Thursday Y&R Update 8/20/20

The Y&R Update Thursday 8/20/20


Written by Christine

At the penthouse, Adam told Chelsea he was anxious, but ready for this. He was glad she’d accepted it was best for him to work with Sharon. He needed to see how the boy he was impacted the man he became. Chelsea wanted Adam to be prepared for a difficult process and not to put pressure on himself. He said he couldn’t do this without her. She stated that they were unstoppable together; they just had to take things one day at a time. Adam left.

Chance and Abby were in the park. There was some flirtatious talk about last night’s activities, which had left both of them sleep deprived. She wished they could stay in bed all day too. Talk shifted to Victoria’s press conference. Abby knew Victor’s head must’ve exploded over Victoria selling off Newman divisions to Jack and Billy. She did not want to poke the beehive and get in the middle of whatever was going on between Adam, Victoria and Victor, so she figured she’d go ask her Abbott uncles for details. Chance was still concerned about Adam. Abby had hoped he’d let that friendship go after their talk yesterday. He knew she thought the Adam he befriended didn’t exist anymore, but he disagreed. He conceded that Adam changed a lot since he got his memory back, but Adam had risked his life to save Chance. Chance didn’t think that kind of trait just disappeared. Abby understood Chance’s view, and she was glad Adam saved him, but she stated that a crime had been committed and covered up – Adam created chaos. Chance said he had some experience with crimes and chaos. Abby knew Chance was an expert at reading people, and she respected his decision. She said she’d be crazy to let anyone, including Adam, get between them.

Chance dropped by the penthouse to visit Adam, but he’d already left. Chelsea never hinted that Adam was struggling. Chance was concerned because Adam didn’t return his calls. Chelsea wondered why he was worried. She couldn’t remember the last time they even spoke. Chance said just because he got busy didn’t mean he stopped caring. He heard about the turmoil at Newman and Adam’s quick hiring and firing. Chelsea casually replied that Newman politics were complex, and Abby was smart to stay on the periphery. Chance noticed how Chelsea switched the subject from Adam to Abby. It made him think the situation was worse than he’d feared. He understood that Chelsea wasn’t going to discuss personal business with him, but he had a message for Adam, when she thought he was ready to hear it. When he found Adam living in Vegas, he chose to keep quiet because he seemed happier not remembering his past. Chance was happy Adam got his memory back. In the past, Chance had chosen to live and let live. He wouldn’t forget that Adam saved his life. He’d be there if Adam needed him.

Rey found Sharon downstairs early. She’d decided to start her day instead of lying in bed wondering when the pathology report would come. He asked when Adam would be there. Soon. She thanked him for understanding. He knew how important this was for her. She stated that there were no guarantees. He had faith she’d be successful, though he wished Adam would go elsewhere. However, he was okay with this if she was. He was sure that the sessions would be intense and because she was compassionate and personally invested, he believed the process would be more taxing on her than she thought. He didn’t want her to be drained when she needed the energy for her own recovery. She promised to protect herself and not to push herself harder than she should. He went to work. Adam went to the cottage, and he asked Sharon how she was. She felt well enough to do this. She appreciated his concern, but today was about him, not her. He’d done some internet searches on recovering memories. She clarified that today, they were just going to have a conversation and take it slow. She asked what season AJ died in and what life was like on the farm. AJ died in the spring. Adam loved that season because things came alive again after the harsh Kansas winter. He told Sharon about a typical day on the farm – Hope woke him up early for chores, then he walked a half mile alone, to the bus. Even at eleven, he knew that he didn’t want to grow up and run a farm. He wouldn’t let Connor walk that distance alone, but the farm seemed safe. Now he knew it wasn’t. Sharon got Adam back on track and asked about school. He loved gym. He’d play soccer after school, then he’d go home and do his homework. Hope was blind, and her husband had died, so she stuck to a schedule to keep the household running smoothly. Sharon asked if there was a break in routine when AJ died. Adam said no.

Adam didn’t remember how he found out AJ died. He recalled feeling sad for Alyssa losing her dad, and he’d been able to relate, since his stepfather died. He and Hope didn’t go to the funeral, but she made a pie for the family. He remembered thinking that was nice of her. He recalled no feelings of guilt or discomfort. He didn’t understand how that was possible. He started to get frustrated – there had to be something he could do to trigger his memory. Sharon said it couldn’t be forced because that could backfire; this would happen when his mind was ready. He insisted he was ready now. She knew him and that when he wanted something, he usually made it happen on his own terms, but this wasn’t like that. He admitted patience wasn’t one of his virtues. She knew, but she suggested he might learn some patience. He asked what now. She was tired and needed a break. He felt bad for taking up so much time. She told him she chose to continue, and she said they’d do it again soon. This meant more to him than he could say. After he left, Rey came home.

Adam went home, and Chance wasn’t there anymore. Chelsea asked how it went. He admitted it was just like Chelsea said – he’d gone there with all these expectations and nothing happened. She suggested that was a sign that he shouldn’t be in therapy, but he told her he intended to keep at this until he got his memory back.

The boxes from Paris had arrived at the Abbott house. Jack hoped the movies were in there. He was dying to see what movie meant so much to Dina right now. Traci was sorting through them, and Jack wished he could help, but he had a meeting. She asked if it had anything to do with Jabot buying Newman Cosmetics. Jack said that sometimes the heavens smiled down on you. Traci wasn’t sure what Victoria’s agenda was, but this was a big coup for Jabot. Jack said they’d eliminated one of their biggest competitors and acquired some very valuable patents. According to Traci, Ashley was really excited about the patents. They decided to have a family celebration later. Jack warned Traci not to get her hopes up. She knew there were no guarantees, but if Dina even had a moment of recognition, it would be worth it.

Jack and Abby were at Society. They discussed Victoria. Abby thought her sister was sending their dad a message. Jack said he’d tried to gauge the dynamic between Victoria and Victor when he met with her to discuss the deal, but Victoria had been cagey. He believed Victoria was angry with Victor over the Adam situation. He also thought she was fired up about being in charge and was making a strong statement about her leadership. Traci called – she’d found a movie.

Jack and Abby went home. Abby asked about her mom. According to Traci, Ashley was busy with work, and she’d said to carry on without her. Traci had found a single movie reel, and she thought it must be significant if it was the only one Dina saved. They watched it. It was a video of Dina and John bringing their newborn son, Jack home from the hospital. John was behind the camera, but his voice was filled with pride about John Jr. Dina was holding Jack, and she looked radiant. Traci and Abby smiled at the scene, and Jack looked awestruck. John said this day reminded him that family and love were more important than power and money. He hoped Jack internalized that lesson when he grew up. Later, Dina had watched the film, and now she was in her room resting. Jack, Abby and Traci discussed her reaction – she’d briefly had tears in her eyes, then she slipped back into her own world. Abby had expected more of a reaction. Jack said he was the one who was moved – seeing young Dina like that. They were all touched by the video. They loved hearing how proud John sounded. Traci wished she knew why the video was so important to Dina. Jack didn’t think Dina wanted to see the video. He thought she wanted them to see it and to hear John’s powerful words of wisdom.

At the ranch, Victor was moping. The business world was abuzz with the story of Victoria’s deal with the Abbott brothers. Nikki knew it was a shock, but Victoria sold those divisions for well over market value, and she could reinvest that money into Newman’s core companies. Victor grumbled that Victoria shouldn’t have sold the cosmetics and media divisions. Nikki pointed out that this was Victor’s opinion. He said he was the chairman, and he should’ve been consulted. She wondered why he was opposed to Victoria’s vision. He felt that Victoria was using his company to retaliate against him because of how he handled things with Adam. Nikki knew Victor was upset, but she told him the deals were done, and she urged him to remember they were still family. Victor decided to go for a ride. After he left, Victoria called Nikki into her office.

At Newman, Nikki told Victoria that the real estate division was highly profitable, so she advised against selling it off. Victoria said that was one of Newman’s core businesses, so she didn’t intend to sell it off. Victoria admired Nikki’s skillful handling of the division. She had ambitious goals, and she needed a strong right hand to implement them. She asked Nikki to be her COO. Nikki was content heading up the real estate division. Victoria thought this would be good for both of them. Nikki asked what about Victor, and Victoria said he had nothing to do with it. Nikki said Victoria shut Victor out of the company and made it clear she was in charge, now she was offering Nikki more power. Nikki thought Victoria was trying to provoke him. Victoria insisted she was doing this because Nikki would be great at it, and because Victoria respected her. Victoria knew Victor would think she was lashing out at him and that he’d try to influence Nikki’s decisions, but Victoria was sure that Nikki could stand firm and make her own choices. Victoria asked Nikki if she was worried she’d get blamed for Victoria’s decisions. Nikki wasn’t concerned because Victor knew the CEO had the final word. Victoria wondered if Nikki was concerned they’d disagree and be at odds. Nikki said she’d always had conference in Victoria’s leadership. Victoria was proud this was a family run business. She wanted to have two strong Newman women running the company. Nikki said it wasn’t that simple, but Victoria told her to be honest with herself about whether she wanted the job or not.

Nikki went home. Victor was back from horseback riding. She thought the exercise would’ve made him feel better, but the said a betrayal was a betrayal. She revealed that Victoria asked her to be COO, and she accepted. Victor was happy for Nikki. He thought she’d do a good job, and he was pleased that she’d be able to let him know what Victoria was doing. Nikki told Victor that she was not going to be his eyes and ears at Newman. She planned to do her job and not take sides. He said it was clear she hadn’t been in business long, because there came a time when you had to take sides.

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