Wednesday Y&R Update 4/21/21

The Y&R Update Wednesday 4/21/21


Written by Christine

Sally went to the Jabot boardroom to meet Lauren and inadvertently walked in on Lauren talking with Jack. Jack explained that his meeting with Lauren ran long, then he made a quick exit. Sally assumed Jack told Lauren about the split. Lauren confirmed she knew Jack and Sally weren’t seeing each other anymore. Sally thought Jack hated her, given the way he rushed out. Lauren said Jack didn’t hate Sally, he was dismayed by her behavior, and he didn’t like the way she acted when she got into it with Phyllis. Sally admitted that she lashed out, but that wasn’t who she was. She wanted to be the person Jack saw her as, and she’d give anything for him to give her another chance. Lauren asked why that was so important. Sally revealed that she’d fallen in love with Jack.

After their work was finished, Sally shifted gears and asked why Lauren didn’t say anything about her declaring her love for Jack. Lauren didn’t think that Sally knew Jack long enough to be in love, and she thought that Sally was actually just infatuated with him. Lauren said that sometimes you had to know when it was time to move on. Sally knew the difference between love and a crush. She suggested she fell so fast because Jack was one of the most incredible men she’d ever met. Lauren saw the appeal of Jack, but she didn’t think Sally’s deep feelings were reciprocated. Lauren wasn’t saying this to be mean, but because she cared about Sally. Lauren said the relationship was fun while it lasted, but now it was through. he left. Sally texted Jack to see if they could meet, but then she deleted it without sending it.

Sharon was at home. She called Rey, who was at Crimson Lights, to ask when he was coming home. He had plans to go to the station, so it wouldn’t be soon. She said she’d see him later and hung up. Lola walked into Crimson Lights. She could tell something was wrong with Rey. He told her he was planning to leave Sharon because of problems about Adam. Lola was sorry, and she told Rey he could move in with her. She asked if he was sure he was ready to give up his marriage. He said he and Sharon had talked a lot without progress, and he wasn’t sure what was left to do but walk away. He confided that Sharon and Victor didn’t think Adam poisoned him, even with all the evidence against him. Lola asked if they might be right, and he said the point was that Sharon immediately ran to Adam’s defense. He said it happened over and over again, and at some point, no matter how much you loved someone, you had to stop fighting. Lola believed Sharon loved Rey as much as he loved her. She’d hoped Sharon would wake up one day and realize Adam wasn’t worth the damage he caused. He’d hoped so too. Lola could tell Rey was still debating things, which meant he hadn’t lost all hope. She suggested he stay and fight for what he wanted.

Traci showed up at the Chancellor mansion to surprise Abby and Mariah with lunch. Mariah was queasy and couldn’t eat, but she felt fine otherwise, and she was going on a last minute business trip for Jabot. Abby wanted to pull some strings with her uncle Jack to get Mariah out of the flight, but Mariah felt capable of going. Traci stated that it was okay for pregnant women to fly. Abby knew that – she’d been pregnant before, and she knew all the dos and don’ts. Abby was sorry; she didn’t mean to interfere with Mariah’s job. Mariah joked that Abby was just practicing her helicopter mom skills. She promised to take good care of Abby’s cargo and said the baby would be flying business class before birth, just like the Abbott-Newman-Chancellors that they were. Mariah went upstairs to pack. Abby wasn’t sure she should say what was bothering her, and Traci urged her to get it off her chest. Abby said it wasn’t about the traveling – she just liked having Mariah with her and getting to experience the pregnancy vicariously through her. Traci understood wanting to be around for every little change, but she thought Abby had to consider Mariah’s feelings. Abby never wanted to make Mariah feel uncomfortable. She was already in love with the baby, and they had a connection. Traci promised there would be many beautiful moments with the pregnancy and baby. Abby was grateful for Traci.

Mariah went to Sharon’s for a visit before her flight. Sharon was eager to hear about the pregnancy. Mariah said they’d hang out when she got back to town and she’d bore Sharon with every detail. Sharon said it wouldn’t be boring to her. She wanted to do something special to celebrate Mariah’s pregnancy. Mariah admitted she was excited to go on the trip because she needed a break from being the center of attention. Mariah asked about Faith, and Sharon said she did well in court today. Faith texted from school and said things were a little rough, but her school day was going well. Mariah asked how Sharon and Rey were handling things with Adam. Sharon thought she may have lost Rey. She confided that he was moving out because she didn’t immediately tell him that she where Adam was hiding. She conceded that she made a mistake. Mariah thought Sharon should’ve handled things with Adam differently, but she also understood why Sharon went to him – he saved Faith. Mariah also understood Rey’s position. Sharon said she would stay away from Adam for good, if that’s what it took, but she was afraid it was already too late for her marriage. Mariah suggested things could improve in time. Sharon didn’t think there was anything she could do to change Rey’s mind. Mariah thought that Sharon should keep trying to tell Rey what was in her heart.

Mariah went to Crimson Lights, and she ran into Lola. They both admitted they were worried about Sharon and Rey. Mariah was sure that she and Lola could figure out a way to help them out.

Sharon was happy when Rey came home instead of going to the station. They talked and realized that they’d had similar conversations with Mariah and Lola. She thought it was nice that her daughter and his sister were rooting for them to stay together. He wished they could stay together, but Adam had been the third wheel for too long. She didn’t want to talk about Adam, but she wanted to talk about their marriage. She asked if he was willing to really listen. She could picture a life with him, watching Faith graduate from high school and visiting her at college, visiting his mother in Miami and getting to know his family recipes. She could see them buying a vacation home in the mountains, waking up at sunrise. He smiled. She said they’d make love and take in the view, hold hands on the porch as the years drifted by. He used to see that life for them too. She said they could still have it. Her phone rang, and she ignored it, but he told her to get it. She tensed when she answered it, and he asked if it was Adam. She nodded. He wanted the phone, so she handed it over. He told Adam that he was coming for him. Adam hung up. Sharon was sorry – she had no idea Adam would call. Rey griped that it was like Adam sensed something was happening between Rey and Sharon and he had to interfere yet again. She tried to pick up where they left off, but he said he couldn’t stay here anymore. She countered that he’d said he’d stay awhile for Faith. He said they could make up a lie about him working the night shift. She asked if he was leaving forever. All he knew was he couldn’t stay here tonight.

Kyle ran into Tara in the hotel lobby. She stated that, after the fight with Ashland, she felt compelled to come to Genoa City and deal with whatever set him off. She asked Kyle what in God’s name happened between him and Ashland. He didn’t know, but he thought they should talk in his room for privacy. She balked – what if Ashland found out? He said Ashland would never know, but it’d be better than Ashland finding them together in the lobby. She agreed, so he gave her his room number, then headed upstairs first, so they wouldn’t be seen leaving together. In the suite, Kyle revealed that Ashland accused him of sleeping with Tara. He said that he laughed it off, and Ashland backed off. Tara thought Ashland was playing mind games with Kyle. According to Tara, Ashland told her he knew the truth and that he was disappointed. When she asked for clarification, Ashland got angry, said she knew what was going on, then he shut down. She said when Ashland thought he’d been bested or made a fool of, he flew off the handle, then he turned cold and calculating. That was when he was the most dangerous. Kyle didn’t understand why Tara was married to someone she considered dangerous. She said that was none of his business. He said her husband was literally messing with his business – spreading misinformation about Jabot. She didn’t know anything about that, but she thought it sounded like something Ashland would do. Summer walked in and was taken aback to see Kyle with Tara.

Kyle stated that Tara was in town because she was just as worried about Ashland’s behavior as he and Summer were. Summer pointed out that phones existed. Tara wished she wasn’t here, but she had to talk to her husband face to face. Summer wondered why Tara was in the suite, and Tara explained that she and Kyle bumped into each other in the lobby. Kyle asked what he could do to defuse the situation with Ashland. Tara thought she was the only one who had a chance of convincing Ashland he was wrong. He asked if he should be concerned for her and Harrison. She was sure she could look out for herself and her son. She told him to stay away from Ashland, and she left.

Kyle apologized for the way Summer got caught off guard. Summer mentioned that she saw Ashland heading into Society. She’d avoided Ashland, and Kyle was glad because there was no telling what Ashland would’ve said to her. Kyle felt like all his fears about the affair were coming true. Summer noted that Ashland didn’t know about the affair for a fact, and Kyle countered that Ashland was going on attack anyway, by targeting Jabot. He felt that the only way to protect everyone else was to face Ashland head on. She asked if he was planning on admitting he had an affair, because that wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t see what else he could do at this point. She thought he should take Jack’s advice and avoid Ashland until they found out exactly what he knew. She added that she and Tara were in agreement on this. He didn’t think that an indirect approach would work with Ashland. She pointed out that admitting to the affair would eventually lead to questions about Harrison. She told him to think about what this would do to his son.

Kyle insisted that he was thinking about his son. He said the boy was living with a man who might already suspect he wasn’t his father. Kyle asked how he could justify sitting around and waiting to see what happened. He was worried Ashland might take his anger out on Harrison. Summer noted that, according to Tara, Ashland loved Harrison. Kyle worried that Ashland might start looking at the boy and only seeing his wife’s affair. He felt compelled to do something. She thought he was overreacting and that coming clean about the affair would only escalate things. He was willing to take the heat in order to protect everyone else from the fallout of his battle. She wasn’t sure that he’d be protecting anyone with this approach. He planned to offer to walk away from Jabot if Ashland would agree to leave the company and everyone else alone. She refused to let him sacrifice himself. She thought there was a more positive way to handle this. She suggested they make a big announcement about their engagement, to show Ashland that no matter what happened in the past, Kyle was no threat to his marriage now. He didn’t think that would make a difference, and he didn’t feel comfortable using their relationship as a defense against Ashland. She said she wanted this because she loved him and wanted to make it official. She said giving Ashland a reason to go home was an added bonus. She felt that they needed to announce their wedding anyway, because she wanted the world to know they were getting married. He felt the same way, but he didn’t think this was the answer to his problems. He left to put his plan in motion, even though she called after him. Tara saw Kyle stride out of the hotel with a determined look on his face, and she went after him. Back upstairs, Summer called Jack and left a message warning him that she thought Kyle was about to do something risky and foolish.

Jack ran into Ashland at Society and asked why he backed out of the deal with Jabot. Ashland said it was because of something Kyle did. Jack asked what. Ashland made roundabout comments about Jack being a ladies man and the apple not falling far from the tree with Kyle. Jack asked that Ashland just say what he needed to say. Ashland wouldn’t elaborate, so Jack shifted gears and asked if Ashland knew anything about the vicious rumors circulating about Jabot. Ashland claimed he hadn’t heard any rumors. He was sorry Jabot was getting a bad rap, unless there was some truth to the allegations. Jack was adamant that Jabot treated its employees well. Ashland wondered why Jack was asking him about this. Jack thought it was curious that Ashland hadn’t heard about this, since he made a point to stay abreast of the latest news. Ashland said this wasn’t news, it was rumors, which he made a point to ignore rumor. He was surprised Jack was paying attention to it. Jack felt these fabrications were designed to make Jabot look vulnerable to outside attacks, and he found the timing intriguing. Ashland was sure Jabot could weather the storm. Ashland asked if Jack thought that someone was out to get revenge on him. Jack wanted to hear Ashland’s opinion on the motive.

Ashland had no doubt Jack would find the source of these destructive rumors. Jack said he would – he looked out for his own. Ashland got up to leave for his meeting with Victor. Kyle showed up, and Tara came in right after him. Ashland started to greet him, but Kyle said to save the small talk, because it was time they had a real conversation. Tara nervously looked on.

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