Tuesday Y&R Update 4/13/21

The Y&R Update Tuesday 4/13/21


Written by Christine

Rey went home, and Sharon asked how things went at the cottage where Adam was hiding out. He asked where Faith was. Faith was upstairs with her headphones in, so she wouldn’t be able to hear them, Sharon said. He told her that Adam was gone when he got there, and he theorized that she tipped Adam off. She swore she didn’t. She said maybe Adam had a source at the station, or maybe he just realized she’d tell Rey where he was. She said she’d been urging Adam to turn himself in and to trust Rey to investigate. Rey recalled Sharon saying that Adam didn’t think Rey would be as easy to convince of his innocence as she was. She said that was true, Adam thought Rey was biased against him and that he had no choice but to clear his own name. She was sure Adam wouldn’t have gone far, since he was determined to prove he was set up. He sighed that she had so much faith in Adam. She asked if Nick told him about Chelsea suddenly regaining her ability to speak. He didn’t think it was sudden, since Chelsea had been in rehabilitative therapy for months. He’d spoken to Nate, who said Chelsea would continue to recover. Sharon said she and Adam both suspected Chelsea recovered awhile ago. She contended that it was convenient that Chelsea regained her ability to speak at the same moment she needed to counter Adam’s accusation. He thought that the stress of Adam accusing Chelsea may have caused her to have a breakthrough. He was going to talk to Chelsea. Sharon warned him to be careful because Chelsea may have already tried to kill him once.

Rey went to the penthouse and thanked Chloe as she left. He told Chelsea that they could talk while Chloe checked on her kids. He was happy Chelsea was making progress. Chelsea started her con job on Rey. She hoarsely said that her progress was coming faster now. She moved her arm slightly, and he said she must be ecstatic. He asked her to answer a few questions about Adam. She said that would be difficult because she was ashamed. She noted that last time, Rey wondered why strong women kept falling for Adam’s act. She claimed she’d been offended because she thought Adam was a good man being wrongfully accused, but Rey was right – she’d been a fool. He asked what changed her opinion, and she said Chloe opened her eyes. She said Chloe read her the news about Rey getting poisoned, which was so shocking and vicious. She said she thought Adam was innocent when he left, but then Chloe showed her the photo of Adam and Sharon kissing. She said she felt enraged and humiliated, and it explained so much, like Adam hiring Sharon to counsel her, the whispered conversations between Adam and Sharon, Nick coming and warning Adam to stay away from Sharon. She said Adam was obsessed with Sharon. Rey asked where Adam was. Chelsea told him to ask Sharon. Rey said Sharon already admitted she was helping Adam, and Adam had left his hiding place. Chelsea said that Rey must know how she felt, since Adam and Sharon didn’t care about their relationships; they just wanted to be with each other.

Ashland met Victor at Society to finalize the sale of Cyaxares. Ashland assumed Adam wasn’t there because of his unfortunate legal situation. Victor made assurances that Adam would be cleared soon. Ashland wanted to adjust the terms of the deal, due to the uncertainty of Victor’s CEO status. Victor refused to readjust – he said he was paying top dollar, and Ashland could take it or leave it.

Billy and Lily were in her office waiting for their meeting with Amanda to start. They assumed that she was going to tell them about a strategy to stop Victor from poaching their employees. To their surprise, she walked in and requested a leave of absence. Billy asked if Amanda was sick. She was fine, but her birth mother referred her to a politician who was in need of an attorney – Sutton Ames. Lily asked how Naya was connected to Sutton. Amanda pretended Sutton and Naya were simply coworkers. Amanda saw this as an opportunity to establish herself as a criminal lawyer and show her mother what she was made of. Lily and Billy supported her decision, but they’d miss her. She said that she’d make sure her team at ChancComm was prepared to deal with the employees who wanted to jump ship. He said her job would be here when she was ready to come back.

After Amanda left, Lily lamented the timing of her leave of absence. She knew Amanda put together a good legal team, but they had to go up against Victor. Ashland called from Society, and he said he had Victoria on the line. Victor sat across the table from Ashland, arms crossed. Ashland was having second thoughts about the deal with Victor and Adam, and he wanted to meet Billy and Victoria together. They both agreed. Ashland ended the call. Victor chuckled. Ashland said there was time for Victor to sweeten his offer. Ashland said it wasn’t his fault that Victor’s partner had gone rogue. Victor pulled out his phone and looked at it, while telling Ashland that the conversation was over. Ashland left, and Victor called Michael.

Billy was excited because he thought Ashland listened to his advice to cut ties with Adam. Lily wondered if Ashland was trying to start a bidding war with Victoria. Lily refused to go to the meeting. It felt like a trap to her, but she was fine with Billy going.

Billy and Victoria met with Ashland in his suite. He said they each made persuasive cases for their company, and now he wanted to hear opposing arguments. He asked Victoria why it would be a mistake to put Billy in charge of his company. Victoria wasn’t interested in trashing the competition. Ashland gave Billy his chance to disparage Newman, and he also passed. Ashland pulled out a quarter that he made as a child on his paper route. It had never let him down. He said heads Newman, and tails ChancComm. He asked which of them would like to flip it, and Billy took the quarter. He flipped it, and he said Victoria was the winner. Downstairs, Billy offered to buy Victoria a drink to celebrate. She declined because she had to get the contracts drawn up before Ashland changed his mind again. He said she didn’t have to rub it in. She knew it wasn’t the outcome he wanted, but she said that she wasn’t going to use Cyaxares to go after him the way Victor was planning to.

Billy went back to the office and told Lily the news. She knew he was disappointed, but it was done, and no more dealing with that egomaniac and his head games or getting into a feud with Adam and Victor. He said it was less painful to lose to Victoria than Adam and Victor. She said she’d tell the legal team they could stand down. In the hallway, she breathed a sigh of relief.

When Victor got home, Adam was there. Victor broke out Adam’s favorite scotch, and Adam said Victor must have been expecting him. Victor felt Adam deserved this and more for saving his granddaughter. Adam was a little depressed that so many people were shocked by that. Victor wasn’t shocked. Adam had a drink and said he didn’t poison Rey. Victor knew that. He asked who set Adam up. Adam said it was Chelsea, who was faking her paralysis. He thought it’d be impressive if it wasn’t so horrifying. Victor said Nick told him Chelsea was speaking again. He asked if Adam went to Sharon for help. “What a mistake that was,” Adam said. Adam stated that Sharon helped by bringing food, clothes, and she went to Chelsea to deliver a message that he was nearby. He said Sharon told Rey where to find him. He’d had a feeling she would buckle under the pressure, so he went to the woods and watched, then he ran when Rey showed up. Victor felt that Adam should’ve come to him. Michael was on his way over, so Victor told Adam to hide in the tack house. Adam agreed that he should’ve gone to Victor from the beginning.

Victor told Michael to pull Rey off the investigation because he was ignoring other suspects. Michael asked like who, and Victor said Chelsea. Michael said Chelsea couldn’t move or talk. Victor countered that she’d been able to speak and move for some time, and she had a close friend, Chloe, who’d love nothing more than to frame Adam. Michael said Chloe put away her animosity toward Adam, and Chelsea was his fiancee. Victor was sure Michael saw the picture of Adam kissing Sharon. He said Chelsea had always been jealous, and this was her way to punish him. Michael thought that was outlandish. Victor said not as outlandish as thinking his cunning son would be foolish enough to leave a trail of evidence for Rey to find. Michael didn’t think that was a cogent defense. Victor said his son was innocent, and if Michael, Paul and Rey wouldn’t prove it, Victor would do it.

Michael had known Victor a long time, and he knew he was trying to protect his son, but he didn’t want him to interfere in the investigation. Victor said he’d stay out of it as long as Rey widened the investigation to include Chelsea. Michael said he’d warned Victor. Victor said it went both ways. Victoria arrived as Michael left. She told Victor about her deal with Ashland. He said well done, but she said she could tell he didn’t mean that. She said once again, Adam’s criminal tendencies had gotten in the way of Victor’s plans for him. He said she was his daughter, but he warned her that it was dangerous to cross him in business. He told her to leave. She saw Adam’s scotch on the wet bar as she was leaving.

After Rey left the cottage, Faith came downstairs and asked if Sharon wanted to watch TV with her. Sharon agreed and went to make popcorn. Jordan showed up, and Faith angrily asked if she was there to take pictures of her bruises and put them online. Jordan was there to apologize for embarrassing Faith. She said she was pissed Sharon wouldn’t let them hang out, like she wasn’t good enough to socialize with their family or something. Faith said that wasn’t it – Sharon was freaking out about the drinking, and she was trying to protect her. “She suspected you were a bad influence and surprise, she was right,” Faith snapped. Jordan had no idea Faith would react to the prank that way. She wouldn’t have been able to live with herself if Faith had been killed or hurt someone. She was so sorry, and she hoped Faith could forgive her.

Faith said Jordan promised she was defending her against the mean girls, but it turned out Jordan was the meanest of them all. Faith felt that Jordan was making this all about herself, as usual, asking how she would’ve lived with the guilt if Faith died. Jordan said Faith was right – she was a total bitch. She asked how to make it up to her. Faith said she’d never trust Jordan again. “How stupid do you think I am?,” Faith asked. Jordan said if it made Faith feel better, she got suspended, she couldn’t go to the junior class trip or the prom, and her parents took her car keys. Faith asked how Jordan got there. Some friends gave her a ride. Faith wanted Jordan to leave. Jordan was sorry. Part of Faith wanted to believe that, but it didn’t matter because she didn’t want to know Jordan anymore. She said to take her faux-apology and shove it. She slammed the door in Jordan’s face. Sharon was proud of Faith for how she handled that. Sharon looked at her phone, then she told Faith to go to the kitchen and get the popcorn. Sharon texted Adam and asked where he was. He replied that she did what she had to do, and he was going to do the same.

When Faith returned, Sharon praised the way she handled Jordan. She said some people went their whole lives never standing up for themselves. She said it might have been easier to accept Jordan’s apology even if she didn’t want to, in order to make peace and hold onto a friend. Faith said she had a lot of time to think about how Jordan screwed her over, and no apology could erase that. Sharon said it was hard to regain someone’s trust. She noted that Faith would have to face her other bullies after they came back from suspension, and not all of them wouldn’t be as remorseful as Jordan. Faith wasn’t looking forward to that. Sharon said Faith had tons and tons of people she could go to for support.

At Crimson Lights, Nate told Elena that he hated the awkwardness between them. He said before they got together, they were great friends. Maybe they were never meant to be a couple, but he suggested they could get past the tension and be buddies again. She zeroed in on him saying “maybe” and she asked if there was some small part of him that thought they could still be a couple. She acknowledged she put him on the spot even though he said he’d wanted to take a step back. She said she’d been furious with herself for so many reasons, starting with how badly she hurt Devon, but now that she had time to process things, she realized she wasn’t wrong to be insecure about her relationship, but she was wrong for how she reacted. She said Devon really was drawn to Amanda, and everyone saw it except for him. Elena wasted so much time kicking herself for ruining things and going back and trying to see if anything was left. Unfortunately, the realization came to her too late to do any good with Nate, she said.

Elena wished she could say they could go back to being buddies, but she didn’t think it’d work. It would hurt too much, because she still had feelings for Nate. He acknowledged that she’d told him from the beginning that she wasn’t sure what she wanted. He admitted he shouldn’t have pushed her into dating. She didn’t feel like he pushed her. She said he just wanted to love her, but she wasn’t ready to be loved yet, because she didn’t feel like she deserved it. She didn’t feel undeserving anymore, because she’d finally forgiven herself and let go of Devon and unrealistic fantasies of what might have been. She did think she and Nate could be happy, but she understood if he didn’t want it. He said it wasn’t that he didn’t want it, it was that he felt like they missed their shot. He’d accepted that they weren’t meant to be, just as she’d accepted that she and Devon weren’t meant to be. She insisted that it was completely different. He said if they got together, he’d always wonder what would happen if Devon wanted her back, and he couldn’t live like that. She understood, and she rushed off.

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