Monday Y&R Update 1/4/21

The Y&R Update Monday 1/4/21


Written by Christine

At the cottage, Sharon and Rey entertained themselves by calling each other Mr. and Mrs. Rosales while Mariah and Arturo looked on. Arturo wondered about the choice to honeymoon in Miami. He said he’d pick New Zealand or Italy. Rey said that Sharon wanted to see the place where he grew up. She said she wanted to know everything about the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. Mariah liked the idea of beach time, and she wished she were going too. Arturo suggested arranging for Sharon and Rey to spend some time with their nephew, Mateo. They both loved the idea. Arturo was glad Rey was coming home and that Sharon was part of the family.

Rey had some packing to do. Sharon had to go to Crimson Lights. Arturo was going to go to say goodbye to Lola, then go back the hotel, and later, they’d all ride to the airport together. After they were all elsewhere. Faith came home. Mariah greeted her cheerfully, but Faith thought Mariah was talking too loud. Mariah said they’d had a lively morning, with Arturo. Mariah asked if Faith was okay. Faith said she didn’t get much sleep, because that’s how sleepovers were. She asked where Sharon and Rey were. Rey came downstairs and said that Sharon went to Crimson Lights, and he had to go somewhere too. Faith made sure they’d be back before they went to the airport, because she wanted to see them. He assured her they wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. Rey and Mariah stepped out. Jordan texted to ask if Faith’s family suspected anything. Faith said no. Jordan’s parents were going out, so she was having a party. Faith didn’t respond. She laid back on the couch.

Adam was asleep on his couch. He woke up calling for Chelsea, then he called Elena at the hospital. Later, he went to the hospital, and Elena asked him to sit, but he declined. She explained that by the time Chelsea got to the hospital, the hemorrhage she’d suffered had already done its damage. She’d had a stroke. He was in denial – Chelsea was young. Elena said age wasn’t a factor in this. Chelsea was paralyzed on her right side, and she couldn’t speak. The symptoms could alleviate in time, or they could cause more neurological incidents. Chelsea was unconscious. He wanted to see her. Elena said Chelsea was being isolated, due to risk of infection. He insisted that he had to see Chelsea and help her.

Phyllis woke Nick up in her suite. He wondered how she had so much energy this time of the morning. She said she had to go to work. He said last night was strenuous, and it took a lot out of him. She said she’d wanted to do something nice for him on his birthday. He grinned and said it was nice. He said his favorite part was waking up with her in his arms. He could get used to that. She asked if watching Rey and Sharon say I do made him wanting to do it too. He asked if there was a right answer here. She just wanted an honest answer. He didn’t think they should get married again, and it wasn’t because he didn’t love her and want to be with her. He wanted their lives to be filled with passion and fun. He knew they’d argue – it was part of their passion – but he didn’t think they needed to go the conventional route. They’d tried that before, many times. Unless there was a need to make it official, he really liked this path they were on. She said she totally agreed. She said they didn’t need a piece of paper to confirm how they felt about each other. She felt that this was the best things had ever been between them.

Phyllis ordered room service, then she told Nick about Adam coming to the wedding, supposedly because he wanted to make sure it went off without a hitch. Nick didn’t buy that. Phyllis wasn’t sure what to think, but she did believe Adam genuinely wanted to see Sharon happy. Nick didn’t think Adam was that altruistic. Phyllis felt Adam was a horrible person, but she noted that he didn’t stop the wedding. He suggested that Phyllis was the reason that Adam didn’t go through with it. He thought it’d be funny if Phyllis was the reason that Sharon’s wedding wasn’t a disaster. She agreed and called herself an incredible woman. He agreed with that.

Elena and Nate were at Crimson Lights on the patio. Sharon chatted with them, then she went inside to get their drinks. Elena and Nate talked about Chelsea’s situation. Nate said it was a startling reminder that life could change in an instant. Elena told him that Adam was a wreck. Nate commented on coming home and finding the woman you love on the floor. He sympathized with Adam. Nate felt for Connor. Sharon was on her way out and froze when she overheard them discussing Chelsea’s prognosis. She pretended she didn’t hear anything and cheerily announced it was coffee time.

Sharon went back inside, and she was shaken up, which made her clumsy as she tried to take care off things at Crimson Lights. Rey came in and asked why she was so upset. She told him that Chelsea was unconscious in the hospital for some reason. She recalled that Chelsea was supposed to be having a procedure – maybe it went wrong. He knew her instincts told her to reach out to Adam, and he asked if she was looking for his blessing. He said it wasn’t his place to tell her what to do. She assumed he’d rather she didn’t reach out. He said that she wasn’t meant to have this information. He said Adam made the decision to leave her out of this situation. He was concerned Adam would lash out at her, since he wasn’t always rational, especially when he was upset. She didn’t think Adam would do that. She couldn’t just pretend she didn’t know what happened to Chelsea. He didn’t want to postpone the honeymoon, but one of the things he loved about her was her compassion, even if it was for people he didn’t think deserved it. He supported her doing what she wanted to do. She said she wasn’t going to contact Adam. She didn’t want to intrude. She smiled and said they had to get to Miami. She was sure that if Adam needed support, he’d find someone – just not her.

Back out on the patio, Nate said he’d been trying to give Elena space, but he’d been thinking about her since the last time they hung out. She was sorry she bolted from the hotel room. It wasn’t that she wasn’t having fun or that she didn’t want to be there with him. He understood it was too soon. He wasn’t concerned about the other day. He was concerned about the future. She’d been doing some soul searching. She liked him, and she thought she’d like to continue to see him, but they had to take it slow. He agreed. He suggested a fun public dinner date. She accepted.

Back at the hospital, Adam tried to pull some strings to get in to see Chelsea. He called several people, including a doctor he went to college with, and he got nowhere. He flashed back to Chelsea telling him about her fall and about the headaches. He recalled that it was his fault she got stuck in the elevator. He remembered telling her that everything would be fine after the surgery, then he flashed to finding her on the floor. He called Victor and left an urgent message. Elena arrived and told Adam that Chelsea would be at the hospital 5-10 days, and the hope was that, with therapy, she’d regain her mobility and ability to speak. He said Chelsea needed to make a full recovery. Elena said she was trying to adjust Adam’s expectations. He wanted to visit Chelsea, and Elena apologetically said that the decision on visitors hadn’t changed. She told him to be patient. If Chelsea showed signs of progress, it was possible he might be able to see her. She told him to go rest, so when Chelsea actually needed him, he’d be ready.

Adam went back home. Connor called to see how Chelsea was doing. Adam said she was resting comfortably at the hospital and sent her love. He changed the subject and asked how Connor was. After they talked, Adam promised they’d all be together again soon – as soon as Chelsea was healthy enough to travel. The call ended and then Adam grabbed some stuff that was on the coffee table and threw it.

Sharon and Rey went home and talked with Faith. Rey teased that it was too bad Faith loved school too much, otherwise they would’ve brought her along. While Rey was upstairs, Sharon talked to Faith about Jordan. Faith mentioned that Jordan was having a gathering, but Faith wasn’t sure she wanted to go. Sharon said that if Faith changed her mind, she could go. Sharon also said that Faith could invited Jordan to the cottage before she went over to Nick’s. She said Jordan and Faith could take advantage of having the house to themselves. Faith said she’d think about it. Sharon went upstairs, and Faith looked troubled. Mariah returned and brought something for Sharon and Rey to take on their honeymoon. Sharon picked up the gift bag and started to gush about how great her girls had been, but Mariah said there was no time for that. Faith said to take lots of pictures. They left. Mariah planned to spend the day with Faith. Faith looked at a text from Jordan, asking if she was coming or what.

Mariah said Faith could leave the lights on because no one was there to reprimand her, or they could eat something with no nutritional value. Faith joked around about that, but then she said she just wanted to go to Nick’s, and she asked for a ride. Mariah asked if things were okay. Faith said she was just tired, and maybe she and Mariah could hang out later. Mariah said okay. Faith texted Jordan and said she had family stuff, so she couldn’t go.

Back at the hotel, Nick and Phyllis were downstairs. They talked about being in a good place in their relationship. She was grateful he bailed her out financially, and he wasn’t constantly asking how she was going to pay him back. She shifted gears and proclaimed that she was better at video games. After he disagreed, he went back to the loan and asked if he should be asking how she’d pay him back. She said she it was important for to pay, and she appreciated that he wasn’t micromanaging her. He was wondering how nervous he should be about what she was going to do to get the money.

Phyllis finished a work call. Nick was impressed that she used the call to avoid talking to him about the money. She said it wasn’t like she was going to rob a bank – besides, the bank didn’t have a lot of money inside anymore, it was all digital now. She assured him she was kidding. He was curious how she was going to make these weekly payments she was insisting on. She wanted to go back to the monthly plan. He said whatever she wanted. He just didn’t want her pressuring herself. She said she wouldn’t do anything stupid. She wouldn’t put the hotel in jeopardy.

Rey and Sharon went to the hotel. Phyllis mentioned that she heard the wedding went off without a hitch. Sharon thought Phyllis sounded surprised. Phyllis said she thought Sharon deserved the best wedding possible, which is why she didn’t attend. Sharon said Phyllis would’ve been welcome. Phyllis said she and Sharon had a history with weddings, so… Rey went to find Arturo. Nick said Sharon deserved to relax after the year she’d had. He thought she’d be more excited. She told them about Chelsea, adding that Adam came home last night and found Chelsea unconscious. Phyllis flashed back to seeing Adam at the wedding and asking him if Chelsea knew he was there. Phyllis said she’d pray for Chelsea, and Sharon agreed. Rey motioned Sharon over, so she left.

Phyllis said Adam must feel guilty. If he didn’t spy on Sharon’s wedding, maybe he would’ve been there to help Chelsea.

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