The Y&R Update Wednesday 2/3/21
Written by Christine
Victoria was working from home, and she found a drawing that said reserved for mommy. She flashed back to a memory of Billy and the kids when they gave it to her. She then remembered finding Lily and Billy playing with Katie. Nikki let herself in, because Victoria didnt answer the door. Victoria didnt hear it because she was distracted. Nikki was there to drop off Johnnys jacket. Victoria was trying to catch up on doing her end of the year review of the state of Newman. That was something shed planned to do two weeks ago. Nikki thought that Hawaii wouldve been the perfect place for that kind of reflection if only theyd gotten to the airport early and flown out before the storm. Victoria noted that shed already apologized for making them late. Nikki didnt blame Victoria, she was just lamenting what they missed out on. Victoria snapped that she was at home, with her kids and running the company. It was all shed ever wanted, and she was perfectly happy with her life.
Nikki returned from a trip upstairs to see the kids, who were with Hannah. Nikki said Hannah was good with the kids, and they listened to her. Victoria was sorry for snapping earlier it had been a long day. Nikki was just surprised that Victoria was trying so hard to say she was sanctified with her life, when Nikki didnt question whether she was. Nikki suggested they go out to eat. Victoria declined because Hannah made her something. Nikki saw the drawing, and Victoria explained that Billy and the kids made cookies, and Katie made the reserved for mommy sign to make sure some cookies were set aside for Victoria. Nikki thought the kids were taking better care of Victoria than she was taking of herself. Victoria said she wasnt a workaholic. She loved doing this, and she was excited about the upcoming year at Newman. Nikki just wanted Victoria to take some time for herself. She said shed be there if Victoria wanted to talk.
Nikki left. Later, as Victoria worked, Johnny came in with his homework. She told him to leave it so she could put it in his backpack. He did so, then he left the room. She looked at a picture of Billy and the kids, then she fell asleep on the couch, surrounded by work. She dreamt of significant moments in her life with Billy, like finding him in the gutter and taking him home, one of their weddings, and their most recent proposal. She then recalled her begging him to get help, if not for her, then for the kids. He said she couldnt accept him for who he was, and he couldnt fit into the mold she wanted him to be in. She remembered another argument about his supposed affair with Amanda. He assumed she heard it from her father. He said, as usual with her, Daddy knew best. She didnt think her father lied about that. He said that it was always about Victor with her. Victoria decided she was finished arguing with Billy about why she couldnt accept him the way she accepted Victor. She said her father was her father, but he was her partner. She remembered Billy moving out. She then remembered the night of Delias play. Theyd made plans to take Delia and Johnny to a cabin later. He wished he could keep things the way they were now. All of a sudden, Lily was the one on the couch planning to take the kids apple picking, and Victoria was an outsider, watching them. Victoria argued that this was her life, not Lilys. Johnny woke Victoria up because he had a bad dream. She assured him that bad dreams werent real and that everything was fine. She asked what he dreamed about. He dreamed that Billy wanted to be with them, but monsters came after him. She suggested hed feel better if they called to check in on Billy. Johnny wanted that.
Billy and Lily were on their way into the hotel, when Victoria called and told him about Johnny. Billy talked to Johnny and reassured him. Johnny asked when Billy would come finish the game. Victoria said she talked to Billy, and hed come finish it soon. Billy agreed. The call ended. Victoria knew Johnny wanted to spend more time with Billy. She said the snow day and ice skating were fun. She told him he was lucky to have a dad who loved him so much. She offered to read him Bumpy the Camel, like they used to when he was younger. She knew he was a little old for it, but it was one of her favorites, and shed like to read it with him again. He agreed.
Later, Victoria met Nikki at Society. She was sorry for calling so late. Nikki was glad Victoria reached out, because she could tell earlier something was on Victorias mind. Victoria was thinking about Billy. She thought he was genuinely sorry for what he put her through in the past. She said hed finally grown up, and she admired the effort he put in. Nikki said he wouldnt have had to put so much effort in if he hadnt dug so many holes. Victoria wanted to give Billy credit. She said hed proven her wrong. Hed become the man shed always believed he could be, which made her think she ended things too quickly. She said she sold him short, and he was a long term investment. Nikki wasnt sure that Billy had actually changed. Victoria second guessed her choice to believe Victor when he told her that Billy and Amanda were having an affair instead of looking further into it. Shed assumed Victor had her best interests at heart. She didnt blame her dad, though. She made the decision to end things with Billy for many reasons, some rational and others not. Nikki asked if Victoria regretted ending things, and she said no. given what she knew, and her emotional state at the time, there was no way she and Billy couldve stayed together. Nikki asked if Victoria was in love with Billy. Victoria said no theyd both moved on and were coparenting. She just wanted to pinpoint where things went wrong. Looking back, she wondered if things couldve been different. Nikki thought it was pointless to second guess herself. Victoria just wanted to make sure she didnt make the same mistakes again with someone else. Nikki asked if this had something to do with Billy finding his someone else. Victoria said no Lily was great, and Billy was free to live his life. At that moment, Lily and Billy entered.
Lily and Billy went over and chatted with Victoria, then Lily went to get some seats. Billy asked if Johnny was okay. Victoria said he was fine. Billy figured that hearing his voice helped Johnny calm down. Victoria tersely repeated that Johnny was fine. Billy joined Lily, who asked if he wanted to go somewhere else. He didnt, as long as Lily didnt mind the arctic breeze flowing their way. Lily said Victoria had been polite, and Billy said that the temperature dropped a few degrees after Lily walked away. Lily joked that she didnt care about that she was just concerned with how Victoria treated her. Billy didnt know what was going on with Victoria first she gave him a welcoming expression, then she looked like she wanted him to get the hell away from the table. He said she was up and down, hot and cold, and he didnt understand it. Lily had an idea what it could be. She said maybe Billy dominated game night, and Victoria wasnt a good loser.
Victoria had a clear view of Billy and Lily smiling. Nikki asked if she wanted to leave, and she said no. Nikki continued the conversation, now that Billy was out of earshot. Victoria was tired of obsessing over the past. Nikki was glad. She thought that reuniting with Billy would be a step back. Victoria said that wasnt where her head was. Nikki knew Victoria was lonely. Victoria denied it. Nikki said Victoria only went to work and home, and she hadnt met any new people. Victoria said shed met all the people. Nikki thought Victoria should consider other options besides the ex who broke her heart. Victoria made a wry remark, since Nikki hadnt taken her own advice. Nikki conceded that shed married Victor many times, and theyd made it work, despite the heartache, but she recommended Victoria take a different path. Nikki hoped Victoria would meet someone kind, supportive and mature, and Billy was none of those things. She felt that he was still making ridiculous rash choices, like when he lied to the police when Chance was shot. If it werent for Lily he couldve ended up in prison. She said maybe Billy had changed a little, but so had Victoria. She said Victoria could have anything and anyone she wanted, she just needed to start making the best decisions for herself and the kids.
Victoria and Nikki said their goodbyes to Lily and Billy. Billy hoped there would be no more nightmares. Victoria was caught off guard until she realized he was talking about Johnny. He asked who she thought he meant, and she said she just wasnt expecting him to bring up nightmares. After Victoria and Nikki were gone, Billy said that Victoria had been hot and cold again. Lily thought Victoria seemed fine.
Nikki wanted Victoria to finish the state of the company presentation, then to sit down and do a state of Victoria video on her personal life. Victoria didnt want to do it. She looked in through the window at Billy and Lily. Later, she went home, and she recalled happy and sad times with Billy. Billy texted that it seemed like something was wrong, and he didnt like where they were. She replied that things were fine, and she just overreacted.
Lily and Billy were at the hotel. She asked if things were okay, and he lied and said he was talking to an agency for work. He quickly came clean and admitted hed texted Victoria to clear the air. She asked if he did, and he said not exactly. She thanked him for telling her. They went upstairs.
Back at Victorias, she worked on the state of company video, which turned into her taking Nikkis advice and doing a state of Victoria video. She said she was lonely, and trying hard to do the right thing for herself and her kids on her own. She missed being happy, being part of a couple, and having someone by her side when she was in the hospital. 2020 was hard, and the projections for 2021 didnt look better. She had her dream job and her three children, which should be enough, but she remembered what it looked like to be loved and have a whole family in this house. She knew what she needed, but she couldnt have it. She said the state of Victoria was a work in progress. She went upstairs and the camera zoomed in on a picture of her with Billy and their kids.
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