The Y&R Update Wednesday 10/9/19
Written by Christine
Victoria didnt get much sleep last night. Billy said she couldnt let her fathers decision torture her. She said that wasnt what was keeping her up. She kept imagining a future without her dad and his precious legacy. He asked if that future involved coming to work with him at Jabot. While that would be fun, she couldnt do it. itd be a step back to be third or fourth in line at Jabot after running Newman. He understood, but it was a nice fantasy the two of them running the world. Victoria realized shed been Victors good and obedient daughter for long enough she vowed to show him it wasnt over until she said so.
Victor went to his office and he was taken aback when he saw the letter opener embedded in his portrait. When Victoria arrived, Victor was sitting at his desk and holding the letter opener. He mused that she made quite a statement with the gift shed left, referring to the opener. She said she did it in the heat of the moment. He wanted an apology. She noted that hed pushed her out and she heard about it from a reporter. He felt that her act with the letter opener was petty and childish. She was adamant that she wouldnt go back to being COO. He thought that theyd made a hell of a team, but she said she deserved better from him. He asked if shed come to negotiate, and she said she was there to lay out her terms. She stated that hed built this company and pulled it back from the brink countless times. Shed tried to emulate him, because he was her hero and he still was. He found that hard to believe at the moment. She said that even heroes, even Victor Newman, came to the point where they had to turn things over to the next generation. He said he had. She told him that hed willingly given her everything she wanted, except the thing that mattered most that chair. He told her he wasnt ready to step down. She countered that she was ready to be the permanent CEO. Shed poured her heart and soul into the company, and she went to jail to protect his plan, and her reward was to be shunted aside without warning and asked to behave like the good and adoring daughter.
She contended that he made the wrong call for himself and the company she thought he should make his health a priority, and she felt that even though hed made peace with Adam, the betrayal had taken a serious toll. Victoria said that whenever Victor lost control, he clung to the one thing that felt safe the company. He told her that if he wanted to be psychoanalyzed, hed call a shrink. She stated that she belonged in that chair, and if he wouldnt acknowledge that, their relationship was over. If she left empty-handed, she vowed to focus all her energy on starting her own business. She said she wouldnt steal from Newman in the shadows, like Nick did with Dark Horse, shed come after Victor with everything she had, because she was his daughter. She said she inherited his drive, determination and maybe a bit of his ruthlessness. She promised that hed spend every minute of every day fighting her, and hed lose. He noted that it was a hell of a quandary give up the company or lose Victoria. She didnt want it to come to this, but if he wouldnt give her the respect she deserved, they had nothing left to say to each other.
Victor said Victoria fought for what she believed in, and she didnt back down she was her fathers daughter, and he was proud. He accepted her terms and gave her control of Newman again. She thanked him for trusting her with the legacy it was part of her, just like it was part of him, and she promised itd continue to thrive. They both cried and hugged and she promised shed come to him for advice all the time. He said she was tough, like him, and he said she could come to him for advice anytime, but he trusted her.
At Crimson Lights, Theo thanked Mariah for coming. She was surprised he was up so early, and she figured he usually slept in because hed partied all night. He said hed decided to leave Power. She asked why he was quitting. He said it wasnt a good fit, and he was spreading himself too thin with all his clients, Jabot and The Grand Phoenix. She revealed she knew he got fired for trying to throw her under the bus. He claimed hed hoped to get ot her before Devon did, so that they could say goodbye on friendly terms. He said Devon overreacted and he swore he didnt attack or undermine Mariah. Mariah said she used to be just like Theo. shed lied, picked fights and she was self-centered, until she looked around and realized she was all alone. She told him he might be able to fool his groupies, but the people he wanted to impress saw right through him. He maintained that he was doing fine, and he always found a way to win in the end. She felt sorry for him if he thought this is what winning looked like.
In Las Vegas, Adam won the poker game, and the other players left, minus Phyllis. Phyllis was impressed. He said the cards were running his way, but she told him not to be modest she saw at least a dozen times when he had nothing, but he went all in. He noted that looking at other players hands was cheating. She thought that was an odd point from someone who called himself Spider. She pictured someone with that nickname as a leather wearing, motorcycle riding guy with tattoos. He got tired of her going on and on about his nickname and said he needed to rest, but she refused to leave. She noted that last time they talked, he thought Victor was dead. She wanted to know what he had planned next for Victor, and she wanted in on it. He didnt have anything planned. He liked Vegas he made his own hours, had no responsibilities and plenty of cash. Best of all, he was Spider here anonymous. She knew it was enticing to disappear. Shed done it a couple of times, but she said he wasnt Spider he was Adam Newman. She thought that deep down, he didnt want to ignore who he really was. She told him to pack his bags, because they had unfinished business. He laughed about the way shed barged into his life again, and he said itd almost be worth it to go back, just to see her in action. But he didnt want to go back. He asked why it was so important. She wanted revenge and payback. She thought they made a good team theyd had Victor and the others running. He noted that there was a jail cell waiting for him in Genoa City. She was sure that Victor would never make Michael press charges, and the pharmacist Adam hired had proven to be a serial liar, so no one would ever know hed switched the medication. Adam had no desire to interact with Phyllis or anyone else about anything except cards. She challenged him to a five card draw, and if he won, shed leave him to be Spider forever. If she won, hed give her some real answers. He took the bet, sure that hed win, because he saw her play last night, and he saw all her tells. He suggested she move to Vegas they could live the high life, and hed teach her some card skills. She declined, because she had a child in Genoa City. She noted that he did too, and she spotted his tell she could see that he missed Connor, and she was sure Connor missed him too. She asked if that wasnt enough reason to go back.
He accused her of using Connor to try and distract him. She just meant that there was a little boy who might miss his dad. He said Connor was better off without him. They played cards, and he had a full house. She had four of a kind. She won, and he asked if she cheated, since drawing four of a kind in a row was rare. She denied it and said he had to answer her questions. She asked why Victor let him go. He explained that he found out on his own that Victor was alive, then they had it out, he apologized and they got closure. Phyllis concluded that Adam had tricked Victor into letting his guard down and that Adam was now going to swoop in and destroy Newman. She wanted to help. He said he was out of the revenge business, and he didnt care about Newman. She asked if it didnt bother him that Victor faked his death and put him through hell. He thought that it sounded like she never got over what Victor did to her. He said Victor wasnt his problem anymore. There was a knock on the door, and Phyllis answered it and found Cane.
Theo went to Society and told Summer he got fired from LP and Power for trying to do an end run around Mariah and Devon. He made it sound like he was glad to have those businesses off his plate. Summer said that Devon was one of the good guys, and if Theo couldnt work for him, he couldnt work for anyone. She told him to get over himself, because he was smart enough to get people to do what he wanted without manipulating them or pushing their buttons. Life wasnt just one big social media feed, she stated. He thought that was ironic coming from her, since shed jumped at the chance to be an influencer, and she loved being the center of attention. Shed come to see that she needed higher standards for herself. She knew he was a sweet caring sensitive guy under that facade. He felt like she was saying he didn't measure up to the new and improved her. She said he took it the wrong way. He said she was starting to remind him of Kyle, which was not a compliment. He left.
At their place, Kyle and Lola looked at houses online, but they didnt see anything they liked. He made a passionate speech about how they wouldnt settle for less than theyd earned and deserved. She surmised that he was actually talking about Jabot. He vented about Billy offering Victoria a job without consulting him first. He felt that Billy wanted to be CEO, with Victoria by his side. Lola thought Kyle and Billy needed to figure out boundaries, like Jack would want them to. Kyle admitted that any company would want to have Victoria, and if he fought it, itd look like he was putting his ego in front of the company, even though he wasnt. He felt damned if he did and damned if he didnt. She stated that Billy had shown his true colors, and she told Kyle to use it to his advantage. Lola said Jack took pride in Jabot being a family company, and he wouldnt be happy if Billy tried to undermine Kyle. She thought if Kyle did his work and stayed out of company politics, hed come out smelling like a rose and looking like CEO material. Kyle dropped Lola off at Society, and Summer came over to say hi to them. Lola knew Kyle was ready to jump in at work, and she asked Summer to make sure he took a break sometimes. Lola mentioned that shed look at houses during her break. Lola went to get lunch for Kyle and said shed pack some for Summer too. Summer noted that Kyle seemed ready for a fight now a change from yesterday. He knew what he wanted, but he wasnt sure itd be as easy as Lola thought itd be.
At Jabot, Summer said she agreed with Lolas advice wait until Billy made a mistake, which he would, because he always did. She also thought Kyle had to live his life, and she told him to go find his dream home and dont get too caught up with the competition and company that he forgot what really mattered. Summer said shed done that, and shed been paying for it ever since.
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