The Y&R Update Monday 10/21/19
Written by Christine
At Society, Nate told Abby that he wished he could re-do their last conversation. She agreed to hear him out. In retrospect, he wasnt sure their problems had anything to do with Victor. Hed been wondering why they were so quick to walk away. He noted that he hadnt had a smooth romantic history hed lost someone in a painful way, and shed gone through a devastating break up right before they started dating, so it was natural for her to have her guard up. He suggested that when he saw her getting ready to jump ship, he jumped too, in order to protect himself emotionally. She pointed out that he jumped first when he broke up with her. He explained that during the conversation the other day, hed wanted her to try and see things from his point of view. She said that he regretted going along with Victors plan, and she thought he wanted her to regret it too. She didnt think their problems were about their past relationships.
He was bothered by how easily shed dismissed the pain caused by the lie about Victor. He brought up the way she told Summer to get over it and be happy Victor was alive. Abby stated that Summer could be dramatic and make everything about her. Do you hear yourself right now?, Nate asked. Abby explained that being a Newman was about solidarity when Victor made a decision, everyone reacted as one. Nate noted that hed had to deceive Devon and Elena, and he put his career on the line to protect Victor, when it turned out that he didnt need protection. Abby insisted that Adam really was trying to kill Victor. Nate stated that Victor couldve confronted Adam or gone to the police, but instead, hed dragged Nate into a twisted/father son sting operation. He noted that Abby expected him to get over it like it didnt matter, but it did. She understood how he felt, but she also understood Victor, and shed always be loyal to her family. She thought Nate was a good guy, but she couldnt feel like she was always trying to pass some moral purity test. He couldnt feel like he had to throw away his conscience to be with her. He left.
At Crimson Lights, Jill told Devon that Cane was on his way back from Las Vegas, and he had the original pages of the will. Devon asked if Cane got the papers from Chance and if Chance was coming to town. According to Jill, Cane planned to explain everything once he arrived. Devon was skeptical about the papers magically landing in Canes hands after he was named the heir to Katherines estate. Jill acknowledged that Cane made mistakes, but she said this sort of criminality wasnt his MO. Jill thought it was suspicious that Tucker was away on a retreat. Devon agreed, and he thought that Cane, or Chance, or whoever was behind this was using Tuckers absence to create doubt. He thought it was obvious that this person would do whatever it took to get their hands on Katherines money. He spotted Amanda and jumped up to confront her. Jill unsuccessfully tried to stop him.
Devon told Amanda that if she was there to tell him about the pages of the will, he already knew. Shed only come for coffee. He was curious about what she was going to do with the pages give them to the press to try and embarrass him into honoring this nonsense? He was adamant that he wasnt going to. He snapped that she had nothing. She asked why he was so upset then, and why he was trying to bribe her to leave town. Jill shot Devon a shocked look. He said he wanted Amanda gone because of her conflicting stories, stupid excuses, and lack of evidence for her claims. He was upset because he thought she was trying to undermine his credibility and put a stop to the good he was doing with the money. She said she was trying to honor Katherines wishes, but he felt she was making a mockery of Katherines wishes, and he noted that she had no case because the statute of limitations was up, so it was too late to contest the will.
Devon said he was done with Amanda, Chance, and whoever the old man was. He said either she was in on this, or she was being played. She noted that it was up to him to decide if he wanted to keep the money, even though it rightfully belonged to someone else. She felt the real reason he was so worked up was because she looked like his late wife. He accused her of trying to use her looks to get to him. She stated that she couldnt control the way she looked, and she asked what motive shed have to take advantage of it. He thought shed been planning to convince him to give the money to Cane, so she could collect millions in legal fees. Amanda said she was sick of Devon and Jill. Ditto, honey, Jill replied. Amanda was sick of everyone in the town. She stormed off. Devon sent Elena a text bringing her up to speed. He told Jill he hoped hed never have to be in the same room as Amanda again. Jill wasnt sure this was all over. She believed he wanted to honor Katherines wishes, but she thought he needed to accept the possibility, however remote, that the pages were real. Jill left.
Rey went to The Grand Phoenix and found Adrian chatting up a woman. Adrian excused himself to go talk to his son. Rey had heard from Lola that Adrian was in town. He accused Adrian of trying to hustle wealthy women out of money. Adrian admitted hed had a few financial setbacks, but he said luckily, his new son in law came through for him. Theo overheard this. Rey thought it was inappropriate to ask Kyle for money, but Adrian disagreed because Kyle was family. Rey argued that Adrian walked out on them, so he was only part of the family because of biology. Rey felt that Adrian was only interested in Lola because she married a rich guy. Adrian insisted that he loved his daughter, and he wanted to get to know her, but Rey thought it was too late for that. Rey decided to stop ranting, because he figured it was only a matter of time before Adrian created another mess that hed need to run away from. Rey turned to leave, and Adrian noted that Rey was the one walking out now. Rey told Adrian not to break any laws, then he left.
Summer called Theo to see if he was staying out of trouble. He reiterated that he was a new man. She hoped he wasnt so new that he was boring. She invited him out later. He said he had to take care of some business first, but he was in. she asked what kind of business. He glanced at Adrian and said it was an unexpected opportunity. Adrian regaled a small group with a story about holding someones pet alligator for collateral, then he went to get a round of drinks. Theo introduced himself as a friend of Kyles. Theo mentioned that Kyle was a lucky guy and expressed interest in getting to know Lola better. He offered to get Adrian a drink in exchange for more stories like the one he just told. Adrian agreed.
At the bar, Adrian told Theo that he loved his kids more than anything, but he couldnt see them as much as he wouldve liked after their mother kicked him out. The toughest thing was hearing about his kids second-hand, and hed treasured every detail he got from his ex and from Lolas grandmother. Theo asked what Lola was like as a kid. Adrian was told that she was headstrong and independent. She liked to race her brothers on her bike, and she took Tae Kwon Do, when all the other girls were taking dance. Adrian asked if Theo and Kyle grew up together. Theo said they met a few years ago, and he and Kyle grew up in different worlds. Adrian asked if the Abbotts accepted Lola and if Kyle was close to them. Theo believed they were crazy about Lola, and he said Kyle was close to his family, although hed gone through a few rough years with Jack.
At their place, Lola apologized for not having time to make breakfast, and she gave Kyle an apple. Rey called Lola and told him about his conversation with Adrian. Lola confronted Kyle. Kyle explained that Adrian said he was in trouble. Lola yelled that Adrian was always in trouble. She accurately predicted that Adrian said itd crush Lola if anything bad happened to him. Kyle thought that giving Adrian the money was the best way to keep the peace and keep him away from Lola. Lola informed Kyle that instead of leaving, Adrian was living it up at The Grand Phoenix. She told him he couldnt just give Adrian a wad of cash with no strings attached and expect him to do the right thing.
Lola was sorry for getting worked up, and she didnt blame Kyle for being his kind and compassionate self. She was embarrassed that Adrian put Kyle in this position. He said it was okay, and he noted that the Abbotts had their fair share of drama too. He wished Adrian understood how much he was hurting Lola. She was sure that wouldnt happen. Kyle figured Adrian wouldnt stay long hed realize that Rey and Lola had no interest, and hed leave. She asked what theyd do until then. He hugged her and said to hang onto him, because there was nothing Adrian could do to them.
Lola went to work, and she noticed that something was wrong with Abby. Abby confided that things were really over with Nate. He couldnt get past the thing with her father. She told herself she wasnt going to cry. She said that Nate didnt want to make it work, and she couldnt change who she was. Lola asked if Abby was sure they couldnt find common ground. Abby said that Nate just wanted to prove she was wrong. She thought he saw himself as a paragon of virtue, and he expected her to adhere to his moral code. She said she shouldve known this relationship wouldnt work out. But instead I let him break down my walls walls that were working, by the way, she said. She swore shed never let that happen again. She refused to let anyone tell her how she should feel. She needed someone who accepted her for who she was.
At Jabot, Kyle told Summer that sending influencers to fashion week was good for sales. He couldnt wait to show the numbers to Billy when he got back from L.A. Billy had gone to make an appearance at a new Jabotique, and he didnt tell Kyle about this until after the fact. Kyle saw it as another example of Billys lack of respect toward their partnership. Summer told Kyle not to let Billy get to him. She said to show Jack he was a team player, and in the end, hed end up on top, because he was a hard worker, and he had good instincts. She noticed that he was looking at houses online, and he revealed that he was searching for homes in neighborhoods with good school districts. She was taken aback. After saying wow several times, she asked if he and Lola were trying for a baby, unless that was too personal. He explained that kids were way, way down the road. She helped him house hunt, and they reminisced about the times they used to run around the neighborhood looking at houses. She reminded him of one they used to look at, and she suggested it might be perfect for him and Lola. He added it to his list. She stole a glance at him while he did so.
Cane ran into Nate at The Grand Phoenix. Nate mentioned that his relationship with Abby was over. Cane said that Chance found him, in a way. After Nate left, Amanda arrived. Cane said hed been leaving her messages all day. He told her he had the original pages. She asked if hed spoken to Chance. He said no, and she grumbled that she was tired of getting strung along. He gave her the papers and said hey had to get them authenticated. Amanda said these were the papers she wanted, but it was too late maybe if shed received them sooner, she couldve convinced Devon to make a concession, but now hed dug in his heels and refused to even look at them. Cane assumed that was because, deep down, Devon believed the new papers were real. Amanda said they couldnt challenge the will in court, and she was starting to feel like she was being used that she was sent there because of the way she looked, for reasons she didnt really want to know. Cane hoped that the pages would help Amanda get compensated for the time she put into the case, but she said Devon wasnt going to budge, even if the pages were real. She got up to leave. He was going to say something, but she told him to just let it go.
Kyle went to the hotel, and he frowned when Adrian addressed him as Son. Kyle noted that hed given Adrian money as a stopgap. Adrian wanted to stick around and spend time with Lola while he figured out his next move. Kyle said that was a bad idea, because Adrians presence was hurting Lola. Adrian said he didnt want to do that, but Kyle didnt think Adrian cared what Lola wanted. Adrian conceded that he made a lot of mistakes, but he asked what father hadnt. He said Kyle and Jack werent always on the best of terms, but theyd healed
Lola was doing prep work in the kitchen when Theo walked in. She told him he couldnt just enter her kitchen. He said hed come to make a special meal request, but she said she wasnt a wedding deejay and she didnt do special requests. He kept rambling, and she gave him the cold shoulder and asked why he was still there. He said she admired his integrity and indomitable spirit. She looked up at him, and he said his dad used to say those were two of the keys to life. She told him those were some of the tenants of Tae Kwon Do. She asked why he was really there. He wanted to fix things with Kyle, and he thought he made a bit of progress the last time they talked. She said she wasnt gullible, and she didnt like people playing head games with her. He swore he wasnt. She told him showing up in her kitchen, uninvited, wasnt the way to fix things with Kyle. He told her hed had a crummy week, and when he fainted after she cut her finger, she couldve told everyone about it, but she didnt, because she was nice. It made him realize he didnt know many genuinely nice people. She thought that was kind of sad. He said talking with her made him feel good, when there wasnt much to feel good about. Summer arrived. He asked if he and Lola were good, and she said yes.
Summer told Theo that Kyle had the idea to send influencers to art festivals, and she asked if he had any clients that would work. He thought he might. She started going on about how well Kyle was doing at work until she caught herself and apologized. She said she just wanted Kyle to get the recognition he deserved, and she said she was over him. Theo thought Summer and Kyle worked well together and that it was smart to keep him as an ally. She mentioned that she helped Kyle search for houses to raise little Kyles and Lolas in. Summer asked Theo if he was okay with all this. He figured that if Kyles wife was fine with him working with Summer, there was no reason Theo shouldnt be. Summer was pleased when Theo said he was ready for things to calm down between the four of them.
Kyle and Lola were at home, and he showed her the list of houses. He showed her the one Summer suggested. She thought it was too formal. He mentioned that he and Summer thought shed like it. She didnt realize Summer was involved, and he explained that Summer saw the real estate site on his computer. Lola thought Kyle and Summer liked that place because they both grew up in big houses with way more space than they needed. He said his family worked hard for what they had, and there was no extra room in the Abbott house, considering all the people who lived there. He said he and Lola worked hard too, and he didnt see the problem with buying a house in that price range if they could afford it. She said there was no problem, but the house wasnt for her. He felt burned out on the search, and he said that they should put it off until morning. He said theyd find the perfect place, and they hugged.
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