Monday Y&R Update 12/14/20

The Y&R Update Monday 12/14/20


Written by Christine

Amanda ran into Billy at The Grand Phoenix. She asked if he’d found a new attorney. He snapped that he was narrowing the list down to people who believed in his innocence and were willing to fight to keep him out of prison. She acknowledged his anger. He said he wasn’t angry – he was disappointed because he thought she had his back. She swore that she’d really been looking out for his best interests. He said he wanted to believe he couldn’t do better than her, but that was life, and other people had his back now.

Lily knocked on the witness’s hotel room door. When her lie about being a colleague of the police didn’t convince this person to open the door, she admitted she wasn’t with the police. She said that Billy was innocent, and she asked that she be allowed to come in and explain. The door opened. Later, Lily rushed to Billy and asked to talk with him alone. Amanda walked away. Lily revealed that the witness was Alyssa Montalvo. Billy was shocked, and he thought there must be more to the story. He suggested that Alyssa was trying to help him out by throwing a wrench in the case. Lily said Alyssa was not there to help – she was going to testify against him. He couldn’t believe Alyssa was going to betray him. He said he and Lily gave Alyssa a platform to try and get justice for her father. He asked why she was even back in town. Lily had no idea, since Alyssa hadn’t been willing to talk to her. When Lily had tried to plead Billy’s case, Alyssa slammed the door in her face. Billy was going to give it a try, but Lily said no, because that would violate his bail. He said he had to find out why Alyssa was doing this to him. Lily maintained that this was a bad idea.

Devon arrived and saw Lily and Billy having a heated conversation. He went to Amanda and asked what was going on. She had no idea, but it she thought it seemed like a real mess. She assumed Lily was trying to talk Billy out of doing something reckless. Devon thought Billy made a mistake firing Amanda, and he wanted to know what happened. She couldn’t say. He asked for hypothetical reasons why someone would fire their attorney, and she said that sometimes a client and lawyer disagreed about the way to present a case, and the client didn’t realize the lawyer had their best interest in mind. She said it was a lawyer’s job to persuade a client not to go for a home run – sometimes you had to take a deal to minimize the risk. She said even if you were innocent there were no guarantees. He thought that having her as a lawyer was as close to a guarantee as you could get - she could blow any prosecutor’s case out of the water.

Sharon, Rey and Lola were at Crimson Lights talking about the wedding and honeymoon. Rey told Sharon what Chance said about the private island and the air mattress. Sharon said she didn’t do air mattresses. Rey got pulled away by a call. It was from Alyssa, who was panicked after Lily’s visit. Rey said bye to Lola and Sharon and left. They could tell he was upset, and they wished he could confide in them. Sharon said Rey hated everything about this case. She could tell he had doubts about Billy’s guilt. She was sure Adam’s invovlement in the case didn’t make it easier on Rey. Sharon was worried. Lola said not to be, because if anything the pressure would just make him more grateful to come home to Sharon. Lola thought Rey knew he was lucky.

Back at the hotel, Billy said he didn’t believe it was a coincidence that Alyssa was at that particular place at that particular time. He came to a realization, and he went to the elevator. Lily joined him.

Devon said Lily didn’t look happy when she got on the elevator, and he wondered if he should be worried. Amanda was sure Lily would be fine. She hoped Lily’s common sense would make up for Billy’s lack of it. Devon thought Billy was stupid to fire Amanda. He believed she could have any jury eating out of her hand. She said as much as she’d love to go into the courtroom, make a stirring opening statement and get a witness to confess on the stand, that wasn’t the job. If she wasn’t 100% sure she could get an acquittal, it was her job to get the best deal she could. She understood Billy’s point of view, since he was the one who had to do the time. Devon said the bright side of Amanda getting fired was that she’d be free to have dinner with him. She liked that, and he said they would make a date of it. He said that Billy needed a smart lawyer who was a fighter, and that was Amanda. He hoped Billy realized that before it was too late.

Billy and Lily went up to Alyssa’s room. Billy thought that Alyssa was helping someone frame him. He wasn’t sure if she was working with Adam or Victor. He thought it was suspect that Alyssa came to town and didn’t tell anyone, then she happened to end up at the same location as him. He wondered if Alyssa was following him that day. She told him to be logical – Alyssa hated Adam, so why would she want to punish Billy, even if he did take a shot at him. He didn’t know, but he intended to find out. He knocked on the door, despite Lily telling him not to do this.

Billy told Lily that he’d break the door down if Alyssa didn’t open it. He said if she was there that day, she knew he was innocent. Rey arrived and confronted Billy. Lily said nothing happened, so there was no reason to make a big deal out of this. Billy said he just knocked on the door. Rey felt that Billy violated his bail. Billy didn’t think the judges would agree. Lily said they were just about to leave. Rey asked Lily what gave her the right to badger the witness. Lily said she had freedom of speech, and she said she was asking questions as a member of the media. Rey handcuffed Billy, ignoring Lily and Billy’s protests. Rey said Lily was lucky she wasn’t getting arrested for witness intimidation. Billy said that this was all on him. He said he was trying to find out who framed him. Rey said Billy should let his attorney argue his case instead of interfering with the police investigation. Billy said Rey had not know he didn’t do this. Rey said it didn’t matter what he thought, and he took Billy away.Amanda saw Billy getting lead out of the hotel in cuffs. She told him he needed representation and she knew how to help him. She asked him not to push her away again.

Jack came to Jabot prepared to discuss staff holiday bonuses with Kyle, but Kyle had already taken care of it, and he’d also chosen the gifts for the senior staff. Jack said that Kyle would be happy with his holiday bonus this year. Kyle said what he really wanted for Christmas was for Theo to turn down the settlement offer. He wanted the case to go to court, so Theo could get what he deserved, which was nothing.

Theo was at Society. He called Brittany and asked if they could meet, since the deadline Jack gave him was coming up. Summer walked up, and she noted that Theo didn’t look as confident as he did when they last spoke. He wondered if Kyle sent her. She told him that he overestimated how much Kyle was worrying about this. He asked why she was here, then. She thought it’d be a huge mistake if he went through with this. He said he was going to win. She stated that he was a lot of things, most of them not good, but she’d never thought of him as stupid before. From what Summer heard, this line of boutiques Jack offered Theo was very profitable. Theo grumbled that they were so tiny that Dina didn’t even bother to leave them to anyone. Summer said it was a ready-made career in the Parisian fashion industry. They debated the strength of his case. She said Dina wasn’t of strong mind when she met him, and there was no evidence she wanted to leave him anything in the will, and she wasn’t obligated to leave anything to any of her relatives. He said she was working awfully hard to talk him out of this, which made him think Kyle sent her.

Summer said she was here because, even though she should logically be rooting against him, she felt bad for inadvertently steering him in the wrong direction when she told him about Nick suing Victor for his trust fund. He accused her of thinking that you could only go after your family’s fortune when you were born rich. Summer told Theo that people saw through him. She said he was greedy, and she went to the bar. Brittany arrived, and Theo asked what his chances were in court. She told him it was a long shot, but not impossible. She said no one would blame him for accepting the Abbotts offer, but if he genuinely believed he deserved what he was fighting for, she’d help him fight. She warned him that this was probably going to be an all or nothing case, so if he turned down the Paris offer, there was a good chance he could walk away with nothing, which was a steep price to pay if all he was trying to do was stick it to the Abbotts.

Back at Jabot, Theo sent a text to Jack. Sally came in. She had an idea for Fenmore’s that she wanted to run by Kyle before she pitched it to Lauren. Jack told Kyle they’d discuss things later, and he left. Sally thought that sounded mysterious, but Kyle said it was just some business. He had another meeting to get to, so she told him why she was there. She wanted to try and revamp the virtual dressing room app, and she asked if he had any ideas how to do that. Off the top of his head, he thought they should update the app and figure out which demographics to target. She exclaimed that this was amazing. “I wouldn’t go that far,” he replied. She said she just meant that she’d had the exact same ideas. She felt better going to Lauren with this idea knowing he was backing it up. She asked if anyone had told him he was really good at this, then he left.

Back at Society, Theo thanked Summer for what she said earlier. It was harsh, but there was truth in it, and he wanted to return the favor. He warned her to watch out for Sally. “Lauren’s overly perky assistant? Seriously?” she said. Theo said Sally was a shark who wanted Summer’s job, and she’d use anything, including Kyle, to throw Summer off her game.

Theo went to Jabot and talked with Jack and Kyle. Theo said he wanted to take the offer. Jack asked if this was a joke. Kyle said that the deadline to take that deal 45 minutes ago. Theo asked Jack if he was too late. Jack asked Kyle to leave. When he was gone. Jack said it was clear what Kyle wanted, and he was pretty sure his siblings wanted him to hold Theo to a deadline too. Jack said Theo was a user, who’d lied and cheated almost from the moment he landed in town, and he challenged Jack’s mother’s will while they were still grieving. Jack said most people would agree that Theo was getting just what he deserved – nothing. Theo assumed that was the end, but Jack said he’d seen Theo’s compassionate human side, most often when Theo was interacting with Dina. He thought Theo should lead with that side. Jack said Theo made a big mistake, and the question was whether they helped him learn from it. Jack was going to give Theo the boutiques, and he believed Dina would approve. He thought Theo was right – if Dina had known Theo before her decline, she would’ve put him in the will. Theo thanked Jack for giving him another chance, even though he repeatedly let Jack down. Jack said his family had done the same for him numerous times. “Am I a part of that family?,” Theo asked. Jack said that was up to Theo. Jack noted that the Abbotts loved Paris – Ashley had business there, Traci traveled there often and Abby owned Dina’s apartment in Paris. Jack suggested Theo reach out to them when they were in Paris. Jack asked Theo to treat this business he inherited the way he should. Theo promised to run it ethically and boost the boutique’s social media presence. Jack thought Dina would’ve approved of influencers. Theo said she probably would’ve been one. Jack wished Theo well. Theo said part of him was actually looking forward to this.

Elena and Nate went to Crimson Lights after a long shift. Their first date was yesterday, but to Elena, it felt like a million years ago. He couldn’t wait til the next one. She agreed. She asked if he’d talked to his doctor. He hadn’t yet. While Nate was off getting coffee, Lola came over with a grin on her face because Elena didn’t come home last night. Laughing, Elena told Lola to get her mind out of the gutter. Right after the date, she and Nate got called into the hospital, and they’d worked all night. Lola asked if the date was everything she’d hoped for.

Lola and Elena went home. Elena said that the date was good, once they got over the awkwardness. She said Devon showed up. He kept his distance, but she could tell he was trying to hide how hurt he was. Lola thought it’d get easier on Deovn in time. After the date, they got called into the hospital, and she didn’t have a chance to talk to Nate. It was a crazy night in the ER, due to a multi car pile up, and Elena felt bad for Nate because she could see how much he wanted to be helping in the operating room. She’d kept telling him he could still treat people, but she thought surgery was his gift. Nate showed up, and Lola made an excuse to leave. His doctor told him that he could benefit from a second surgery. It was happening tomorrow. There was a possibility the damage could be repaired. He was cautious, so she said she’d be excited for him. He said he was going to be able to accept whatever happened, because of Elena. He said she gave him something to look forward to. He knew they agreed to take it slowly, but he had a good feeling about where things would end up, and he hoped she did too.

Downstairs, Lola told Sharon that she thought Nate and Elena could be a real thing, like Sharon and Rey. Sharon said they hadn’t even found a honeymoon spot. Lola said she’d help.

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