Tuesday Y&R Update 1/12/21

The Y&R Update Tuesday 1/12/21


Written by Christine

At their home, Chance brought Abby crackers and ginger ale to settle her queasy stomach. She wondered if it was morning sickness. This was the same way she felt the last time she was pregnant. She got up to take a pregnancy test, but she felt woozy and sat back down. It was night time. He reminded her that she told him before that the test was more accurate if taken the first thing in the morning, so he thought she should wait until tomorrow. She said all she cared about was counting lines on the stick because those blue lines could change their lives. He saw her point. The test was negative, but she said maybe it was wrong. She reminded him what he’d said about the test being more accurate in the morning. He clarified that she was the one who’d told him that. She wanted him to go downtown to the pharmacy and get another test. She wasn’t going because she still didn’t feel 100%. She said she’d make it up to him with a midnight diaper change when the time came. He said he’d go, and he’d get her something for her stomach too. She knew she seemed irrational, but she had a feeling. He said okay, and he left. When he got home with the test, she was sleeping.

Abby woke up, and she was troubled. She had the baby dream again, but this time the babies in the bassinets didn’t cry – they opened their mouths and no sound came out. She felt like her instincts were telling her something was wrong. She wondered what was wrong with her. He said nothing – she was perfect. It took some couples awhile to conceive, which he knew because he’d been doing his research too. He said maybe the other test was wrong. She grabbed the test and went upstairs. She came back down looking sad. She decided to call her gynecologist. He thought it was too soon to be so worried. He wanted to keep trying for a couple months, but she didn’t want to wait. She thought they should both get tested. He said okay.

Naya and Amanda were in the hotel suite. Both had tears in their eyes. Naya apologized. She wasn’t sure where to start. Amanda gently suggested Naya start with why she was apologizing. “You were, quite unfortunately, a mistake,” Naya said, and Amanda looked hurt. “Well, I am glad that you took the time to find the right language. I’d hate to hear the harsh version,” Amanda replied. Naya said she’d lived with this version of the story for decades, and she’d never thought about it from anyone else’s point of view. She said she wasn’t trying to be harsh, but sometimes the truth was harsh. Amanda understood. Naya said telling her parents she was pregnant was the scariest thing she’d ever done. She was from a very religious family, and her father was a rising star in Illinois politics, so when she got pregnant, her family instructed her to take a leave of absence, have the twins and put them up for adoption. “I never even got to hold one. They were taken from me right away,” Naya said. Rose agreed to take the babies, but realistically she could only raise one. Amanda asked if the family didn’t send money for support. Naya said her family gave Rose a large sum up front with the understanding that she’d never get more money and that she was never to contact them again, so that the secret would never come out. “It was just easier to just cut ties and close the door on Rose and the twins to ensure there would be no scandal,” she explained. “Easier,” Amanda repeated, disapprovingly. Naya acknowledged it sounded cold, but it was what happened. “These are decisions I didn’t want to make, so when they were made for me I didn’t argue. Frankly, I was relieved” she stated.

Amanda asked how they decided to separate the twins. Naya didn’t know. She assumed her parents made the call, but they never told her. All she knew was she wasn’t ready to raise kids so she didn’t argue with her parents. She went back to college and the family never spoke of it again. After graduation, she went to work for her father, she met her husband, got married and had a baby. The proper way. Amanda asked if Naya ever thought of looking for her and Hilary. Naya said it was too risky, so she moved on. The family was happy, they were doing well, and Amanda and Hilary would’ve been a threat to the happiness. “Why jeopardize all that happiness, huh?” Amanda sarcastically replied. Naya said it might not mean much to Amanda, but she was a good mother to Imani, and she thought that might be partially due to the twins. She theorized that she loved Imani so much because she felt the need to make up for what she’d done. Amanda didn’t understand how Naya could say she was sorry and that she had something to make up for while also saying she had no regrets. Naya said she was capable of holding contradictory thoughts. She could feel remorse for what happened to Amanda and Hilary while also knowing their father would have no place in her life. There simply weren’t that many options. Amanda asked who her father was. Naya said he was just a boy, and he never knew she was pregnant. He died in a car accident about a year after the twins were born. “So they’re both gone,” Amanda quietly stated. “Both?” Naya asked. “Hilary’s dead,” Amanda snapped.

Amanda got Naya a drink of water, then stood, arms crossed, staring at her mother. Naya asked what happened to Hilary, and Amanda stated it was a car accident, just like her father. “I didn’t meet either of them,” she said. Naya was surprised her cousin Rose didn’t let them know. Amanda said Rose was dead too. She commented that Naya shut the door so tight that no one could get through to tell her that she passed away. “You may never be able to look into Hilary’s eyes, but you can look into mine,” Amanda said. Naya continued to gaze into the distance. “Look at me,” Amanda said sharply, and Naya complied. Amanda said that her eyes and her face were Hilary’s too. Amanda said Hilary wasn’t there when Amanda felt unloved growing up, and Amanda wasn’t there when the only mother Hilary ever knew died. “So not only did you rob us of our family and our history, you robbed us of each other!,” Amanda stated. Naya said she didn’t make those decisions, but Amanda countered that Naya was relieved when the decision was made for her. “They took away your babies and you didn’t even give it a second thought!,” she yelled. Amanda snarled that Naya missed out, because Hilary was a star, and Amanda was amazing too. She said Naya could take her scandal-free life because she missed out. “I wish that…” a sobbing Naya struggled to find the words. “You wish what?” Amanda demanded. They were interrupted by angry knocking. Amanda opened the door. It was Imani, who was furious that Amanda didn’t heed her warning to stay away from Naya.

Imani saw her mother crying, and she thought Amanda hurt her. Naya said she was fine and that Imani shouldn’t be there. Imani came because she was so worried. She thought Amanda somehow blackmailed Naya into coming. Amanda said all she did was ask Naya for the truth. Imani said Amanda knew the truth – this wasn’t her mother. Naya asked Imani to go home, so they could talk in private later. Imani refused to leave Naya here with Amanda. “No one will believe your lie. I don’t know why you just won’t give it up,” Imani told Amanda. “I am wondering the same damn thing,” an exasperated Amanda replied while glaring at Naya. Imani grabbed her phone to call the police. Naya apologized and admitted Amanda was her daughter. Imani looked stunned and whirled around to look at Amanda.

Imani said that couldn’t be true. “You heard your mother. We’re sisters,” Amanda said with a smirk. Imani called her delusional. “And I had a twin. Hilary. Imagine two of me,” she added. Imani asked what Amanda’s agenda was. Amanda said all she wanted was the truth, which she got, and she didn’t want anything else. Amanda said Imani was still trying to protect a lie, and that couldn’t be done. Naya apologized for keeping Imani in the dark, but she said it was for the best. Imani still didn’t believe it. Amanda said Naya made mistakes and had secrets, just like everyone else. Imani ordered Amanda to stop talking about Naya like she knew her. She told Naya that they had to go home. Naya said she’d explain everything once they got home, and it would all be okay. Imani stormed out into the hallway and waited for her mom. Naya acknowledged that the words “I’m sorry” were almost laughably inadequate, but that was all she had to offer. Amanda softly asked what Naya was going to say she wished earlier. Imani told Naya to come with her. Naya walked out. She looked back at Amanda, and she left without answering. The next day, Amanda showed up on Devon’s doorstep. She was sorry. She tearfully said she didn’t know where else to go. He said it was okay, and he asked what happened. She rushed into his arms, and he held her.

On the jet, Billy mused that the jet’s snack selection was better when he was in charge. Kyle replied that they were lucky they didn’t lose the jet in a poker game along with the yacht when Billy was in charge. Lily asked them to be civil. Kyle suggested they all sleep. He told Summer this wasn’t ideal, but at least he was with her. Billy asked if Lily was okay. She was. Later, Billy noticed he and Summer were the only ones awake. He went over and congratulated her for running JCV. He thought it was a great fit. She was waiting for the punchline, but he said he was being sincere. She was impressed with what he was doing at ChanceComm and that he’d pulled his life together. She hoped he put his worst instincts behind him for good. She told him not to hurt Lily. He didn’t intend to. He was pretty sure he didn’t deserve Lily. Summer thought he’d been a jackass the entire trip, but she believed he’d changed and grown, so maybe he was worthy of Lily.

Later, Summer saw Billy staring off into space, and she asked if he was sleeping with his eyes open. He said he was thinking about doing something painful, but necessary. It was about her and what happened. She didn’t want to do this now. He said he had to. It had been gnawing at him a long time. He was sorry from the bottom of his heart. He hated what he did to her. She said she wasn’t blameless. He said it was his fault. He admitted he took advantage of her feelings. She said she wouldn’t pretend it was innocent, but she also wouldn’t pretend it didn’t hurt. He didn’t understand how she could stand talking to him. He thought it proved what an incredible person she was. She said she liked to think she’d changed, just like he did. She thought what mattered was who they’d become. He said that was generous, given how horrible he’d been. He thanked her for talking about this. Billy and Summer didn’t notice that Lily overheard everything. When she saw Billy going back to his seat, she closed her eyes and pretended she was still asleep.

The storm passed. Everyone was awake, and Billy said they’d probably be taking off soon. Summer went to the restroom, and Kyle decided to go check in with the pilot. Billy asked Lily if she wanted to make out since they were alone. She didn’t. He asked if she was okay. She claimed she was just worried because they were going to be late for their meeting with AskMDNow. Billy tried to reassure her by saying he’d let the CEO know what was going on, and they said that it was fine. “That’s good news,” he said, when she still looked gloomy.

They made it to L.A. Kyle wished Billy and Lily luck in Seattle, but Billy said they didn’t need it. Billy said he’d say good luck, but he wasn’t listening when Kyle was talking, and he had no idea why they were coming to L.A. Summer said bye to Lily, and she told Billy to be good. He promised to try. Kyle said they’d have to take a commercial flight, because the plane was flying back to L.A. to take him and Summer home. Billy said he arranged with the pilot to fly him and Lily home then go back to L.A. for Summer and Kyle. Kyle wasn’t impressed that Billy had added another flight to the itinerary at Jabot’s expense. Billy said he’d kick in some money and even get some good snacks for the jet. Kyle and Summer left.

Lily asked Billy why he gave Kyle a hard time. He said if he didn’t who would? He said Kyle was young, good looking, and he had Summer. “Did something happen with you and Summer?,” Lily asked. She informed him that she woke up and heard him talking to Summer. “A while ago, when I found out Phyllis cheated on me with Nick, I slept with Summer,” he admitted. He said it was a low point for him. She said that when he and Kyle were out looking for a hotel, Summer said some nice things about him. Lily knew what Summer meant now when she said there was a time she could understand Billy’s appeal. Billy didn't know how Summer could stand to be around him, but it seemed like she’d forgiven him. He said Phyllis hadn’t forgiven him, and he was pretty sure that this was the cause of the tension between him and Kyle. He was sorry Lily was the only one who didn’t know. She questioned why he thought it was a good idea to hitch a ride with them, knowing it’d be awkward for everyone except Lily, who was clueless. He said there were no other options. She said he got everything he wanted – he got his heart to heart with Summer, and if Summer felt better, Lily was happy, but this was a huge shock for Lily. He was sorry she found out this way. He wanted her to know everything about him – that was how much he believed in this relationship. He cared about her. He knew he hadn’t always been a good person. He’d hurt and betrayed people, but he didn’t want to be that person anymore. She knew he wasn’t a saint, but this sounded horrible. He agreed and said it’d haunt him the rest of his life.

The plane landed in Seattle. Lily said the personal stuff could wait until they finalized the deal. He agreed. He asked if she should’ve lied to her about why he was apologizing to Summer. He didn’t want to disrespect her with lies, but now he felt like what they had might go away, and that was scary. He asked if it changed the way she saw him. She didn’t know. She needed time to process this. She got off the plane.

Kyle and Summer were in their L.A. hotel room. She mentioned that she and Billy talked, and he apologized for what happened. She wasn’t going to forget what Billy did, but he seemed remorseful, and she forgave him. She wanted to let it go. Kyle thought Summer had the biggest heart. However, it’d be a cold day in hell before he forgave Billy for what he did to Summer. She started to undress for her shower, and she invited him to join her. Afterward, it was light out, so she called Wyatt Spencer. He congratulated her on the job and asked how things were in Wisconsin. She told him she and Kyle were in town and they wanted to discuss JCV, Spencer Publications and a few other things.

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