Friday Y&R Update 12/6/19

The Y&R Update Friday 12/6/19


Written by Christine

At Society, Nick informed Devon that he found the next location for the latest New Hope project. Devon said to let him know what he could do to help. He was impressed that Nick followed through on his desire to throw himself into the charity. Nick felt good about being able to help people. Devon thought that it was sometimes easier to help others than sort through your own life. He clarified that he was talking about himself, not Nick, but Nick admitted he could relate. Devon quipped that he and Nick were in a club, where the rules for joining were giving away all your money and being in a relationship with an amazing woman getting tested by circumstances beyond their control.

Nick felt for Devon because Colin, and apparently Cane, took his money. Devon clarified that the jury was still out on Cane, but it was about more than money – someone had used his attempt to do right by Katherine’s wishes against him. Things were also more difficult due to Amanda reminding him of Hilary. Nick asked if Devon wanted to talk. He didn’t, but he was willing to listen to Nick. Nick confided that he and Chelsea were struggling, and they could probably work through it, but Adam was a giant obstacle. Nick believed Adam genuinely wanted to help Connor, but he also knew Adam was using this to draw Chelsea closer to him. He said Chelsea didn’t believe him. Devon theorized that Chelsea needed to see Adam as the loving father he once was. Nick was trying not to push things, which is why he watched Chelsea move into Adam’s house. Devon asked how much longer Nick could go on like this.

After Chelsea helped Connor finish his math homework, he asked to go to the park. She said they’d ask Adam. Adam explained that Sharon had moved up her visit, so she was already on her way to the penthouse. He sent Connor upstairs to get his art supplies. Connor hid on the stairway landing and eavesdropped. Chelsea and Adam agreed that if Connor didn’t show improvement, they’d have Sharon start coming more often and get more help from other people.

Chelsea and Adam went out for coffee while Connor was home with Sharon. Adam theorized that he inherited darkness from Victor and Connor inherited it from him. He worried that the monster Connor was afraid of was that darkness. “What if the monster that he’s talking about is actually there, like he’s been saying all along,” Adam wondered. Chelsea admitted there was a time she thought there was darkness running through the Newman males, but she didn’t think they should think about Connor that way. Adam told Chelsea to look what he (Adam) did, despite being raised by two loving people. Chelsea didn’t believe Adam’s actions were genetic, since he lived a happy life before he entered the Newmans’ orbit and Victor got in his head. He asked if he changed because he was around Victor or if he became more of the person he always was. She stated that he had free will and chose to do the things he did. She thought it’d be a lot easier to absolve himself by saying he was just like Victor and couldn’t help it, instead of owning his choices. She’d spent a lot of time thinking about why he was the way he was. He was sorry. She knew he and Connor loved each other and that Connor was a good kid who was struggling. She thought they needed to stand by Connor and make him better. He didn’t argue with that. She had an idea to put their problems aside and have some family fun. They bought Connor’s favorite snacks and left.

Back at the penthouse, Sharon and Connor colored, and she asked about the monster. She heard he mentioned it during the storm. He claimed he was afraid of the dark, not the storm. He added that he figured out how to stop the monster from coming, but he was scared she’d think it was silly. She promised she wouldn’t. He explained that it was like casting a spell – saying “You can’t beat three, mom and dad and me.” He said this always worked, so Sharon didn’t have to come over anymore. She thought he liked spending time together. He thought it was okay, but he’d rather spend time with his parents because they were the ones who were helping him.

Adam and Chelsea got home. Connor was upstairs. Sharon informed them that Connor came up with a coping mechanism to shut out the monster. Adam and Chelsea were surprised, because he didn’t mention that to them. At first, Sharon thought Connor was making it up, but he was convincing. She said he wanted this to work, and it was important to him to be with his parents. She told them what Connor said, then she left. Connor came downstairs and his parents surprised him with junk food and a basketball jersey with his name on it. They told him they were going to hang out, eat junk food and watch the game, because they wanted him to take a breather and relax. Connor hugged his parents and ran upstairs to put on his jersey. He was on his way back down when he overheard a conversation about him. Adam and Chelsea were optimistic about Connor’s improvement, but they thought Sharon was helping him and that he should be seeing her more often, not less. “Sharon Sharon go away. I don’t want you here another day. You can’t beat three. Mom and Dad and me,” Connor whispered over and over again while scowling.

Chance went to The Grand Phoenix and told Abby he had some interesting information for her. Later, Abby called Phyllis and ordered her to come to the hotel. Abby and Chance talked about the fact that his team discovered Phyllis installed a backdoor in the wifi that let her spy on Chelsea an Abby. Abby planned to fire Phyllis. Chance regretted that he couldn’t stay and watch, but he had work to do. After he left, Phyllis arrived. Abby accused Phyllis of being incapable of doing her job, since there were three robberies. Phyllis knew Newmans were used to instant gratification, but she couldn’t snap her fingers and instantly catch the jewel thief. Abby revealed that she knew Phyllis used the hotel security system to spy on her, Chelsea and everyone else at the hotel. Phyllis assumed Abby got this information from Chance. Phyllis didn’t think she did anything wrong – as head of security, it was her job to gather information to prevent security risks. Abby said customers would lose faith if they found out Phyllis could listen to their calls and monitor their every move. Phyllis said not to tell them. Abby thought Phyllis was trying to get information to blackmail her. Phyllis swore she didn’t plan to do anything with the information she collected. She maintained that the hotel was at risk without her security modifications.

Abby vowed to use this to banish Phyllis from the building, from the business and from Abby’s life. Phyllis argued that she didn’t break the law, but Abby countered that her actions were unethical and a breach of contract. She told Phyllis to get the hell out. Phyllis noted that her 25% stake of the hotel entitled her to keep her suite, and she wasn’t leaving. Phyllis considered the hotel her baby, she felt she was good at her job and that the situation with Simon wouldn’t have ended so peacefully if not for her upgrades. She reiterated that she’d never do anything illicit with the information she collected. Abby argued that Phyllis didn’t find anything to use because there was nothing to find, but now Chance and Abby had the goods on Phyllis. Phyllis spat that Abby wasn’t good enough for Nate or Arturo, and Chance would see through her too. Abby said she didn’t need a man to make her happy, and she noted that Phyllis blew up every relationship she’d ever been in. She ordered Phyllis out. Phyllis did leave, but she vowed to return.

Phyllis went to Society. Nick was there on a call. She asked if he was talking to Abby. He thought that was inappropriate, but she didn’t think anything was inappropriate when you’d been married to each other as often as they were. He joked that if they’d had another child its name would be Inappropriate. He wasn’t talking to Abby. He was going to leave, but she begged him to stay, and she revealed that she got fired. He asked why, and she said she’d spare him the details so he could continue to believe his sister was sweet. Phyllis’s refusal to say what happened made Nick that Abby had a good reason to let her go. Phyllis figured there was no point in sharing her side of the story, since he’d probably react the same way he did after she took the immunity deal. He thought that she’d spun the facts in her explanation back then and that she’d do the same thing again if she told him what happened this time. He decided that he didn’t want details anymore.

Phyllis swore she wouldn’t take the firing lying down, and she aske Nick to sit, so he did. He asked why she wanted her job back. She didn’t know why people kept asking her that. She said she created the hotel. He reminded her that it was his property first. She agreed, but she said she expanded, developed and named it. He was exasperated with her making everything about her when he had his own problems to deal with. She swore she could be a good listener because she cared about him. He confided that Adam was using Connor’s issues to get close to Chelsea. She admitted she agreed, although she didn’t think Adam’s intentions were as sinister as Nick did. Phyllis knew it was hard for him to watch the woman he loved go spend time with her ex, but she knew he was the type to fight for what he wanted, especially when the other man was Adam. She asked if he was sure he wasn’t better off without Chelsea. He asked if she could ever just be supportive. He stated that Chelsea was trying to be a good mother. Phyllis knew what it was like to want to be there for your son, but Chelsea’s bad decisions were affecting Nick. Nick mused that the glass house Phyllis lived in must be bullet proof.

Nick felt that Phyllis was blaming Chelsea for everything and acting like Adam was a saint. He suggested that Adam was manipulating Phyllis. Phyllis said she was no pawn and neither was Chelsea. Nick thought Chelsea was doing the best she could, but Phyllis argued that Chelsea could leave Adam’s when Connor fell asleep and go back when he woke up in the morning. She didn’t think Chelsea was making Nick a priority. He decided to leave. She apologized, then she admitted she wasn’t sorry, then she changed her mind and said she was. She thought the fact was that he was too good for Chelsea. He told her that was her skewed opinion, not a fact. Phyllis said that Chelsea was raised to be a con artist and it was in her nature to be deceitful. “Like Adam,” he mumbled. She thought it was poetic how Chelsea and Adam came together again. She warned Nick to get out before it cost him more than it already had. He left.

Chance went back to the hotel, and Abby told him how things went with Phyllis. He talked about the robberies and how the thieves got away clean three different times, like they knew about the traps that had been set. He thought it might be an inside job. She blamed Phyllis, but he wasn’t sure. She asked who he thought did it. She suggested they get a drink, discuss his theory and he could tell her more about himself. He loved the idea of having a drink with her. Later, Abby exited the elevator while texting on her phone. At the same time, Chance was walking into the lobby. They collided and Abby dropped her purse, spilling jewels all over the floor.

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