Friday Y&R Update 8/9/19

The Y&R Update Friday 8/9/19


Written by Christine

Victoria met with Nick at Society. Adam walked in just as Victoria asked Nick how bad he hurt Adam. Nick owned up to making a bad situation worse. He told her that Connor was in town. Victoria didn’t envy Chelsea having to deal with Adam. Nick said that Chelsea had a much cooler head than he did right now. Victoria couldn’t believe Michael left Nick in the lurch then went to work for Adam. She wondered if he was being blackmailed. Nick said that if it wasn’t Michael, it would’ve been another lawyer who filed the petition. Victoria was livid about Adam telling Christian he was his father. She wished she was there instead of Monique, so she could’ve put an end to it. Nick said that no one could’ve stopped Adam. Nick said that Christian wasn’t upset and that he still said Nick was his dad. According to Victoria, Christian had said Adam was nice and silly. Nick was sure that Adam would keep telling Christian that he was his father, and he’d get confused. Victoria thought Nick should talk to a child psychologist. He wished Christian never had to find out the truth. She thought she might have a way to convince Adam to keep his mouth shut for now.

Victoria went over to Adam and said that if he didn’t keep quiet about Christian’s paternity, she’d make sure he never had another visit with the boy. He countered that the judge might appoint another guardian if she defied his orders. She thought that the judge would agree with her, when he found out Adam wasn’t looking out for Christian’s best interests. She felt it was harmful to tell a child about their paternity without preparing them first, and she threatened let the judge know she did all this just to get a rise out of Nick. Adam said Nick was an adult who should be able to control his behavior. Adam went over to Nick and revealed that he’d filed a police report about the punch and that Rey took his statement. As Nick wasn’t in jail, Adam figured that Rey was dragging his heels, but Adam wasn’t worried because he’d taken timestamped pictures of his bruises. He promised to do everything in his power to make sure Nick served jail time, then he strolled out.

At Dive Bar, just after Mariah separated Abby and Summer, Abby threw a drink in Summer’s face, and things got physical again. Across the room, Kyle shoved Theo, and they started fighting too. Jack and Rey worked to pull them apart while Tessa and Mariah tried to stop the women’s fight. Lola got on the microphone and ordered everyone to stop. She urged everyone to remember why they were there, set their differences aside and get back to having fun. Mariah took the mic and said Lola was right – she toasted to Kyle and Lola’s happiness and suggested they all get back to the party. Once the party was back on, Kyle told Lola she was amazing. He apologized, and she told him to shut up and kiss her. He did. Devon complimented Lola on grabbing the mic and telling people to stop fighting. Abby apologized, then she went to freshen up. Devon went to make sure the staff didn’t post about this on social media, and Elena went with him.

Theo got Summer a towel to dry off with. Mariah walked over and said she was going to hold her tongue because Lola asked everyone to behave. Summer said she and Theo would play nice. Mariah was gearing up to deliver a threat about what would happen if they didn’t, when Tessa dragged her off. Kyle apologized to Rey for causing a scene. Rey was sympathetic – he’d caused a scene at a Christening after he learned about Mia and Arturo’s first affair. Rey told Kyle that the more attention he gave Theo, the more Theo would push his buttons. Kyle vowed to get it together, because he didn’t want to disappoint Lola. Nick texted Rey and asked to meet. Elena and Devon danced until he got called away on business. They kissed goodbye. Traci praised Lola for breaking up the fight. Rey left, and then it was Jack’s turn to compliment Lola for the way she handled the fights. He said he’d be proud to call her his daughter in law. Traci and Jack told Lola to let them know if she needed anything. Lola wished her mom felt that way. Across the room, Summer looked hurt when she saw Jack hugging Lola. Abby admitted to Traci that it wasn’t her finest hour. She overreacted, but Summer brought out the worst in her. She went to get a drink, leaving Traci with Nate.

Elena chatted with Nate, who was mystified by Abby. First she’d shut him down when he tried to talk about planning something – anything, then she got in a fight with Summer, which was a side he’d never seen before. He was uncomfortable. He wasn’t sure what was going on with her, or the two of them, and he wanted to ask, but she didn’t seem like she was ready to talk. Elena thought Abby had been burned before. Nate said she had, but he wasn’t one of those guys. Elena said it wasn’t about Nate, it was about Abby. She told him not to chase Abby, because it wouldn’t work. She aid he should let Abby come to him. He didn’t want to play games. She said it wasn’t about playing games, it was about giving her space and a chance to miss him. If she didn’t come back, it was her loss. She took his hand and pulled him out to the dance floor.

Jack approached Summer and Theo. Summer sent Theo off on an errand, so she and Jack could have privacy. She told Jack that Abby started it. He wasn’t letting her or Abby off the hook, but he was glad things had simmered down. He told her that Theo was looking for trouble. She appreciated the warning, but she knew what she was doing. She said they were just having fun, and it was nothing to worry about.

Theo wrapped his arms around Summer and asked if she’d like to dance again. She didn’t. She said that things were pretty chilly here – no one was socializing with them. He said he had an idea for how to entertain themselves. She agreed to go with him, but she looked back at Kyle and Lola dancing. Theo told Summer not to look back, and he picked her up and carried her out.

Mariah took pictures with Tessa and Lola while Kyle and Jack watched from afar. Kyle commented on how happy Lola looked. He wanted her to be that carefree on their wedding day, so he’d decided to fly to Miami and convince Celeste to be there. Jack said Kyle couldn’t leave this close to the wedding. Jack said he’d go, and he promised he wouldn’t come back without Celeste.

Abby told Nate that she was thinking they could dance, then he could give her a ride home. He said he just offered to take Elena home, but he’d call Abby tomorrow. Abby said okay, but when Elena and Nate walked away, she looked startled.

Kyle and Lola slow-danced, and he told her that tonight was a huge success because of her. She said she may have smoothed things out, but Mariah and a lot of other people worked hard to make things special. He promised that the wedding would be more special – the best day of her life. She was sure it would be, as long as he was standing there at the end of the aisle.

Summer and Theo got stuck in the elevator, and they made the best of it with elevator sex.

Rey came to Society. Nick said that Adam provoked him by calling to say he was going to tell Christian the truth about his paternity. After Nick arrived and overheard Adam do it, Adam threatened to poison Christian against him and the rest of the family. Rey was sure Nick must know he crossed the line. Victoria asked how Rey was going to handle things. Rey had to beg for his job back, and he’d promised Paul he’d do everything by the book, so he couldn’t overlook this. However, he planned to take his time getting to the report, which would give Nick some time to prepare. Nick appreciated that. Nick asked if Adam told Rey to talk to Sharon. Rey said he’d talked to her, and while it seemed to pain her, she’d corroborated Adam’s report. Nick said that she’d let herself be part of Adam’s plan by coming running when he called. Rey said it’d been a long day, so he left. Nick said that he was prepared to argue his side in court, if he was arrested. He swore he wouldn’t let Adam win.

At Nick’s, Connor said he didn’t want to move to Genoa City. Chelsea told him that most of his family was here, and they were excited to see him. She told him that Nick offered to let them stay. Connor liked Uncle Nick, but it wasn’t the same as it was with Calvin. He lamented that he didn’t have a dad anymore. She knew it was hard on him to lose Calvin and Adam. “My real dad,” Connor sadly sad. Chelsea explained that they were wrong about what happened to Adam. He was hurt badly in the explosion, and he had amnesia, but he was better now. She tearfully told him that Adam was alive. Connor smiled and hugged Chelsea, who looked worried. Connor asked why Chelsea didn’t say anything before. She said she didn’t find out until recently, and after Calvin’s death, she didn’t want to overwhelm him. When Connor found out Adam lived in Genoa City, he insisted on seeing him now. Chelsea called Adam.

Adam arrived at home, and he rejected Chelsea’s call.

Back at Nick’s, Chelsea told Connor that they’d have to wait until tomorrow to see Adam. Connor asked why Adam didn’t try to find them. Chelsea reminded him that Adam lost his memory. Connor asked if Adam let them believe he was dead because he didn’t want to be his dad anymore. Chelsea promised that wasn’t it, but Connor wasn’t convinced. He wandered off. Chelsea called Nick and told him she needed to make the meeting between Connor and Adam happen. He offered to come as backup, and she appreciated that, but she needed to worry about Connor and not worry about Adam and Nick clashing. She hoped Adam would act like the dad he used to be. He hoped so too, for Connor’s sake, but he doubted it. They ended the call.

Back at Society, Nick couldn’t stand the idea of another innocent child being under Adam’s influence. Victoria thought Adam had been a good father to Connor, and she believed Chelsea had the right idea making this goodwill gesture. She suggested that if Connor was back in Adam’s life, he’d have less time to obsess over Christian. Nick didn’t think that’d happen, and he feared that Adam would be more determined than ever to take custody of both boys.

Adam opened the door to Chelsea, and he was about to turn her away when he saw Connor. Father and son hugged, and Adam brought them in. Connor asked what happened to Adam’s face. Adam said he was fine, it was just an accident. Adam noted that Connor was bigger, and not his little peanut anymore, but Connor said he still was. Adam said he loved Connor, and they hugged again. Adam mouthed thank you to Chelsea. Adam wanted to know everything about Connor. Connor was going into the third grade, and he liked soccer and baseball. Chelsea told Connor it was time to leave, and they’d come back in the morning. Connor begged to spend the night – he said he and his dad hadn’t seen each other in forever, and it wasn’t fair to make him leave. Chelsea agreed to let him stay, but she said she’d be staying too.

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