Thursday Y&R Update 4/1/21

The Y&R Update Thursday 4/1/21


Written by Christine

Sally entered the hotel lobby and saw Phyllis, who ignored her. Sally was surprised she didn’t receive a snarky comment. Summer came downstairs and overheard Phyllis talking to Sally. Phyllis told Sally that there were over 8 billion people on the planet who didn’t give a damn about her, and she was one of them. “That’s more like it. I knew you couldn’t -” Sally said, but she didn’t get to finish her thought because Phyllis jumped up and lunged at her. Summer rushed forward and defused things. Sally smirked and needled Phyllis by mentioning that she was going to see Jack. Sally left. Phyllis apologized and explained to Summer that she was exhausted because she’d been up all night worrying about Faith. Phyllis didn’t understand how this could happen again – Faith was in the ICU after a car accident when she shouldn’t have been driving, and she was even the same age as Cassie was when she got in her accident. Summer knew, but she said they couldn’t think the worst. Phyllis couldn’t help it – her mind was flooded with thoughts from the past. Summer couldn’t even imagine what it was like for Nick and Sharon. Phyllis said they were sitting by their daughter’s bedside, holding their breath, just like they did so many years ago. “Faith has to pull through this. She has to,” Phyllis said.

Victoria went to the main house after she flew in from Nashville. She asked if Faith was still unconscious. Victor hadn’t heard anything new. Nikki blamed herself for Faith’s accident, she wasn’t swayed when Victor told her it wasn’t her fault. She left to get air. Victoria asked if Adam poisoned Rey. He said the police thought so. She surmised that Victor thought Adam was innocent. She lamented that after all these years, he still couldn’t see Adam for what he really was. He said right now he was concerned with Faith.

At Society, Billy told Jack he wanted to outbid Victor and Adam for Ashland’s company. Jack asked if Billy wanted to build a time machine to go back to when that was a viable option. Billy said the deal hadn’t closed, and Adam was on the run for trying to kill a police officer. He thought ChancComm still had a shot, but they had to move quickly and he needed Jack’s help. Jack stated that Billy wanted to exploit a Newman family crisis, and he needed Jack’s money to do it. Billy said he’d need a lot more money. Billy wanted to sweeten the pot to convince Ashland to sell him the company, that way Ashland wouldn’t have to deal with Victor and his criminal son. Jack countered that Adam hadn’t been charged yet. Billy was sure that he’d be convicted in the court of public opinion. Jack said he wasn’t going to back Billy, and he suggested Billy stop pursuing the company. He accused Billy of wanting the company for the wrong reasons. Billy said he wasn’t being obsessive, he was trying to protect and grow his company. Billy tried to continue to plead his case, but Jack said his decision was final, and he left.

At the hospital, Faith had just woken up. Sharon said she and Nick were so happy and relieved. Even though Sharon spoke softly, Faith asked what she was yelling about. Sharon explained that Faith was in the hospital after a bad accident. Nick said Faith had been out a long time, and they were happy to see her beautiful eyes again. Faith apologized for doing something so stupid. Sharon said that didn’t matter, they were happy she was awake. Faith was sure they were mad, but Nick said they were relieved she came back to them.

Nick and Sharon waited in the hall while Faith was examined. Nate walked out and said it looked like Faith would make a full recovery. If everything went well, she’d be able to go home in a couple days. Nick went to call his parents, while Sharon went back in with Faith. Nick returned after making the calls. Faith said she made a mistake, and she couldn’t blame it on bullies or anything else. “I made the choice to drink and drive,” she said. He told her they didn’t have to talk about this, but she said she did. She didn’t remember much after leaving the ranch, just driving while crying and scared and hitting a tree. She asked how she got to the hospital, and Sharon mentioned the Good Samaritan. Faith asked what if she’d hit someone or if her injuries were worse. Sharon said Faith had to be grateful that things weren’t worse. Sharon added that Faith didn’t have to give them any more details, because Nikki told them what Jordan did. Faith said she’d thought Jordan was a friend, and she couldn’t deal when she found out Jordan was pretending to be a secret admirer. So she stole Victor’s tequila and a truck. She just wanted to get as far away from everything and everyone as she could. She was so sorry. Nick said her that they’d work through this later, and he said to rest. She asked if they could ever forgive her, and they said of course. He said that they’d have to deal with Faith’s mistakes eventually, but it didn’t change how much they loved her. Sharon said she and Nick felt like they failed Faith. Faith said that wasn’t true, but Nick said they failed in their job to protect her, and they had to do better. Sharon promised that they could get through anything as a family, and Faith said thanks. She promised she’d never do anything like this again. They told her to get some rest, and they left.

Moses walked down the hall, and he stopped outside Faith’s door. She woke up, and he waved at her. He asked if she needed anything. She didn’t, and she asked if he worked there. He didn’t. He explained he was looking for his cousin, and the clerk said he was on this floor. He saw Faith’s parents leaving and noticed that she was all alone. She asked if she knew him, and he said kind of. He introduced himself and explained that his dad, Neil was friends with her parents and grandparents. They smiled at each other, and he said this was weird. She laughed, then she told him not to make her laugh, because it hurt. He promised to be boring and dull, and she laughed and winced again. Nate walked in, and Moses greeted his cousin. Nate was happy to see Moses, but he chided him for coming to the hospital instead of going to Devon’s after the flight landed, like he was supposed to. He also said Moses wasn’t allowed to be going around talking to patients on his own. Moses apologized and said it wouldn’t happen again. Faith said Moses wasn’t bothering her. Nate said he’d take Moses to his brother’s house. Moses smiled and Faith and said he’d see her around, then he left.

Sharon and Nick brought Faith a stuffed bear. Sharon said it wasn’t Miss Patsy, but they tried their best. Faith loved it. Sharon got a text, and she said it was probably Rey. She looked at her phone and saw that it was Adam. “I hope Faith is feeling better. She’s your top priority, but if you believe I’m innocent, please meet with me. I need help – you’re the only person I trust,” it said. Nick asked if everything was okay, and Sharon said it was fine. She changed the subject and asked Faith if she was hungry.

Back at the hotel, Summer got the news Faith was awake, and she passed it on to Phyllis. Both were relieved. Phyllis said there was nothing a loving parent wouldn’t do for their child. Summer asked if they were still talking about Faith, and she assumed this had something to do with Sally. Phyllis thought Sally was better suited to L.A. Summer said Sally burnt all her bridges there, but Phyllis felt they could be rebuilt. And that was why she’d contacted Wyatt Spencer. She thought she could convince Wyatt and Bill to coexist with Sally, so she would go back to California. Summer wouldn’t sure that would work – she met with the Spencers, and they didn’t like Sally. Phyllis said Sally wasn’t easy to like, but she was easy to ignore. Summer said even if Phyllis paved the way for Sally to go back to L.A., she might not want to go, since she was building a nice life for herself in Genoa City. Phyllis had a plan for that.

Later, Phyllis met with Lauren in the lounge. Phyllis wanted a favor. She asked Lauren to let Sally run her latest Fenmore’s store in L.A. Lauren asked if Phyllis was trying to run Sally out of town. Phyllis confirmed that was part of it, but she thought it was a win-win. Sally would leave, pleasing the people who didn’t like her, Sally would be happy because she loved L.A., and Lauren would be happy to have a skilled and ambitious person running her new store. Lauren said Sally had been wonderful employee, she and Summer were civil, and Jack wasn’t being manipulated. She didn’t know why Phyllis was trying to get rid of Sally. Phyllis swore she’d never trust Sally. Lauren said Phyllis didn't even know Sally. “Oh, I know her. Give me a break. I know the type. I was the type,” Phyllis countered. She didn’t trust Sally around Summer or Jack. Lauren reiterated that Sally and Summer were getting along. Phyllis couldn’t believe Lauren actually thought that. She said Sally was playing nice, but when she was backed in a corner, the claws would come out. She didn’t want Sally hurting anyone she cared about. Lauren didn’t think Phyllis had anything to worry about. Phyllis contended that she was just trying to extract the problem from the area, put it somewhere else, and then everyone would be happy. Lauren didn’t think anything Phyllis said justified running Sally out of town. Lauren said that if Phyllis wanted Lauren to even consider doing this, she had to be a lot more forthcoming about what was really going on.

Back at the hospital, Nick smoothed Faith’s hair, and she fell asleep. Phyllis arrived and stood in the doorway watching Nick. He thanked God for bringing Faith back. He said it was like Cassie all over again, and he’d been scared to lose another child.

Sharon went to the cottage and saw Rey. He said he came home as soon as she texted that she was headed back. He was glad Faith would be okay. She knew that Faith’s emotional recovery would take longer than the physical one. He hoped Faith could come home soon, and Sharon said the doctors thought it could just be a couple days. She asked if he had progress in the search for Adam, and he said not yet. He asked if she heard from Adam, and she lied and said no.

Nikki returned to the house and told Victoria and Victor that Faith was awake. She then left the room to call Noah. Victor was glad Faith was awake, but he wished he could say the same for his son. Victoria opined that Adam brought this on himself, but Victor countered that nobody knew what happened. Victor thought that Billy was the one who was spreading the rumor that Adam was up for murder. Victoria was confident that Billy wasn’t behind the leak. She said he would’ve come to her if he was going to do that, and he would’ve made a bigger deal about the story in all the ChancComm outlets if he were involved. She said there was an APB out for Adam for attempted murder, and every news outlet who had a connection with the GCPD would jump all over the story. He grumbled that she was so eager to defend Billy-Boy that she didn’t even question the veracity of the charges against her own brother. She said Adam had motive, and the police weren’t randomly targeting him. Victor said whatever had gone on with Adam and Sharon, Adam wouldn’t do that. He stated that Adam was looking forward to a life with Chelsea and Connor, and he was happy about the deal they struck with Ashland. She asked if Victor really wanted to run a company day to day. She suggested he pull out of the deal and let her buy the company. He was appalled she was trying to capitalize on her brother’s misfortune. “Well, I learned that from you,” she replied. He was sure Adam would be vindicated, then he’d be CEO of the new company. Victoria thought it would be simpler if Victor let her have the company. He said she was as obsessed with hating Adam as Billy was.

Later, Nikki came back and said she didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Victoria. Victor said Victoria had to leave. Nikki said she had a good talk with Noah. Nikki and Victor hoped Faith realized she made a bad mistake. He said the most important thing was to know people were on your side. She realized he was talking about Adam. He knew how she felt about Adam, so he didn’t want to discuss it. She assured him she was willing to listen if he ever wanted to talk. He appreciated that. He told her he loved her and that they’d get through this. She went to the study, and he called Adam and left another message. He said it was stupid to run away, and he implored Adam to come back and let him help solve this.

Kyle was at Jabot. Ashland texted. He’d be in town tomorrow, and he wanted to get lunch with Kyle. Kyle called Jack and let him a message about it.

Lily was at work when she got a call from Ashland’s office, and she learned that Billy made a counteroffer. When Billy arrived, she confronted him about going behind her back and pursuing the company after they agreed not to. He said he wanted to set up a meeting with Locke in case Jack gave them the money, but Jack said no. Lily said it didn’t matter anyway, since Ashland’s office said he wasn’t available to meet. She told him that some things weren’t meant to be. She wanted to move on. Victoria showed up, and Lily was cool toward her. Victoria proposed that Newman and ChancComm team up to steal Cyaxares from Victor and Adam. She said Locke turned them down separately, but if they united, their offer would be more enticing. Billy said he had to talk to Lily, and they’d have to agree. Victoria was interested in Lily’s opinion too and asked what she thought. Lily clarified that she and Billy needed to talk in private.

Victoria left. Billy liked the idea of getting to run Cyaxares, while only being on the hook for half of the cost. Lily asked why he thought that Victoria would let them run it. He reasoned that Victoria didn’t want to run a media company, since she’d already sold Newman’s media division to ChancComm. Lily didn’t think Billy realized how personal Victoria’s offer was. She said whatever Victoria said about staying out of his life, now she was trying to forge an alliance, with the added benefit of showing up her father and brother. He disagreed. She said there was a reason why Jill never got on board and he had to go to Jack to make this deal. Lily thought she and Billy were great because they balanced each other, and for every time wanted to push boundaries, there was a time she wanted to draw the line, and she was right. He was frustrated because he felt that she was just saying no and shutting down the discussion. She said she wanted them to be in agreement. He felt like she just wanted him to agree with her. She wondered what would’ve happened if she wasn’t at the office – would he have just run with Victoria’s idea? He said he made that call to Ashland’s office on a whim. She reiterated that he went behind her back, but he argued that it was a phone call, not a major business decision. He didn’t like that they were arguing about this. She thought they should walk away from the deal. He was convinced that they should take the deal for the good of the company, and he asked where this left them.

At Jabot, Sally showed Jack her big pitch. She was concerned it was too hip and edgy for Fenmore’s, but he said that her unique sensibility was exactly why Lauren gave her the new job. He asked about her good mood, and she said she was having one of those days when everything was going exactly how she wanted. She said she had a civil exchange with Phyllis; it did start a little rough, but Summer smoothed things over. She thought Phyllis had accepted Sally and Jack. Jack said just because Phyllis dropped the open hostility, it didn’t mean she was coming around.

After Sally left, Kyle arrived and told Jack about the text. Jack decided he’d go to the meeting instead of Kyle. He told Kyle to go out of town or something as an excuse not to be there to meet Ashland. Kyle said he couldn’t just take off and leave this on Jack. Jack insisted that Kyle leave him handle this.

At Society, Kyle told Summer that Jack wanted him to leave town for a bit. She agreed, and she said she could go too – they could celebrate their re-engagement and make some wedding plans. He didn’t want to leave Jack to fight his battles. She liked his courage, but she told him one slip up and Locke would come after him. She didn’t want him to risk their future. He said he wouldn’t to anything risky, but he also wasn’t going to hide. He said that if Locke was suspicious, he should face him head on and show him there was nothing to worry about.

Lauren went to Jabot and told Jack that Phyllis asked her to transfer Sally to L.A. Jack said that Phyllis had been vocal about her disapproval of him spending time with Sally, then she just as quickly changed her position. He thought Phyllis was being strange lately. Lauren didn’t know what was going on, but she wanted Jack to know about the conversation. She left, and he started packing up to leave too, when Sally walked in and asked if he wanted to grab a bite. He asked her to close the door, and she did. He said they’d gotten close, but there were a lot of things they didn’t know about each other. She asked if someone said something about her, and he asked why she jumped to that conclusion.

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