The Y&R Update Wednesday 4/14/21
Written by Christine
Ashley and Nina were at the Chancellor house, and they were thrilled about becoming grandmothers. Ashley wished there was some way for Abby to let Chance know that there would be a baby on the way. Nina knew it was hard on Abby; shed seen her looking lonely when she didnt know Nina was watching her. Ashley hoped Chance would be there for baby # 2, unless Mariah had twins. They only implanted one embryo, but Ashley noted that embryos split all the time. Abby walked in on Nina saying she had real concerns now that Mariah was pregnant. Abby wanted Nina to speak her mind. Nina was hesitant, because she didnt want to be a meddlesome mother in law, but she was just hoping Mariah would.. Abby assumed Nina wanted Mariah to avoid all the things pregnant women shouldnt do, like go in the sauna or hot tub etc. Abby was going to avoid all those things in solidarity. She just loved that Nina and Ashley were there and that they cared and loved the baby. She asked them to join the party, but they told her no and to go enjoy herself. Abby left, and Ashley asked what Nina was really worried about. Nina was thinking about the emotions that Mariah, Devon, Chance and Abby would go through as the baby grew. Ashley said they had contracts and theyd discussed this. Nina didnt think they were fully prepared for how this would affect them, though. Ashley said that the four of them were doing something that was the embodiment of hope. They toasted to their children and childrens children.
Phyllis and Nick talked in the hotel lounge. She assured him that Faith would be okay. He agreed that Faith had learned her lesson. Phyllis thought it was a shame Sharon didnt learn a lesson about Adam. Nick saw Mariah and Lola walk in, and he told Phyllis hed let her get back to work. He left. Phyllis called the spa to make sure things were all set for the party celebrating the successful embryo transfer. Phyllis asked Mariah and Lola if they were ready for the night of their lives. She said Abby made arrangements. Lola handed Phyllis a little gift bag that contained a surprise for Abby. Phyllis said shed handle it. She surmised that they were celebrating because the IVF worked. Mariah confirmed it, but she said they were keeping it low key. Sally walked downstairs and overheard Phyllis promise to make sure tonight was perfect. Tessa was on the road, and Mariah was happy for her, but she missed her and wished she could be here tonight. Mariah told Lola that living at the mansion was a big step up from the pull out couch in her apartment, but it wasnt home without Tessa. Lola teased that Mariah was crying to the wrong person, because she was single. Mariah thought that Lola was giving out Im not falling in love vibes and that she was only single because she wanted to be.
Victor was at Society. He called Phyllis and told her he wanted to pay for the baby celebration. He called her incorrigible, as always, then the call ended. Jack walked over and asked if Victor and Phyllis were at war. Victor said that he wanted to pay for Abbys party, but Phyllis wanted to foot the bill herself. Jack asked what the occasion was, and Victor said he was going to be a grandfather again. Jack was thrilled to hear that the embryo transfer worked. Victor said he needed that, and Jack was sure he did, with everything going on. Victor assumed Victor was talking about Ashland reneging on the deal, but he noted that Ashland also turned down Billy. He told Jack that this wasnt over. Jack clarified that hed been talking about Adam. Victor asked if Jack was accusing Adam of trying to kill Rey. Jack wasnt judging since he didnt know the circumstances. He said he and Adam were very close friends once, and he was keenly aware of what Adam had to overcome from his youth. Victor felt that Jack was exaggerating his closeness to Adam. He said that Jack, like everyone else, abandoned Adam when push came to shove. Jack hoped things went well for Adam. Victor was sure they would, since he always took care of his family. He told the bartender to put Jacks order on his tab, then he left.
At the penthouse, Devon had gotten a bunch of snacks for him and Moses to eat while they watched the baseball game. Moses was studying an anatomy book, and Devon noted that hed been reading it all day. He asked if Moses even liked baseball. Moses said he liked spending time with Devon. Devon asked what Moses would like to do. Moses wanted to talk about their dad. Hed always thought hed have more time with Neil. He remembered how Neil could turn everything into a lesson. He felt they were lucky to have him as a father. Devon said that if Moses wanted to know more about Neil, all he had to do was listen to his favorite songs. Moses remembered Neil playing jazz for him when he was little. Devon wanted Moses to hear Clifford Brown, a trumpet player. He put an album on and handed Moses some headphones. Moses smiled as he got engrossed in the music. Amanda came over, wanting to talk, but she changed her mind after she saw Moses. Devon said they could still talk, since Moses had his headphones in.
Sharon brought Faith to Crimson Lights and told her to get her homework started. Faith promised not to leave she knew that she was only allowed to be here, Nicks or the ranch, and only when a family member was there. Nick walked in and was happy to see Faith. He heard how she handled Jordan, and he was proud. She said it felt good to get it off her chest, but now she was officially in negative friend territory. He promised it wouldnt last forever. Nick joined Sharon, and he implied that she tipped Adam off. She said she didnt. She thought hed be happy Adam was gone, since hed wanted him to disappear. Sharon told Nick she was angry Adam ran, but he was the reason Faith got to the hospital in time. Across the room, Moses texted Faith and asked how she was. She smiled and told him she was out of the hospital and was getting ready to eat a brownie.
Back at the penthouse, Moses smiled at Faiths response. Devon told Amanda that he was introducing Moses to some of Neils favorite music. She thought that was a nice way to get to know your father. It was very different than how she was learning about hers. He asked about the case. She said she took a leave of absence from ChancComm, so she could focus on her grandfathers defense. She felt like she could honor her father and help him rest in peace, and she was determined to find out the truth. He was glad that she came to him and that they could still talk like this. Moses walked over and asked if he could hang out with Faith at Crimson Lights and give Devon and Amanda the place to themselves. Devon made sure Moses had money and a ride share app, then he agreed. Nate dropped by to see Moses, but he said he was on his way out. Nate was glad Moses was making friends, but hed wanted to hang out with him. Amanda invited him to stay, and she said shed go do some work. Nate told her not to leave on his account. He said he and Elena had a conversation and realized itd never work out for the two of them. Devon invited Nate to stay for a beer and music, but he took a rain check and left.
Amanda noticed that Devon looked sad when Nate said things were over between him and Elena. Devon said he was sad Nate and Elena werent able to overcome Devon and Elenas mistake. He knew he didnt handle things right with Amanda. If he could do it over again, he would be honest with her about what happened with Elena. He regretted leaving her in the dark to let her figure out on her own. He knew secrets hurt the most. She said her life had been one long secret, and she was tired, and she wasnt doing it anymore. He said he had strong feelings for her, but sometimes the feelings were clouded because of who she looked like. Sometimes he felt like he was being unfair to Amanda or disloyal to Hilary, but he couldnt help that he had these feelings. He knew he struggled with moving on from Elena, but he was clear on what he wanted he wanted Amanda, and he wanted to know if they could have a life together. She leaned over and kissed him.
Faith asked Sharon and Nick if she could hang out with a friend under their watchful eye. She told them about Moses. They remembered Neils son, and they said it was okay. Later, Moses joined Faith on the coffeehouse patio. Nick came out and said he saw Moses last at Neils memorial. Moses said that day was a blur for him. Nick said that Devon was one of his best friends. He understood that Moses would be going to Walnut Grove, and he asked how long hed be there. Moses was staying at least until the end of the semester. Moses said he was volunteering at Memorial, and the clinic and hoping to get an internship at AskMDNow. Satisfied, Nick smiled and left. Faith was glad Nicks interrogation of Moses was over. Moses didnt mind, since that was what dads were supposed to do. Faith was catching up on school reading, and Moses knew hed be behind since he was starting mid semester. He asked if they could hang out sometime after school and study. She explained that shed be kind of busy. She wished she could, but she was going to have community service and rehab because of the accident, since shed been drinking.
Faith noted that she already told Moses that she got bullied and made the idiotic decision to drive without a license. She told him that after a cruel prank played by someone whod pretended to be a friend, she stole her grandfathers tequila and a truck from the ranch. Moses was so sorry that happened. She said her stepdad was a detective, and he and her lawyer said shed probably get community service, and her parents were sending her to rehab. She understood if he didnt want to hang out anymore. He wasnt going to leave. He shared that hed been to Alateen meetings. His father was in AA, and when Neil came to NY, hed take Moses to meetings.
Back inside, Nick told Sharon that Moses seemed like an awesome kid, and he was glad Faith had a friend. Victor came in and asked to talk to Sharon alone. Nick left. Victor said Adam wanted Sharon to know he was safe. He said Adam knew he shouldnt rely on her, and he didnt want to complicate her life. She thought it was too late for that. She wanted to know where Adam was. Adam didnt want her to know, because she turned him in to the cops. She said she did what she thought was best. Victor heard Faith laughing. He was glad to see her happy, and he thought Moses was a bright kid who was going places. Victor used to rely on Neil during tough times. He said they all needed someone they could count on.
Back at the Grand Phoenix, Elena arrived for the celebration, and Mariah was glad because she was the doctor who gave them the news. Abby came in next. She gave Mariah a sash and tiara to wear. They took a picture for the baby book. Phyllis came over with the gift bag for Abby. She was delighted when her friends gave her a Mommy to be sash and tiara. Elena thought Abby deserved as much attention as Mariah did. Phyllis added that Abby was going to be the one handling diapers at 2 am, so she should take all the massages and pampering she could get, and she congratulated Abby. Abby appreciated that. Mariah said the baby was already changing lives.
The spa day started, and Abby privately and grudgingly admitted to Phyllis that she was having an amazing time. It pained Phyllis to say this, but she congratulated Abby. They agreed to pretend this conversation never happened. The heat stopped working, and Sally came downstairs to complain about being cold. At the same time, Phyllis got bombarded with complaints from chilly hotel guests, some of whom threatened to go to the Athletic Club instead. Sally smirked. Phyllis tried to do damage control. Nick walked in, because Phyllis had texted him. She brought him up to speed and asked if he knew anything about boilers. He did, thanks to working at New Hope. He went downstairs to see if he could help.
Sally ended a phone call. She thanked someone and said theyd be in touch. Phyllis came over and accused Sally of sabotaging the heat. Sally asked why shed do something to Phylliss hotel when she lived here too. Phyllis said Sally wouldnt live here for long. Sally said she wasnt going anywhere, and if she really did want to get back at Phyllis, she wouldnt resort to juvenile pranks. Phyllis asked what Sally would do. I would come at you in ways that you never even dreamed of, Sally stated. She said shed hit Phyllis where she lived, leaving her wondering what the hell hit her. Sally turned back and noticed Jack staring at her with his jaw dropped. Phyllis smiled at Sally and excused herself. Sally wanted to explain, but Jack was clear on what he just saw. She assumed that Phyllis set her up and called Jack. He clarified that hed come on his own, to see Sally. He guessed he was seeing the real her for the first time. She said she was wrong to lash out, but after everything Phyllis had done to her He didnt judge, but hed spent a lot of time insisting to people that she wasnt the person others claimed she was. She told him that what hed heard was out of context. He wished her well, but he wasnt interested in taking things further with her. He left. She looked up and saw Phyllis smiling at her from across the room. Nick returned and told Phyllis that the boiler situation was taken care of. Sally looked at them and seethed.
Abby got a text from Chance. Abby, my wife. My life you are in my thoughts. Always. I miss you so much. Weve hit some stumbling blocks with the case, but know that all I want is to come home to you as soon as I can. I cant wait to hold you. Even though were apart, my heart is with yours as we continue on this journey to create a family. I love you so much. She smiled and held the phone to her heart.
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