Friday Y&R Update 1/22/21

The Y&R Update Friday 1/22/21


Written by Christine

At the penthouse, Adam asked Dr. Cavett how things went with Chelsea. She said Chelsea was trying hard. He asked if Chelsea tried to talk, and the doctor said she wasn’t at that point yet. He exclaimed that Chelsea made a sound last night, and he thought it was a good sign. The doctor said it was helpful to know Chelsea could engage her vocal cords to some degree, but she was concerned about the return of Chelsea’s motor skills, and she hadn’t seen that yet. She asked if he had.

Adam implored Chelsea to make a sound again for Dr. Cavett. Nothing happened. He conceded it might not seem like a lot to the doctor, but he believed Chelsea was trying to communicate, and he was holding onto that. He said a friend brought these books over right before Chelsea made a sound, and maybe those things were connected. Chelsea said to herself that Sharon was no friend. Dr. Cavett told Adam to keep talking to Chelsea and encouraging her. She left. Adam told Chelsea not to lose hope – they’d get through this together. Connor texted that he missed Chelsea. Adam told Chelsea his first instinct was to text back a heart emoji, but he realized they were going to have to tell Connor some version of the truth soon. He promised he would do whatever it took to help Connor through this. In the meantime, he wouldn’t text Connor back until Chelsea signaled that it was okay. He was sorry for dragging her out and asking her to make a sound for the doctor. He wanted answers and solutions, but he said everything would be okay. She’d get better, and he’d get Connor through this. He was willing to do anything to help. Chelsea said in her head that Adam said the right things, so why couldn’t he let Sharon go?

Adam left the room to take a call. Chelsea saw the books Sharon left Adam and got it in her head that Adam and Sharon might be using them to communicate – maybe Sharon was leaving him little notes in the margin. She pondered what she did to deserve being stuck like this – was it karma for her misdeeds? She wondered why she couldn’t fight for what was hers. He returned and said he had to go out, so the nurse would take care of her. She thought he was going to see Sharon.

Sharon beamed when she came downstairs and saw Rey holding a bouquet. He informed her that they were from Adam. The card said “your kindness is appreciated. Warmly, Adam.” Rey decided to go ask Adam what kind of game he was playing. Sharon said Adam wasn’t playing games. She said she brought some books to Adam that might help with Chelsea’s condition. Rey wondered why he was just hearing this now. Sharon explained that she didn’t tell Rey last night because he got home so late. She wasn’t trying to hide anything. He said he’d never trust Adam, but he’d always trust Sharon, so if she thought it was a good idea to bring over some books, he knew she was just being her thoughtful kind self. She said that she sensed Chelsea didn’t want her there. She said Rey wouldn’t have to worry about her going back – Adam didn’t seem to need her and Chelsea definitely didn’t.

Summer was at the outdoor cafe In L.A. Kyle texted to say he was almost finished with his meeting. He asked if she’d met up with Flo yet. At that point, Flo arrived, and the women chatted about fashion for a bit. Flo knew Summer wanted to know about Sally Spectra. Summer was interested in hearing anything Flo had to say. Flo warned Summer that Sally was a nightmare. She wished someone had warned her about Sally before she found out the hard way. Flo asked if Sally did anything to Summer. Summer said not yet, and her boyfriend thought she was overreacting, but Summer had dealt with the jealous type before, and she thought that fit Sally. Flo wasn’t surprised a man was giving Sally the benefit of the doubt. She said Sally had a way of playing the sad innocent victim, and she was able to dupe otherwise intelligent men. Summer said that Sally made it clear that she wanted Summer’s boyfriend and job, but Summer wasn’t worried. Flo thought she should be, since Sally would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. “Think um, kidnapping, lying, trying to get pregnant to get a man to love her again,” Flo said. Summer was stunned because she didn’t realize Sally committed actual crimes.

Flo said Sally and Wyatt were involved once, and she wasn’t happy when he moved on. When Flo started dating Wyatt, Sally went to extreme methods to get him back. Flo said Sally had a tough upbringing, she lost her parents, so people, especially men, felt bad for her. Flo tried to be understanding, and that came back and bit her. Flo revealed that Sally pretended that she was dying, and everyone believed her. Flo encouraged Sally to move in with Wyatt, because she thought Sally was sick. When Flo figured out the truth, Sally knocked her out and held her captive. She then tried to seduce Wyatt so she could get pregnant. Flo sent Wyatt a signal, and he found out just in time. Sally left L.A. in disgrace. Summer thought Flo was a bad-ass, and she appreciated hearing this news. She was surprised she was just hearing this. Flo said Sally wasn’t charged with anything, and she cut off everyone she used to know. Summer wanted to stay in touch with Flo, and she agreed. Summer suggested they take a selfie. Flo realized Summer wanted something to post on social media, and she posed for a photo.

Kyle arrived after Flo left. She promised to fill him in later, but the short story was that Sally was capable of a lot. Summer said she should be terrified, but she felt empowered, because now she knew who Sally really was. Summer wanted to celebrate, so Kyle said they could order champagne. Summer said she meant the sort of celebration that included a bed, a hot tub and room service. She was impatient about their check. “Patience, my darling,” he said. She thought that sounded like a line from an old movie, and he noted that this was the movie capital of the world. They imagined being in a black and white movie, with a beautiful blonde and a handsome man. He suggested James Bond, but she said it was Cary Grant. Their flirtation ramped up as they continued to create this movie in their heads. She wanted to get to the hotel immediately, so she said forget the check. He threw a pile of cash on the table, and they ran off.

Sally arrived at Society for her meeting with Lauren. Lauren was just finishing up a talk with Jack. Lauren stepped away to take a call, and Jack was going to leave, but Sally said not so fast. She wanted him to listen to the pitch she developed for Lauren. He said she wanted him to be her sounding board. She said more like the smartest, savviest, most experienced sounding board. He said yes, and she told him that she was going to add handsome too. He said that he’d add her to his speed dial just so he could call her if he felt bad about herself. She said this might be her one chance to impress Lauren and get to work on bigger projects. He knew Lauren already valued her. She thanked him, but she wanted to knock it out of the park. She thought that Fenmore’s should partner with influencers, like JCV did, but with a twist – they’d go after the heavy hitters. She wanted to do a series of ads pairing Lauren with the influencers. She said Lauren had class, presence, and she was gorgeous. He was impressed, and he would be surprised if Lauren didn’t like it.

Lauren was blown away by Sally’s pitch. She said she loved it, and she’d expect this level of work on every project Sally did. Sally was ready – she lived for this kind of thing. Lauren said Sally was born for it. Sally said that coming here from California was one of the best things she’d ever done. “Maybe I’ve found a home,” she stated. She got an alert on her phone and was shaken when she saw the picture of Summer with Flo. Lauren got a call from Michael, so she left. Jack told Sally not to be nervous. He saw the look on her face earlier, and he thought she was second-guessing herself. She went along with it and said he knew her so well. He told her that she’d earned a victory lap, and she should be proud. He said he knew a rising star when he saw one, and she was going to make a real impact around here.

At Crimson Lights, Chloe asked Kevin if he’d talked to his mother lately. He’d been avoiding her calls, because they were never good news, and he didn’t want to get caught up in her drama. She suggested Gloria was checking on the kids. He thought Gloria was hatching another half-baked plan. He was relieved he was able to stop Phyllis from using the shady information Gloria pulled up on the Newman executive. Gloria was his mother, and he didn’t want her getting trampled by the Newmans. He wished Gloria was a normal mother. Chloe said Gloria wouldn’t change, so he had to deal with it. She went to visit Chelsea. He got a text summoning him to the patio. He went out, and Gloria was there.

Kevin was surprised, but Gloria said he wouldn’t have been if he’d answered her calls. She had to leave L.A. thanks to Kevin destroying the one piece of evidence that may have secured her future. He said he was protecting her – getting involved in blackmail scheme that even tangentially involved the Newmans was asking for trouble. She replied that tangentially was a big word for an idiot. She said she was trying to help the Newmans, not blackmail them. Her boss was in his eyeballs up in a scheme to get at the Newmans, and she stole the evidence to stop him. She was thinking that the Newmans would’ve given her a handsome reward for her good deed. But Kevin destroyed the proof, then her boss found out what she did, and he fired her and threw her out of the house she was living in. Now she was homeless, and she thought Kevin owed her. He was willing to help her find a place, but she informed him that she was moving in with him and Chloe. She also needed a new job. She was famished, and she demanded that he treat her to the best meal in town.

Kevin took Gloria to Society and told her Michael would be joining them for dessert. She spotted Jack with Sally and said hello. He was caught off guard to see her and started to stammer out an introduction between Gloria and Sally, but she cut in and announced that she was back because Kevin and Chloe needed her. Jack couldn’t get a word in. Gloria said Hollywood never felt like home the way Genoa City did. Chloe walked in and was shocked to see Gloria. Kevin said he’d explain later, but now he had to rescue Jack. As Kevin took Gloria away, she told Jack that they’d continue this later. Sally asked who that was. Jack said it was a long story that he’d tell her some time. He offered to walk Sally out, but she decided to stay awhile. She thanked him for his help with the pitch. It was his pleasure. He left, and she looked at the photo of Summer and Flo.

Rey and Sharon were at Crimson Lights. She made him a drink to take to Paul. He noted that Adam got books, Paul got a drink, and he wondered what she’d give him. She told him she’d show him tonight. He loved their honeymoon, but he said they had to steal time alone since his family was around. He wanted to take a Valentine’s day trip – just the two of them. She loved the idea. Paul called Rey, so he left. Adam arrived, and Sharon asked about Chelsea. He said nothing had changed. She was sorry. She thanked him for the flowers, but she said maybe coming over was a mistake. He thought it was a wonderful gesture for her to bring the books. She didn’t regret giving him the books, but she thought her presence upset Chelsea. He wished Chelsea could get agitated – anything would be better than the hopeless look in her eyes. He excused himself to make a call.

Sharon was reading a website about supporting caregivers of stroke sufferers. Rey returned and reported that Paul loved the drink. She closed the laptop and he asked what she was looking at. She pretended she was looking at vacation ideas for Valentine’s day. He didn’t care where they went as long as it was just the two of them. She agreed.

Dr. Cavett arrived at the coffeehouse at Adam’s request. He wanted to talk outside the penthouse, because he wanted real answers. She admitted that there was something she’d been hesitant to discuss. She’d noticed that Chelsea’s lack of motor response was equally present on her left and right side, but the stroke only affected her right side, so she should have more mobility in her left. He remembered Chelsea being able to move her left side in the hospital. He asked what that meant. Dr. Cavett said there might be another reason Chelsea wasn’t responding – psychological distress. Depression could slow Chelsea’s progress. She suggested that Chelsea see a psychologist. Adam wasn’t sure about that. She said it was his call, and she told him bring it up with Nate and see what he thought.

Chloe apologized to Chelsea for dropping by. Chelsea said to herself that she wanted Chloe to come all the time, because she could use an ally right now. Chloe showed Chelsea a card Bella drew. She pointed out that Chelsea was standing in the picture and holding hands with Adam. She said everyone wanted Chelsea to get better. Chelsea didn’t think Sharon wanted her to recover, and she was beginning to wonder if Adam didn’t want her to get better. She thought to herself that Adam might want a reason to leave Chelsea at home while he spent time with Sharon. Chloe saw that Chelsea was upset, and she wondered if she was in pain. She thought maybe she could call Adam. Chelsea was frustrated because she couldn’t get her point across to Chloe.

Adam went back home. Chloe was gone. He asked Chelsea if she wanted to look out the window at the snow. He thought they’d be able to take walks by spring. She opened her eyes, but He texted Nate to set up a meeting.

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