Wednesday Y&R Update 10/23/19

The Y&R Update Wednesday 10/23/19


Written by Christine

At Crimson Lights, Mariah crowed about signing Becca C., a reality star. Sharon had never heard of her. Mariah vowed to make Becca a household name. She said the best part was that Becca came to her. Sharon was proud. Mariah said she wasn’t going to let what Theo said get to her. Mariah was eager to hear how Sharon was doing. Sharon had a nice visit with Faith, who was handling Victor’s faked death like a trouper. Sharon thought that between Victor’s retirement and Adam leaving town, that was enough Newman drama for the week. She was also taking online psychology classes toward her Master’s degree. Mariah was curious about things with Rey. Sharon hadn’t heard from him since their date, and she felt weird about calling him. Mariah urged her mom to put herself out there, but Sharon said that sometimes you had to go where life took you. Mariah saw Rey walk in, and she agreed with Sharon.

Rey asked if he was interrupting. Mariah said she was just leaving. She paused as she tried to come up with an excuse, and she eventually pretended she was on her way to cardio boxing. After Mariah left, Rey told Sharon that he thought Mariah wanted them to get back together. Sharon said Mariah meant well. Rey asked if Sharon didn’t like Mariah playing matchmaker. Sharon didn’t mind, but they were adults who could decide whether or not they wanted to see each other. She assumed he’d changed his mind about the second date, since she hadn’t heard from him. He hadn’t changed his mind – he’d been busy with work, and his father was back. They’d just started talking about where to go on their date when he got a phone call. He spotted Mariah lingering on the patio and said maybe she could suggest something. He stepped away to take the call. Mariah walked in, and Sharon asked about cardio boxing. Mariah was confused, but she quickly recovered and acted like she’d actually been there. Sharon said she and Rey were planning a date. Mariah was thrilled. Sharon thought that she and Rey could have a real shot, now that Adam was out of the picture.

Cane and Jill met at Crimson Lights, but Esther wasn’t with them. Esther had said she had to watch Bella, but Jill thought Esther was just too chicken to deal with the hard stuff. Cane assumed Esther just didn’t want to hurt Devon. Jill wasn’t looking forward to telling Devon that his grandmother didn’t leave him her fortune either. Amanda arrived. Cane thought they should fill her in, but Jill said absolutely not. She stated that this was a family matter, and she also blamed Amanda for dragging Chance into this and smearing his good name.

Devon was at home when Jill called and said they had to talk about the will. He wasn’t interested. He hung up just as she blurted out that they had proof the will was falsified. Back at The Grand Phoenix, Cane asked Jill if Devon heard what she said about the will being fake. Jill thought Katherine would be appalled, then she decided Katherine wouldn’t be appalled, but she’d want this thing settled. Cane noted that Devon wasn’t legally obligated to abide by the authentic will. Jill asked what about his moral obligation. Cane asked if Jill would feel morally obligated to give up billions. She countered that they weren’t talking about her – they were talking about Devon. Devon sent a text inviting them to the penthouse.

Jill and Cane went to Devon’s, and he told them to make it quick. Amanda arrived, to Jill’s dismay. Devon assumed the three of them were working together. Jill said that was not the case, and she didn’t want Amanda to be there, but Devon insisted that she stay so she could take his message back to whoever she was representing. Jill was skeptical when Amanda reiterated that she worked for Chance. Devon wanted to see irrefutable proof of the forgery. Cane showed Devon the original pages and the report from the forensic specialist that authenticated them. Jill said that the papers that Cane found represented Katherine’s wishes.

Amanda looked at the papers and wondered why Chance didn’t just send these to her instead of the copies. Jill thought he would’ve if he was really Amanda’s client. Amanda noted that she wasn’t the only one Chance was dodging. Jill scoffed when Amanda asked for an apology. Cane told Devon that they knew Katherine’s true intentions now. Jill said that this didn’t mean Katherine loved Devon any less. Cane said that meeting and knowing Devon meant the world to Katherine. Devon held up the papers, as if that said otherwise. Cane never expected this – he was happy with Katherine leaving him in charge of Chancellor. Cane noted that there was nothing that could legally be done, and Jill added that this was a moral and ethical decision.

On the Crimson Lights patio, Elena ran into Nate. She mentioned that she volunteered to pull a double, and he guessed she wanted to avoid going home. She wanted to help Devon, and she didn’t know how. She kept working because she wanted to be useful, and she felt that she could do more for her patients than she could for Devon. They shifted gears and talked about Abby. Elena felt bad for trying to convince Nate to fix things with Abby. He said he could move on now that he knew things were really over. Elena grabbed her phone to give Nate the number of a cute resident, and she saw a text from Devon saying he needed her, due to a new development with the will. She told Nate, and they left.

Adam and Nick went to Nick’s place. Chelsea got choked up when she thought about how much worse Connor could’ve been hurt, and Nick comforted her. Adam wanted to see Connor, but Chelsea stopped him and stated that Connor was hurt and angry. Adam knew it was his fault. Chelsea believed Adam was the only one who could help. Adam went into the living room and found Connor asleep on the couch with his arm in a cast. Adam stroked Connor’s hair until he woke up. Connor asked if Adam hated him, and Adam said he loved him. Connor asked why Adam left, and Adam said that he thought Connor would be better off if he left, but now he realized that was wrong. Connor thought it was a good thing he broke his arm, but Adam said that wasn’t the only reason he came back. Connor wasn’t sure he could believe anything Adam said, after Adam broke his promise to never leave. Adam understood, and he swore he’d earn Connor’s trust back. Adam told Connor that he couldn’t throw himself off a jungle gym, because he wasn’t invincible – no one was. Connor countered that Adam said Victor was invincible. Adam conceded the point, but he said he was wrong about that – Victor could be hurt. The last thing Adam wanted was for Connor to be hurt. “Too late,” Connor replied. Adam swore he’d make it up to Connor by being there for every part of his life. Connor challenged Adam to prove it by letting Connor live with him. Adam loved the idea of Connor moving in with him, but he said it was Chelsea’s call. Connor turned to Chelsea, and she consented. Connor happily ran off to pack. Nick thought he and Chelsea should discuss this. He said he knew how worried she was, but she disagreed, because he didn’t see Connor jump off the jungle gym and lie on the ground in excruciating pain. She couldn’t let anything else happen to Connor. Nick said what happened at the park wasn’t Chelsea’s fault, and he shot Adam a glare. Adam pointed out that he wasn’t the one who let Connor think his grandfather was dead. Chelsea told them to stop bickering. Adam told Chelsea that they needed to focus on what was best for their son. Chelsea made it clear that this was temporary – she wasn’t signing over custody. Adam understood. He was going to go get his place ready, and he asked if she was going to drop Connor off, or if he should come back and pick him up. Nick snapped that they’d bring Connor over. Adam left. Chelsea couldn’t believe that just happened.

Chelsea felt that she was doing what was best for Connor. Nick groused that she was handing Connor over to a manipulative bastard. She knew how hard it was for him to ask Adam to come back after what he did to Victor. Nick said that Adam claimed he was trying to scare Victor, not kill him, but that didn’t change the fact that Victor almost died. Now she was letting Connor live with Victor. She was adamant that Adam wouldn’t hurt Connor, but he argued that everyone Adam touched got hurt. Chelsea needed Connor’s pain to stop. He promised to support her decision. He was going to go to Adam’s with her, but she needed to do this alone. She left, and he looked at the picture of him, her and their boys.

Connor was impatient to leave. Chelsea told him to say goodbye to Nick. Connor said bye as he walked past, but Chelsea made him come back and do it properly. Nick acted positive about Connor moving in with his dad, and then Nick promised he’d still see Connor and be there for him day or night. They hugged. Connor asked if they could go now. Chelsea thanked Nick.

At the penthouse, Phyllis used the security cameras to spy on her partners at the Grand Phoenix. She was shocked when Adam came home, because she’d just texted him, but she figured Chelsea must’ve gotten to him first. Adam noted that Phyllis told Chelsea where to find him, and she said she thought he’d want to know his son was in trouble. He told her she had to leave, because Connor was moving in. Phyllis was dismayed because she assumed he’d kidnapped Connor. She was sure there was no way Chelsea and Nick would allow Adam to have the boy. Adam clarified that Chelsea agreed to it, and Nick didn’t get a vote. Phyllis was really happy for Adam, and she hoped things would work out. He said it would. She didn’t think he realized she was the only real friend he had in this town.

Phyllis watched Adam set out a platter of cookies and milk, and she told him it was a nice touch, but he told her he wasn’t staging this. She thought that the way he felt about Connor might be the one real thing about him. He just hoped he hadn’t screwed his son up too much. She said kids were okay as long as they knew someone was in their corner. He supposed Summer didn’t turn out so bad. She said Connor would too. He thought it was nice to have one person who didn’t think he’d suck as a dad. She said the most important person – Connor – thought he was aces. Chelsea and Connor arrived, and she asked what Phyllis was doing there. Phyllis was just leaving. She greeted Connor, then she left. Connor hugged Chelsea, then he ran upstairs to see his room, even though Chelsea was giving him instructions to brush his teeth, do his homework etc. Adam promised he’d make sure Connor followed the rules. Chelsea couldn’t help worrying. Adam promised to be the father their son could look up to and respect. She wanted to help Connor settle in, but just as she said it, Connor yelled for Adam to come play with him. Adam told Chelsea he had it covered. She stressed that Connor couldn’t take any more trauma. He promised there wouldn’t be any. He thanked her for doing this and told her it’d be good for Connor. She left and cried in the hallway.

Connor bragged about beating Adam at video games, but then he turned somber and said he didn’t think Adam was coming back. Adam admitted he screwed up. He never wanted Connor to think he didn’t want him. Connor said that as long as he lived with Adam, he never would. Adam signed Connor’s cast at his request. Adam said it was so great that they were living here again after all these years. They hugged, and Adam promised that they’d be inseparable from now on.

Chelsea went home, and Nick assured her that this was temporary. She wanted Connor back, but she thought that if she didn’t do this, she would’ve lost her son forever.

Elena and Nate found Devon alone in the penthouse. Elena comforted Devon when he said his grandmother didn’t leave him the money. He would’ve understood if she’d left it to Tucker, or Mac or another relative, but she didn’t even pick a decent person to give it too. “She picked damn Cane. It’s a guy that’s broken my sister’s heart over and over again,” he ranted. Elena thought Devon should take all the time he needed to make a decision. He said the money changed his life, and if he had to give it back… Devon said that when Katherine left him the money, he didn’t know why, then he finally allowed himself to believe it was a sign of her faith in him, and he wanted to honor that, so he started donating it. Now that felt like a big lie. Elena and Nate assured Devon that all the money he gave to charity was done with pure intentions. Devon wasn’t sure what to do now that he knew he wasn’t bequeathed all that money. Nate thought Devon should ask himself what Neil would do.

Cane and Jill went to Crimson Lights. She asked what he’d do if Devon decided to keep the money.

“That was not the agreement. I said no. No!,” Amanda snapped at someone on the phone. She was at the hotel bar, and she ended the call when Phyllis arrived and took a seat nearby. Phyllis said that Amanda didn’t have to hang up on her account. Amanda said it was a private call. Phyllis said to get used to her being around, because she was moving in.

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