused on the board. Faith suddenly zoned out, then she told Moses she didnt feel good. He went to get a doctor.
Rey went back to Sharons house, and she thanked him for letting her sleep. She was glad he came back. He brought her some takeout. Hed assumed shed still be sleeping. The real reason he came was to bring back her keys, since he drove her car back from the hospital. She appreciated it. She asked him to stay for a minute. He declined he already had a ride share on the way, but he said they could talk tomorrow. He left. She got a call about Faith that alarmed her, and she ran out.
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