The Y&R Update Tuesday 11/26/19
Written by Christine
Adam came downstairs and found that Chelsea had cleaned his living room. She hoped he didnt mind. It was fine with him. She admitted she put things back where they used to go when she lived there. He mused that it felt like theyd gone back in time, but she clarified that she didnt feel that way she was just keeping busy. She couldnt stop thinking about what happened with Simon. They discussed sending Connor back to school today. She thought might be too soon, but he felt that the longer they postponed, the harder itd be. He was glad they were doing this together, and she agreed that they owed it to their son to help him get through this. He thought last night was a good start. She agreed, but eating junk food and playing board games together Like a family?, Adam interjected. Chelsea continued that it might not be enough.
Adam assumed Nick wasnt happy Chelsea spent another night in Adams guest room. She said he understood Connor needed her. Adam figured it couldnt be easy for them to be apart, but Chelsea was adamant that she and Nick were fine. Later, they were at Crimson Lights after taking Connor to school. They were shocked because the principal asked them to withdraw Connor from school for a year and homeschool him. Chelsea thought the principal was worried about the problems the hostage situation would cause at the school. Adam was sure the students were discussing it, and Connor would be in the middle of all that speculation. Chelsea and Adam werent sure if the principal had Connors best interest at heart or if she was only thinking about the best interests of the other students. Chelsea thought the kids would eventually move on to other topics. She didnt think they should pull him out of school, because hed feel alone and isolated. He was concerned that if Connor stayed at school, hed feel like he couldnt escape talk about the incident. Sharon walked over to ask about Connors first day, and they filled her in. Sharon knew the principal, so she could assure them that the woman was acting in Connors best interest. Education wasnt a priority in Chelseas household growing up, and she wanted better for Connor. She even dreamed of him going to an Ivy league college like Adam. Adam thought that Connor could do that if he wanted to. Chelsea said that if they pulled him out of school, hed have to repeat a grade, and she was worried hed lose confidence in his abilities. Sharon thought they should prioritize Connors emotional well-being over his schoolwork right now.
Chelsea wanted Connor to have the stability she craved as a child and to have friends. She didnt want him to be the kid the other kids were whispering about. Thats what life was like for him now, and it wasnt his fault. Adam thought he and Chelsea had to figure out what to do to help Connor. Sharon felt that they were already doing that by working together, just like she and Nick had been a united front for their kids. Chelsea thought Sharon made it sound so easy. Sharon admitted that there were a lot of rough days with the kids, but they always got better. Nick called, so Chelsea stepped out to the patio to take it. She wiped away tears, then she answered the phone. Nick, who was still at Society, asked about Connor. Chelsea said the principals recommendation was surprising, and she and Adam had a lot to figure out. Nick offered to help, but she said she and Adam were going to handle this alone. He looked disappointed, but he said okay.
Back inside, Sharon apologized to Adam for her initial hesitance to help Connor. She hadnt felt qualified to help at first, but she and Connor connected. Shed finished her classwork, and the closer she got to her degree, the more confident she felt. Adam thought Sharon would make an amazing therapist, and he noted that she had a huge heart. She wanted to continue to work with Connor, if it was okay with him, Connor and Chelsea. He said they couldnt do this without Sharon. Chelsea returned, and Sharon left.
Chelsea felt guilty, and Adam noted that they both made mistakes with Connor, but she countered that hers couldve killed him. He told her not to beat herself up, but she pointed out that Connor was struggling due to her choices. He reminded her that Connors troubles didnt start at the hotel. Adam thought he and Chelsea should both own their part, but to get overwhelmed with guilt would cause them to lose sight of what was important. She hated herself for hurting Connor. He gave her the advice Hope used to give him move forward and do better.
At the Grand Phoenix, Abby and Chloe vented about Phyllis when two female guests walked in. They squealed in excitement about being at the infamous hotel. They were in town for a cosplaying convention, and as thrill seekers, they were attracted to the hotels history of drama. Theyd brought priceless jewelry with them and inquired about security. Abby explained that there were safes in the office and in the hotel rooms. They chose to use the one in their room. They asked for a recommendation for a fun place to go, and Abby sent them to Society. After they left, Abby noted that the guests didnt know the head of security installed spyware in the hotel. Chloe commented that they had no proof Phyllis did that. Abby hated that Chance left, because she could use his expertise. Abby kept talking about Chance and how smart he was, and when Chloe slipped in a mention that he was hot, Abby agreed, then she caught herself. She said she wasnt interested in him because of his looks, but she was curious about him. She recalled that he and Chloe had a past, and she asked for insight. Chloe recalled that shed been briefly engaged to Chance. She felt that, on a 1-10 scale of decency, Chance was an 11, which was too good for her. She and Kevin were both a 6, which made them perfect for each other. Abby sensed there might be a bad boy in Chance.
Devon and Nick were at Society. Devon was sorry to hear Nick dropped out of the city council race. They shifted gears, and Devon confided he may have been scammed out of his inheritance. Devon explained Chance was undercover on Simon Black case, so he had no idea Katherines will was forged, but Jill suspected Colin, and she tracked him to the Maldives. Devon wanted to go, but Elena talked him out of it. He felt like shed been helping him through one rough patch after the other, and she deserved better. Nick thought Devon did too. Devon hated not knowing Katherines real wishes. Nate hoped Chance got answers for Devon. Devon admitted he had a lot to be thankful for regardless, like Hamilton-Winters and Elena. He thought it was silly to worry about losing more money than he could spend in five lifetimes, but he felt like an idiot for falling for a scam. Nick stated that Devon was a smart and honest man, and nothing anyone else did changed that. The women from Society arrived and got a table. They were Devon fans, and they gleefully bounced up and down while excitedly whispering about him being there.
One of the guests returned to The Grand Phoenix and Abby gave her some free drink vouchers. The lady really enjoyed her time at Society. The womans companion ran in screaming that they were robbed. The jewels werent in the room safe anymore. Abby apologized profusely. Chloe wanted to call the police, but the women said no, because theyd mislead their husbands about where they were going, because they didnt want grief about attending a cosplay convention. They asked to have drinks sent up to their room, and they went back upstairs.
Sharon ran into Nick at Society. Shed been trying to reach him by phone for a while. He was sorry his inbox was full. She was sorry about the race. He planned to focus on Chelsea and New Hope. She mentioned that she just saw Chelsea and Adam. He noted that Chelsea didnt give him many details when they talked. Sharon would only say that Adam and Chelsea had a long road ahead, but she thought they could work it out. Nick noted that they werent usually on the same side. Sharon said Connors parents were committed to putting their problems aside for him, just like Sharon and Nick did for their kids. He asked if she thought they could do it. She did.
Jill and Colin relaxed in the Maldives. She asked how they were paying for all this, he admitted she didnt want to know. She sighed and said she always regretted getting taken in, but he felt that she loved his roguish charm. She admitted she was attracted to his bad boy nature, but only to a certain point. He thought the good outweighed the bad. She conceded that hed righted a wrong with regard to Cane and the inheritance. Chance showed up, noting that while he was out of his jurisdiction, he made an exception for Colin. Jill stated that this was a huge misunderstanding. Chance wanted to know what had been going on in the room, and Jill said it was none of his business. Jill explained that Colin set things right. Chance stated that there was no way Tucker and David made those changes before the will was read. Cane arrived, just as Chance said that Cane didnt deserve a penny of the money. Cane noted that the pages were authenticated by an expert. Chance said experts could be bought. Cane asked if Chance was saying Cane and Jill bribed someone. Chance thought Cane was capable of bribing an expert. Colin argued that Jill wouldnt do that, but Chance wasnt sure of that, since Jill was involved with Colin and Cane. Cane ordered Chance to respect his grandmother. Jill insisted they have a rational discussion. Cane wanted to talk to Colin in private, but Chance wouldnt allow it. Chance talked tough with Colin, and he folded and said the scam was all Canes idea. Cane swore Colin was lying because he was backed in a corner. Colin didnt think it mattered who did what, since Devon voluntarily gave up the money. Jill asked Cane if he was involved in the con, and he denied it. Colin claimed Cane specifically chose Amanda because she looked like Hilary. Colin said he was an entrepreneur and he never wouldve thought of a detail like that. Jill asked Cane if hed been plotting all this time to punish Devon. Cane swore he never use Katherines memory to hurt anyone, let alone Devon. He maintained that he was the victim, and he noted that hed gone to Vegas and been knocked out and found the pages left for him to find. Colin told Cane it was time to tell the truth. Colin and Cane argued about which one of them was lying. Jill wasnt sure if Cane was involved or not. Colin revealed that hed withdrawn all the money from Canes account. Cane was stunned. Colin tossed a glass, as a distraction, and ran out. Jill yelled at him to come back, while the men ran after him. Chance marched Colin back into the room. Jill and Cane were both yelling, and Jill didn't know what to believe. Cane vowed to get justice for Devon and clear his name.
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