The Y&R Update Thursday 9/5/19
Written by Christine
When Billy woke up, confused and disoriented, Chloe was by his side. He didnt know where he was, and he asked her what shed done to him. She explained that this was the Chancellor boathouse. She told him he was in a car accident, and she asked whose car he was driving. He assumed it was his or Victorias, but Chloe said it wasnt either of theirs. Chloe said that he was driving down route 7, the road where Delia was killed, but he was adamant that he never drove down that road. He demanded answers, and he remembered Kevin sticking a needle in his neck. She thought it was a good sign that he was remembering things. He asked if she was holding him hostage, and she said no. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he asked if they were in hiding. She confirmed it and explained that hed tried to kill Adam, and she stopped him. She said he mustve stolen a car and lured Adam out to route 7. He didnt believe that, and he accused her of messing with his head. She asked if he remembered her going to him a few days ago to see how he was doing with Adams return. He did, and he also remembered saying he wished shed aimed higher, and he didnt regret saying that. She asked if he remembered going to the Chancellor house to see her later. He said that didnt happen. She said he did come back, and he wasnt himself, and hed said hed come up with a way to deal with Adam. She assumed that when he came to the Chancellor house, hed already made plans to o kill Adam. She didnt judge him, because she could relate to having grief take hold. She noted that she risked her future, freedom and ability to raise her daughter. She said she wanted to protect him from himself. She stated that Adam had taken so much from them, and they couldnt let him take any more. He didnt mean to offend, but he said he wasnt like Chloe he wouldnt try to murder Adam. She said he wasnt in his normal state of mind what they endured warped them, and strained their grasp of reality. She thought she might be the only one who could help. She stated that shed pulled herself out of that dark place, and shed be damned if she left Billy there.
Chloe met Kevin at Crimson Lights and told him about Billys memory gaps. She said it was like there was a glitch in his brain or like some other part of him was taking over. Kevin didnt realize Billy was this messed up. Chloe thought it explained why hed been so calm and detached the night he came to talk to her at the Chancellor house. He wondered if Billy might be lying, to give himself a plausible excuse if he got caught, but she said Billy was genuinely freaked out. Kevin had been willing to go this far to keep Billy out of prison and to protect him from Adam, but now it was clear that he needed serious help. Chloe agreed, but she still thought she was the one who should help him. He said that this would put them squarely back in Adams path. He thought theyd done enough for Billy when they stopped him from committing murder. She insisted that Billy needed them. He loved her big heart, but this plan put their family their daughter at risk. He put his foot down and said she couldnt do this. He felt that Billy needed professional help for his mental break. She knew Billy needed therapy, but she didnt think he was willing to get it now, while he was in denial. She said that if Billy went back to his life right now, he might try to kill Adam again, or confess what hed done and divulge Chloe and Kevins part in it. She reminded Kevin that he used to tell her that she wasnt crazy, she was grieving. He asked if Chloe thought shed be able to help Billy in a way Kevin wasnt able to help her. She did, because she and Billy were members of an awful club that she wouldnt wish on anyone. He started to realize he couldnt talk her out of this, but she said she wouldnt do this without his blessing. She didnt think they had to worry about Adam. She figured Adam must know who was driving the car, because if not, he wouldve come to them by now. He suggested that Adam was laying low.
At the penthouse, Adam arranged a meeting with someone, and he insisted that the do it in public, because sometimes being in public was less conspicuous. After the call, Nate showed up and accused Adam of stealing his hospital issued tablet. Adam acted like he didnt do it, and said he wouldnt even be able to decipher medical records. Nate assumed Adam would pay someone to help him understand the records. Nate said that illegally accessing medical records was a serious crime, and he threatened to call the police. Adam said the police would laugh at Nate. Nate ordered Adam to leave him and Abby out of whatever he was doing with Victor. Nate left. Monique dropped Connor off. Connor was delighted with the new mitt Adam gave him, and they went to the park to play catch. While at the park, Connor asked if Adam could be his little league coach. Adam said hed love that. He mentioned that he played third base in high school. Connor saw some kids he met at Walnut Groves orientation. At the same time, a woman with white hair arrived and made eye contact with Adam. Adam sent Connor to play with the kids, then he approached the woman Suzanne. Suzanne had viewed the medical records, and she stated that Victor was on an experimental program. Adam asked if she was able to get what he requested. She handed him a bottle of pills that were identical in appearance, but twice as strong as the ones Victor was taking. The bottles label made it look like it was prescribed by Victors doctor. She brought a three month supply. She warned him that doubling the dosage would greatly increase Victors side effects dizziness, shortness of breath and sudden drop in blood pressure. They exchanged packages, and she left. Connor returned, and Adam took him out for ice cream.
Adam went home, and he stared at the bottle of pills and said Victor brought this on himself. Connor didnt want to go home yet, and he asked if they could watch a movie. Adam said he was tired, so they had to wrap up this visit. Concerned, Connor asked if Adam was sick like Victor. Adam asked Connor why he thought Victor was sick. Connor overheard Chelsea and Nick talking about it, and he was worried. Adam hugged Connor and assured him that Victor was invincible.
Kyle and Summer were at Jabot, and they successfully arranged for some A-listers to wear JCV products at the Grand Phoenix event. He crowed about how well his first day as CEO was going. She joked that he was going to get a big head if he took too much credit, and he acknowledged that shed been a huge help. She thought working together felt like old times again. He was happy about that, but he wished Theo wasnt part of the event or Summers life. She reminded him that mentioning Theo was a violation of their new code of conduct. He apologized and promised to keep his conversations about work. They were running out of ideas for people to invite, and she suggested that theyd be better at brainstorming if they got out of the office.
At Society, Abby brought Lola a drink. Lola called her the best boss shed ever had, including when Lola was her own boss. Theo was walking in, and he overheard Lola and Abby talking about Kyle becoming CEO. He stood in a corridor, unseen, so he could listen in. Lola said that because of the long hours theyd be working, she and Kyle would have to postpone finding a new place. Lola thought it was weird to be renting from Sharon after her split with Rey. Abby understood, and she offered to invite Rey to the party, so he could cheer up. Lola liked the idea maybe he could find someone new. Abby suggested that Lola and Kyle move into the Abbott house, temporarily. Lola said shed tried living with her mom, and living with Kyles dad wasnt ideal, especially since they were trying to keep the honeymoon going. Summer and Kyle walked in. After everything Kyle and I have been through, if seeing them together made me jealous, you know Summer wouldnt be the problem. I would, Lola said. She went over to their table to say hello, and Kyle got up and hugged and kissed her. Summer explained that they came for a change of scenery. Theo noticed Summer and Kyle, and he texted Zoe and asked her to come to Society. Summer and Kyle talked business, and Theo walked over and kissed Summer hello. She told him that she was swamped with work right now. Theo told Summer not to give Kyle all her ideas, or he might take credit with the boss. Lola returned to the table and mentioned that Kyle was interim CEO. Theo pretended he didnt already overhear that. He said he was surprised Kyle didnt post about his new role online, because thats what Theo would do in his shoes. Kyle said that was another difference between him and Theo. Lola went back to the kitchen. Theo said he was surprised Lola was cool with Kyles new job. Kyle said Lola thought it was great, and Theo was the one who seemed bent out of shape. Summer tried to get everyone to remain civil. Theo said he was just playing around. He added that the old Kyle never wouldve thrown Theo out of his wedding reception, or gotten married in the first place. Kyle stood up and said Theos shtick was old, and bringing Zoe to the wedding reeked of desperation. Zoe walked in, and Kyle glared at Theo.
Zoe joined the group, and Theo suggested that Kyle and Summer run their ideas about JCV past Zoe for a fresh perspective. Summer asked to talk to Theo alone, and they left the table. Zoe told Kyle that it was really cool of Theo to include her at the hotel event, and she was glad she and Kyle were cool now too. He said theyd both come a long way since that horrible night. She added that it was all in the past. He asked if shed given any thought about why Theo tracked her down. She believed that Theo wanted to put Kyles mind at ease about what happened that night. He told her that Theo was trying to mess with him. She said she didnt think Theo would really hurt him, but he didnt agree. Zoe didnt mean to cause Kyle trouble she wanted the best for him. He wanted that for her too, and he asked how long Theo asked her to stay in town. She was staying at least through the party. She wanted a career like Summers, minus the trust fund, not that there was anything wrong with trust funds. She said Theo wanted to help her, and shed be dumb to turn that down. He suggested that Theo wasnt the ideal mentor. He told her not to let Theo use her or convince her to do anything she didnt want to do.
Summer explained that the thing with Kyle being CEO happened really fast, and he needed her help. Theo said he didnt mind that she blew him off. He hoped Kyle wasnt playing off his history with her to convince her to do extra work. She was sure that wasnt happening. Across the room, Kyle kissed Lola. Theo and Summer noticed, and he told her that this was where Kyles priorities were. Summer didnt understand why Theo was trying to keep the feud going. When Theo said that Kyle wasnt important enough to feud with, Summer asked if it was just a coincidence that Zoe happened to show up today. Kyle walked over and asked if Summer was ready to go back to Jabot. She said she was going to stay. After Kyle left, Theo expressed surprise at what Summer said to Kyle. She said she wasnt at Kyles beck and call, and she was going to stay until Theo explained why he had it out for Kyle. Zoe came over, and Theo decided it was okay for her to hear this explanation. He said he and Kyle liked keeping each other on their toes, and he added that he didnt want Kyle to lose his edge. He assumed that the edge was what attracted Lola to Kyle in the first place. Summer skeptically asked if the needling was Theos way of being a good friend. Theo said the medicine didnt go down easy, but it was for Kyles own good. He was sure Summer had seen the change in Kyle. She didnt think being happy and relaxed was a bad thing, but Theo thought it was when it lead to complacency. Zoe decided to walk away. Summer said that Zoe may have swallowed Theos bull, but Summer didnt.
Summer knew the only reason Theo was keeping Zoe around was that she was a threat to Kyle. Theo said it wasnt his fault Kyle was lying to Lola, but he planned to use the leverage Kyle had given him. Summer told Theo she was mad at him, and he told her he thought it was sexy when she was calling him out on his crap. She said that whatever Kyle told or didnt tell Lola was none of their business. Theo said the truth could blow up Kyles life because he chose to hide it, and Lola would start to wonder what other secrets he was keeping. Theo said it could cause problems for Kyle and Lolas new marriage, and Theo and Summer held that power in their hands. He took her hands. They got a room and had sex.
Lola caught Kyle dancing around the office after he closed a deal. He didnt finish his meal before leaving Society, so she packed it up and brought it to him. He said hed had his fill of Theo. She didnt understand why Theo couldnt be happy for Kyle. He didnt either. She said sometimes Theo seemed like a jealous ex girlfriend. Lola said Kyle had moved on, and they were happy, and if Theo was stuck in the past, Kyle should let him stay there. She sat in his lap and kissed him and suggested they focus on him being CEO and not Theo.
Nate met with Abby at Society. He said he never expected Adam to admit he stole the tablet, but he wanted to confront him face to face. After doing that, he was more convinced Adam was the culprit. Abby suggested that this was Adams twisted way of getting some details about Victors health. She didnt condone it, but she understood how frustrating it was to not know what was going on. She said they all wanted their dad to be open about his illness, but he was too proud to show weakness, especially in front of Adam. He wondered if Adam would use Victors health against him, like leaking his diagnosis to the press. She hoped not. She needed to believe Adam and Victor loved each other, underneath it all, but she said you had to be prepared for the worst with Adam.
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